Gabriel Gonzalez b843cae5d2
Improve encoding/decoding speed (#1500)
... by not going through a `Term` intermediate

This gives a ~28% performance in decoding improvement, which means that
cache looks are not faster.

Here are the new decoding benchmarks before and after this change:


benchmarked Issue #108/Binary
time                 266.5 μs   (265.7 μs .. 267.4 μs)
                     1.000 R²   (1.000 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 266.3 μs   (265.6 μs .. 267.1 μs)
std dev              2.418 μs   (1.891 μs .. 3.436 μs)

benchmarking Kubernetes/Binary ... took 36.94 s, total 56 iterations
benchmarked Kubernetes/Binary
time                 641.3 ms   (623.0 ms .. 655.4 ms)
                     0.999 R²   (0.997 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 679.7 ms   (665.5 ms .. 702.6 ms)
std dev              29.48 ms   (14.15 ms .. 39.05 ms)


benchmarked Issue #108/Binary
time                 282.2 μs   (279.6 μs .. 284.7 μs)
                     1.000 R²   (0.999 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 281.9 μs   (280.7 μs .. 287.7 μs)
std dev              7.089 μs   (2.550 μs .. 15.44 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 11% (moderately inflated)

benchmarking Kubernetes/Binary ... took 27.57 s, total 56 iterations
benchmarked Kubernetes/Binary
time                 499.1 ms   (488.1 ms .. 506.6 ms)
                     0.999 R²   (0.998 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 498.9 ms   (494.4 ms .. 503.9 ms)
std dev              8.539 ms   (6.236 ms .. 12.56 ms)

There's a slight performance regression for the decoding microbenchmark, but
in practice my testing on real examples matches performance improvements seen
in the larger benchmark based on an example cache product from

Note that is a breaking change because:

* There is no longer a `FromTerm` nor `ToTerm` class.  Now we use the
  `Serialise` class and `{encode,decode}Expression` now work on `ByteString`s
  instead of `Term`s

* I further narrowed the types of several encoding/decoding utilites to expect a
  `Void` for the first type parameter of `Expr`

* This is a regression with respect to stripping 55799 CBOR tags, mainly
  because properly handling the tags at every possible point in the syntax tree
  would considerably complicate the code
2019-10-31 20:05:22 -07:00

