Gabriel Gonzalez eae931f0e1
Use shouldParse instead of shouldPass (#275)
`shouldParse` is preferable because it only parses the code and does not
attempt to type-check the code
2018-02-17 17:34:46 -08:00

142 lines
4.9 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Parser where
import Data.Text (Text)
import Test.Tasty (TestTree)
import qualified Control.Exception
import qualified Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO
import qualified Dhall.Parser
import qualified Test.Tasty
import qualified Test.Tasty.HUnit
parserTests :: TestTree
parserTests =
Test.Tasty.testGroup "parser tests"
[ Test.Tasty.testGroup "whitespace"
[ shouldParse
, shouldParse
"block comment"
, shouldParse
"nested block comment"
, shouldParse
"line comment"
, shouldParse
"Unicode comment"
, shouldParse
"whitespace buffet"
, shouldParse
, shouldParse
"quoted label"
, shouldParse
"double quoted string"
, shouldParse
"Unicode double quoted string"
, shouldParse
"escaped double quoted string"
, shouldParse
"interpolated double quoted string"
, shouldParse
"single quoted string"
, shouldParse
"escaped single quoted string"
, shouldParse
"interpolated single quoted string"
, shouldParse
, shouldParse
, shouldParse
, shouldParse
, shouldParse
"path termination"
, shouldParse
, shouldParse
, shouldParse
, shouldParse
"if then else"
, shouldParse
, shouldParse
, shouldParse
"function type"
, shouldParse
, shouldParse
, shouldParse
, shouldParse
, shouldParse
, shouldParse
, shouldParse
, shouldParse
, shouldParse
, shouldParse
"large expression"
, shouldParse
"names that begin with reserved identifiers"
shouldParse :: Text -> FilePath -> TestTree
shouldParse name path = Test.Tasty.HUnit.testCase (Data.Text.unpack name) (do
text <- Data.Text.Lazy.IO.readFile path
case Dhall.Parser.exprFromText mempty text of
Left err -> Control.Exception.throwIO err
Right _ -> return () )