Gabriel Gonzalez b3b6bb4e1d Partially fix whitespace parsing performance regression (#1512)
* Partially fix whitespace parsing performance regression

This undoes some of the performance regression introduced
in https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/pull/1483

Before #1483:

benchmarked Line comment
time                 11.86 ms   (11.69 ms .. 11.98 ms)
                     0.999 R²   (0.999 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 11.84 ms   (11.79 ms .. 11.89 ms)
std dev              129.4 μs   (107.2 μs .. 164.1 μs)

benchmarked Block comment
time                 13.20 ms   (13.00 ms .. 13.41 ms)
                     0.999 R²   (0.998 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 13.59 ms   (13.41 ms .. 13.94 ms)
std dev              600.0 μs   (142.2 μs .. 953.7 μs)

After #1483:

benchmarked Line comment
time                 288.7 ms   (282.8 ms .. 294.7 ms)
                     1.000 R²   (0.999 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 292.3 ms   (290.8 ms .. 294.6 ms)
std dev              3.156 ms   (2.216 ms .. 4.546 ms)

benchmarked Block comment
time                 286.2 ms   (280.9 ms .. 292.6 ms)
                     0.999 R²   (0.998 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 290.6 ms   (288.3 ms .. 292.9 ms)
std dev              3.875 ms   (2.866 ms .. 5.500 ms)

After this change:

benchmarked Line comment
time                 61.44 ms   (60.37 ms .. 63.03 ms)
                     0.999 R²   (0.997 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 61.41 ms   (60.74 ms .. 62.25 ms)
std dev              1.341 ms   (945.0 μs .. 1.901 ms)

benchmarked Block comment
time                 61.83 ms   (60.97 ms .. 63.14 ms)
                     0.999 R²   (0.998 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean                 61.16 ms   (60.33 ms .. 61.85 ms)
std dev              1.396 ms   (1.011 ms .. 1.907 ms)

