
859 lines
32 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-| Dhall lets you import external expressions located either in local files or
hosted on network endpoints.
To import a local file as an expression, just insert the path to the file,
prepending a @./@ if the path is relative to the current directory. For
example, if you create a file named @id@ with the following contents:
> $ cat id
> λ(a : Type) → λ(x : a) → x
Then you can use the file directly within a @dhall@ program just by
referencing the file's path:
> $ dhall
> ./id Bool True
> <Ctrl-D>
> Bool
> True
Imported expressions may contain imports of their own, too, which will
continue to be resolved. However, Dhall will prevent cyclic imports. For
example, if you had these two files:
> $ cat foo
> ./bar
> $ cat bar
> ./foo
... Dhall would throw the following exception if you tried to import @foo@:
> $ dhall
> ./foo
> ^D
> ↳ ./foo
> ↳ ./bar
> Cyclic import: ./foo
You can also import expressions hosted on network endpoints. Just use the
> http://host[:port]/path
The compiler expects the downloaded expressions to be in the same format
as local files, specifically UTF8-encoded source code text.
For example, if our @id@ expression were hosted at @http://example.com/id@,
then we would embed the expression within our code using:
> http://example.com/id
You can also reuse directory names as expressions. If you provide a path
to a local or remote directory then the compiler will look for a file named
@\@@ within that directory and use that file to represent the directory.
You can also import expressions stored within environment variables using
@env:NAME@, where @NAME@ is the name of the environment variable. For
> $ export FOO=1
> $ export BAR='"Hi"'
> $ export BAZ='λ(x : Bool) → x == False'
> $ dhall <<< "{ foo = env:FOO , bar = env:BAR , baz = env:BAZ }"
> { bar : Text, baz : ∀(x : Bool) → Bool, foo : Integer }
> { bar = "Hi", baz = λ(x : Bool) → x == False, foo = 1 }
If you wish to import the raw contents of a path as @Text@ then add
@as Text@ to the end of the import:
> $ dhall <<< "http://example.com as Text"
> Text
> "<!doctype html>\n<html>\n<head>\n <title>Example Domain</title>\n\n <meta
> charset=\"utf-8\" />\n <meta http-equiv=\"Content-type\" content=\"text/html
> ; charset=utf-8\" />\n <meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width,
> initial-scale=1\" />\n <style type=\"text/css\">\n body {\n backgro
> und-color: #f0f0f2;\n margin: 0;\n padding: 0;\n font-famil
> y: \"Open Sans\", \"Helvetica Neue\", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;\n \n
> }\n div {\n width: 600px;\n margin: 5em auto;\n paddi
> ng: 50px;\n background-color: #fff;\n border-radius: 1em;\n }\n
> a:link, a:visited {\n color: #38488f;\n text-decoration: none;
> \n }\n @media (max-width: 700px) {\n body {\n background
> -color: #fff;\n }\n div {\n width: auto;\n m
> argin: 0 auto;\n border-radius: 0;\n padding: 1em;\n
> }\n }\n </style> \n</head>\n\n<body>\n<div>\n <h1>Example Domain</
> h1>\n <p>This domain is established to be used for illustrative examples in d
> ocuments. You may use this\n domain in examples without prior coordination or
> asking for permission.</p>\n <p><a href=\"http://www.iana.org/domains/exampl
> e\">More information...</a></p>\n</div>\n</body>\n</html>\n"
module Dhall.Import (
-- * Import
, load
, loadWith
, hashExpression
, hashExpressionToCode
, Cycle(..)
, ReferentiallyOpaque(..)
, Imported(..)
, PrettyHttpException(..)
, MissingFile(..)
) where
import Control.Applicative (empty)
import Control.Exception
(Exception, IOException, SomeException, onException, throwIO)
import Control.Lens (Lens', zoom)
import Control.Monad (join)
import Control.Monad.Catch (throwM, MonadCatch(catch))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (StateT)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import Data.CaseInsensitive (CI)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text.Buildable (build)
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (Builder)
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Filesystem.Path ((</>), FilePath)
import Dhall.Core
( Expr(..)
