
449 lines
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* \brief Libc execve mechanism
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2019-08-20
* Copyright (C) 2019 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
/* Genode includes */
#include <base/shared_object.h>
#include <base/log.h>
#include <base/attached_rom_dataspace.h>
/* libc includes */
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <libc/allocator.h>
#include <libc-plugin/fd_alloc.h>
/* libc-internal includes */
#include <internal/call_func.h>
#include <internal/init.h>
#include <internal/errno.h>
#include <internal/file_operations.h>
using namespace Genode;
typedef int (*main_fn_ptr) (int, char **, char **);
namespace Libc {
struct Interpreter;
struct String_array;
struct Libc::Interpreter
Attached_rom_dataspace _rom;
char **args = { nullptr };
* Return true if file content starts with the specified C string
bool _content_starts_with(char const *prefix) const
size_t const prefix_len = ::strlen(prefix);
if (prefix_len > _rom.size())
return false;
return strncmp(prefix, _rom.local_addr<char const>(), prefix_len) == 0;
bool script() const { return _content_starts_with("#!"); }
bool elf_executable() const { return _content_starts_with("\x7f" "ELF"); }
struct Arg
/* pointer to first character */
char const * const ptr;
/* number of characters */
size_t const length;
struct Constrained_ptr
char const *ptr;
size_t remaining_bytes;
* Skip characters for which 'condition' is true
template <typename COND>
void _skip(COND const &condition)
while (remaining_bytes > 0 && condition(*ptr)) {
void skip_non_whitespace() { _skip([] (char c) { return !is_whitespace(c); }); };
void skip_whitespace() { _skip([] (char c) { return is_whitespace(c); }); };
void skip_shebang()
_skip([] (char c) { return c == '#'; });
_skip([] (char c) { return c == '!'; });
bool valid() const { return ptr && *ptr && *ptr != '\n' && remaining_bytes; }
template <typename FN>
void _for_each_arg(FN const &fn) const
if (!script())
Constrained_ptr ptr { _rom.local_addr<char const>(), _rom.size() };
/* skip whitespace between shebang and interpreter */
/* skip path to interpreter */
while (ptr.valid()) {
/* skip whitespace before argument */
/* find end of argument */
char const * const arg_ptr = ptr.ptr;
unsigned const orig_remaining_bytes = ptr.remaining_bytes;
size_t const length = orig_remaining_bytes - ptr.remaining_bytes;
if (length)
fn(Arg { arg_ptr, length });
typedef String<Vfs::MAX_PATH_LEN> Path;
Path path() const
if (!script())
return Path();
Constrained_ptr ptr { _rom.local_addr<char const>(), _rom.size() };
/* find end of interpreter path */
char const * const path_ptr = ptr.ptr;
unsigned const orig_remaining_bytes = ptr.remaining_bytes;
size_t const length = orig_remaining_bytes - ptr.remaining_bytes;
return Path(Cstring(path_ptr, length));
unsigned _count_args() const
unsigned count = 0;
_for_each_arg([&] (Arg) { count++; });
return count;
unsigned const num_args;
Interpreter(Genode::Env &env, char const * const filename)
_rom(env, filename), num_args(_count_args() + 2 /* argv0 + filename */)
if (script()) {
args = (char **)calloc(num_args + 1 /* null termination */, sizeof(char *));
unsigned i = 0;
/* argv0 */
args[i++] = strdup(path().string());
_for_each_arg([&] (Arg arg) {
args[i++] = strndup(arg.ptr, arg.length); });
/* supply script file name as last argument */
args[i++] = strdup(filename);
if (script()) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_args; i++)
* Utility to capture the state of argv or envp string arrays
struct Libc::String_array : Noncopyable
typedef Genode::Allocator Allocator;
Allocator &_alloc;
static unsigned _num_entries(char const * const * const array)
unsigned i = 0;
for (; array && array[i]; i++);
return i;
unsigned const count;
size_t const _array_bytes = sizeof(char *)*(count + 1);
char ** const array = (char **)_alloc.alloc(_array_bytes);
struct Buffer
Allocator &_alloc;
size_t const _size;
char * const _base = (char *)_alloc.alloc(_size);
unsigned _pos = 0;
Buffer(Allocator &alloc, size_t size)
: _alloc(alloc), _size(size) { }
~Buffer() {, _size); }
bool try_append(char const *s)
size_t const len = ::strlen(s) + 1;
if (_pos + len > _size)
return false;
copy_cstring(_base + _pos, s, len);
_pos += len;
return true;
char *pos_ptr() { return _base + _pos; }
Constructible<Buffer> _buffer { };
String_array(Allocator &alloc,
char const * const * const src_array_1,
char const * const * const src_array_2 = nullptr)
/* if 'src_array_2' is supplied, we skip its first element (argv0) */
count(_num_entries(src_array_1) + _num_entries(src_array_2) -
