Profpatsch 6c38bd89ea Update to dhall > 1.19 (#19)
Some things have changed in the dhall expression tree:

- `let` bindings now take a list of bindings
- `Some` and `None` were introduced
- `Text/show` was added

Additionally, dhall switched to an internal `Map` module instead of

Closes: https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-nix/issues/18
2019-04-09 06:59:01 -07:00

305 lines
11 KiB

fetchNixpkgs = import ./nix/fetchNixpkgs.nix;
nixpkgs = fetchNixpkgs {
rev = "1d4de0d552ae9aa66a5b8dee5fb0650a4372d148";
sha256 = "09qx58dp1kbj7cpzp8ahbqfbbab1frb12sh1qng87rybcaz0dz01";
outputSha256 = "0xpqc1fhkvvv5dv1zmas2j1q27mi7j7dgyjcdh82mlgl1q63i660";
mass = function: names: haskellPackagesNew: haskellPackagesOld:
toNameValue = name: {
inherit name;
value = function haskellPackagesOld."${name}";
builtins.listToAttrs (map toNameValue names);
config = {
packageOverrides = pkgs: {
haskellPackages = pkgs.haskellPackages.override (old: {
overrides =
dontCheck =
mass pkgs.haskell.lib.dontCheck [
extension = haskellPackagesNew: haskellPackagesOld: {
dhall-nix =
(old.overrides or (_: _: {}))
[ (pkgs.haskell.lib.packagesFromDirectory { directory = ./nix; })
pkgs =
import nixpkgs { inherit config; };
inherit (pkgs) dhallToNix;
{ dhall-nix = pkgs.haskellPackages.dhall-nix;
shell = pkgs.haskellPackages.dhall-nix.env;
# Test that various Dhall to Nix conversions work
tests =
testConst = dhallToNix "Type";
testLam = dhallToNix "λ(x : Bool) x";
testPi = dhallToNix "Bool Bool";
testApp = dhallToNix "λ(f : Bool Bool) λ(x : Bool) f x";
testLet = dhallToNix "λ(b : Bool) let x = b in x";
testAnnot = dhallToNix "True : Bool";
testBool = dhallToNix "Bool";
testBoolLit = dhallToNix "True";
testBoolAnd = dhallToNix "λ(l : Bool) λ(r : Bool) l && r";
testBoolOr = dhallToNix "λ(l : Bool) λ(r : Bool) l || r";
testBoolEQ = dhallToNix "λ(l : Bool) λ(r : Bool) l == r";
testBoolNE = dhallToNix "λ(l : Bool) λ(r : Bool) l != r";
testBoolIf = dhallToNix "λ(x : Bool) if x then True else False";
testNatural = dhallToNix "Natural";
testNaturalLit = dhallToNix "123";
testNaturalFold = dhallToNix ''
λ(x : Natural)
Natural/fold x Natural (λ(n : Natural) 2 + n) 0
testNaturalBuild = dhallToNix ''
λ(b : Bool)
( λ(natural : Type)
λ(succ : natural natural)
λ(zero : natural)
if b then succ zero else zero
testNaturalIsZero = dhallToNix "Natural/isZero";
testNaturalEven = dhallToNix "Natural/even";
testNaturalOdd = dhallToNix "Natural/odd";
testNaturalToInteger = dhallToNix "Natural/toInteger";
testNaturalShow = dhallToNix "Natural/show";
testNaturalPlus = dhallToNix "λ(x : Natural) λ(y : Natural) x + y";
testNaturalTimes = dhallToNix "λ(x : Natural) λ(y : Natural) x * y";
testInteger = dhallToNix "Integer";
testIntegerLit = dhallToNix "+123";
testIntegerShow = dhallToNix "Integer/show";
testDouble = dhallToNix "Double";
testTextLit = dhallToNix ''"ABC"'';
testInterpolation = dhallToNix ''λ(x : Text) "ABC''${x}GHI"'' "DEF";
testTextAppend = dhallToNix "λ(x : Text) λ(y : Text) x ++ y";
testList = dhallToNix "List Natural";
testListLit = dhallToNix "[1, 2, 3] : List Natural";
testListAppend = dhallToNix ''
λ(xs : List Natural) λ(ys : List Natural) xs # ys
testListBuild = dhallToNix ''
λ(b : Bool)
( λ(list : Type)
λ(cons : Natural list list)
λ(nil : list)
if b then cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil)) else nil
testListFold = dhallToNix ''
([1, 2, 3] : List Natural)
testListLength = dhallToNix "List/length Natural";
testListHead = dhallToNix "List/head Natural";
testListLast = dhallToNix "List/last Natural";
testListIndexed = dhallToNix "List/indexed Natural";
testListReverse = dhallToNix "List/reverse Natural";
testOptional = dhallToNix "Optional";
testOptionalLit = dhallToNix ''