, HasHome(..)
, PathHashed(..)
, PathMode(..)
, PathType(..)
, Path(..)
import Dhall.Parser (Parser(..), ParseError(..), Src(..))
import Dhall.TypeCheck (X(..))
#if MIN_VERSION_http_client(0,5,0)
import Network.HTTP.Client
(HttpException(..), HttpExceptionContent(..), Manager)
import Network.HTTP.Client (HttpException(..), Manager)
import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
import Text.Trifecta (Result(..))
import Text.Trifecta.Delta (Delta(..))
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as State
import qualified Crypto.Hash.SHA256
import qualified Data.ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Base16
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Builder
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO
import qualified Data.Vector
import qualified Dhall.Core
import qualified Dhall.Parser
import qualified Dhall.Context
import qualified Dhall.TypeCheck
import qualified Filesystem
import qualified Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client as HTTP
import qualified Network.HTTP.Client.TLS as HTTP
import qualified Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS as Filesystem
import qualified System.Environment
import qualified Text.Parser.Combinators
import qualified Text.Parser.Token
import qualified Text.Trifecta
builderToString :: Builder -> String
builderToString = Text.unpack . Builder.toLazyText
-- | An import failed because of a cycle in the import graph
newtype Cycle = Cycle
{ cyclicImport :: Path -- ^ The offending cyclic import
deriving (Typeable)
instance Exception Cycle
instance Show Cycle where
show (Cycle path) = "\nCyclic import: " ++ builderToString (build path)
{-| Dhall tries to ensure that all expressions hosted on network endpoints are
weakly referentially transparent, meaning roughly that any two clients will
compile the exact same result given the same URL.
To be precise, a strong interpretaton of referential transparency means that
if you compiled a URL you could replace the expression hosted at that URL
with the compiled result. Let's call this \"static linking\". Dhall (very
intentionally) does not satisfy this stronger interpretation of referential
transparency since \"statically linking\" an expression (i.e. permanently
resolving all imports) means that the expression will no longer update if
its dependencies change.
In general, either interpretation of referential transparency is not
enforceable in a networked context since one can easily violate referential
transparency with a custom DNS, but Dhall can still try to guard against
common unintentional violations. To do this, Dhall enforces that a
non-local import may not reference a local import.
Local imports are defined as:
* A file
* A URL with a host of @localhost@ or @
All other imports are defined to be non-local
newtype ReferentiallyOpaque = ReferentiallyOpaque
{ opaqueImport :: Path -- ^ The offending opaque import
} deriving (Typeable)
instance Exception ReferentiallyOpaque
instance Show ReferentiallyOpaque where
show (ReferentiallyOpaque path) =
"\nReferentially opaque import: " ++ builderToString (build path)
-- | Extend another exception with the current import stack
data Imported e = Imported
{ importStack :: [Path] -- ^ Imports resolved so far, in reverse order
, nested :: e -- ^ The nested exception
} deriving (Typeable)
instance Exception e => Exception (Imported e)
