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{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O #-}
{-| Eval-apply environment machine with conversion checking and quoting to
normal forms. Fairly similar to GHCI's STG machine algorithmically, but much
simpler, with no known call optimization or environment trimming.
Potential optimizations without changing Expr:
* In conversion checking, get non-shadowing variables not by linear
Env-walking, but by keeping track of Env size, and generating names which
are known to be illegal as source-level names (to rule out shadowing).
* Use HashMap Text chunks for large let-definitions blocks. "Large" vs
"Small" is fairly cheap to determine at evaluation time.
Potential optimizations with changing Expr:
* Use actual full de Bruijn indices in Var instead of Text counting indices.
Then, we'd switch to full de Bruijn levels in Val as well, and use proper
constant time non-shadowing name generation.
module Dhall.Eval (
, normalize
, alphaNormalize
, eval
, quote
, envNames
, countNames
, conv
, toVHPi
, Closure(..)
, Names(..)
, Environment(..)
, Val(..)
, (~>)
) where
import Data.Foldable (foldr', toList)
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import Data.Sequence (Seq, ViewL(..), ViewR(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Void (Void)
import Dhall.Core
( Binding(..)
, Expr(..)
, Chunks(..)
, Const(..)
, DhallDouble(..)
, Var(..)
import Dhall.Map (Map)
import Dhall.Set (Set)
import GHC.Natural (Natural)
import Prelude hiding (succ)
import qualified Data.Sequence as Sequence
import qualified Data.Set
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Dhall.Core as Core
import qualified Dhall.Map as Map
import qualified Dhall.Set
data Environment a
= Empty
| Skip !(Environment a) {-# UNPACK #-} !Text
| Extend !(Environment a) {-# UNPACK #-} !Text (Val a)
deriving instance (Show a, Show (Val a -> Val a)) => Show (Environment a)
errorMsg :: String
errorMsg = unlines
[ _ERROR <> ": Compiler bug "
, " "
, "An ill-typed expression was encountered during normalization. "
, "Explanation: This error message means that there is a bug in the Dhall compiler."
, "You didn't do anything wrong, but if you would like to see this problem fixed "
, "then you should report the bug at: "
, " "
, "https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/issues "
_ERROR :: String
_ERROR = "\ESC[1;31mError\ESC[0m"
data Closure a = Closure !Text !(Environment a) !(Expr Void a)
deriving instance (Show a, Show (Val a -> Val a)) => Show (Closure a)
data VChunks a = VChunks ![(Text, Val a)] !Text
deriving instance (Show a, Show (Val a -> Val a)) => Show (VChunks a)
instance Semigroup (VChunks a) where
VChunks xys z <> VChunks [] z' = VChunks xys (z <> z')
VChunks xys z <> VChunks ((x', y'):xys') z' = VChunks (xys ++ (z <> x', y'):xys') z'
instance Monoid (VChunks a) where
mempty = VChunks [] mempty
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
mappend = (<>)
{-| Some information is lost when `eval` converts a `Lam` or a built-in function
from the `Expr` type to a `VHLam` of the `Val` type and `quote` needs that
information in order to reconstruct an equivalent `Expr`. This `HLamInfo`
type holds that extra information necessary to perform that reconstruction
data HLamInfo a
= Prim
-- ^ Don't store any information
| Typed !Text (Val a)
-- ^ Store the original name and type of the variable bound by the `Lam`
| NaturalFoldCl (Val a)
-- ^ The original function was a @Natural/fold@. We need to preserve this
-- information in order to implement @Natural/{build,fold}@ fusion
| ListFoldCl (Val a)
-- ^ The original function was a @List/fold@. We need to preserve this
-- information in order to implement @List/{build,fold}@ fusion
| OptionalFoldCl (Val a)
-- ^ The original function was an @Optional/fold@. We need to preserve this
-- information in order to implement @Optional/{build,fold}@ fusion
| NaturalSubtractZero
-- ^ The original function was a @Natural/subtract 0@. We need to preserve
-- this information in case the @Natural/subtract@ ends up not being fully
-- saturated, in which case we need to recover the unsaturated built-in
deriving instance (Show a, Show (Val a -> Val a)) => Show (HLamInfo a)
pattern VPrim :: (Val a -> Val a) -> Val a
pattern VPrim f = VHLam Prim f
toVHPi :: Eq a => Val a -> Maybe (Text, Val a, Val a -> Val a)
toVHPi (VPi a b@(Closure x _ _)) = Just (x, a, instantiate b)
toVHPi (VHPi x a b ) = Just (x, a, b)
toVHPi _ = Nothing
data Val a
= VConst !Const
| VVar !Text !Int
| VPrimVar
| VApp !(Val a) !(Val a)
| VLam (Val a) {-# UNPACK #-} !(Closure a)
