
871 lines
23 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* \brief Sculpt system manager
* \author Norman Feske
* \date 2018-04-30
* Copyright (C) 2018 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
/* Genode includes */
#include <base/component.h>
#include <base/heap.h>
#include <base/attached_rom_dataspace.h>
#include <os/reporter.h>
#include <nitpicker_session/connection.h>
/* included from depot_deploy tool */
#include <children.h>
/* local includes */
#include <model/child_exit_state.h>
#include <view/download_status.h>
#include <gui.h>
#include <nitpicker.h>
#include <runtime.h>
#include <keyboard_focus.h>
#include <network.h>
#include <storage.h>
#include <deploy.h>
namespace Sculpt { struct Main; }
struct Sculpt::Main : Input_event_handler,
Env &_env;
Heap _heap { _env.ram(), _env.rm() };
Constructible<Nitpicker::Connection> _nitpicker { };
Signal_handler<Main> _input_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_input };
void _handle_input()
_nitpicker->input()->for_each_event([&] (Input::Event const &ev) {
handle_input_event(ev); });
Signal_handler<Main> _nitpicker_mode_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_nitpicker_mode };
void _handle_nitpicker_mode();
Managed_config<Main> _fonts_config {
_env, "config", "fonts", *this, &Main::_handle_fonts_config };
void _handle_fonts_config(Xml_node config)
* Obtain font size from manually maintained fonts configuration
* so that we can adjust the GUI layout accordingly.
config.for_each_sub_node("vfs", [&] (Xml_node vfs) {
vfs.for_each_sub_node("dir", [&] (Xml_node dir) {
if (dir.attribute_value("name", String<16>()) == "fonts") {
dir.for_each_sub_node("dir", [&] (Xml_node type) {
if (type.attribute_value("name", String<16>()) == "text") {
type.for_each_sub_node("ttf", [&] (Xml_node ttf) {
float const px = ttf.attribute_value("size_px", 0.0);
if (px > 0.0)
_gui.font_size(px); }); } }); } }); });
Managed_config<Main> _input_filter_config {
_env, "config", "input_filter", *this, &Main::_handle_input_filter_config };
void _handle_input_filter_config(Xml_node)
Attached_rom_dataspace _nitpicker_hover { _env, "nitpicker_hover" };
Signal_handler<Main> _nitpicker_hover_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_nitpicker_hover };
void _handle_nitpicker_hover();
** Device discovery **
Attached_rom_dataspace _pci_devices { _env, "report -> drivers/pci_devices" };
Signal_handler<Main> _pci_devices_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_pci_devices };
Pci_info _pci_info { };
void _handle_pci_devices()
_pci_info.wifi_present = false;
_pci_devices.xml().for_each_sub_node("device", [&] (Xml_node device) {
/* detect Intel Wireless card */
if (device.attribute_value("class_code", 0UL) == 0x28000)
_pci_info.wifi_present = true;
** Configuration loading **
Prepare_version _prepare_version { 0 };
Prepare_version _prepare_completed { 0 };
bool _prepare_in_progress() const
return _prepare_version.value != _prepare_completed.value;
Storage _storage { _env, _heap, *this, *this, *this };
* Storage::Target_user interface
void use_storage_target(Storage_target const &target) override
_storage._sculpt_partition = target;
/* trigger loading of the configuration from the sculpt partition */
Network _network { _env, _heap, *this, *this, *this, _pci_info };
** Update **
Attached_rom_dataspace _update_state_rom {
_env, "report -> runtime/update/state" };
void _handle_update_state();
Signal_handler<Main> _update_state_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_update_state };
bool _update_running() const { return _storage._sculpt_partition.valid()
&& !_prepare_in_progress()