instance Show e => Show (Imported e) where
show (Imported paths e) =
(case paths of [] -> ""; _ -> "\n")
++ unlines (map indent paths')
++ show e
indent (n, path) =
take (2 * n) (repeat ' ') ++ "" ++ builderToString (build path)
-- Canonicalize all paths
paths' = zip [0..] (drop 1 (reverse (canonicalizeAll paths)))
-- | Newtype used to wrap `HttpException`s with a prettier `Show` instance
newtype PrettyHttpException = PrettyHttpException HttpException
deriving (Typeable)
instance Exception PrettyHttpException
#if MIN_VERSION_http_client(0,5,0)
instance Show PrettyHttpException where
show (PrettyHttpException (InvalidUrlException _ r)) =
<> "\ESC[1;31mError\ESC[0m: Invalid URL\n"
<> "\n"
<> "" <> show r
show (PrettyHttpException (HttpExceptionRequest _ e)) = case e of
ConnectionFailure e' ->
<> "\ESC[1;31mError\ESC[0m: Wrong host\n"
<> "\n"
<> "" <> show e'
InvalidDestinationHost host ->
<> "\ESC[1;31mError\ESC[0m: Invalid host name\n"
<> "\n"
<> "" <> show host
ResponseTimeout ->
"\ESC[1;31mError\ESC[0m: The host took too long to respond\n"
e' -> "\n" <> show e'
instance Show PrettyHttpException where
show (PrettyHttpException e) = case e of
FailedConnectionException2 _ _ _ e' ->
<> "\ESC[1;31mError\ESC[0m: Wrong host\n"
<> "\n"
<> "" <> show e'
InvalidDestinationHost host ->
<> "\ESC[1;31mError\ESC[0m: Invalid host name\n"
<> "\n"
<> "" <> show host
ResponseTimeout ->
"\ESC[1;31mError\ESC[0m: The host took too long to respond\n"
e' -> "\n"
<> show e'
-- | Exception thrown when an imported file is missing
data MissingFile = MissingFile
deriving (Typeable)
instance Exception MissingFile
instance Show MissingFile where
show MissingFile =
<> "\ESC[1;31mError\ESC[0m: Missing file\n"
-- | Exception thrown when an environment variable is missing
newtype MissingEnvironmentVariable = MissingEnvironmentVariable { name :: Text }
deriving (Typeable)
instance Exception MissingEnvironmentVariable
instance Show MissingEnvironmentVariable where
show (MissingEnvironmentVariable {..}) =
<> "\ESC[1;31mError\ESC[0m: Missing environment variable\n"
<> "\n"
<> "" <> Text.unpack name
data Status = Status
{ _stack :: [Path]
, _cache :: Map Path (Expr Src X)
, _manager :: Maybe Manager
canonicalizeAll :: [Path] -> [Path]
canonicalizeAll = map canonicalizePath . List.tails
stack :: Lens' Status [Path]
stack k s = fmap (\x -> s { _stack = x }) (k (_stack s))
cache :: Lens' Status (Map Path (Expr Src X))
cache k s = fmap (\x -> s { _cache = x }) (k (_cache s))
manager :: Lens' Status (Maybe Manager)
manager k s = fmap (\x -> s { _manager = x }) (k (_manager s))
needManager :: StateT Status IO Manager
needManager = do
x <- zoom manager State.get
case x of
Just m -> return m
Nothing -> do
let settings = HTTP.tlsManagerSettings
#if MIN_VERSION_http_client(0,5,0)
{ HTTP.managerResponseTimeout = HTTP.responseTimeoutMicro (30 * 1000 * 1000) } -- 30 seconds
{ HTTP.managerResponseTimeout = Just (30 * 1000 * 1000) } -- 30 seconds
m <- liftIO (HTTP.newManager settings)
zoom manager (State.put (Just m))
return m
{-| This function computes the current path by taking the last absolute path
(either an absolute `FilePath` or `URL`) and combining it with all following
relative paths
For example, if the file `./foo/bar` imports `./baz`, that will resolve to
`./foo/baz`. Relative imports are relative to a file's parent directory.
This also works for URLs, too.
