Add Natural/isZero

This commit is contained in:
Gabriel Gonzalez 2016-09-16 09:32:50 -07:00
parent b8909addf4
commit c09a586117
3 changed files with 68 additions and 53 deletions

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@ -175,6 +175,8 @@ data Expr a
| NaturalLit Natural
-- | > NaturalFold ~ Natural/fold
| NaturalFold
-- | > NaturalIsZero ~ Natural/isZero
| NaturalIsZero
-- | > NaturalPlus x y ~ x + y
| NaturalPlus (Expr a) (Expr a)
-- | > NaturalTimes x y ~ x * y
@ -260,6 +262,7 @@ instance Monad Expr where
Natural >>= _ = Natural
NaturalLit n >>= _ = NaturalLit n
NaturalFold >>= _ = NaturalFold
NaturalIsZero >>= _ = NaturalIsZero
NaturalPlus l r >>= k = NaturalPlus (l >>= k) (r >>= k)
NaturalTimes l r >>= k = NaturalTimes (l >>= k) (r >>= k)
Integer >>= _ = Integer
@ -416,6 +419,8 @@ buildExpr5 Natural =
buildExpr5 NaturalFold =
buildExpr5 NaturalIsZero =
buildExpr5 Integer =
buildExpr5 Double =
@ -1373,6 +1378,8 @@ typeWith _ NaturalFold = do
(Pi "natural" (Const Type)
(Pi "succ" (Pi "pred" "natural" "natural")
(Pi "zero" "natural" "natural") ) ) )
typeWith _ NaturalIsZero = do
return (Pi "_" Natural Bool)
typeWith ctx e@(NaturalPlus l r) = do
tl <- fmap normalize (typeWith ctx l)
case tl of
@ -1558,6 +1565,7 @@ normalize e = case e of
go !0 = zero
go !n = App succ' (go (n - 1))
App NaturalIsZero (NaturalLit n) -> BoolLit (n == 0)
App (App ListBuild t) k
| check -> ListLit t (buildVector k')
| otherwise -> App f' a'

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@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ tokens :-
"else" { emit Else }
"Natural" { emit Natural }
"Natural/fold" { emit NaturalFold }
"Natural/isZero" { emit NaturalIsZero }
"Integer" { emit Integer }
"Double" { emit Double }
"Text" { emit Text }
@ -195,6 +196,7 @@ data Token
| Natural
| NaturalLit Natural
| NaturalFold
| NaturalIsZero
| Integer
| Text
| Double
@ -288,6 +290,8 @@ instance Buildable Token where
= "+" <> (fromIntegral n :: Integer)
build NaturalFold
= "Natural/fold"
build NaturalIsZero
= "Natural/isZero"
build Integer
= "Integer"
build Text