&& _network.ready()
&& _deploy.update_needed(); };
Deploy _deploy { _env, _heap, *this, *this, *this };
** Global **
Gui _gui { _env };
Expanding_reporter _dialog_reporter { _env, "dialog", "menu_dialog" };
Attached_rom_dataspace _hover_rom { _env, "menu_view_hover" };
Signal_handler<Main> _hover_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_hover };
struct Hovered { enum Dialog { NONE, STORAGE, NETWORK } value; };
Hovered::Dialog _hovered_dialog { Hovered::NONE };
template <typename FN>
void _apply_to_hovered_dialog(Hovered::Dialog dialog, FN const &fn)
if (dialog == Hovered::STORAGE) fn(_storage.dialog);
if (dialog == Hovered::NETWORK) fn(_network.dialog);
void _handle_hover();
* Dialog::Generator interface
void generate_dialog() override
_dialog_reporter.generate([&] (Xml_generator &xml) {
xml.node("vbox", [&] () {
gen_named_node(xml, "frame", "logo", [&] () {
xml.node("float", [&] () {
xml.node("frame", [&] () {
xml.attribute("style", "logo"); }); }); });
if (_manually_managed_runtime)
gen_named_node(xml, "frame", "runtime", [&] () {
xml.node("vbox", [&] () {
gen_named_node(xml, "label", "title", [&] () {
xml.attribute("text", "Runtime");
xml.attribute("font", "title/regular");
Xml_node const state = _update_state_rom.xml();
if (_update_running() && state.has_sub_node("archive"))
gen_download_status(xml, state);
Attached_rom_dataspace _runtime_state { _env, "report -> runtime/state" };
* Runtime_info interface
bool present_in_runtime(Start_name const &name) const override
bool present = false;
_runtime_state.xml().for_each_sub_node("child", [&] (Xml_node child) {
if (child.attribute_value("name", Start_name()) == name)
present = true; });
return present;
Managed_config<Main> _runtime_config {
_env, "config", "runtime", *this, &Main::_handle_runtime };
bool _manually_managed_runtime = false;
void _handle_runtime(Xml_node config)
_manually_managed_runtime = !config.has_type("empty");
void _generate_runtime_config(Xml_generator &) const;
* Runtime_config_generator interface
void generate_runtime_config() override
if (!_runtime_config.try_generate_manually_managed())
_runtime_config.generate([&] (Xml_generator &xml) {
_generate_runtime_config(xml); });
Signal_handler<Main> _runtime_state_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_runtime_state };
void _handle_runtime_state();
Keyboard_focus _keyboard_focus { _env, _network.dialog, _network.wpa_passphrase };
* Input_event_handler interface
void handle_input_event(Input::Event const &ev) override
if (ev.key_press(Input::BTN_LEFT)) {
if (_hovered_dialog == Hovered::STORAGE);
if (_hovered_dialog == Hovered::NETWORK);
if (ev.key_release(Input::BTN_LEFT))
if ( == Keyboard_focus::WPA_PASSPHRASE)
ev.handle_press([&] (Input::Keycode, Codepoint code) {
_network.handle_key_press(code); });
if (
Managed_config<Main> _fb_drv_config {
_env, "config", "fb_drv", *this, &Main::_handle_fb_drv_config };
void _handle_fb_drv_config(Xml_node)
Attached_rom_dataspace _nitpicker_displays { _env, "displays" };
Signal_handler<Main> _nitpicker_displays_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_nitpicker_displays };
void _handle_nitpicker_displays()
if (!_nitpicker_displays.xml().has_sub_node("display"))
if (_nitpicker.constructed())
* Since nitpicker has successfully issued the first 'displays' report,
* there is a good chance that the framebuffer driver is running. This
* is a good time to activate the GUI.
_nitpicker.construct(_env, "input");
* Adjust GUI parameters to initial nitpicker mode
* Avoid 'Constructible<Nitpicker::Root>' because it requires the
* definition of 'Nitpicker::Session_component'.