This code is full of all sorts of edge cases so it wouldn't surprise me at
all if you find something broken in here. Most of the ugliness is due to:
* Handling paths ending with @/\@@ by stripping the @/\@@ suffix if and only
if you navigate to any downstream relative paths
* Removing spurious @.@s and @..@s from the path
Also, there are way too many `reverse`s in the URL-handling code For now I
don't mind, but if were to really do this correctly we'd store the URLs as
`Text` for O(1) access to the end of the string. The only reason we use
`String` at all is for consistency with the @http-client@ library.
canonicalize :: [PathType] -> PathType
canonicalize [] = File Homeless "."
canonicalize (File hasHome0 file0:paths0) =
if Filesystem.relative file0 && hasHome0 == Homeless
then go file0 paths0
else File hasHome0 (clean file0)
go currPath [] = File Homeless (clean currPath)
go currPath (Env _ :_ ) = File Homeless (clean currPath)
go currPath (URL url0 headers:rest ) = combine prefix suffix
headers' = fmap (onPathType (\h -> canonicalize (h:rest))) headers
prefix = parentURL (removeAtFromURL url0)
suffix = clean currPath
-- `clean` will resolve internal @.@/@..@'s in @currPath@, but we still
-- need to manually handle @.@/@..@'s at the beginning of the path
combine url path = case Filesystem.stripPrefix ".." path of
Just path' -> combine url' path'
url' = parentURL (removeAtFromURL url)
Nothing -> case Filesystem.stripPrefix "." path of
Just path' -> combine url path'
Nothing ->
-- This `last` is safe because the lexer constrains all
-- URLs to be non-empty. I couldn't find a simple and safe
-- equivalent in the `text` API
case Text.last url of
'/' -> URL (url <> path') headers'
_ -> URL (url <> "/" <> path') headers'
path' = Text.fromStrict (case Filesystem.toText path of
Left txt -> txt
Right txt -> txt )
go currPath (File hasHome file:paths) =
if Filesystem.relative file && hasHome == Homeless
then go file' paths
else File hasHome (clean file')
file' = Filesystem.parent (removeAtFromFile file) </> currPath
canonicalize (URL path headers:rest) = URL path headers'
headers' = fmap (onPathType (\h -> canonicalize (h:rest))) headers
canonicalize (Env env :_ ) = Env env
onPathType :: (PathType -> PathType) -> PathHashed -> PathHashed
onPathType f (PathHashed a b) = PathHashed a (f b)
canonicalizePath :: [Path] -> Path
canonicalizePath [] =
{ pathMode = Code
, pathHashed = PathHashed
{ hash = Nothing
, pathType = canonicalize []
canonicalizePath (path:paths) =
{ pathMode = pathMode path
, pathHashed = (pathHashed path)
{ hash = hash (pathHashed path)
, pathType =
canonicalize (map (pathType . pathHashed) (path:paths))
parentURL :: Text -> Text
parentURL = Text.dropWhileEnd (/= '/')
removeAtFromURL:: Text -> Text
removeAtFromURL url
| Text.isSuffixOf "/@" url = Text.dropEnd 2 url
| Text.isSuffixOf "/" url = Text.dropEnd 1 url
| otherwise = url
removeAtFromFile :: FilePath -> FilePath
removeAtFromFile file =
if Filesystem.filename file == "@"
then Filesystem.parent file
else file
-- | Remove all @.@'s and @..@'s in the path
clean :: FilePath -> FilePath
clean = strip . Filesystem.collapse
strip p = case Filesystem.stripPrefix "." p of
Nothing -> p
Just p' -> p'
:: Expr s a
-> Maybe [(CI Data.ByteString.ByteString, Data.ByteString.ByteString)]
toHeaders (ListLit _ hs) = do
hs' <- mapM toHeader hs
return (Data.Vector.toList hs')
toHeaders _ = do
:: Expr s a
-> Maybe (CI Data.ByteString.ByteString, Data.ByteString.ByteString)
toHeader (RecordLit m) = do
TextLit keyBuilder <- Map.lookup "header" m
TextLit valueBuilder <- Map.lookup "value" m
let keyText = Text.toStrict (Builder.toLazyText keyBuilder )
let valueText = Text.toStrict (Builder.toLazyText valueBuilder)
let keyBytes = Data.Text.Encoding.encodeUtf8 keyText
let valueBytes = Data.Text.Encoding.encodeUtf8 valueText
return (Data.CaseInsensitive.mk keyBytes, valueBytes)
toHeader _ = do
{-| This exception indicates that there was an internal error in Dhall's
import-related logic
the `expected` type then the `extract` function must succeed. If not, then
this exception is thrown
This exception indicates that an invalid `Type` was provided to the `input`
data InternalError = InternalError deriving (Typeable)
_ERROR :: String
_ERROR = "\ESC[1;31mError\ESC[0m"
instance Show InternalError where
show InternalError = unlines
[ _ERROR <> ": Compiler bug "
, " "
, "Explanation: This error message means that there is a bug in the Dhall compiler."