| VHLam !(HLamInfo a) !(Val a -> Val a)
| VPi (Val a) {-# UNPACK #-} !(Closure a)
| VHPi !Text (Val a) !(Val a -> Val a)
| VBool
| VBoolLit !Bool
| VBoolAnd !(Val a) !(Val a)
| VBoolOr !(Val a) !(Val a)
| VBoolEQ !(Val a) !(Val a)
| VBoolNE !(Val a) !(Val a)
| VBoolIf !(Val a) !(Val a) !(Val a)
| VNatural
| VNaturalLit !Natural
| VNaturalFold !(Val a) !(Val a) !(Val a) !(Val a)
| VNaturalBuild !(Val a)
| VNaturalIsZero !(Val a)
| VNaturalEven !(Val a)
| VNaturalOdd !(Val a)
| VNaturalToInteger !(Val a)
| VNaturalShow !(Val a)
| VNaturalSubtract !(Val a) !(Val a)
| VNaturalPlus !(Val a) !(Val a)
| VNaturalTimes !(Val a) !(Val a)
| VInteger
| VIntegerLit !Integer
| VIntegerShow !(Val a)
| VIntegerToDouble !(Val a)
| VDouble
| VDoubleLit !DhallDouble
| VDoubleShow !(Val a)
| VText
| VTextLit !(VChunks a)
| VTextAppend !(Val a) !(Val a)
| VTextShow !(Val a)
| VList !(Val a)
| VListLit !(Maybe (Val a)) !(Seq (Val a))
| VListAppend !(Val a) !(Val a)
| VListBuild (Val a) !(Val a)
| VListFold (Val a) !(Val a) !(Val a) !(Val a) !(Val a)
| VListLength (Val a) !(Val a)
| VListHead (Val a) !(Val a)
| VListLast (Val a) !(Val a)
| VListIndexed (Val a) !(Val a)
| VListReverse (Val a) !(Val a)
| VOptional (Val a)
| VSome (Val a)
| VNone (Val a)
| VOptionalFold (Val a) !(Val a) (Val a) !(Val a) !(Val a)
| VOptionalBuild (Val a) !(Val a)
| VRecord !(Map Text (Val a))
| VRecordLit !(Map Text (Val a))
| VUnion !(Map Text (Maybe (Val a)))
| VCombine !(Val a) !(Val a)
| VCombineTypes !(Val a) !(Val a)
| VPrefer !(Val a) !(Val a)
| VMerge !(Val a) !(Val a) !(Maybe (Val a))
| VToMap !(Val a) !(Maybe (Val a))
| VField !(Val a) !Text
| VInject !(Map Text (Maybe (Val a))) !Text !(Maybe (Val a))
| VProject !(Val a) !(Either (Set Text) (Val a))
| VAssert !(Val a)
| VEquivalent !(Val a) !(Val a)
| VEmbed a
-- | For use with "Text.Show.Functions".
deriving instance (Show a, Show (Val a -> Val a)) => Show (Val a)
(~>) :: Val a -> Val a -> Val a
(~>) a b = VHPi "_" a (\_ -> b)
{-# INLINE (~>) #-}
infixr 5 ~>
countEnvironment :: Text -> Environment a -> Int
countEnvironment x = go (0 :: Int)
go !acc Empty = acc
go acc (Skip env x' ) = go (if x == x' then acc + 1 else acc) env
go acc (Extend env x' _) = go (if x == x' then acc + 1 else acc) env
instantiate :: Eq a => Closure a -> Val a -> Val a
instantiate (Closure x env t) !u = eval (Extend env x u) t
{-# INLINE instantiate #-}
-- Out-of-env variables have negative de Bruijn levels.
vVar :: Environment a -> Var -> Val a
vVar env0 (V x i0) = go env0 i0
go (Extend env x' v) i
| x == x' =
if i == 0 then v else go env (i - 1)
| otherwise =
go env i
go (Skip env x') i
| x == x' =
if i == 0 then VVar x (countEnvironment x env) else go env (i - 1)
| otherwise =
go env i
go Empty i =
VVar x (0 - i - 1)
vApp :: Eq a => Val a -> Val a -> Val a
vApp !t !u =
case t of
VLam _ t' -> instantiate t' u
VHLam _ t' -> t' u
t' -> VApp t' u
{-# INLINE vApp #-}
vPrefer :: Eq a => Environment a -> Val a -> Val a -> Val a
vPrefer env t u =
case (t, u) of
(VRecordLit m, u') | null m ->
(t', VRecordLit m) | null m ->
(VRecordLit m, VRecordLit m') ->
VRecordLit (Map.union m' m)
(t', u') | conv env t' u' ->
(t', u') ->
VPrefer t' u'
{-# INLINE vPrefer #-}
vCombine :: Val a -> Val a -> Val a
vCombine t u =
case (t, u) of
(VRecordLit m, u') | null m ->
(t', VRecordLit m) | null m ->
(VRecordLit m, VRecordLit m') ->
VRecordLit (Map.unionWith vCombine m m')
(t', u') ->
VCombine t' u'
vCombineTypes :: Val a -> Val a -> Val a
vCombineTypes t u =
case (t, u) of
(VRecord m, u') | null m ->
(t', VRecord m) | null m ->
(VRecord m, VRecord m') ->
VRecord (Map.unionWith vCombineTypes m m')
(t', u') ->
VCombineTypes t' u'
vListAppend :: Val a -> Val a -> Val a
vListAppend t u =
case (t, u) of
(VListLit _ xs, u') | null xs ->
(t', VListLit _ ys) | null ys ->
(VListLit t' xs, VListLit _ ys) ->
VListLit t' (xs <> ys)
(t', u') ->
VListAppend t' u'
{-# INLINE vListAppend #-}
vNaturalPlus :: Val a -> Val a -> Val a
vNaturalPlus t u =
case (t, u) of
(VNaturalLit 0, u') ->
(t', VNaturalLit 0) ->
(VNaturalLit m, VNaturalLit n) ->
VNaturalLit (m + n)
(t', u') ->
VNaturalPlus t' u'
{-# INLINE vNaturalPlus #-}
vField :: Val a -> Text -> Val a
vField t0 k = go t0
go = \case
VUnion m -> case Map.lookup k m of
Just (Just _) -> VPrim $ \ ~u -> VInject m k (Just u)
Just Nothing -> VInject m k Nothing
_ -> error errorMsg
VRecordLit m
| Just v <- Map.lookup k m -> v
| otherwise -> error errorMsg
VProject t _ -> go t
VPrefer (VRecordLit m) r -> case Map.lookup k m of
Just v -> VField (VPrefer (singletonVRecordLit v) r) k