static Nitpicker::Root gui_nitpicker(_env, _heap, *this);
void _handle_window_layout();
Attached_rom_dataspace _window_list { _env, "window_list" };
Signal_handler<Main> _window_list_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_window_layout };
Expanding_reporter _wm_focus { _env, "focus", "wm_focus" };
Attached_rom_dataspace _decorator_margins { _env, "decorator_margins" };
Signal_handler<Main> _decorator_margins_handler {
_env.ep(), *this, &Main::_handle_window_layout };
Expanding_reporter _window_layout { _env, "window_layout", "window_layout" };
Main(Env &env) : _env(env)
* Subscribe to reports
_update_state_rom .sigh(_update_state_handler);
_nitpicker_hover .sigh(_nitpicker_hover_handler);
_hover_rom .sigh(_hover_handler);
_pci_devices .sigh(_pci_devices_handler);
_window_list .sigh(_window_list_handler);
* Generate initial configurations
* Import initial report content
void Sculpt::Main::_handle_window_layout()
struct Decorator_margins
unsigned top = 0, bottom = 0, left = 0, right = 0;
Decorator_margins(Xml_node node)
if (!node.has_sub_node("floating"))
Xml_node const floating = node.sub_node("floating");
top = floating.attribute_value("top", 0UL);
bottom = floating.attribute_value("bottom", 0UL);
left = floating.attribute_value("left", 0UL);
right = floating.attribute_value("right", 0UL);
/* read decorator margins from the decorator's report */
Decorator_margins const margins(_decorator_margins.xml());
unsigned const log_min_w = 400, log_min_h = 200;
if (!_nitpicker.constructed())
Framebuffer::Mode const mode = _nitpicker->mode();
typedef Nitpicker::Rect Rect;
Rect avail(Point(_gui.menu_width, 0),
Point(mode.width() - 1, mode.height() - 1));
* When the screen width is at least twice the log width, place the
* log at the right side of the screen. Otherwise, with resolutions
* as low as 1024x768, place it to the bottom to allow the inspect
* window to use the available screen width to the maximum extend.
bool const log_at_right =
(avail.w() > 2*(log_min_w + margins.left + margins.right));
/* the upper-left point depends on whether the log is at the right or bottom */
Point const log_p1 =
log_at_right ? Point(avail.x2() - log_min_w - margins.right + 1,
: Point(_gui.menu_width + margins.left,
avail.y2() - log_min_h - margins.bottom + 1);
/* the lower-right point (p2) of the log is always the same */
Point const log_p2(mode.width() - margins.right - 1,
mode.height() - margins.bottom - 1);
/* position of the inspect window */
Point const inspect_p1(avail.x1() + margins.right,;
Point const inspect_p2 =
log_at_right ? Point(log_p1.x() - margins.right - margins.left - 1, log_p2.y())
: Point(log_p2.x(), log_p1.y() - margins.bottom - - 1);
typedef String<128> Label;
Label const inspect_label("runtime -> leitzentrale -> storage browser");
_window_layout.generate([&] (Xml_generator &xml) {
_window_list.xml().for_each_sub_node("window", [&] (Xml_node win) {
Label const label = win.attribute_value("label", Label());
* Generate window with 'rect' geometry if label matches 'match'
auto gen_matching_window = [&] (Label const &match, Rect rect) {
if (label == match && rect.valid()) {
xml.node("window", [&] () {
xml.attribute("id", win.attribute_value("id", 0UL));
xml.attribute("xpos", rect.x1());
xml.attribute("ypos", rect.y1());
xml.attribute("width", rect.w());
xml.attribute("height", rect.h());
gen_matching_window("log", Rect(log_p1, log_p2));
gen_matching_window(inspect_label, Rect(inspect_p1, inspect_p2));
/* define window-manager focus */
_wm_focus.generate([&] (Xml_generator &xml) {
_window_list.xml().for_each_sub_node("window", [&] (Xml_node win) {
Label const label = win.attribute_value("label", Label());
if (label == inspect_label)
xml.node("window", [&] () {
xml.attribute("id", win.attribute_value("id", 0UL)); });