, "You didn't do anything wrong, but if you would like to see this problem fixed "
, "then you should report the bug at: "
, " "
, "https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/issues "
, " "
, "Please include the following text in your bug report: "
, " "
, "``` "
, "Header extraction failed even though the header type-checked "
, "``` "
instance Exception InternalError
-- | Exception thrown when an integrity check fails
data HashMismatch = HashMismatch
{ expectedHash :: Data.ByteString.ByteString
, actualHash :: Data.ByteString.ByteString
} deriving (Typeable)
instance Exception HashMismatch
instance Show HashMismatch where
show (HashMismatch {..}) =
<> "\ESC[1;31mError\ESC[0m: Import integrity check failed\n"
<> "\n"
<> "Expected hash:\n"
<> "\n"
<> "" <> toString expectedHash <> "\n"
<> "\n"
<> "Actual hash:\n"
<> "\n"
<> "" <> toString actualHash <> "\n"
toString =
Data.ByteString.Char8.unpack . Data.ByteString.Base16.encode
:: Text.Trifecta.Parser a
-> FilePath
-> IO (Text.Trifecta.Result a)
parseFromFileEx parser path = do
text <- Data.Text.Lazy.IO.readFile stringPath
let lazyBytes = Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding.encodeUtf8 text
let strictBytes = Data.ByteString.Lazy.toStrict lazyBytes
let delta = Directed bytesPath 0 0 0 0
return (Text.Trifecta.parseByteString parser delta strictBytes)
stringPath = Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS.encodeString path
textPath = case Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS.toText path of
Left text -> text
Right text -> text
bytesPath = Data.Text.Encoding.encodeUtf8 textPath
-- | Parse an expression from a `Path` containing a Dhall program
exprFromPath :: Manager -> Path -> IO (Expr Src Path)
exprFromPath m (Path {..}) = case pathType of
File hasHome file -> do
path <- case hasHome of
Home -> do
home <- liftIO Filesystem.getHomeDirectory
return (home </> file)
Homeless -> do
return file
case pathMode of
Code -> do
exists <- Filesystem.isFile path
if exists
then return ()
else Control.Exception.throwIO MissingFile
-- Unfortunately, GHC throws an `InappropriateType` exception
-- when trying to read a directory, but does not export the
-- exception, so I must resort to a more heavy-handed `catch`
let handler :: IOException -> IO (Result (Expr Src Path))
handler e = do
-- If the fallback fails, reuse the original exception
-- to avoid user confusion
parseFromFileEx parser (path </> "@")
`onException` throwIO e
x <- parseFromFileEx parser path `catch` handler
case x of
Failure errInfo -> do
throwIO (ParseError (Text.Trifecta._errDoc errInfo))
Success expr -> do
return expr
RawText -> do
text <- Filesystem.readTextFile path
return (TextLit (build text))
URL url headerPath -> do
request <- HTTP.parseUrlThrow (Text.unpack url)
let handler :: HTTP.HttpException -> IO (HTTP.Response ByteString)
#if MIN_VERSION_http_client(0,5,0)
handler err@(HttpExceptionRequest _ (StatusCodeException _ _)) = do
handler err@(StatusCodeException _ _ _) = do
let request' = request { HTTP.path = HTTP.path request <> "/@" }
-- If the fallback fails, reuse the original exception to avoid
-- user confusion
HTTP.httpLbs request' m `onException` throwIO (PrettyHttpException err)
handler err = throwIO (PrettyHttpException err)
requestWithHeaders <- case headerPath of
Nothing -> return request
Just path -> do
expr <- load (Embed (Path path Code))
let expected :: Expr Src X