Nothing -> go r
VPrefer l (VRecordLit m) -> case Map.lookup k m of
Just v -> v
Nothing -> go l
VCombine (VRecordLit m) r -> case Map.lookup k m of
Just v -> VField (VCombine (singletonVRecordLit v) r) k
Nothing -> go r
VCombine l (VRecordLit m) -> case Map.lookup k m of
Just v -> VField (VCombine l (singletonVRecordLit v)) k
Nothing -> go l
t -> VField t k
singletonVRecordLit v = VRecordLit (Map.singleton k v)
{-# INLINE vField #-}
vProjectByFields :: Eq a => Environment a -> Val a -> Set Text -> Val a
vProjectByFields env t ks =
if null ks
then VRecordLit mempty
else case t of
VRecordLit kvs ->
let kvs' = Map.restrictKeys kvs (Dhall.Set.toSet ks)
in VRecordLit kvs'
VProject t' _ ->
vProjectByFields env t' ks
VPrefer l (VRecordLit kvs) ->
let ksSet = Dhall.Set.toSet ks
kvs' = Map.restrictKeys kvs ksSet
ks' =
(Data.Set.difference ksSet (Map.keysSet kvs'))
in vPrefer env (vProjectByFields env l ks') (VRecordLit kvs')
t' ->
VProject t' (Left ks)
eval :: forall a. Eq a => Environment a -> Expr Void a -> Val a
eval !env t0 =
case t0 of
Const k ->
VConst k
Var v ->
vVar env v
Lam x a t ->
VLam (eval env a) (Closure x env t)
Pi x a b ->
VPi (eval env a) (Closure x env b)
App t u ->
vApp (eval env t) (eval env u)
Let (Binding _ x _ _mA _ a) b ->
let !env' = Extend env x (eval env a)
in eval env' b
Annot t _ ->
eval env t
Bool ->
BoolLit b ->
VBoolLit b
BoolAnd t u ->
case (eval env t, eval env u) of
(VBoolLit True, u') -> u'
(VBoolLit False, _) -> VBoolLit False
(t', VBoolLit True) -> t'
(_ , VBoolLit False) -> VBoolLit False
(t', u') | conv env t' u' -> t'
(t', u') -> VBoolAnd t' u'
BoolOr t u ->
case (eval env t, eval env u) of
(VBoolLit False, u') -> u'
(VBoolLit True, _) -> VBoolLit True
(t', VBoolLit False) -> t'
(_ , VBoolLit True) -> VBoolLit True
(t', u') | conv env t' u' -> t'
(t', u') -> VBoolOr t' u'
BoolEQ t u ->
case (eval env t, eval env u) of
(VBoolLit True, u') -> u'
(t', VBoolLit True) -> t'
(t', u') | conv env t' u' -> VBoolLit True
(t', u') -> VBoolEQ t' u'
BoolNE t u ->
case (eval env t, eval env u) of
(VBoolLit False, u') -> u'
(t', VBoolLit False) -> t'
(t', u') | conv env t' u' -> VBoolLit False
(t', u') -> VBoolNE t' u'
BoolIf b t f ->
case (eval env b, eval env t, eval env f) of
(VBoolLit True, t', _ ) -> t'
(VBoolLit False, _ , f') -> f'
(b', VBoolLit True, VBoolLit False) -> b'
(_, t', f') | conv env t' f' -> t'
(b', t', f') -> VBoolIf b' t' f'
Natural ->
NaturalLit n ->
VNaturalLit n
NaturalFold ->
VPrim $ \case
VNaturalLit n ->
VHLam (Typed "natural" (VConst Type)) $ \natural ->
VHLam (Typed "succ" (natural ~> natural)) $ \succ ->
VHLam (Typed "zero" natural) $ \zero ->
let go !acc 0 = acc
go acc m = go (vApp succ acc) (m - 1)
in go zero (fromIntegral n :: Integer)
n ->
VHLam (NaturalFoldCl n) $ \natural ->
VPrim $ \succ ->
VPrim $ \zero ->
VNaturalFold n natural succ zero
NaturalBuild ->
VPrim $ \case
VHLam (NaturalFoldCl x) _ ->
VPrimVar ->
VNaturalBuild VPrimVar
t -> t
`vApp` VNatural
`vApp` VHLam (Typed "n" VNatural) (\n -> vNaturalPlus n (VNaturalLit 1))
`vApp` VNaturalLit 0
NaturalIsZero -> VPrim $ \case
VNaturalLit n -> VBoolLit (n == 0)
n -> VNaturalIsZero n
NaturalEven -> VPrim $ \case
VNaturalLit n -> VBoolLit (even n)
n -> VNaturalEven n
NaturalOdd -> VPrim $ \case
VNaturalLit n -> VBoolLit (odd n)
n -> VNaturalOdd n
NaturalToInteger -> VPrim $ \case
VNaturalLit n -> VIntegerLit (fromIntegral n)
n -> VNaturalToInteger n
NaturalShow -> VPrim $ \case
VNaturalLit n -> VTextLit (VChunks [] (Text.pack (show n)))
n -> VNaturalShow n
NaturalSubtract -> VPrim $ \case
VNaturalLit 0 ->
VHLam NaturalSubtractZero id
x@(VNaturalLit m) ->
VPrim $ \case
VNaturalLit n
| n >= m -> VNaturalLit (subtract m n)
| otherwise -> VNaturalLit 0
y -> VNaturalSubtract x y
x ->
VPrim $ \case
VNaturalLit 0 -> VNaturalLit 0
y | conv env x y -> VNaturalLit 0
y -> VNaturalSubtract x y
NaturalPlus t u ->
vNaturalPlus (eval env t) (eval env u)
NaturalTimes t u ->
case (eval env t, eval env u) of
(VNaturalLit 1, u' ) -> u'
(t' , VNaturalLit 1) -> t'
(VNaturalLit 0, _ ) -> VNaturalLit 0
(_ , VNaturalLit 0) -> VNaturalLit 0
(VNaturalLit m, VNaturalLit n) -> VNaturalLit (m * n)
(t' , u' ) -> VNaturalTimes t' u'
Integer ->
IntegerLit n ->
VIntegerLit n
IntegerShow ->
VPrim $ \case
VIntegerLit n
| 0 <= n -> VTextLit (VChunks [] (Text.pack ('+':show n)))
| otherwise -> VTextLit (VChunks [] (Text.pack (show n)))
n -> VIntegerShow n
IntegerToDouble ->
VPrim $ \case
VIntegerLit n -> VDoubleLit (DhallDouble (read (show n)))
-- `(read . show)` is used instead of `fromInteger`
-- because `read` uses the correct rounding rule.
