# `dhall-json` For installation or development instructions, see: * [`dhall-haskell` - `README`](https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-haskell/blob/master/README.md) Full documentation here: * [`dhall-json` instructions](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/dhall-json/docs/Dhall-JSON.html) ## Introduction This `dhall-json` package provides a Dhall to JSON compiler, and a Dhall to YAML compiler based on that. The `dhall-to-yaml` executable is a "basic" version of the `dhall-to-yaml-ng` executable in the `dhall-yaml` package. ## Example ```bash $ dhall-to-json <<< "{ foo = 1, bar = True }" {"foo":1,"bar":true} $ dhall-to-json <<< "List/head Natural ([] : List Natural)" null $ dhall-to-yaml <<< "{ foo = [1, 2, 3], bar = { baz = True } }" foo: - 1 - 2 - 3 bar: baz: true ``` ## Development This package's `dhall-to-yaml` and `dhall-yaml`'s `dhall-to-yaml-ng` should be kept as closely in sync as possible. Common code for these executables lives in this package, tests live in `dhall-yaml`.