expected =
App List
( Record
( Map.fromList
[("header", Text), ("value", Text)]
let suffix =
( Data.ByteString.Lazy.toStrict
. Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding.encodeUtf8
. Builder.toLazyText
. build
) expected
let annot = case expr of
Note (Src begin end bytes) _ ->
Note (Src begin end bytes') (Annot expr expected)
bytes' = bytes <> " : " <> suffix
_ ->
Annot expr expected
case Dhall.TypeCheck.typeOf annot of
Left err -> Control.Exception.throwIO err
Right _ -> return ()
let expr' = Dhall.Core.normalize expr
headers <- case toHeaders expr' of
Just headers -> return headers
Nothing -> Control.Exception.throwIO InternalError
let requestWithHeaders = request
{ HTTP.requestHeaders = headers
return requestWithHeaders
response <- HTTP.httpLbs requestWithHeaders m `catch` handler
let bytes = HTTP.responseBody response
text <- case Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding.decodeUtf8' bytes of
Left err -> throwIO err
Right text -> return text
case pathMode of
Code -> do
let urlBytes = Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding.encodeUtf8 url
let delta =
Directed (Data.ByteString.Lazy.toStrict urlBytes) 0 0 0 0
case Text.Trifecta.parseString parser delta (Text.unpack text) of
Failure err -> do
-- Also try the fallback in case of a parse error, since
-- the parse error might signify that this URL points to
-- a directory list
let err' = ParseError (Text.Trifecta._errDoc err)
request' <- HTTP.parseUrlThrow (Text.unpack url)
let request'' =
{ HTTP.path = HTTP.path request' <> "/@" }
response' <- HTTP.httpLbs request'' m
`onException` throwIO err'
let bytes' = HTTP.responseBody response'
text' <- case Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding.decodeUtf8' bytes' of
Left _ -> throwIO err'
Right text' -> return text'
case Text.Trifecta.parseString parser delta (Text.unpack text') of
Failure _ -> throwIO err'
Success expr -> return expr
Success expr -> return expr
RawText -> do
return (TextLit (build text))
Env env -> do
x <- System.Environment.lookupEnv (Text.unpack env)
case x of
Just str -> do
case pathMode of
Code -> do
let envBytes = Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding.encodeUtf8 env
let delta =
Directed (Data.ByteString.Lazy.toStrict envBytes) 0 0 0 0
case Text.Trifecta.parseString parser delta str of
Failure errInfo -> do
throwIO (ParseError (Text.Trifecta._errDoc errInfo))
Success expr -> do
return expr
RawText -> return (TextLit (build str))
Nothing -> throwIO (MissingEnvironmentVariable env)
PathHashed {..} = pathHashed
parser = unParser (do
r <- Dhall.Parser.expr
return r )
{-| Load a `Path` as a \"dynamic\" expression (without resolving any imports)
This also returns the true final path (i.e. explicit "/@" at the end for
loadDynamic :: forall m . MonadCatch m => (Path -> m (Expr Src Path))
-> Path -> StateT Status m (Expr Src Path)
loadDynamic from_path p = do
paths <- zoom stack State.get
let handler :: SomeException -> m (Expr Src Path)
handler e = throwM (Imported (p:paths) e)
lift (from_path (canonicalizePath (p:paths)) `catch` handler)
loadStaticIO :: Dhall.Context.Context (Expr Src X) -> Path -> StateT Status IO (Expr Src X)
loadStaticIO ctx path = do
m <- needManager
loadStaticWith (exprFromPath m) ctx path
-- | Resolve all imports within an expression using a custom typing context and Path
-- resolving callback in arbitrary `MonadCatch` monad.
