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* \brief Example window decorator that mimics the Motif look
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2014-01-10
* Copyright (C) 2014 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2.
/* local includes */
#include "window.h"
void Decorator::Window::draw(Decorator::Canvas_base &canvas,
Decorator::Rect clip,
Draw_behind_fn const &draw_behind_fn) const
Clip_guard clip_guard(canvas, clip);
Rect rect = outer_geometry();
Area corner(_corner_size, _corner_size);
Point p1 = rect.p1();
Point p2 = rect.p2();
if (_has_alpha)
draw_behind_fn.draw_behind(canvas, *this, canvas.clip());
_draw_corner(canvas, Rect(p1, corner), _border_size, true, true,
_draw_corner(canvas, Rect(Point(p1.x(), p2.y() - _corner_size + 1), corner),
_border_size, true, false,
_draw_corner(canvas, Rect(Point(p2.x() - _corner_size + 1, p1.y()), corner),
_border_size, false, true,
_draw_corner(canvas, Rect(Point(p2.x() - _corner_size + 1, p2.y() - _corner_size + 1), corner),
_border_size, false, false,
_draw_raised_box(canvas, Rect(Point(p1.x() + _corner_size, p1.y()),
Area(rect.w() - 2*_corner_size, _border_size)),
_draw_raised_box(canvas, Rect(Point(p1.x() + _corner_size, p2.y() - _border_size + 1),
Area(rect.w() - 2*_corner_size, _border_size)),
_draw_raised_box(canvas, Rect(Point(p1.x(), p1.y() + _corner_size),
Area(_border_size, rect.h() - 2*_corner_size)),
_draw_raised_box(canvas, Rect(Point(p2.x() - _border_size + 1, p1.y() + _corner_size),
Area(_border_size, rect.h() - 2*_corner_size)),
Rect controls_rect(Point(p1.x() + _border_size, p1.y() + _border_size),
Area(rect.w() - 2*_border_size, _title_height));
* Draw left controls from left to right
Control::Align title_align = Control::ALIGN_CENTER;
Point left_pos = controls_rect.p1();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _controls.num(); i++) {
Control control = _controls.control(i);
/* left controls end when we reach the title */
if (control.type() == Control::TYPE_TITLE) {
title_align = control.align();
_draw_window_control(canvas, Rect(left_pos, _icon_size), control);
left_pos = left_pos + Point(_icon_size.w(), 0);
* Draw right controls from right to left
Point right_pos = controls_rect.p1() + Point(controls_rect.w() - _icon_size.w(), 0);
if (_controls.num() > 0) {
for (unsigned i = _controls.num() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
Control control = _controls.control(i);
/* stop when reaching the title */
if (control.type() == Control::TYPE_TITLE)
/* detect overlap with left controls */
if (right_pos.x() <= left_pos.x())
_draw_window_control(canvas, Rect(right_pos, _icon_size), control);
right_pos = right_pos + Point(-_icon_size.w(), 0);
* Draw title between left and right controls
Rect title_rect(left_pos, Area(right_pos.x() - left_pos.x() + _icon_size.w(),
_draw_title_box(canvas, title_rect, element(Element::TITLE).color());
char const * const text = _title.string();
Area const label_area(default_font().str_w(text),
* Position the text in the center of the window.
Point const window_centered_text_pos = - Point(0, 1);
* Horizontal position of the title text
int x = window_centered_text_pos.x();
* If the title bar is narrower than three times the label but the text
* still fits in the title bar, we gradually change the text position
* towards the center of the title bar. If the text fits twice in the
* title bar, it is centered within the title bar.
if (label_area.w() <= title_rect.w() && label_area.w()*3 > title_rect.w()) {
int ratio = ((label_area.w()*3 - title_rect.w()) << 8) / title_rect.w();
if (ratio > 255)
ratio = 255;
Point const titlebar_centered_text_pos = - Point(0, 1);
x = (titlebar_centered_text_pos.x()*ratio +
window_centered_text_pos.x()*(255 - ratio)) >> 8;
/* minimum distance between the title text and the title border */
int const min_horizontal_padding = 4;
* Consider non-default title alignments
if (title_align == Control::ALIGN_LEFT)
x = title_rect.x1() + min_horizontal_padding;
if (title_align == Control::ALIGN_RIGHT)
x = title_rect.x2() - label_area.w() - min_horizontal_padding;
* If the text does not fit into the title bar, align it to the left
* border of the title bar to show the first part.
if (label_area.w() + 2*min_horizontal_padding > title_rect.w())
x = title_rect.x1() + min_horizontal_padding;
Rect const title_content_rect(title_rect.p1() + Point(1, 1),
title_rect.p2() - Point(1, 1));
Clip_guard clip_guard(canvas, title_content_rect);
Point const text_pos(x, window_centered_text_pos.y());
canvas.draw_text(text_pos + Point(1, 1), default_font(),
Color(0, 0, 0, 128), text);
Color title_color = element(Element::TITLE).color();
canvas.draw_text(text_pos, default_font(),
Color(255, 255, 255, (2*255 + title_color.r) / 3), text);
* Return true if specified XML attribute has the given value
static bool attribute_has_value(Genode::Xml_node node,
char const *attr, char const *value)
return node.has_attribute(attr) && node.attribute(attr).has_value(value);
bool Decorator::Window::update(Genode::Xml_node window_node)
bool updated = false;
* Detect the need to bring the window to the top of the global
* view stack.