* Correctly parse `https://example.com usingBla`

... as caught by @sjakobi
2019-11-04 02:12:02 +00:00

239 lines
8.4 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Dhall.Test.Parser where
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Void (Void)
import Dhall.Core (Binding(..), Expr(..), Import, Var(..))
import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
import Test.Tasty (TestTree)
import Turtle (FilePath, (</>))
import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
import qualified Data.Bifunctor as Bifunctor
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as ByteString.Lazy
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text.IO
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text.Encoding
import qualified Dhall.Binary as Binary
import qualified Dhall.Core as Core
import qualified Dhall.Parser as Parser
import qualified Dhall.Test.Util as Test.Util
import qualified Test.Tasty as Tasty
import qualified Test.Tasty.HUnit as Tasty.HUnit
import qualified Text.Printf as Printf
import qualified Turtle
parseDirectory :: FilePath
parseDirectory = "./dhall-lang/tests/parser"
binaryDecodeDirectory :: FilePath
binaryDecodeDirectory = "./dhall-lang/tests/binary-decode"
getTests :: IO TestTree
getTests = do
let successFiles = Turtle.lstree (parseDirectory </> "success")
successTests <- do
Test.Util.discover (Turtle.chars <* "A.dhall") shouldParse successFiles
let failureFiles = Turtle.lstree (parseDirectory </> "failure")
failureTests <- do
Test.Util.discover (Turtle.chars <> ".dhall") shouldNotParse failureFiles
let binaryDecodeSuccessFiles =
Turtle.lstree (binaryDecodeDirectory </> "success")
binaryDecodeSuccessTests <- do
Test.Util.discover (Turtle.chars <* "A.dhallb") shouldDecode binaryDecodeSuccessFiles
let binaryDecodeFailureFiles = Turtle.lstree (binaryDecodeDirectory </> "failure")
binaryDecodeFailureTests <- do
Test.Util.discover (Turtle.chars <* ".dhallb") shouldNotDecode binaryDecodeFailureFiles
let testTree =
Tasty.testGroup "parser tests"
[ successTests
, failureTests
, internalTests
, binaryDecodeSuccessTests
, binaryDecodeFailureTests
return testTree
internalTests :: TestTree
internalTests =
Tasty.testGroup "internal"
[ notesInLetInLet ]
notesInLetInLet :: TestTree
notesInLetInLet = do
Tasty.HUnit.testCase "Notes in let-in-let" $ do
let code = "let x = 0 let y = 1 in let z = 2 in x"
expression <- Core.throws (Parser.exprFromText mempty code)
let simplifyNotes = Bifunctor.first Parser.srcText
let expected =
(Note code
(Just " ")
(Just " ")
(Just " ")
(Note "0 " (Note "0" (NaturalLit 0)))
-- This 'Let' isn't wrapped in a 'Note'!
(Just " ")
(Just " ")
(Just " ")
(Note "1 " (Note "1" (NaturalLit 1)))
(Note "let z = 2 in x"
(Just " ")
(Just " ")
(Just " ")
(Note "2 " (Note "2" (NaturalLit 2)))
(Note "x" (Var (V "x" 0)))
let msg = "Unexpected parse result"
Tasty.HUnit.assertEqual msg expected (simplifyNotes expression)
shouldParse :: Text -> TestTree
shouldParse path = do
let expectedFailures =
-- This is a bug created by a parsing performance
-- improvement
[ parseDirectory </> "success/unit/MergeParenAnnotation"
-- https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/issues/1454
, parseDirectory </> "success/missingFoo"
, parseDirectory </> "success/missingSlash"
let pathString = Text.unpack path
Test.Util.testCase path expectedFailures $ do
text <- Text.IO.readFile (pathString <> "A.dhall")
encoded <- ByteString.Lazy.readFile (pathString <> "B.dhallb")
expression <- case Parser.exprFromText mempty text of
Left exception -> Tasty.HUnit.assertFailure (show exception)
Right expression -> return expression
let bytes = Binary.encodeExpression (Core.denote expression)
let render =
concatMap (Printf.printf "%02x ")
. ByteString.Lazy.unpack
Monad.unless (encoded == bytes) $ do
let message = "The expected CBOR representation doesn't match the actual one\n"
++ "expected: " ++ render encoded ++ "\n but got: " ++ render bytes
++ "\n expr: " ++ show (Core.denote expression :: Expr Void Import)
Tasty.HUnit.assertFailure message
shouldNotParse :: Text -> TestTree
shouldNotParse path = do
let expectedFailures =
[ -- For parsing performance reasons the implementation
-- treats a missing type annotation on an empty list as
-- as a type-checking failure instead of a parse failure,
-- but this might be fixable.
parseDirectory </> "failure/unit/ListLitEmptyMissingAnnotation.dhall"
, parseDirectory </> "failure/unit/ListLitEmptyAnnotation.dhall"
-- The same performance improvements also broke the
-- precedence of parsing empty list literals
, parseDirectory </> "failure/unit/ListLitEmptyPrecedence.dhall"
let pathString = Text.unpack path
Test.Util.testCase path expectedFailures (do
bytes <- ByteString.readFile pathString
case Text.Encoding.decodeUtf8' bytes of
Left _ -> return ()
Right text -> do
case Parser.exprFromText mempty text of
Left _ -> return ()
Right _ -> Tasty.HUnit.assertFailure "Unexpected successful parse" )
shouldDecode :: Text -> TestTree
shouldDecode pathText = do
let expectedFailures =
[ {- Note that this test actually successfully decodes the value, but
mistakenly decodes the value to `_` instead of `x`. This is
because the 55799 tag causes normal decoding to fail, so it falls
back to treating the `"x"` as a version tag instead of a label.
Either way, fixing 55799 decoding would cause this test to pass
binaryDecodeDirectory </> "success/unit/SelfDescribeCBORX2"
, binaryDecodeDirectory </> "success/unit/SelfDescribeCBORX3"
let pathString = Text.unpack pathText
Test.Util.testCase pathText expectedFailures (do
bytes <- ByteString.Lazy.readFile (pathString <> "A.dhallb")
decodedExpression <- case Binary.decodeExpression bytes of
Left exception ->
Tasty.HUnit.assertFailure (show exception)
Right decodedExpression ->
return decodedExpression
text <- Text.IO.readFile (pathString <> "B.dhall")
parsedExpression <- Core.throws (Parser.exprFromText mempty text)
let strippedExpression :: Expr Void Import
strippedExpression = Core.denote parsedExpression
let message =
"The decoded expression didn't match the parsed expression"
Tasty.HUnit.assertEqual message strippedExpression decodedExpression )
shouldNotDecode :: Text -> TestTree
shouldNotDecode pathText = do
let expectedFailures = []
let pathString = Text.unpack pathText
Test.Util.testCase pathText expectedFailures (do
bytes <- ByteString.Lazy.readFile (pathString <> ".dhallb")
case Binary.decodeExpression bytes :: Either Binary.DecodingFailure (Expr Void Import) of
Left _ -> return ()
Right _ -> Tasty.HUnit.assertFailure "Unexpected successful decode" )