-- See https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/17231.
n -> VIntegerToDouble n
Double ->
DoubleLit n ->
VDoubleLit n
DoubleShow ->
VPrim $ \case
VDoubleLit (DhallDouble n) -> VTextLit (VChunks [] (Text.pack (show n)))
n -> VDoubleShow n
Text ->
TextLit cs ->
case evalChunks cs of
VChunks [("", t)] "" -> t
vcs -> VTextLit vcs
TextAppend t u ->
eval env (TextLit (Chunks [("", t), ("", u)] ""))
TextShow ->
VPrim $ \case
VTextLit (VChunks [] x) -> VTextLit (VChunks [] (Core.textShow x))
t -> VTextShow t
List ->
VPrim VList
ListLit ma ts ->
VListLit (fmap (eval env) ma) (fmap (eval env) ts)
ListAppend t u ->
vListAppend (eval env t) (eval env u)
ListBuild ->
VPrim $ \a ->
VPrim $ \case
VHLam (ListFoldCl x) _ ->
VPrimVar ->
VListBuild a VPrimVar
t -> t
`vApp` VList a
`vApp` VHLam (Typed "a" a) (\x ->
VHLam (Typed "as" (VList a)) (\as ->
vListAppend (VListLit Nothing (pure x)) as))
`vApp` VListLit (Just (VList a)) mempty
ListFold ->
VPrim $ \a ->
VPrim $ \case
VListLit _ as ->
VHLam (Typed "list" (VConst Type)) $ \list ->
VHLam (Typed "cons" (a ~> list ~> list) ) $ \cons ->
VHLam (Typed "nil" list) $ \nil ->
foldr' (\x b -> cons `vApp` x `vApp` b) nil as
as ->
VHLam (ListFoldCl as) $ \t ->
VPrim $ \c ->
VPrim $ \n ->
VListFold a as t c n
ListLength ->
VPrim $ \ a ->
VPrim $ \case
VListLit _ as -> VNaturalLit (fromIntegral (Sequence.length as))
as -> VListLength a as
ListHead ->
VPrim $ \ a ->
VPrim $ \case
VListLit _ as ->
case Sequence.viewl as of
y :< _ -> VSome y
_ -> VNone a
as ->
VListHead a as
ListLast ->
VPrim $ \ a ->
VPrim $ \case
VListLit _ as ->
case Sequence.viewr as of
_ :> t -> VSome t
_ -> VNone a
as -> VListLast a as
ListIndexed ->
VPrim $ \ a ->
VPrim $ \case
VListLit _ as ->
let a' =
if null as
then Just (VList (VRecord (Map.fromList [("index", VNatural), ("value", a)])))
else Nothing
as' =
(\i t ->
[ ("index", VNaturalLit (fromIntegral i))
, ("value", t)
in VListLit a' as'
t ->
VListIndexed a t
ListReverse ->
VPrim $ \ ~a ->
VPrim $ \case
VListLit t as | null as ->
VListLit t (Sequence.reverse as)
VListLit _ as ->
VListLit Nothing (Sequence.reverse as)
t ->
VListReverse a t
Optional ->
VPrim VOptional
Some t ->
VSome (eval env t)
None ->
VPrim $ \ ~a -> VNone a
OptionalFold ->
VPrim $ \ ~a ->
VPrim $ \case
VNone _ ->
VHLam (Typed "optional" (VConst Type)) $ \optional ->
VHLam (Typed "some" (a ~> optional)) $ \_some ->
VHLam (Typed "none" optional) $ \none ->
VSome t ->
VHLam (Typed "optional" (VConst Type)) $ \optional ->
VHLam (Typed "some" (a ~> optional)) $ \some ->
VHLam (Typed "none" optional) $ \_none ->
some `vApp` t
opt ->
VHLam (OptionalFoldCl opt) $ \o ->
VPrim $ \s ->
VPrim $ \n ->
VOptionalFold a opt o s n
OptionalBuild ->
VPrim $ \ ~a ->
VPrim $ \case
VHLam (OptionalFoldCl x) _ -> x
VPrimVar -> VOptionalBuild a VPrimVar
t -> t
`vApp` VOptional a
`vApp` VHLam (Typed "a" a) VSome
`vApp` VNone a
Record kts ->
VRecord (Map.sort (fmap (eval env) kts))
RecordLit kts ->
VRecordLit (Map.sort (fmap (eval env) kts))
Union kts ->
VUnion (Map.sort (fmap (fmap (eval env)) kts))
Combine t u ->
vCombine (eval env t) (eval env u)
CombineTypes t u ->
vCombineTypes (eval env t) (eval env u)
Prefer t u ->
vPrefer env (eval env t) (eval env u)
Merge x y ma ->
case (eval env x, eval env y, fmap (eval env) ma) of
(VRecordLit m, VInject _ k mt, _)
| Just f <- Map.lookup k m -> maybe f (vApp f) mt
| otherwise -> error errorMsg
(x', y', ma') -> VMerge x' y' ma'
ToMap x ma ->
case (eval env x, fmap (eval env) ma) of
(VRecordLit m, ma'@(Just _)) | null m ->
VListLit ma' (Sequence.empty)
(VRecordLit m, _) ->
let entry (k, v) =
[ ("mapKey", VTextLit $ VChunks [] k)
, ("mapValue", v)
s = (Sequence.fromList . map entry . Map.toList) m
