Georges Dubus f308ca29b0 Fix diff so that an empty list is equal to itself (#740)
* Test with QuickCheck that an expression is always the same as itself

I noticed cases where the diffing code returns that an expression is not the
same as itself (for example, an empty list). This commit adds a QuickCheck test
to illustrate it, and maybe other cases.

Sadly, I had to expose some internals from Dhall.Diff for the test, which makes
the interface less nice.

* Fix diff so that an empty list is the same as itself
2018-12-07 09:07:47 -08:00

380 lines
12 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Dhall.Test.QuickCheck where
import Codec.Serialise (DeserialiseFailure(..))
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Either (isRight)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Dhall.Map (Map)
import Dhall.Core
( Binding(..)
, Chunks(..)
, Const(..)
, Directory(..)
, Expr(..)
, File(..)
, FilePrefix(..)
, Import(..)
, ImportHashed(..)
, ImportMode(..)
, ImportType(..)
, Scheme(..)
, URL(..)
, Var(..)
import Dhall.Set (Set)
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import Test.QuickCheck
(Arbitrary(..), Gen, Property, genericShrink, (===), (==>))
import Test.QuickCheck.Instances ()
import Test.Tasty (TestTree)
import qualified Codec.Serialise
import qualified Data.Coerce
import qualified Dhall.Map
import qualified Data.Sequence
import qualified Dhall.Binary
import qualified Dhall.Core
import qualified Dhall.Diff
import qualified Dhall.Set
import qualified Dhall.TypeCheck
import qualified Test.QuickCheck
import qualified Test.Tasty.QuickCheck
newtype DeserialiseFailureWithEq = D DeserialiseFailure
deriving (Show)
instance Eq DeserialiseFailureWithEq where
D (DeserialiseFailure aL bL) == D (DeserialiseFailure aR bR) =
aL == aR && bL == bR
instance (Arbitrary a, Ord a) => Arbitrary (Set a) where
arbitrary = Dhall.Set.fromList <$> arbitrary
lift0 :: a -> Gen a
lift0 = pure
lift1 :: Arbitrary a => (a -> b) -> Gen b
lift1 f = f <$> arbitrary
lift2 :: (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => (a -> b -> c) -> Gen c
lift2 f = f <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
lift3 :: (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b, Arbitrary c) => (a -> b -> c -> d) -> Gen d
lift3 f = f <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
:: (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary b, Arbitrary c, Arbitrary d)
=> (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> Gen e
lift4 f = f <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
:: ( Arbitrary a
, Arbitrary b
, Arbitrary c
, Arbitrary d
, Arbitrary e
=> (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f) -> Gen f
lift5 f =
f <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
:: ( Arbitrary a
, Arbitrary b
, Arbitrary c
, Arbitrary d
, Arbitrary e
, Arbitrary f
=> (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g) -> Gen g
lift6 f =
f <$> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
<*> arbitrary
natural :: (Arbitrary a, Num a) => Gen a
natural =
[ (7, arbitrary)
, (1, fmap (\x -> x + (2 ^ (64 :: Int))) arbitrary)
integer :: (Arbitrary a, Num a) => Gen a
integer =
[ (7, arbitrary)
, (1, fmap (\x -> x + (2 ^ (64 :: Int))) arbitrary)
, (1, fmap (\x -> x - (2 ^ (64 :: Int))) arbitrary)
instance (Ord k, Arbitrary k, Arbitrary v) => Arbitrary (Map k v) where
arbitrary = do
n <- Test.QuickCheck.choose (0, 2)
kvs <- Test.QuickCheck.vectorOf n ((,) <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
return (Dhall.Map.fromList kvs)
shrink =
map Dhall.Map.fromList
. shrink
. Dhall.Map.toList
instance (Arbitrary s, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Binding s a) where
arbitrary = lift3 Binding
shrink = genericShrink
instance (Arbitrary s, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Chunks s a) where
arbitrary = do
n <- Test.QuickCheck.choose (0, 2)
Chunks <$> Test.QuickCheck.vectorOf n arbitrary <*> arbitrary
shrink = genericShrink
instance Arbitrary Const where
arbitrary = Test.QuickCheck.oneof [ pure Type, pure Kind, pure Sort ]
shrink = genericShrink
instance Arbitrary Directory where
arbitrary = lift1 Directory
shrink = genericShrink
averageDepth :: Natural
averageDepth = 3
averageNumberOfSubExpressions :: Double
averageNumberOfSubExpressions = 1 - 1 / fromIntegral averageDepth
probabilityOfNullaryConstructor :: Double
probabilityOfNullaryConstructor = 1 / fromIntegral averageDepth
numberOfConstructors :: Natural
numberOfConstructors = 50
instance (Arbitrary s, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (Expr s a) where
arbitrary =
[ ( 7, lift1 Const)
, ( 7, lift1 Var)
, ( 1, Test.QuickCheck.oneof [ lift2 (Lam "_"), lift3 Lam ])
, ( 1, Test.QuickCheck.oneof [ lift2 (Pi "_"), lift3 Pi ])
, ( 1, lift2 App)
, let letExpression = do
n <- Test.QuickCheck.choose (0, 2)