(src_array_2 ? 1 : 0))
/* marshal array strings to buffer */
size_t size = 1024;
for (;;) {
_buffer.construct(_alloc, size);
unsigned dst_i = 0; /* index into destination array */
auto try_append_entries = [&] (char const * const * const src_array,
unsigned skip = 0)
if (!src_array)
size_t const n = _num_entries(src_array);
for (unsigned i = skip; i < n; i++) {
array[dst_i] = _buffer->pos_ptr();
if (!_buffer->try_append(src_array[i]))
try_append_entries(src_array_2, 1); /* skip old argv0 */
bool const done = (dst_i == count);
if (done) {
array[dst_i] = nullptr;
size += 1024;
~String_array() {, _array_bytes); }
/* pointer to environment, provided by libc */
extern char **environ;
static Env *_env_ptr;
static Allocator *_alloc_ptr;
static void *_user_stack_ptr;
static main_fn_ptr _main_ptr;
static Libc::String_array *_env_vars_ptr;
static Libc::String_array *_args_ptr;
static Libc::Reset_malloc_heap *_reset_malloc_heap_ptr;
static Libc::Binary_name *_binary_name_ptr;
static Libc::File_descriptor_allocator *_fd_alloc_ptr;
void Libc::init_execve(Env &env, Genode::Allocator &alloc, void *user_stack_ptr,
Reset_malloc_heap &reset_malloc_heap, Binary_name &binary_name,
File_descriptor_allocator &fd_alloc)
_env_ptr = &env;
_alloc_ptr = &alloc;
_user_stack_ptr = user_stack_ptr;
_reset_malloc_heap_ptr = &reset_malloc_heap;
_binary_name_ptr = &binary_name;
_fd_alloc_ptr = &fd_alloc;
Dynamic_linker::keep(env, "");
Dynamic_linker::keep(env, "");
Dynamic_linker::keep(env, "");
Dynamic_linker::keep(env, "");
static void user_entry(void *)
exit((*_main_ptr)(_args_ptr->count, _args_ptr->array, _env_vars_ptr->array));
extern "C" int execve(char const *, char *const[], char *const[]) __attribute__((weak));
extern "C" int execve(char const *filename,
char *const argv[], char *const envp[])
if (!_env_ptr || !_alloc_ptr) {
error("missing call of 'init_execve'");
return Libc::Errno(EACCES);
/* close all file descriptors with the close-on-execve flag enabled */
while (Libc::File_descriptor *fd = _fd_alloc_ptr->any_cloexec_libc_fd())
/* capture environment variables and args to libc-internal heap */
Libc::String_array *saved_env_vars =
new (*_alloc_ptr) Libc::String_array(*_alloc_ptr, envp);
* Resolve path of the executable and handle shebang arguments
Libc::Absolute_path resolved_path;
Libc::Interpreter::Path path(filename);
Libc::String_array *saved_args =
new (*_alloc_ptr) Libc::String_array(*_alloc_ptr, argv);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < MAX_INTERPRETER_NESTING_LEVELS; i++) {
try {
Libc::resolve_symlinks(path.string(), resolved_path); }
catch (Libc::Symlink_resolve_error) {
warning("execve: executable binary '", filename, "' does not exist");
return Libc::Errno(ENOENT);
Constructible<Libc::Interpreter> interpreter { };
try {
interpreter.construct(*_env_ptr, resolved_path.string()); }
catch (...) {
warning("execve: executable binary inaccessible as ROM module");
return Libc::Errno(ENOENT);
if (interpreter->elf_executable())
if (!interpreter->script()) {
warning("invalid executable binary format: ", resolved_path.string());
return Libc::Errno(ENOEXEC);
path = interpreter->path();
/* concatenate shebang args with command-line args */
Libc::String_array * const orig_saved_args = saved_args;
saved_args = new (*_alloc_ptr)
Libc::String_array(*_alloc_ptr, interpreter->args, argv);
destroy(*_alloc_ptr, orig_saved_args);
try {
_main_ptr = Dynamic_linker::respawn<main_fn_ptr>(*_env_ptr, resolved_path.string(), "main");
catch (Dynamic_linker::Invalid_symbol) {
error("Dynamic_linker::respawn could not obtain binary entry point");
return Libc::Errno(EACCES);
catch (Dynamic_linker::Invalid_rom_module) {
error("Dynamic_linker::respawn could not access binary ROM");
return Libc::Errno(EACCES);
/* purge line buffers, which may be allocated at the application heap */
setvbuf(stdout, nullptr, _IONBF, 0);
setvbuf(stderr, nullptr, _IONBF, 0);
* Reconstruct malloc heap for application-owned data
Libc::Allocator app_heap { };
_env_vars_ptr = new (app_heap) Libc::String_array(app_heap, saved_env_vars->array);
_args_ptr = new (app_heap) Libc::String_array(app_heap, saved_args->array);
/* register list of environment variables at libc 'environ' pointer */
environ = _env_vars_ptr->array;
/* remember name of new ROM module, to be used by next call of fork */
*_binary_name_ptr = Libc::Binary_name(resolved_path.string());
destroy(_alloc_ptr, saved_env_vars);
destroy(_alloc_ptr, saved_args);
call_func(_user_stack_ptr, (void *)user_entry, nullptr);
extern "C" int _execve(char const *, char *const[], char *const[]) __attribute__((weak, alias("execve")));