in VListLit Nothing s
(x', ma') ->
VToMap x' ma'
Field t k ->
vField (eval env t) k
Project t (Left ks) ->
vProjectByFields env (eval env t) (Dhall.Set.sort ks)
Project t (Right e) ->
case eval env e of
VRecord kts ->
eval env (Project t (Left (Dhall.Set.fromSet (Map.keysSet kts))))
e' ->
VProject (eval env t) (Right e')
Assert t ->
VAssert (eval env t)
Equivalent t u ->
VEquivalent (eval env t) (eval env u)
Note _ e ->
eval env e
ImportAlt t _ ->
eval env t
Embed a ->
VEmbed a
evalChunks :: Chunks Void a -> VChunks a
evalChunks (Chunks xys z) = foldr' cons nil xys
cons (x, t) vcs =
case eval env t of
VTextLit vcs' -> VChunks [] x <> vcs' <> vcs
t' -> VChunks [(x, t')] mempty <> vcs
nil = VChunks [] z
{-# INLINE evalChunks #-}
eqListBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> Bool
eqListBy f = go
go (x:xs) (y:ys) | f x y = go xs ys
go [] [] = True
go _ _ = False
{-# INLINE eqListBy #-}
eqMapsBy :: Ord k => (v -> v -> Bool) -> Map k v -> Map k v -> Bool
eqMapsBy f mL mR =
Map.size mL == Map.size mR
&& eqListBy eq (Map.toList mL) (Map.toList mR)
eq (kL, vL) (kR, vR) = kL == kR && f vL vR
{-# INLINE eqMapsBy #-}
eqMaybeBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Bool
eqMaybeBy f = go
go (Just x) (Just y) = f x y
go Nothing Nothing = True
go _ _ = False
{-# INLINE eqMaybeBy #-}
conv :: forall a. Eq a => Environment a -> Val a -> Val a -> Bool
conv !env t0 t0' =
case (t0, t0') of
(VConst k, VConst k') ->
k == k'
(VVar x i, VVar x' i') ->
x == x' && i == i'
(VLam _ (freshClosure -> (x, v, t)), VLam _ t' ) ->
convSkip x (instantiate t v) (instantiate t' v)
(VLam _ (freshClosure -> (x, v, t)), VHLam _ t') ->
convSkip x (instantiate t v) (t' v)
(VLam _ (freshClosure -> (x, v, t)), t' ) ->
convSkip x (instantiate t v) (vApp t' v)
(VHLam _ t, VLam _ (freshClosure -> (x, v, t'))) ->
convSkip x (t v) (instantiate t' v)
(VHLam _ t, VHLam _ t' ) ->
let (x, v) = fresh "x" in convSkip x (t v) (t' v)
(VHLam _ t, t' ) ->
let (x, v) = fresh "x" in convSkip x (t v) (vApp t' v)
(t, VLam _ (freshClosure -> (x, v, t'))) ->
convSkip x (vApp t v) (instantiate t' v)
(t, VHLam _ t' ) ->
let (x, v) = fresh "x" in convSkip x (vApp t v) (t' v)
(VApp t u, VApp t' u') ->
conv env t t' && conv env u u'
(VPi a b, VPi a' (freshClosure -> (x, v, b'))) ->
conv env a a' && convSkip x (instantiate b v) (instantiate b' v)
(VPi a b, VHPi (fresh -> (x, v)) a' b') ->
conv env a a' && convSkip x (instantiate b v) (b' v)
(VHPi _ a b, VPi a' (freshClosure -> (x, v, b'))) ->
conv env a a' && convSkip x (b v) (instantiate b' v)
(VHPi _ a b, VHPi (fresh -> (x, v)) a' b') ->
conv env a a' && convSkip x (b v) (b' v)
(VBool, VBool) ->
(VBoolLit b, VBoolLit b') ->
b == b'
(VBoolAnd t u, VBoolAnd t' u') ->
conv env t t' && conv env u u'
(VBoolOr t u, VBoolOr t' u') ->
conv env t t' && conv env u u'
(VBoolEQ t u, VBoolEQ t' u') ->
conv env t t' && conv env u u'
(VBoolNE t u, VBoolNE t' u') ->
conv env t t' && conv env u u'
(VBoolIf t u v, VBoolIf t' u' v') ->
conv env t t' && conv env u u' && conv env v v'
(VNatural, VNatural) ->
(VNaturalLit n, VNaturalLit n') ->
n == n'
(VNaturalFold t _ u v, VNaturalFold t' _ u' v') ->
conv env t t' && conv env u u' && conv env v v'
(VNaturalBuild t, VNaturalBuild t') ->
conv env t t'
(VNaturalIsZero t, VNaturalIsZero t') ->
conv env t t'
(VNaturalEven t, VNaturalEven t') ->
conv env t t'
(VNaturalOdd t, VNaturalOdd t') ->
conv env t t'
(VNaturalToInteger t, VNaturalToInteger t') ->
conv env t t'
(VNaturalShow t, VNaturalShow t') ->
conv env t t'
(VNaturalSubtract x y, VNaturalSubtract x' y') ->
conv env x x' && conv env y y'
(VNaturalPlus t u, VNaturalPlus t' u') ->
conv env t t' && conv env u u'
