Emery Hemingway c5817f347a Finalize binary packages using "include $(BIN_RULES)"
Rather than call a small macro without inputs or outputs,
": |> !bin |>", include a file that will perform some metadata checks
and invoke the !bin macro. In this way checks are extensible across
packages by simply adding them to the common $(BIN_RULES) file.
2019-04-27 20:18:13 +02:00

15 lines
391 B

ifeq ($(BIN_NAME),)
error BIN_NAME is empty
ifeq ($(BIN_VERSION),)
error BIN_VERSION is empty
: |> !bin |>
# Finalize the metadata with the macro defined in the
# ../Tuprules.tup. The macro cannot be defined here
# because the "include" directive is not available for
# relative paths during "include_rules" so this file
# cannot be included by intermediate Tuprules.tup.