binding <- arbitrary
bindings <- Test.QuickCheck.vectorOf n arbitrary
body <- arbitrary
return (Let (binding :| bindings) body)
in ( 1, Test.QuickCheck.oneof [ letExpression ])
, ( 1, lift2 Annot)
, ( 7, lift0 Bool)
, ( 7, lift1 BoolLit)
, ( 1, lift2 BoolAnd)
, ( 1, lift2 BoolOr)
, ( 1, lift2 BoolEQ)
, ( 1, lift2 BoolNE)
, ( 1, lift3 BoolIf)
, ( 7, lift0 Natural)
, ( 7, fmap NaturalLit natural)
, ( 7, lift0 NaturalFold)
, ( 7, lift0 NaturalBuild)
, ( 7, lift0 NaturalIsZero)
, ( 7, lift0 NaturalEven)
, ( 7, lift0 NaturalOdd)
, ( 7, lift0 NaturalToInteger)
, ( 7, lift0 NaturalShow)
, ( 1, lift2 NaturalPlus)
, ( 1, lift2 NaturalTimes)
, ( 7, lift0 Integer)
, ( 7, fmap IntegerLit integer)
, ( 7, lift0 IntegerShow)
, ( 7, lift0 Double)
, ( 7, lift1 DoubleLit)
, ( 7, lift0 DoubleShow)
, ( 7, lift0 Text)
, ( 1, lift1 TextLit)
, ( 1, lift2 TextAppend)
, ( 7, lift0 List)
, let listLit = do
n <- Test.QuickCheck.choose (0, 3)
xs <- Test.QuickCheck.vectorOf n arbitrary
let ys = Data.Sequence.fromList xs
ListLit <$> arbitrary <*> pure ys
in ( 1, listLit)
, ( 1, lift2 ListAppend)
, ( 7, lift0 ListBuild)
, ( 7, lift0 ListFold)
, ( 7, lift0 ListLength)
, ( 7, lift0 ListHead)
, ( 7, lift0 ListLast)
, ( 7, lift0 ListIndexed)
, ( 7, lift0 ListReverse)
, ( 7, lift0 Optional)
, ( 1, lift2 OptionalLit)
, ( 7, lift0 OptionalFold)
, ( 7, lift0 OptionalBuild)
, ( 1, lift1 Record)
, ( 1, lift1 RecordLit)
, ( 1, lift1 Union)
, ( 1, lift3 UnionLit)
, ( 1, lift2 Combine)
, ( 1, lift2 CombineTypes)
, ( 1, lift2 Prefer)
, ( 1, lift3 Merge)
, ( 1, lift1 Constructors)
, ( 1, lift2 Field)
, ( 1, lift2 Project)
, ( 7, lift1 Embed)
shrink expression = filter standardizedExpression (genericShrink expression)
standardizedExpression :: Expr s a -> Bool
standardizedExpression (ListLit Nothing xs) = not (Data.Sequence.null xs)
standardizedExpression (ListLit (Just _ ) xs) = Data.Sequence.null xs
standardizedExpression (Note _ _ ) = False
standardizedExpression _ = True
instance Arbitrary File where
arbitrary = lift2 File
shrink = genericShrink
instance Arbitrary FilePrefix where
arbitrary = Test.QuickCheck.oneof [ pure Absolute, pure Here, pure Home ]
shrink = genericShrink
instance Arbitrary ImportType where
arbitrary =
[ lift2 Local
, lift5 (\a b c d e -> Remote (URL a b c d e Nothing))
, lift1 Env
, lift0 Missing
shrink importType =
filter standardizedImportType (genericShrink importType)
standardizedImportType :: ImportType -> Bool
standardizedImportType (Remote (URL _ _ _ _ _ (Just _))) = False
standardizedImportType _ = True
instance Arbitrary ImportHashed where
arbitrary =
(lift1 (ImportHashed Nothing))
shrink (ImportHashed { importType = oldImportType, .. }) = do
newImportType <- shrink oldImportType
let importHashed = ImportHashed { importType = newImportType, .. }
guard (standardizedImportHashed importHashed)
return importHashed
standardizedImportHashed :: ImportHashed -> Bool
standardizedImportHashed (ImportHashed (Just _) _) = False
standardizedImportHashed _ = True
-- The standard does not yet specify how to encode `as Text`, so don't test it
-- yet
instance Arbitrary ImportMode where
arbitrary = lift0 Code
shrink = genericShrink
instance Arbitrary Import where
arbitrary = lift2 Import
shrink = genericShrink
instance Arbitrary Scheme where
arbitrary = Test.QuickCheck.oneof [ pure HTTP, pure HTTPS ]
shrink = genericShrink
instance Arbitrary URL where
arbitrary = lift6 URL
shrink = genericShrink
instance Arbitrary Var where
arbitrary =
[ fmap (V "_") natural
, lift1 (\t -> V t 0)
, lift1 V <*> natural
shrink = genericShrink
binaryRoundtrip :: Expr () Import -> Property
binaryRoundtrip expression =
(Dhall.Binary.encodeWithVersion Dhall.Binary.defaultStandardVersion expression)
=== wrap (Right (Right expression))
:: Either DeserialiseFailure a
-> Either DeserialiseFailureWithEq a
wrap = Data.Coerce.coerce
isNormalizedIsConsistentWithNormalize :: Expr () Import -> Property
isNormalizedIsConsistentWithNormalize expression =
Dhall.Core.isNormalized expression
=== (Dhall.Core.normalize expression == expression)
isSameAsSelf :: Expr () Import -> Property
isSameAsSelf expression =
hasNoImportAndTypechecks ==> Dhall.Diff.same (Dhall.Diff.diffExpression expression expression)
where hasNoImportAndTypechecks =
case traverse (\_ -> Left ()) expression of
Right importlessExpression -> isRight (Dhall.TypeCheck.typeOf importlessExpression)
Left _ -> False
tests :: TestTree
tests =
[ ( "Binary serialization should round-trip"
, Test.QuickCheck.property binaryRoundtrip
, ( "isNormalized should be consistent with normalize"
, Test.QuickCheck.property
(Test.QuickCheck.withMaxSuccess 10000 isNormalizedIsConsistentWithNormalize)
, ( "An expression should have no difference with itself"
, Test.QuickCheck.property
(Test.QuickCheck.withMaxSuccess 10000 isSameAsSelf)