(VNaturalTimes t u, VNaturalTimes t' u') ->
conv env t t' && conv env u u'
(VInteger, VInteger) ->
(VIntegerLit t, VIntegerLit t') ->
t == t'
(VIntegerShow t, VIntegerShow t') ->
conv env t t'
(VIntegerToDouble t, VIntegerToDouble t') ->
conv env t t'
(VDouble, VDouble) ->
(VDoubleLit n, VDoubleLit n') ->
n == n'
(VDoubleShow t, VDoubleShow t') ->
conv env t t'
(VText, VText) ->
(VTextLit cs, VTextLit cs') ->
convChunks cs cs'
(VTextAppend t u, VTextAppend t' u') ->
conv env t t' && conv env u u'
(VTextShow t, VTextShow t') ->
conv env t t'
(VList a, VList a') ->
conv env a a'
(VListLit _ xs, VListLit _ xs') ->
eqListBy (conv env) (toList xs) (toList xs')
(VListAppend t u, VListAppend t' u') ->
conv env t t' && conv env u u'
(VListBuild _ t, VListBuild _ t') ->
conv env t t'
(VListLength a t, VListLength a' t') ->
conv env a a' && conv env t t'
(VListHead _ t, VListHead _ t') ->
conv env t t'
(VListLast _ t, VListLast _ t') ->
conv env t t'
(VListIndexed _ t, VListIndexed _ t') ->
conv env t t'
(VListReverse _ t, VListReverse _ t') ->
conv env t t'
(VListFold a l _ t u, VListFold a' l' _ t' u') ->
conv env a a' && conv env l l' && conv env t t' && conv env u u'
(VOptional a, VOptional a') ->
conv env a a'
(VSome t, VSome t') ->
conv env t t'
(VNone _, VNone _) ->
(VOptionalBuild _ t, VOptionalBuild _ t') ->
conv env t t'
(VRecord m, VRecord m') ->
eqMapsBy (conv env) m m'
(VRecordLit m, VRecordLit m') ->
eqMapsBy (conv env) m m'
(VUnion m, VUnion m') ->
eqMapsBy (eqMaybeBy (conv env)) m m'
(VCombine t u, VCombine t' u') ->
conv env t t' && conv env u u'
(VCombineTypes t u, VCombineTypes t' u') ->
conv env t t' && conv env u u'
(VPrefer t u, VPrefer t' u') ->
conv env t t' && conv env u u'
(VMerge t u _, VMerge t' u' _) ->
conv env t t' && conv env u u'
(VToMap t _, VToMap t' _) ->
conv env t t'
(VField t k, VField t' k') ->
conv env t t' && k == k'
(VProject t (Left ks), VProject t' (Left ks')) ->
conv env t t' && ks == ks'
(VProject t (Right e), VProject t' (Right e')) ->
conv env t t' && conv env e e'
(VAssert t, VAssert t') ->
conv env t t'
(VEquivalent t u, VEquivalent t' u') ->
conv env t t' && conv env u u'
(VInject m k mt, VInject m' k' mt') ->
eqMapsBy (eqMaybeBy (conv env)) m m' && k == k' && eqMaybeBy (conv env) mt mt'
(VEmbed a, VEmbed a') ->
a == a'
(VOptionalFold a t _ u v, VOptionalFold a' t' _ u' v') ->
conv env a a' && conv env t t' && conv env u u' && conv env v v'
(_, _) ->
fresh :: Text -> (Text, Val a)
fresh x = (x, VVar x (countEnvironment x env))
{-# INLINE fresh #-}
freshClosure :: Closure a -> (Text, Val a, Closure a)
freshClosure closure@(Closure x _ _) = (x, snd (fresh x), closure)
{-# INLINE freshClosure #-}
convChunks :: VChunks a -> VChunks a -> Bool
convChunks (VChunks xys z) (VChunks xys' z') =
eqListBy (\(x, y) (x', y') -> x == x' && conv env y y') xys xys' && z == z'
{-# INLINE convChunks #-}
convSkip :: Text -> Val a -> Val a -> Bool
convSkip x = conv (Skip env x)
{-# INLINE convSkip #-}
{-| Returns `True` if two expressions are α-equivalent and β-equivalent and
`False` otherwise
`judgmentallyEqual` can fail with an `error` if you compare ill-typed
judgmentallyEqual :: Eq a => Expr s a -> Expr t a -> Bool
judgmentallyEqual (Core.denote -> t) (Core.denote -> u) =
conv Empty (eval Empty t) (eval Empty u)
data Names
= EmptyNames
| Bind !Names {-# UNPACK #-} !Text
deriving Show
envNames :: Environment a -> Names
envNames Empty = EmptyNames
envNames (Skip env x ) = Bind (envNames env) x
envNames (Extend env x _) = Bind (envNames env) x
countNames :: Text -> Names -> Int
countNames x = go 0
go !acc EmptyNames = acc
go acc (Bind env x') = go (if x == x' then acc + 1 else acc) env
-- | Quote a value into beta-normal form.
