
44 lines
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module Main where
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import qualified GHC.IO.Encoding
import qualified System.Directory
import qualified System.IO
import qualified Test.Mockery.Directory
import qualified Test.DocTest
main :: IO ()
main = do
GHC.IO.Encoding.setLocaleEncoding System.IO.utf8
pwd <- System.Directory.getCurrentDirectory
prefix <- System.Directory.makeAbsolute pwd
Test.Mockery.Directory.inTempDirectory $ do
writeFile "makeBools.dhall" "λ(n : Bool) → [ n && True, n && False, n || True, n || False ]"
writeFile "bool1" "True"
writeFile "bool2" "False"
writeFile "both" "./bool1 && ./bool2"
writeFile "file2" "./file1"
writeFile "file1" "./file2"
, "--fast"
, prefix </> "ghc-src"
-- Unfortunately we cannot target the entire @src@ directory.
-- The reason is that src/Dhall/Version.hs depends on
-- the generated Paths_dhall module which is "out-of-scope"
-- when running the testsuite with cabal v1-test.
-- Instead, we target a selection of modules whose combined module
-- dependency tree covers all modules that contain doctests.
-- , prefix </> "src"
, "-i" <> (prefix </> "src")
, prefix </> "src/Dhall/Tags.hs"
, prefix </> "src/Dhall/Tutorial.hs"