193 lines
6.8 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module Dhall.Import.Types where
import Control.Exception (Exception)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (StateT)
import Data.Dynamic
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc (Pretty(..))
import Data.Void (Void)
import Dhall.Context (Context)
import Dhall.Core
( Directory (..)
, Expr
, File (..)
, FilePrefix (..)
, Import (..)
, ImportHashed (..)
, ImportMode (..)
, ImportType (..)
, ReifiedNormalizer(..)
import Dhall.Parser (Src)
import Lens.Family (LensLike')
import System.FilePath (isRelative, splitDirectories)
import qualified Dhall.Context
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text
-- | A fully 'chained' import, i.e. if it contains a relative path that path is
-- relative to the current directory. If it is a remote import with headers
-- those are well-typed (either of type `List { header : Text, value Text}` or
-- `List { mapKey : Text, mapValue Text})` and in normal form. These
-- invariants are preserved by the API exposed by @Dhall.Import@.
newtype Chained = Chained
{ chainedImport :: Import
-- ^ The underlying import
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Pretty Chained where
pretty (Chained import_) = pretty import_
-- | An import that has been fully interpeted
data ImportSemantics = ImportSemantics
{ importSemantics :: Expr Void Void
-- ^ The fully resolved import, typechecked and beta-normal.
-- | `parent` imports (i.e. depends on) `child`
data Depends = Depends { parent :: Chained, child :: Chained }
{-| This enables or disables the semantic cache for imports protected by
integrity checks
data SemanticCacheMode = IgnoreSemanticCache | UseSemanticCache deriving (Eq)
-- | State threaded throughout the import process
data Status = Status
{ _stack :: NonEmpty Chained
-- ^ Stack of `Import`s that we've imported along the way to get to the
-- current point
, _graph :: [Depends]
-- ^ Graph of all the imports visited so far, represented by a list of
-- import dependencies.
, _cache :: Map Chained ImportSemantics
-- ^ Cache of imported expressions with their node id in order to avoid
-- importing the same expression twice with different values
, _remote :: URL -> StateT Status IO Data.Text.Text
-- ^ The remote resolver, fetches the content at the given URL.
, _normalizer :: Maybe (ReifiedNormalizer Void)
, _startingContext :: Context (Expr Src Void)
, _semanticCacheMode :: SemanticCacheMode
-- | Initial `Status`, parameterised over the remote resolver, importing
-- relative to the given directory.
emptyStatusWith :: (URL -> StateT Status IO Data.Text.Text) -> FilePath -> Status
emptyStatusWith _remote rootDirectory = Status {..}
_stack = pure (Chained rootImport)
_graph = []
_cache = Map.empty
_normalizer = Nothing
_startingContext = Dhall.Context.empty
_semanticCacheMode = UseSemanticCache
prefix = if isRelative rootDirectory
then Here
else Absolute
pathComponents =
fmap Data.Text.pack (reverse (splitDirectories rootDirectory))
dirAsFile = File (Directory pathComponents) "."
-- Fake import to set the directory we're relative to.
rootImport = Import
{ importHashed = ImportHashed
{ hash = Nothing
, importType = Local prefix dirAsFile
, importMode = Code
-- | Lens from a `Status` to its `_stack` field
stack :: Functor f => LensLike' f Status (NonEmpty Chained)
stack k s = fmap (\x -> s { _stack = x }) (k (_stack s))
-- | Lens from a `Status` to its `_graph` field
graph :: Functor f => LensLike' f Status [Depends]
graph k s = fmap (\x -> s { _graph = x }) (k (_graph s))
-- | Lens from a `Status` to its `_cache` field
cache :: Functor f => LensLike' f Status (Map Chained ImportSemantics)
cache k s = fmap (\x -> s { _cache = x }) (k (_cache s))
-- | Lens from a `Status` to its `_remote` field
:: Functor f => LensLike' f Status (URL -> StateT Status IO Data.Text.Text)
remote k s = fmap (\x -> s { _remote = x }) (k (_remote s))
-- | Lens from a `Status` to its `_normalizer` field
normalizer :: Functor f => LensLike' f Status (Maybe (ReifiedNormalizer Void))
normalizer k s = fmap (\x -> s {_normalizer = x}) (k (_normalizer s))
-- | Lens from a `Status` to its `_startingContext` field
startingContext :: Functor f => LensLike' f Status (Context (Expr Src Void))
startingContext k s =
fmap (\x -> s { _startingContext = x }) (k (_startingContext s))
{-| This exception indicates that there was an internal error in Dhall's
import-related logic
the `expected` type then the `extract` function must succeed. If not, then
this exception is thrown
This exception indicates that an invalid `Type` was provided to the `input`
data InternalError = InternalError deriving (Typeable)
instance Show InternalError where
show InternalError = unlines
[ _ERROR <> ": Compiler bug "
, " "
, "Explanation: This error message means that there is a bug in the Dhall compiler."
, "You didn't do anything wrong, but if you would like to see this problem fixed "
, "then you should report the bug at: "
, " "
, "https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/issues "
, " "
, "Please include the following text in your bug report: "
, " "
, "``` "
, "Header extraction failed even though the header type-checked "
, "``` "
_ERROR :: String
_ERROR = "\ESC[1;31mError\ESC[0m"
instance Exception InternalError
-- | Wrapper around `HttpException`s with a prettier `Show` instance.
-- In order to keep the library API constant even when the @with-http@ Cabal
-- flag is disabled the pretty error message is pre-rendered and the real
-- 'HttpExcepion' is stored in a 'Dynamic'
data PrettyHttpException = PrettyHttpException String Dynamic
deriving (Typeable)
instance Exception PrettyHttpException
instance Show PrettyHttpException where
show (PrettyHttpException msg _) = msg