Remove support for Maybe

This commit is contained in:
Gabriel Gonzalez 2016-09-13 20:41:36 -07:00
parent 16da255e98
commit f2030edbab
3 changed files with 0 additions and 75 deletions

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@ -196,12 +196,6 @@ data Expr a
| TextLit Text
-- | > TextAppend x y ~ x <> y
| TextAppend (Expr a) (Expr a)
-- | > Maybe a ~ Maybe a
| Maybe (Expr a)
-- | > Nothing ~ Nothing
| Nothing_
-- | > Just_ ~ Just
| Just_
-- | > List t ~ [ t ]
| List (Expr a)
-- | > ListLit t [x, y, z] ~ [ x, y, z : t ]
@ -261,9 +255,6 @@ instance Monad Expr where
Text >>= _ = Text
TextLit t >>= _ = TextLit t
TextAppend l r >>= k = TextAppend (l >>= k) (r >>= k)
Maybe t >>= k = Maybe (t >>= k)
Nothing_ >>= _ = Nothing_
Just_ >>= _ = Just_
List t >>= k = List (t >>= k)
ListLit t es >>= k = ListLit (t >>= k) es'
@ -340,9 +331,6 @@ instance Eq a => Eq (Expr a) where
go (TextAppend xL yL) (TextAppend xR yR) = do
b1 <- go xL xR
if b1 then go yL yR else return False
go (Maybe tL) (Maybe tR) = go tL tR
go Nothing_ Nothing_ = return True
go Just_ Just_ = return True
go (List tL) (List tR) = go tL tR
go (ListLit tL esL) (ListLit tR esR) = do
b1 <- go tL tR
@ -443,7 +431,6 @@ buildExpr3 a = buildExpr4 a
buildExpr4 :: Buildable a => Expr a -> Builder
buildExpr4 (App a b) = buildExpr4 a <> " " <> buildExpr5 b
buildExpr4 (Maybe a) = "Maybe " <> buildExpr5 a
buildExpr4 a = buildExpr5 a
buildExpr5 :: Buildable a => Expr a -> Builder
@ -465,10 +452,6 @@ buildExpr5 Double =
buildExpr5 Text =
buildExpr5 Nothing_ =
buildExpr5 Just_ =
buildExpr5 ListBuild =
buildExpr5 ListFold =
@ -563,7 +546,6 @@ data TypeMessage
| AnnotMismatch (Expr X) (Expr X) (Expr X)
| Untyped Const
| InvalidElement Int Int (Expr X) (Expr X) (Expr X)
| InvalidMaybeTypeParam (Expr X)
| InvalidListTypeParam (Expr X)
| InvalidListType Bool (Expr X)
| InvalidPredicate (Expr X) (Expr X)
@ -759,30 +741,6 @@ the compiler cannot infer what `Kind` belongs to
txt = Text.toStrict (pretty c)
build (InvalidMaybeTypeParam expr) =
Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Error: Invalid type argument for `Maybe`
Explanation: You can wrap any type `a` in a `Maybe` to generate the type of an
optional term: `Maybe a`. For example, `Maybe Bool` denotes an optional `Bool`
Only types can be wrapped in `Maybe` to generated an optional type. You
*cannot* wrap terms or kinds in `Maybe`:
Maybe True -- This is not a valid optional type because `True` not a type
Maybe Type -- This is not a valid optional type because `Type` not a type
... but you can wrap terms in `Just` and `Nothing`:
Just Bool True -- This is valid and has type `Maybe Bool`
Nothing Bool -- This is valid and also has type `Maybe Bool`
You incorrectly wrapped this expression that is not a type inside of a `Maybe`:
txt = Text.toStrict (pretty expr)
build (InvalidListTypeParam expr) =
Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Error: Invalid type of list
@ -1213,7 +1171,6 @@ subst x e (BoolIf x' y z ) = BoolIf (subst x e x') (subst x e y) (subst x e z)
subst x e (NaturalPlus l r) = NaturalPlus (subst x e l) (subst x e r)
subst x e (NaturalTimes l r) = NaturalTimes (subst x e l) (subst x e r)
subst x e (TextAppend l r) = TextAppend (subst x e l) (subst x e r)
subst x e (Maybe t ) = Maybe (subst x e t)
subst x e (List t ) = List (subst x e t)
subst x e (ListLit t es ) = ListLit (subst x e t) es'
@ -1387,16 +1344,6 @@ typeWith ctx e@(TextAppend l r ) = do
Text -> return ()
_ -> Left (TypeError ctx e (CantAppend False r tr))
return Text
typeWith ctx e@(Maybe t ) = do
s <- fmap normalize (typeWith ctx t)
case s of
Const Star -> return ()
_ -> Left (TypeError ctx e (InvalidMaybeTypeParam t))
return (Const Star)
typeWith _ Nothing_ = do
return (Pi "a" (Const Star) (Maybe "a"))
typeWith _ Just_ = do
return (Pi "a" (Const Star) (Pi "_" "a" (Maybe "a")))
typeWith ctx e@(List t ) = do
s <- fmap normalize (typeWith ctx t)
case s of
@ -1583,7 +1530,6 @@ normalize e = case e of
x' = normalize x
y' = normalize y
Maybe t -> Maybe (normalize t)
List t -> List (normalize t)
ListLit t es -> ListLit (normalize t) (fmap normalize es)
ListConcat x y ->

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@ -86,9 +86,6 @@ tokens :-
"Integer" { emit Integer }
"Double" { emit Double }
"Text" { emit Text }
"Maybe" { emit Maybe }
"Nothing" { emit Nothing_ }
"Just" { emit Just_ }
"List/build" { emit ListBuild }
"List/fold" { emit ListFold }
\" ([^\"] | \\.)* \" { capture (TextLit . str) }
@ -194,9 +191,6 @@ data Token
| Text
| Double
| DoubleLit Double
| Maybe
| Nothing_
| Just_
| ListBuild
| ListFold
| TextLit Text
@ -286,12 +280,6 @@ instance Buildable Token where
= "Double"
build (DoubleLit n)
= n
build Maybe
= "Maybe"
build Nothing_
= "Nothing"
build Just_
= "Just"
build ListBuild
= "List/build"
build ListFold

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@ -75,9 +75,6 @@ import qualified NeatInterpolation
'Integer' { Dhall.Lexer.Integer }
'Double' { Dhall.Lexer.Double }
'Text' { Dhall.Lexer.Text }
'Maybe' { Dhall.Lexer.Maybe }
'Nothing' { Dhall.Lexer.Nothing_ }
'Just' { Dhall.Lexer.Just_ }
'List/build' { Dhall.Lexer.ListBuild }
'List/fold' { Dhall.Lexer.ListFold }
text { Dhall.Lexer.TextLit $$ }
@ -140,8 +137,6 @@ Expr3
: Expr4 Expr5
{ App $1 $2 }
| 'Maybe' Expr5
{ Maybe $2 }
| Expr5
{ $1 }
@ -164,10 +159,6 @@ Expr5
{ Double }
| 'Text'
{ Text }
| 'Nothing'
{ Nothing_ }
| 'Just'
{ Just_ }
| 'List/build'
{ ListBuild }
| 'List/fold'