quote :: forall a. Eq a => Names -> Val a -> Expr Void a
quote !env !t0 =
case t0 of
VConst k ->
Const k
VVar !x !i ->
Var (V x (fromIntegral (countNames x env - i - 1)))
VApp t u ->
quote env t `qApp` u
VLam a (freshClosure -> (x, v, t)) ->
Lam x (quote env a) (quoteBind x (instantiate t v))
VHLam i t ->
case i of
Typed (fresh -> (x, v)) a -> Lam x (quote env a) (quoteBind x (t v))
Prim -> quote env (t VPrimVar)
NaturalFoldCl{} -> quote env (t VPrimVar)
ListFoldCl{} -> quote env (t VPrimVar)
OptionalFoldCl{} -> quote env (t VPrimVar)
NaturalSubtractZero -> App NaturalSubtract (NaturalLit 0)
VPi a (freshClosure -> (x, v, b)) ->
Pi x (quote env a) (quoteBind x (instantiate b v))
VHPi (fresh -> (x, v)) a b ->
Pi x (quote env a) (quoteBind x (b v))
VBool ->
VBoolLit b ->
BoolLit b
VBoolAnd t u ->
BoolAnd (quote env t) (quote env u)
VBoolOr t u ->
BoolOr (quote env t) (quote env u)
VBoolEQ t u ->
BoolEQ (quote env t) (quote env u)
VBoolNE t u ->
BoolNE (quote env t) (quote env u)
VBoolIf t u v ->
BoolIf (quote env t) (quote env u) (quote env v)
VNatural ->
VNaturalLit n ->
NaturalLit n
VNaturalFold a t u v ->
NaturalFold `qApp` a `qApp` t `qApp` u `qApp` v
VNaturalBuild t ->
NaturalBuild `qApp` t
VNaturalIsZero t ->
NaturalIsZero `qApp` t
VNaturalEven t ->
NaturalEven `qApp` t
VNaturalOdd t ->
NaturalOdd `qApp` t
VNaturalToInteger t ->
NaturalToInteger `qApp` t
VNaturalShow t ->
NaturalShow `qApp` t
VNaturalPlus t u ->
NaturalPlus (quote env t) (quote env u)
VNaturalTimes t u ->
NaturalTimes (quote env t) (quote env u)
VNaturalSubtract x y ->
NaturalSubtract `qApp` x `qApp` y
VInteger ->
VIntegerLit n ->
IntegerLit n
VIntegerShow t ->
IntegerShow `qApp` t
VIntegerToDouble t ->
IntegerToDouble `qApp` t
VDouble ->
VDoubleLit n ->
DoubleLit n
VDoubleShow t ->
DoubleShow `qApp` t
VText ->
VTextLit (VChunks xys z) ->
TextLit (Chunks (fmap (fmap (quote env)) xys) z)
VTextAppend t u ->
TextAppend (quote env t) (quote env u)
VTextShow t ->
TextShow `qApp` t
VList t ->
List `qApp` t
VListLit ma ts ->
ListLit (fmap (quote env) ma) (fmap (quote env) ts)
VListAppend t u ->
ListAppend (quote env t) (quote env u)
VListBuild a t ->
ListBuild `qApp` a `qApp` t
VListFold a l t u v ->
ListFold `qApp` a `qApp` l `qApp` t `qApp` u `qApp` v
VListLength a t ->
ListLength `qApp` a `qApp` t
VListHead a t ->
ListHead `qApp` a `qApp` t
VListLast a t ->
ListLast `qApp` a `qApp` t
VListIndexed a t ->
ListIndexed `qApp` a `qApp` t
VListReverse a t ->
ListReverse `qApp` a `qApp` t
VOptional a ->
Optional `qApp` a
VSome t ->
Some (quote env t)
VNone t ->
None `qApp` t
VOptionalFold a o t u v ->
OptionalFold `qApp` a `qApp` o `qApp` t `qApp` u `qApp` v
VOptionalBuild a t ->
OptionalBuild `qApp` a `qApp` t
VRecord m ->
Record (fmap (quote env) m)
VRecordLit m ->
RecordLit (fmap (quote env) m)
VUnion m ->
Union (fmap (fmap (quote env)) m)
VCombine t u ->
Combine (quote env t) (quote env u)
VCombineTypes t u ->
CombineTypes (quote env t) (quote env u)
VPrefer t u ->
Prefer (quote env t) (quote env u)
VMerge t u ma ->
Merge (quote env t) (quote env u) (fmap (quote env) ma)
VToMap t ma ->
ToMap (quote env t) (fmap (quote env) ma)
VField t k ->
Field (quote env t) k
VProject t p ->
Project (quote env t) (fmap (quote env) p)
VAssert t ->
Assert (quote env t)
VEquivalent t u ->
Equivalent (quote env t) (quote env u)
VInject m k Nothing ->
Field (Union (fmap (fmap (quote env)) m)) k
VInject m k (Just t) ->
Field (Union (fmap (fmap (quote env)) m)) k `qApp` t
VEmbed a ->
Embed a
VPrimVar ->
error errorMsg
fresh :: Text -> (Text, Val a)
fresh x = (x, VVar x (countNames x env))
{-# INLINE fresh #-}
freshClosure :: Closure a -> (Text, Val a, Closure a)
freshClosure closure@(Closure x _ _) = (x, snd (fresh x), closure)
{-# INLINE freshClosure #-}
quoteBind :: Text -> Val a -> Expr Void a
quoteBind x = quote (Bind env x)
{-# INLINE quoteBind #-}
qApp :: Expr Void a -> Val a -> Expr Void a
qApp t VPrimVar = t
qApp t u = App t (quote env u)
{-# INLINE qApp #-}
-- | Normalize an expression in an environment of values. Any variable pointing out of
-- the environment is treated as opaque free variable.