λ(b : Bool)
if b
then ([0] : Optional Natural)
else ([] : Optional Natural)
testOptionalFold = dhallToNix ''
([1] : Optional Natural)
testOptionalBuild = dhallToNix ''
λ(b : Bool)
( λ(optional : Type)
λ(just : Natural optional)
λ(nothing : optional)
if b then just 1 else nothing
testNone = dhallToNix "None Natural";
testSome = dhallToNix "Some 4";
testRecord = dhallToNix "{}";
testRecordLit = dhallToNix "{ foo = 1, bar = True}";
testUnion = dhallToNix "< Left : Natural | Right : Bool >";
testUnionLit = dhallToNix "< Left = 2 | Right : Bool >";
testCombine = dhallToNix ''
λ(x : { foo : { bar : Text } })
λ(y : { foo : { baz : Bool } })
x y
testCombineTypes = dhallToNix ''
{ foo : Text } { bar : Bool, baz : Natural }
testMerge = dhallToNix ''
λ(r : < Left : Natural | Right : Bool >)
{ Left = Natural/isZero, Right = λ(b : Bool) b }
r : Bool
testField = dhallToNix "λ(r : { foo : Bool, bar : Text }) r.foo";
testProject = dhallToNix ''
λ(r : { foo : Bool, bar : Text, baz : Natural }) r.{ foo, bar }
assert (testConst == {});
assert (testLam true == true);
assert (testPi == {});
assert (testApp (b : b) true == true);
assert (testLet true == true);
assert (testAnnot == true);
assert (testBool == {});
assert (testBoolLit == true);
assert (testBoolAnd true false == false);
assert (testBoolOr true false == true);
assert (testBoolEQ true false == false);
assert (testBoolNE true false == true);
assert (testBoolIf true == true);
assert (testNatural == {});
assert (testNaturalLit == 123);
assert (testNaturalFold 123 == 246);
assert (testNaturalBuild true == 1);
assert (testNaturalBuild false == 0);
assert (testNaturalIsZero 0 == true);
assert (testNaturalIsZero 3 == false);
assert (testNaturalEven 2 == true);
assert (testNaturalEven 3 == false);
assert (testNaturalOdd 2 == false);
assert (testNaturalToInteger 2 == 2);
assert (testNaturalShow 2 == "2");
assert (testNaturalOdd 3 == true);
assert (testNaturalPlus 2 3 == 5);
assert (testNaturalTimes 2 3 == 6);
assert (testInteger == {});
assert (testIntegerLit == 123);
assert (testIntegerShow 2 == "+2");
assert (testIntegerShow (-3) == "-3");
assert (testDouble == {});
assert (testTextLit == "ABC");
assert (testInterpolation == "ABCDEFGHI");
assert (testTextAppend "ABC" "DEF" == "ABCDEF");
assert (testList == {});
assert (testListLit == [1 2 3]);
assert (testListAppend [1 2 3] [4 5 6] == [1 2 3 4 5 6]);
assert (testListBuild false == []);
assert (testListBuild true == [1 2 3]);
assert (testListFold (x : y: x + y) 0 == 6);
assert (testListLength [1 2 3] == 3);
assert (testListLength [] == 0);
assert (testListHead [1 2 3] == 1);
assert (testListHead [] == null);
assert (testListLast [1 2 3] == 3);
assert (testListLast [] == null);
assert (testListIndexed [2 3 5] == [
{ index = 0; value = 2; }
{ index = 1; value = 3; }
{ index = 2; value = 5; }
assert (testListReverse [1 2 3] == [3 2 1]);
assert (testOptional {} == {});
assert (testOptionalLit true == 0);
assert (testOptionalLit false == null);
assert (testOptionalFold (n : n) 0 == 1);
assert (testOptionalBuild true == 1);
assert (testOptionalBuild false == null);
assert (testRecord == {});
assert (testRecordLit == { foo = 1; bar = true; });
assert (testUnion == {});
assert (testUnionLit { Left = n : n == 0; Right = b : b; } == false);
assert ((testCombine { foo.baz = true; } { foo.bar = "ABC"; }) == {
foo = {
baz = true;
bar = "ABC";
assert (testCombineTypes == {});
assert (testMerge ({ Left, Right }: Left 2) == false);
assert (testField { foo = true; bar = "ABC"; } == true);
assert (testProject { foo = true; bar = "ABC"; baz = 1; } == {
foo = true;
bar = "ABC";
pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "tests-pass";
buildCommand = "touch $out";