2019-09-11 06:05:19 +00:00

124 lines
3.3 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Dhall.Yaml
( Options(..)
, parseDocuments
, parseQuoted
, defaultOptions
, dhallToYaml ) where
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Dhall.JSON (Conversion(..), SpecialDoubleMode(..), codeToValue)
import Options.Applicative (Parser)
import qualified Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString
import qualified Data.Vector
import qualified Dhall
import qualified Options.Applicative
#if defined(ETA_VERSION)
import Dhall.Yaml.Eta ( jsonToYaml )
import qualified Data.Yaml
# if MIN_VERSION_yaml(0,10,2)
import qualified Data.Text
import qualified Text.Libyaml
# endif
data Options = Options
{ explain :: Bool
, omission :: Data.Aeson.Value -> Data.Aeson.Value
, documents :: Bool
, quoted :: Bool
, conversion :: Conversion
, file :: Maybe FilePath
, output :: Maybe FilePath
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions =
Options { explain = False
, omission = id
, documents = False
, quoted = False
, conversion = NoConversion
, file = Nothing
, output = Nothing
parseDocuments :: Parser Bool
parseDocuments =
( Options.Applicative.long "documents"
<> Options.Applicative.help "If given a Dhall list, output a document for every element"
parseQuoted :: Parser Bool
parseQuoted =
( Options.Applicative.long "quoted"
<> Options.Applicative.help "Prevent from generating not quoted scalars"
{-| Convert a piece of Text carrying a Dhall inscription to an equivalent YAML ByteString
:: Options
-> Maybe FilePath -- ^ The source file path. If no path is given, imports
-- are resolved relative to the current directory.
-> Text -- ^ Input text.
-> IO ByteString
dhallToYaml Options{..} mFilePath code = do
let explaining = if explain then Dhall.detailed else id
json <- omission <$> explaining (codeToValue conversion UseYAMLEncoding mFilePath code)
return $ jsonToYaml json documents quoted
#if !defined(ETA_VERSION)
-- | Transform json representation into yaml
:: Data.Aeson.Value
-> Bool
-> Bool
-> ByteString
jsonToYaml json documents quoted =
case (documents, json) of
(True, Data.Yaml.Array elems)
-> Data.ByteString.intercalate "\n---\n"
$ fmap (encodeYaml encodeOptions)
$ Data.Vector.toList elems
_ -> encodeYaml encodeOptions json
# if !MIN_VERSION_yaml(0,10,2)
encodeYaml = Data.Yaml.encode
# else
encodeYaml = Data.Yaml.encodeWith
customStyle = \s -> case () of
| "\n" `Data.Text.isInfixOf` s -> ( noTag, literal )
| otherwise -> ( noTag, Text.Libyaml.SingleQuoted )
noTag = Text.Libyaml.NoTag
literal = Text.Libyaml.Literal
quotedOptions = Data.Yaml.setStringStyle
encodeOptions = if quoted
then quotedOptions
else Data.Yaml.defaultEncodeOptions
# endif