unsigned const topped_cnt = attribute(window_node, "topped", 0UL);
if (topped_cnt != _topped_cnt) {
_global_to_front = true;
_topped_cnt = topped_cnt;
_nitpicker_stacking_up_to_date = false;
updated |= true;
* Detect geometry changes
Rect new_geometry = rect_attribute(window_node);
if (new_geometry.p1() != geometry().p1()
|| new_geometry.p2() != geometry().p2()) {
_nitpicker_views_up_to_date = false;
updated |= true;
_focused = attribute_has_value(window_node, "focused", "yes");
_has_alpha = attribute_has_value(window_node, "has_alpha", "yes");
Window_title title = Decorator::string_attribute(window_node, "title",
updated |= !(title == _title);
_title = title;
/* update color on title change as the title is used as policy selector */
Color const base_color = _config.base_color(_title);
updated |= _base_color != base_color;
_base_color = base_color;
int const gradient_percent = _config.gradient_percent(_title);
updated |= _gradient_percent != gradient_percent;
_gradient_percent = gradient_percent;
/* update window-control configuration */
Controls new_controls;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _config.num_window_controls(); i++) {
Control window_control = _config.window_control(i);
switch (window_control.type()) {
case Control::TYPE_CLOSER:
case Control::TYPE_MAXIMIZER:
case Control::TYPE_MINIMIZER:
case Control::TYPE_UNDEFINED:
char const * const attr =
if (attribute_has_value(window_node, attr, "yes"))
case Control::TYPE_TITLE:
updated |= (new_controls != _controls);
_controls = new_controls;
try {
Xml_node highlight = window_node.sub_node("highlight");
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_elements(); i++)
updated |= _apply_state(_elements[i].type(), _focused,
} catch (...) {
/* window node has no "highlight" sub node, reset highlighting */
for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_elements(); i++)
updated |= _apply_state(_elements[i].type(), _focused, false);
return updated;
Decorator::Window_base::Hover Decorator::Window::hover(Point abs_pos) const
Hover hover;
if (!outer_geometry().contains(abs_pos))
return hover;
hover.window_id = id();
unsigned const x = abs_pos.x() - outer_geometry().x1(),
y = abs_pos.y() - outer_geometry().y1();
Area const area = outer_geometry().area();
bool const at_border = x < _border_size
|| x >= area.w() - _border_size
|| y < _border_size
|| y >= area.h() - _border_size;
if (at_border) {
hover.left_sizer = (x < _corner_size);
hover.top_sizer = (y < _corner_size);
hover.right_sizer = (x >= area.w() - _corner_size);
hover.bottom_sizer = (y >= area.h() - _corner_size);
} else {
Point const titlbar_pos(_border_size, _border_size);
hover.title = false;
hover.closer = false;
hover.minimizer = false;
hover.maximizer = false;
hover.unmaximizer = false;
* Check if pointer is located at the title bar
if (y < _border_size + _title_height) {
Control hovered_control = Control(Control::TYPE_TITLE, Control::ALIGN_CENTER);
/* check left controls */
Point pos = titlbar_pos;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < _controls.num(); i++) {
/* controls end when we reach the title */
if (_controls.control(i).type() == Control::TYPE_TITLE)
if (Rect(pos, _icon_size).contains(Point(x + _border_size, y)))
hovered_control = _controls.control(i);
pos = pos + Point(_icon_size.w(), 0);
/* check right controls */
if (_controls.num() > 0) {
Point pos = titlbar_pos +
Point(area.w() - _border_size - _icon_size.w(), 0);
for (unsigned i = _controls.num() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
/* controls end when we reach the title */
if (_controls.control(i).type() == Control::TYPE_TITLE)
if (Rect(pos, _icon_size).contains(Point(x + _border_size, y)))
hovered_control = _controls.control(i);
pos = pos + Point(-_icon_size.w(), 0);
switch (hovered_control.type()) {
case Control::TYPE_CLOSER: hover.closer = true; break;
case Control::TYPE_MAXIMIZER: hover.maximizer = true; break;
case Control::TYPE_MINIMIZER: hover.minimizer = true; break;
case Control::TYPE_UNMAXIMIZER: hover.unmaximizer = true; break;
case Control::TYPE_TITLE: hover.title = true; break;
case Control::TYPE_UNDEFINED: break;
return hover;
void Decorator::Window_element::animate()
/* keep animation running until the destination values are reached */
Animator::Item::animated(_r != _r.dst() || _g != _g.dst() || _b != _b.dst());