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@ -40,59 +40,60 @@ import qualified NeatInterpolation
%monad { Alex }
'(' { Dhall.Lexer.OpenParen }
')' { Dhall.Lexer.CloseParen }
'{' { Dhall.Lexer.OpenBrace }
'}' { Dhall.Lexer.CloseBrace }
'{:}' { Dhall.Lexer.EmptyRecord }
'{=}' { Dhall.Lexer.EmptyRecordLit }
'[' { Dhall.Lexer.OpenBracket }
']' { Dhall.Lexer.CloseBracket }
':' { Dhall.Lexer.Colon }
',' { Dhall.Lexer.Comma }
'.' { Dhall.Lexer.Dot }
'=' { Dhall.Lexer.Equals }
'&&' { Dhall.Lexer.And }
'||' { Dhall.Lexer.Or }
'+' { Dhall.Lexer.Plus }
'<>' { Dhall.Lexer.Diamond }
'++' { Dhall.Lexer.DoublePlus }
'*' { Dhall.Lexer.Star }
'let' { Dhall.Lexer.Let }
'in' { Dhall.Lexer.In }
'Type' { Dhall.Lexer.Type }
'Kind' { Dhall.Lexer.Kind }
'->' { Dhall.Lexer.Arrow }
'forall' { Dhall.Lexer.Forall }
'\\' { Dhall.Lexer.Lambda }
'Bool' { Dhall.Lexer.Bool }
'True' { Dhall.Lexer.True_ }
'False' { Dhall.Lexer.False_ }
'if' { Dhall.Lexer.If }
'then' { Dhall.Lexer.Then }
'else' { Dhall.Lexer.Else }
'Natural' { Dhall.Lexer.Natural }
'Natural/fold' { Dhall.Lexer.NaturalFold }
'Integer' { Dhall.Lexer.Integer }
'Double' { Dhall.Lexer.Double }
'Text' { Dhall.Lexer.Text }
'List' { Dhall.Lexer.List }
'List/build' { Dhall.Lexer.ListBuild }
'List/fold' { Dhall.Lexer.ListFold }
'List/length' { Dhall.Lexer.ListLength }
'List/first' { Dhall.Lexer.ListFirst }
'List/last' { Dhall.Lexer.ListLast }
'List/index' { Dhall.Lexer.ListIndex }
'List/indexed' { Dhall.Lexer.ListIndexed }
'Maybe' { Dhall.Lexer.Maybe }
'Maybe/fold' { Dhall.Lexer.MaybeFold }
text { Dhall.Lexer.TextLit $$ }
label { Dhall.Lexer.Label $$ }
number { Dhall.Lexer.Number $$ }
double { Dhall.Lexer.DoubleLit $$ }
natural { Dhall.Lexer.NaturalLit $$ }
url { Dhall.Lexer.URL $$ }
file { Dhall.Lexer.File $$ }
'(' { Dhall.Lexer.OpenParen }
')' { Dhall.Lexer.CloseParen }
'{' { Dhall.Lexer.OpenBrace }
'}' { Dhall.Lexer.CloseBrace }
'{:}' { Dhall.Lexer.EmptyRecord }
'{=}' { Dhall.Lexer.EmptyRecordLit }
'[' { Dhall.Lexer.OpenBracket }
']' { Dhall.Lexer.CloseBracket }
':' { Dhall.Lexer.Colon }
',' { Dhall.Lexer.Comma }
'.' { Dhall.Lexer.Dot }
'=' { Dhall.Lexer.Equals }
'&&' { Dhall.Lexer.And }
'||' { Dhall.Lexer.Or }
'+' { Dhall.Lexer.Plus }
'<>' { Dhall.Lexer.Diamond }
'++' { Dhall.Lexer.DoublePlus }
'*' { Dhall.Lexer.Star }
'let' { Dhall.Lexer.Let }
'in' { Dhall.Lexer.In }
'Type' { Dhall.Lexer.Type }
'Kind' { Dhall.Lexer.Kind }
'->' { Dhall.Lexer.Arrow }
'forall' { Dhall.Lexer.Forall }
'\\' { Dhall.Lexer.Lambda }
'Bool' { Dhall.Lexer.Bool }
'True' { Dhall.Lexer.True_ }
'False' { Dhall.Lexer.False_ }
'if' { Dhall.Lexer.If }
'then' { Dhall.Lexer.Then }
'else' { Dhall.Lexer.Else }
'Natural' { Dhall.Lexer.Natural }
'Natural/fold' { Dhall.Lexer.NaturalFold }
'Natural/isZero' { Dhall.Lexer.NaturalIsZero }
'Integer' { Dhall.Lexer.Integer }
'Double' { Dhall.Lexer.Double }
'Text' { Dhall.Lexer.Text }
'List' { Dhall.Lexer.List }
'List/build' { Dhall.Lexer.ListBuild }
'List/fold' { Dhall.Lexer.ListFold }
'List/length' { Dhall.Lexer.ListLength }
'List/first' { Dhall.Lexer.ListFirst }
'List/last' { Dhall.Lexer.ListLast }
'List/index' { Dhall.Lexer.ListIndex }
'List/indexed' { Dhall.Lexer.ListIndexed }
'Maybe' { Dhall.Lexer.Maybe }
'Maybe/fold' { Dhall.Lexer.MaybeFold }
text { Dhall.Lexer.TextLit $$ }
label { Dhall.Lexer.Label $$ }
number { Dhall.Lexer.Number $$ }
double { Dhall.Lexer.DoubleLit $$ }
natural { Dhall.Lexer.NaturalLit $$ }
url { Dhall.Lexer.URL $$ }
file { Dhall.Lexer.File $$ }
%right '||'
%right '&&'
@ -170,6 +171,8 @@ Expr5
{ Natural }
| 'Natural/fold'
{ NaturalFold }
| 'Natural/isZero'
{ NaturalIsZero }
| 'Integer'
{ Integer }
| 'Double'