module Dhall.LSP.Backend.Dhall ( FileIdentifier, fileIdentifierFromFilePath, fileIdentifierFromURI, hashNormalToCode, WellTyped, fromWellTyped, Normal, fromNormal, Cache, emptyCache, invalidate, DhallError(..), parse, parseWithHeader, load, typecheck, normalize ) where import Dhall.Parser (Src) import Dhall.Core (Expr) import qualified Dhall.Core as Dhall import qualified Dhall.Import as Dhall import qualified Dhall.Parser as Dhall import qualified Dhall.TypeCheck as Dhall import qualified Data.Graph as Graph import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Network.URI as URI import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as LSP.Types import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|))) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Void (Void) import System.FilePath (splitDirectories, takeFileName, takeDirectory) import Lens.Family (view, set) import Control.Exception (SomeException, catch) import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (runStateT) import Network.URI (URI) import Data.Bifunctor (first) -- | A @FileIdentifier@ represents either a local file or a remote url. newtype FileIdentifier = FileIdentifier Dhall.Chained -- | Construct a FileIdentifier from a local file path. fileIdentifierFromFilePath :: FilePath -> FileIdentifier fileIdentifierFromFilePath path = let filename = Text.pack $ takeFileName path directory = takeDirectory path components = map Text.pack . reverse . splitDirectories $ directory file = Dhall.File (Dhall.Directory components) filename in FileIdentifier $ Dhall.chainedFromLocalHere Dhall.Absolute file Dhall.Code -- | Construct a FileIdentifier from a given URI. Supports only "file:" URIs. fileIdentifierFromURI :: URI -> Maybe FileIdentifier fileIdentifierFromURI uri | URI.uriScheme uri == "file:" = do path <- LSP.Types.uriToFilePath . LSP.Types.Uri . Text.pack $ URI.uriToString id uri "" return $ fileIdentifierFromFilePath path fileIdentifierFromURI _ = Nothing -- | A well-typed expression. newtype WellTyped = WellTyped {fromWellTyped :: Expr Src Void} -- | A fully normalised expression. newtype Normal = Normal {fromNormal :: Expr Src Void} -- An import graph, represented by list of import dependencies. type ImportGraph = [Dhall.Depends] -- | A cache maps Dhall imports to fully normalised expressions. By reusing -- caches we can speeds up diagnostics etc. significantly! data Cache = Cache ImportGraph (Map.Map Dhall.Chained Dhall.ImportSemantics) -- | The initial cache. emptyCache :: Cache emptyCache = Cache [] Map.empty -- | Invalidate any _unhashed_ imports of the given file. Hashed imports are -- kept around as per -- -- Transitively invalidates any imports depending on the changed file. invalidate :: FileIdentifier -> Cache -> Cache invalidate (FileIdentifier chained) (Cache dependencies cache) = Cache dependencies' $ Map.withoutKeys cache invalidImports where imports = map Dhall.parent dependencies ++ map Dhall.child dependencies adjacencyLists = foldr -- add reversed edges to adjacency lists (\(Dhall.Depends parent child) -> Map.adjust (parent :) child) -- starting from the discrete graph (Map.fromList [ (i,[]) | i <- imports]) dependencies (graph, importFromVertex, vertexFromImport) = Graph.graphFromEdges [(node, node, neighbours) | (node, neighbours) <- Map.assocs adjacencyLists] -- compute the reverse dependencies, i.e. the imports reachable in the transposed graph reachableImports import_ = map (\(i,_,_) -> i) . map importFromVertex . concat $ do vertex <- vertexFromImport import_ return (Graph.reachable graph vertex) codeImport = Dhall.chainedChangeMode Dhall.Code chained textImport = Dhall.chainedChangeMode Dhall.RawText chained invalidImports = Set.fromList $ codeImport : reachableImports codeImport ++ textImport : reachableImports textImport dependencies' = filter (\(Dhall.Depends parent child) -> Set.notMember parent invalidImports && Set.notMember child invalidImports) dependencies -- | A Dhall error. Covers parsing, resolving of imports, typechecking and -- normalisation. data DhallError = ErrorInternal SomeException | ErrorImportSourced (Dhall.SourcedException Dhall.MissingImports) | ErrorTypecheck (Dhall.TypeError Src Void) | ErrorParse Dhall.ParseError -- | Parse a Dhall expression. parse :: Text -> Either DhallError (Expr Src Dhall.Import) parse = fmap snd . parseWithHeader -- | Parse a Dhall expression along with its "header", i.e. whitespace and -- comments prefixing the actual code. parseWithHeader :: Text -> Either DhallError (Dhall.Header, Expr Src Dhall.Import) parseWithHeader = first ErrorParse . Dhall.exprAndHeaderFromText "" -- | Resolve all imports in an expression. load :: FileIdentifier -> Expr Src Dhall.Import -> Cache -> IO (Either DhallError (Cache, Expr Src Void)) load (FileIdentifier chained) expr (Cache graph cache) = do let emptyStatus = Dhall.emptyStatus "" status = -- reuse cache and import graph set Dhall.cache cache . set Dhall.graph graph . -- set "root import" set Dhall.stack (chained :| []) $ emptyStatus (do (expr', status') <- runStateT (Dhall.loadWith expr) status let cache' = view Dhall.cache status' graph' = view Dhall.graph status' return . Right $ (Cache graph' cache', expr')) `catch` (\e -> return . Left $ ErrorImportSourced e) `catch` (\e -> return . Left $ ErrorInternal e) -- | Typecheck a fully resolved expression. Returns a certification that the -- input was well-typed along with its (well-typed) type. typecheck :: Expr Src Void -> Either DhallError (WellTyped, WellTyped) typecheck expr = case Dhall.typeOf expr of Left err -> Left $ ErrorTypecheck err Right typ -> Right (WellTyped expr, WellTyped typ) -- | Normalise a well-typed expression. normalize :: WellTyped -> Normal normalize (WellTyped expr) = Normal $ Dhall.normalize expr -- | Given a normal expression compute the hash (using the default standard -- version) of its alpha-normal form. Returns the hash in the format used in -- Dhall's hash annotations (prefixed by "sha256:" and base-64 encoded). hashNormalToCode :: Normal -> Text hashNormalToCode (Normal expr) = Dhall.hashExpressionToCode (Dhall.denote alphaNormal) where alphaNormal = Dhall.alphaNormalize expr