loadWith :: MonadCatch m => (Path -> m (Expr Src Path))
-> Dhall.Context.Context (Expr Src X) -> Expr Src Path -> m (Expr Src X)
loadWith from_path ctx = evalStatus (loadStaticWith from_path ctx)
loadStaticWith :: MonadCatch m => (Path -> m (Expr Src Path))
-> Dhall.Context.Context (Expr Src X) -> Path -> StateT Status m (Expr Src X)
loadStaticWith from_path ctx path = do
paths <- zoom stack State.get
let local (Path (PathHashed _ (URL url _)) _) =
case HTTP.parseUrlThrow (Text.unpack url) of
Nothing -> False
Just request -> case HTTP.host request of
"" -> True
"localhost" -> True
_ -> False
local (Path (PathHashed _ (File _ _ )) _) = True
local (Path (PathHashed _ (Env _ )) _) = True
let parent = canonicalizePath paths
let here = canonicalizePath (path:paths)
if local here && not (local parent)
then throwM (Imported paths (ReferentiallyOpaque path))
else return ()
(expr, cached) <- if here `elem` canonicalizeAll paths
then throwM (Imported paths (Cycle path))
else do
m <- zoom cache State.get
case Map.lookup here m of
Just expr -> return (expr, True)
Nothing -> do
expr' <- loadDynamic from_path path
expr'' <- case traverse (\_ -> Nothing) expr' of
-- No imports left
Just expr -> do
zoom cache (State.put $! Map.insert here expr m)
return expr
-- Some imports left, so recurse
Nothing -> do
let paths' = path:paths
zoom stack (State.put paths')
expr'' <- fmap join (traverse (loadStaticWith from_path ctx)
zoom stack (State.put paths)
return expr''
return (expr'', False)
-- Type-check expressions here for three separate reasons:
-- * to verify that they are closed
-- * to catch type errors as early in the import process as possible
-- * to avoid normalizing ill-typed expressions that need to be hashed
-- There is no need to check expressions that have been cached, since they
-- have already been checked
if cached
then return ()
else case Dhall.TypeCheck.typeWith ctx expr of
Left err -> throwM (Imported (path:paths) err)
Right _ -> return ()
case hash (pathHashed path) of
Nothing -> do
return ()
Just expectedHash -> do
let actualHash = hashExpression expr
if expectedHash == actualHash
then return ()
else throwM (HashMismatch {..})
return expr
evalStatus :: (Traversable f, Monad m, Monad f) =>
(a -> StateT Status m (f b)) -> f a -> m (f b)
evalStatus cb expr = State.evalStateT (fmap join (traverse cb expr)) status
status = Status [] Map.empty Nothing
-- | Resolve all imports within an expression
load :: Expr Src Path -> IO (Expr Src X)
load = evalStatus (loadStaticIO Dhall.Context.empty)
-- | Hash a fully resolved expression
hashExpression :: Expr s X -> Data.ByteString.ByteString
hashExpression expr = Crypto.Hash.SHA256.hashlazy actualBytes
text = Dhall.Core.pretty (Dhall.Core.normalize expr)
actualBytes = Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding.encodeUtf8 text
{-| Convenience utility to hash a fully resolved expression and return the
base-16 encoded hash with the @sha256:@ prefix
In other words, the output of this function can be pasted into Dhall
source code to add an integrity check to an import
hashExpressionToCode :: Expr s X -> Text
hashExpressionToCode expr = "sha256:" <> lazyText
bytes = hashExpression expr
bytes16 = Data.ByteString.Base16.encode bytes
-- Notes that `decodeUtf8` is partial, but the base16-encoded bytestring
-- should always successfully decode
text = Data.Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8 bytes16
lazyText = Text.fromStrict text