Add pattern matching in the form of the apply command

Example usage:

        let handlers = { Left = Natural/even, Right = \(x : Bool) -> x }
    in  let union    = < Left = +2 | Right : Bool >
    in  apply handlers union : Bool
This commit is contained in:
Gabriel Gonzalez 2016-10-16 10:37:43 -07:00
parent 8b94bf4189
commit ecdc6c832e
3 changed files with 274 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (State)
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Data.Text.Buildable (Buildable(..))
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ import qualified Control.Monad
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as State
import qualified Data.Map
import qualified Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set
import qualified Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Builder
@ -261,6 +263,8 @@ data Expr a
| Union (Map Text (Expr a))
-- | > UnionLit (k1, v1) [(k2, t2), (k3, t3)] ~ < k1 = t1, k2 : t2, k3 : t3 >
| UnionLit Text (Expr a) (Map Text (Expr a))
-- | > Apply x y t ~ apply x y : t
| Apply (Expr a) (Expr a) (Expr a)
-- | > Field e x ~ e.x
| Field (Expr a) Text
-- | > Embed path ~ path
@ -324,6 +328,7 @@ instance Monad Expr where
RecordLit kvs >>= k = RecordLit (fmap (>>= k) kvs)
Union kts >>= k = Union (fmap (>>= k) kts)
UnionLit k' v kts >>= k = UnionLit k' (v >>= k) (fmap (>>= k) kts)
Apply x y t >>= k = Apply (x >>= k) (y >>= k) (t >>= k)
Field r x >>= k = Field (r >>= k) x
Embed r >>= k = k r
@ -449,6 +454,8 @@ buildExpr1 (ListLit a b) =
"[" <> buildElems (Data.Vector.toList b) <> "] : List " <> buildExpr6 a
buildExpr1 (MaybeLit a b) =
"[" <> buildElems (Data.Vector.toList b) <> "] : Maybe " <> buildExpr6 a
buildExpr1 (Apply a b c) =
"apply " <> buildExpr6 a <> " " <> buildExpr6 b <> " : " <> buildExpr5 c
buildExpr1 a =
buildExpr2 a
@ -645,6 +652,13 @@ data TypeMessage
| InvalidFieldType Text (Expr X)
| InvalidTagType Text (Expr X)
| DuplicateField Text
| MustApplyARecord (Expr X)
| MustApplyToUnion (Expr X)
| UnusedHandler (Set Text)
| MissingHandler (Set Text)
| HandlerInputTypeMismatch Text (Expr X) (Expr X)
| HandlerOutputTypeMismatch Text (Expr X) (Expr X)
| HandlerNotAFunction Text (Expr X)
| NotARecord Text (Expr X) (Expr X)
| MissingField Text (Expr X)
| CantAnd Bool (Expr X) (Expr X)
@ -1099,6 +1113,200 @@ You have multiple fields named:
txt0 = Text.toStrict (pretty k)
build (MustApplyARecord expr0) =
Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Error: You can only `apply` a record of a handlers
Explanation: You can consume a union by `apply`ing a record of handlers, like
let handlers = { Left = Natural/even, Right = \(x : Bool) -> x }
in let union = < Left = +2 | Right : Bool >
in apply handlers union : Bool
... but the first argument to `apply` must be a record and not another type.
For example, the following expression is *not* valid:
let f (x : Bool) = x
in apply f < Foo = True > : True -- Invalid: `f` is not a record
You provided the following handler, which is not a record:
txt0 = Text.toStrict (pretty expr0)
build (MustApplyToUnion expr0) =
Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Error: You can only `apply` handlers to a union
Explanation: You can consume a union by `apply`ing a record of handlers, like
let handlers = { Left = Natural/even, Right = λ(x : Bool) x }
in let union = < Left = +2 | Right : Bool >
in apply handlers union : Bool
... but the second argument to `apply` must be a union and not another type.
For example, the following expression is *not* valid:
let handlers = { Foo = λ(x : Bool) x }
in apply handlers True -- Invalid: `True` is not a union
You applied a record of handlers to this expression, which is not a union:
txt0 = Text.toStrict (pretty expr0)
build (UnusedHandler ks) =
Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Error: Unused handler
Explanation: You can consume a union by `apply`ing a record of handlers, like
let handlers = { Left = Natural/even, Right = λ(x : Bool) x }
in let union = < Left = +2 | Right : Bool >
in apply handlers union : Bool
... but there must be exactly one handler per alternative in the union. You
cannot have extra handlers.