void Sculpt::Main::_handle_nitpicker_mode()
if (!_nitpicker.constructed())
Framebuffer::Mode const mode = _nitpicker->mode();
if (!_fonts_config.try_generate_manually_managed()) {
float const text_size = (float)mode.height() / 60.0;
_fonts_config.generate([&] (Xml_generator &xml) {
xml.node("vfs", [&] () {
gen_named_node(xml, "rom", "Vera.ttf");
gen_named_node(xml, "rom", "VeraMono.ttf");
gen_named_node(xml, "dir", "fonts", [&] () {
auto gen_ttf_dir = [&] (char const *dir_name,
char const *ttf_path, float size_px) {
gen_named_node(xml, "dir", dir_name, [&] () {
gen_named_node(xml, "ttf", "regular", [&] () {
xml.attribute("path", ttf_path);
xml.attribute("size_px", size_px);
xml.attribute("cache", "256K");
gen_ttf_dir("title", "/Vera.ttf", text_size*1.25);
gen_ttf_dir("text", "/Vera.ttf", text_size);
gen_ttf_dir("annotation", "/Vera.ttf", text_size*0.8);
gen_ttf_dir("monospace", "/VeraMono.ttf", text_size);
xml.node("default-policy", [&] () { xml.attribute("root", "/fonts"); });
auto gen_color = [&] (unsigned index, Color color) {
xml.node("color", [&] () {
xml.attribute("index", index);
xml.attribute("bg", String<16>(color));
Color const background(0x1c, 0x22, 0x32);
gen_color(0, background);
gen_color(8, background);
void Sculpt::Main::_handle_hover()
Xml_node const hover = _hover_rom.xml();
Hovered::Dialog const orig_hovered_dialog = _hovered_dialog;
typedef String<32> Top_level_frame;
Top_level_frame const top_level_frame =
query_attribute<Top_level_frame>(hover, "dialog", "vbox", "frame", "name");
_hovered_dialog = Hovered::NONE;
if (top_level_frame == "network") _hovered_dialog = Hovered::NETWORK;
if (top_level_frame == "storage") _hovered_dialog = Hovered::STORAGE;
if (orig_hovered_dialog != _hovered_dialog)
_apply_to_hovered_dialog(orig_hovered_dialog, [&] (Dialog &dialog) {
dialog.hover(Xml_node("<hover/>")); });
_apply_to_hovered_dialog(_hovered_dialog, [&] (Dialog &dialog) {
.sub_node("frame")); });
void Sculpt::Main::_handle_nitpicker_hover()
if (!_storage._discovery_state.discovery_in_progress())
/* check if initial user activity has already been evaluated */
if (_storage._discovery_state.user_state != Discovery_state::USER_UNKNOWN)
Xml_node const hover = _nitpicker_hover.xml();
if (!hover.has_type("hover"))
_storage._discovery_state.user_state = hover.attribute_value("active", false)
? Discovery_state::USER_INTERVENED
: Discovery_state::USER_IDLE;
/* trigger re-evaluation of default storage target */
void Sculpt::Main::_handle_update_state()
bool const installation_complete =
if (installation_complete)
void Sculpt::Main::_handle_runtime_state()
Xml_node state = _runtime_state.xml();
bool reconfigure_runtime = false;
/* check for completed storage operations */
_storage._storage_devices.for_each([&] (Storage_device &device) {
device.for_each_partition([&] (Partition &partition) {
Storage_target const target { device.label, partition.number };
if (partition.check_in_progress) {
String<64> name(target.label(), ".fsck.ext2");
Child_exit_state exit_state(state, name);
if (exit_state.exited) {
if (exit_state.code != 0)
error("file-system check failed");
if (exit_state.code == 0)
log("file-system check succeeded");
partition.check_in_progress = 0;
reconfigure_runtime = true;
if (partition.format_in_progress) {
String<64> name(target.label(), ".mkfs.ext2");
Child_exit_state exit_state(state, name);
if (exit_state.exited) {
if (exit_state.code != 0)
error("file-system creation failed");
partition.format_in_progress = false;
partition.file_system.type = File_system::EXT2;
if (partition.whole_device())
reconfigure_runtime = true;
/* respond to completion of file-system resize operation */
if (partition.fs_resize_in_progress) {
Child_exit_state exit_state(state, Start_name(target.label(), ".resize2fs"));