nf :: Eq a => Environment a -> Expr s a -> Expr t a
nf !env = Core.renote . quote (envNames env) . eval env . Core.denote
{-| Reduce an expression to its normal form, performing beta reduction
`normalize` does not type-check the expression. You may want to type-check
expressions before normalizing them since normalization can convert an
ill-typed expression into a well-typed expression.
`normalize` can also fail with `error` if you normalize an ill-typed
normalize :: Eq a => Expr s a -> Expr t a
normalize = nf Empty
{-| α-normalize an expression by renaming all bound variables to @\"_\"@ and
using De Bruijn indices to distinguish them
>>> alphaNormalize (Lam "a" (Const Type) (Lam "b" (Const Type) (Lam "x" "a" (Lam "y" "b" "x"))))
Lam "_" (Const Type) (Lam "_" (Const Type) (Lam "_" (Var (V "_" 1)) (Lam "_" (Var (V "_" 1)) (Var (V "_" 1)))))
α-normalization does not affect free variables:
>>> alphaNormalize "x"
Var (V "x" 0)
alphaNormalize :: Expr s a -> Expr s a
alphaNormalize = goEnv EmptyNames
goVar :: Names -> Text -> Int -> Expr s a
goVar e topX topI = go 0 e topI
go !acc (Bind env x) !i
| x == topX = if i == 0 then Var (V "_" acc) else go (acc + 1) env (i - 1)
| otherwise = go (acc + 1) env i
go _ EmptyNames i = Var (V topX i)
goEnv :: Names -> Expr s a -> Expr s a
goEnv !e0 t0 =
case t0 of
Const k ->
Const k
Var (V x i) ->
goVar e0 x i
Lam x t u ->
Lam "_" (go t) (goBind x u)
Pi x a b ->
Pi "_" (go a) (goBind x b)
App t u ->
App (go t) (go u)
Let (Binding src0 x src1 mA src2 a) b ->
Let (Binding src0 "_" src1 (fmap (fmap go) mA) src2 (go a)) (goBind x b)
Annot t u ->
Annot (go t) (go u)
Bool ->
BoolLit b ->
BoolLit b
BoolAnd t u ->
BoolAnd (go t) (go u)
BoolOr t u ->
BoolOr (go t) (go u)
BoolEQ t u ->
BoolEQ (go t) (go u)
BoolNE t u ->
BoolNE (go t) (go u)
BoolIf b t f ->
BoolIf (go b) (go t) (go f)
Natural ->
NaturalLit n ->
NaturalLit n
NaturalFold ->
NaturalBuild ->
NaturalIsZero ->
NaturalEven ->
NaturalOdd ->
NaturalToInteger ->
NaturalShow ->
NaturalSubtract ->
NaturalPlus t u ->
NaturalPlus (go t) (go u)
NaturalTimes t u ->
NaturalTimes (go t) (go u)
Integer ->
IntegerLit n ->
IntegerLit n
IntegerShow ->
IntegerToDouble ->
Double ->
DoubleLit n ->
DoubleLit n
DoubleShow ->
Text ->
TextLit cs ->
TextLit (goChunks cs)
TextAppend t u ->
TextAppend (go t) (go u)
TextShow ->
List ->
ListLit ma ts ->
ListLit (fmap go ma) (fmap go ts)
ListAppend t u ->
ListAppend (go t) (go u)
ListBuild ->
ListFold ->
ListLength ->
ListHead ->
ListLast ->
ListIndexed ->
ListReverse ->
Optional ->
Some t ->
Some (go t)
None ->
OptionalFold ->
OptionalBuild ->
Record kts ->
Record (fmap go kts)
RecordLit kts ->
RecordLit (fmap go kts)
Union kts ->
Union (fmap (fmap go) kts)
Combine t u ->
Combine (go t) (go u)
CombineTypes t u ->
CombineTypes (go t) (go u)
Prefer t u ->
Prefer (go t) (go u)
Merge x y ma ->
Merge (go x) (go y) (fmap go ma)
ToMap x ma ->
ToMap (go x) (fmap go ma)
Field t k ->
Field (go t) k
Project t ks ->
Project (go t) (fmap go ks)
Assert t ->
Assert (go t)
Equivalent t u ->
Equivalent (go t) (go u)
Note s e ->
Note s (go e)
ImportAlt t u ->
ImportAlt (go t) (go u)
Embed a ->
Embed a
go = goEnv e0
goBind x = goEnv (Bind e0 x)
goChunks (Chunks ts x) = Chunks (fmap (fmap go) ts) x