For example, the following expression is *not* valid:
let handlers =
{ Left = Natural/even
, Right = λ(x : Bool) x -- Invalid: This handler is not used
in let union = < Left = +2 > -- The `Right` alternative is missing
in apply handlers union : Bool
The following handlers had no matching alternatives:
txt0 = Text.toStrict (Text.intercalate ", " (Data.Set.toList ks))
build (MissingHandler ks) =
Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Error: Missing handler
Explanation: You can consume a union by `apply`ing a record of handlers, like
let handlers = { Left = Natural/even, Right = λ(x : Bool) x }
in let union = < Left = +2 | Right : Bool >
in apply handlers union : Bool
... but there must be exactly one handler per alternative in the union. You
cannot have missing handlers.
For example, the following expression is *not* valid:
let handlers = { Left = Natural/even } -- Invalid: No `Right` handler
in let union = < Left = +2 | Right : Bool >
in apply handlers union : Bool
The following handlers are missing:
txt0 = Text.toStrict (Text.intercalate ", " (Data.Set.toList ks))
build (HandlerInputTypeMismatch expr0 expr1 expr2) =
Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Error: Handler has the wrong input type
Explanation: You can consume a union by `apply`ing a record of handlers, like
let handlers = { Left = Natural/even, Right = λ(x : Bool) x }
in let union = < Left = +2 | Right : Bool >
in apply handlers union : Bool
... but the input type of each handler must match the type of the corresponding
alternative of the union:
let handlers = { Left = Natural/even, Right = λ(x : Bool) x }
-- ^ This function ...
in let union = < Left = +2 | Right : Bool >
-- ^ ... must accept a value of this type
in apply handlers union : Bool
Your handler for the following alternative:
... was supposed to accept a value of type:
... but actually accepts a value of type:
txt0 = Text.toStrict (pretty expr0)
txt1 = Text.toStrict (pretty expr1)
txt2 = Text.toStrict (pretty expr2)
build (HandlerOutputTypeMismatch expr0 expr1 expr2) =
Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Error: Handler has the wrong output type
Explanation: You can consume a union by `apply`ing a record of handlers, like
let handlers = { Left = Natural/even, Right = λ(x : Bool) x }
in let union = < Left = +2 | Right : Bool >
in apply handlers union : Bool
... but the output type of each handler must match the declared final type:
let handlers = { Left = Natural/even, Right = λ(x : Bool) x }
-- ^ ^
-- These two functions ...
in let union = < Left = +2 | Right : Bool >
in apply handlers union : Bool -- ... must return a `Bool`
Your handler for the following alternative:
... was supposed to return a value of type:
... but actually returns a value of type:
txt0 = Text.toStrict (pretty expr0)
txt1 = Text.toStrict (pretty expr1)
txt2 = Text.toStrict (pretty expr2)
build (HandlerNotAFunction k expr0) =
Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Error: Handler is not a function
Explanation: You can consume a union by `apply`ing a record of handlers, like
let handlers = { Left = Natural/even, Right = λ(x : Bool) x }
in let union = < Left = +2 | Right : Bool >
in apply handlers union : Bool
... but the type of each handler must be a function.