if (exit_state.exited) {
partition.fs_resize_in_progress = false;
reconfigure_runtime = true;
}); /* for each partition */
/* respond to completion of GPT relabeling */
if (device.relabel_in_progress()) {
Child_exit_state exit_state(state, device.relabel_start_name());
if (exit_state.exited) {
reconfigure_runtime = true;
/* respond to completion of GPT expand */
if (device.gpt_expand_in_progress()) {
Child_exit_state exit_state(state, device.expand_start_name());
if (exit_state.exited) {
/* kick off resize2fs */
device.for_each_partition([&] (Partition &partition) {
if (partition.gpt_expand_in_progress) {
partition.gpt_expand_in_progress = false;
partition.fs_resize_in_progress = true;
reconfigure_runtime = true;
}); /* for each device */
/* remove prepare subsystem when finished */
Child_exit_state exit_state(state, "prepare");
if (exit_state.exited) {
_prepare_completed = _prepare_version;
/* trigger deployment */
/* trigger update and deploy */
reconfigure_runtime = true;
/* upgrade ram_fs quota on demand */
state.for_each_sub_node("child", [&] (Xml_node child) {
if (child.attribute_value("name", String<16>()) != "ram_fs")
2018-06-05 16:37:52 +02:00
if (child.has_sub_node("ram") && child.sub_node("ram").has_attribute("requested")) {
_storage._ram_fs_state.ram_quota.value *= 2;
reconfigure_runtime = true;
2018-06-05 16:37:52 +02:00
if (child.has_sub_node("caps") && child.sub_node("caps").has_attribute("requested")) {
_storage._ram_fs_state.cap_quota.value += 100;
reconfigure_runtime = true;
/* upgrade depot_rom quota on demand */
state.for_each_sub_node("child", [&] (Xml_node child) {
auto upgrade_depot_rom = [&] (Deploy::Depot_rom_state &state, Start_name const &name)
if (child.attribute_value("name", Start_name()) != name)
if (child.has_sub_node("ram") && child.sub_node("ram").has_attribute("requested")) {
state.ram_quota.value *= 2;
reconfigure_runtime = true;
if (child.has_sub_node("caps") && child.sub_node("caps").has_attribute("requested")) {
state.cap_quota.value += 100;
reconfigure_runtime = true;
upgrade_depot_rom(_deploy.cached_depot_rom_state, "depot_rom");
upgrade_depot_rom(_deploy.uncached_depot_rom_state, "dynamic_depot_rom");
* Re-attempt NIC-router configuration as the uplink may have become
* available in the meantime.
if (_deploy.update_child_conditions()) {
reconfigure_runtime = true;
if (reconfigure_runtime)
void Sculpt::Main::_generate_runtime_config(Xml_generator &xml) const
xml.attribute("verbose", "yes");
xml.node("report", [&] () {
xml.attribute("init_ram", "yes");
xml.attribute("init_caps", "yes");
xml.attribute("child_ram", "yes");
2018-06-05 16:37:52 +02:00
xml.attribute("child_caps", "yes");
xml.attribute("delay_ms", 4*500);
xml.attribute("buffer", "64K");
xml.node("parent-provides", [&] () {
* Load configuration and update depot config on the sculpt partition
if (_storage._sculpt_partition.valid() && _prepare_in_progress())
xml.node("start", [&] () {
gen_prepare_start_content(xml, _prepare_version); });
if (_storage.any_file_system_inspected())
gen_file_browser(xml, _storage._storage_devices, _storage._ram_fs_state,
* Spawn chroot instances for accessing '/depot' and '/public'. The
* chroot instances implicitly refer to the 'default_fs_rw'.
if (_storage._sculpt_partition.valid()) {
auto chroot = [&] (Start_name const &name, Path const &path, Writeable w) {
xml.node("start", [&] () {
gen_chroot_start_content(xml, name, path, w); }); };
chroot("depot_rw", "/depot", WRITEABLE);
chroot("depot", "/depot", READ_ONLY);
chroot("public_rw", "/public", WRITEABLE);
if (_update_running())
xml.node("start", [&] () {
gen_update_start_content(xml); });
if (_storage._sculpt_partition.valid() && !_prepare_in_progress())
void Component::construct(Genode::Env &env)
static Sculpt::Main main(env);