For example, the following expression is *not* valid:
apply { Foo = 1 } < Foo = 1 > : Integer
-- ^ Not a function
Your handler for:
... has the following type:
... which is not the type of a function
txt0 = Text.toStrict (pretty k)
txt1 = Text.toStrict (pretty expr0)
build (NotARecord k expr0 expr1) =
Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Error: Invalid record access
@ -1385,6 +1593,11 @@ shift d v (Record kts) = Record (fmap (shift d v) kts)
shift d v (RecordLit kvs) = RecordLit (fmap (shift d v) kvs)
shift d v (Union kts) = Union (fmap (shift d v) kts)
shift d v (UnionLit a b kts) = UnionLit a (shift d v b) (fmap (shift d v) kts)
shift d v (Apply a b c) = Apply a' b' c'
a' = shift d v a
b' = shift d v b
c' = shift d v c
shift d v (Field a b) = Field a' b
a' = shift d v a
@ -1485,6 +1698,11 @@ subst x e (Record kts) = Record (fmap (subst x e) kts)
subst x e (RecordLit kvs) = RecordLit (fmap (subst x e) kvs)
subst x e (Union kts) = Union (fmap (subst x e) kts)
subst x e (UnionLit a b kts) = UnionLit a (subst x e b) (fmap (subst x e) kts)
subst x e (Apply a b c) = Apply a' b' c'
a' = subst x e a
b' = subst x e b
c' = subst x e c
subst x e (Field a b) = Field a' b
a' = subst x e a
@ -1807,6 +2025,41 @@ typeWith ctx e@(UnionLit k v kts) = do
Nothing -> return ()
t <- typeWith ctx v
return (Union (Data.Map.insert k t kts))
typeWith ctx e@(Apply kvsX kvsY t) = do
tKvsX <- fmap normalize (typeWith ctx kvsX)
ktsX <- case tKvsX of
Record kts -> return kts
_ -> Left (TypeError ctx e (MustApplyARecord tKvsX))
let ksX = Data.Map.keysSet ktsX
tKvsY <- fmap normalize (typeWith ctx kvsY)
ktsY <- case tKvsY of
Union kts -> return kts
_ -> Left (TypeError ctx e (MustApplyToUnion tKvsY))
let ksY = Data.Map.keysSet ktsY
let diffX = Data.Set.difference ksX ksY
let diffY = Data.Set.difference ksY ksX
if Data.Set.null diffX
then return ()
else Left (TypeError ctx e (UnusedHandler diffX))
let process (kY, tY) = do
case Data.Map.lookup kY ktsX of
Nothing -> Left (TypeError ctx e (MissingHandler diffY))
Just tX ->
case tX of
Pi _ tY' t' -> do
if propEqual tY tY'
then return ()
else Left (TypeError ctx e (HandlerInputTypeMismatch kY tY tY'))
if propEqual t t'
then return ()
else Left (TypeError ctx e (HandlerOutputTypeMismatch kY t t'))
_ -> Left (TypeError ctx e (HandlerNotAFunction kY tX))
mapM_ process (Data.Map.toList ktsY)
return t
typeWith ctx e@(Field r x ) = do
t <- fmap normalize (typeWith ctx r)
case t of
@ -1996,6 +2249,20 @@ normalize e = case e of
Record kts -> Record (fmap normalize kts)
RecordLit kvs -> RecordLit (fmap normalize kvs)
Union kts -> Union (fmap normalize kts)
Apply x y t ->
case x of
RecordLit kvsX ->
case y of
UnionLit kY vY _ ->
case Data.Map.lookup kY kvsX of
Just vX -> normalize (App vX vY)
Nothing -> Apply x' y' t'
_ -> Apply x' y' t'
_ -> Apply x' y' t'
x' = normalize x
y' = normalize y
t' = normalize t
Field r x ->
case normalize r of
RecordLit kvs ->

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@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ tokens :-
"Bool" { emit Bool }
"True" { emit True_ }
"False" { emit False_ }
"apply" { emit Apply }
"if" { emit If }
"then" { emit Then }
"else" { emit Else }
@ -251,6 +252,7 @@ data Token
| Bool
| True_
| False_
| Apply
| If
| Then
| Else
@ -347,6 +349,8 @@ instance Buildable Token where
= "True"
build False_
= "False"
build Apply
= "apply"
build If
= "if"
build Then

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@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ import qualified NeatInterpolation
'Bool' { Dhall.Lexer.Bool }
'True' { Dhall.Lexer.True_ }
'False' { Dhall.Lexer.False_ }
'apply' { Dhall.Lexer.Apply }
'if' { Dhall.Lexer.If }
'then' { Dhall.Lexer.Then }
'else' { Dhall.Lexer.Else }
@ -132,6 +133,8 @@ Expr1
{ Let $2 $3 (Just $5) $7 $9 }
| '[' Elems ']' ':' ListLike Expr6
{ $5 $6 (Data.Vector.fromList $2) }
| 'apply' Expr6 Expr6 ':' Expr5
{ Apply $2 $3 $5 }
| Expr2
{ $1 }