Update documentation

This commit is contained in:
Gabriel Gonzalez 2016-10-19 16:54:47 -07:00
parent 43bcda1a47
commit bc7735d5c2
2 changed files with 122 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ module Dhall.Core (
-- * Builders
-- $builders
@ -149,6 +150,9 @@ data Var = V Text !Integer
instance IsString Var where
fromString str = V (fromString str) 0
instance Buildable Var where
build = buildVar
-- | Syntax tree for expressions
data Expr a
-- | > Const c ~ c
@ -314,16 +318,54 @@ instance IsString (Expr a)
fromString str = Var (fromString str)
{- $builders
There is a one-to-one correspondence between the builders in this section
and the sub-parsers in "Dhall.Parser". Each builder is named after the
corresponding parser and the relationship between builders exactly matches
the relationship between parsers. This leads to the nice emergent property
of automatically getting all the parentheses and precedences right.
This approach has one major disadvantage: you can get an infinite loop if
you add a new constructor to the syntax tree without adding a matching
case the corresponding builder.
-- | Pretty-print a value
pretty :: Buildable a => a -> Text
pretty = Builder.toLazyText . build
-- | Builder corresponding to the @label@ token in "Dhall.Parser"
buildLabel :: Text -> Builder
buildLabel = build
-- | Builder corresponding to the @number@ token in "Dhall.Parser"
buildNumber :: Integer -> Builder
buildNumber a = build (show a)
-- | Builder corresponding to the @natural@ token in "Dhall.Parser"
buildNatural :: Natural -> Builder
buildNatural a = build (show a)
-- | Builder corresponding to the @double@ token in "Dhall.Parser"
buildDouble :: Double -> Builder
buildDouble a = build (show a)
-- | Builder corresponding to the @text@ token in "Dhall.Parser"
buildText :: Builder -> Builder
buildText a = build (show a)
-- | Builder corresponding to the @Expr0@ parser in "Dhall.Parser"
buildExpr0 :: Buildable a => Expr a -> Builder
buildExpr0 (Annot a b) =
buildExpr1 a <> " : " <> buildExpr0 b
buildExpr0 a =
buildExpr1 a
-- | Builder corresponding to the @Expr1@ parser in "Dhall.Parser"
buildExpr1 :: Buildable a => Expr a -> Builder
buildExpr1 (Lam a b c) =
<> build a
<> buildLabel a
<> " : "
<> buildExpr0 b
<> ") → "
@ -341,27 +383,41 @@ buildExpr1 (Pi "_" b c) =
<> buildExpr1 c
buildExpr1 (Pi a b c) =
<> build a
<> buildLabel a
<> " : "
<> buildExpr0 b
<> ") → "
<> buildExpr1 c
buildExpr1 (Let a Nothing c d) =
"let "
<> build a
<> buildLabel a
<> " = "
<> buildExpr0 c
<> " in "
<> buildExpr1 d
buildExpr1 (Let a (Just b) c d) =
"let "
<> build a
<> buildLabel a
<> " : "
<> buildExpr0 b
<> " = "
<> buildExpr0 c
<> " in "
<> buildExpr1 d
-- Note: The corresponding @Expr1@ parser in "Dhall.Parser" deviates from the
-- following two cases due to the fact that the @alex@-generated parser does not
-- not backtrack perfectly. The exact translation would be:
-- > Expr1
-- > ...
-- > | '[' Elems ']' : 'List' Expr6
-- > { ListLit $6 (Data.Vector.fromList $2) }
-- > | '[' Elems ']' : 'Maybe' Expr6
-- > { MaybeLit $6 (Data.Vector.fromList $2) }
-- ... but that fails to parse @Maybe@ literals correctly, so I worked around
-- it by changing the parser to an equivalent parser but keeping the
-- builder the same.
buildExpr1 (ListLit a b) =
"[" <> buildElems (Data.Vector.toList b) <> "] : List " <> buildExpr6 a
buildExpr1 (MaybeLit a b) =
@ -371,26 +427,31 @@ buildExpr1 (Apply a b c) =
buildExpr1 a =
buildExpr2 a
-- | Builder corresponding to the @Expr2@ parser in "Dhall.Parser"
buildExpr2 :: Buildable a => Expr a -> Builder
buildExpr2 (BoolEQ a b) = buildExpr2 a <> " == " <> buildExpr2 b
buildExpr2 (BoolNE a b) = buildExpr2 a <> " /= " <> buildExpr2 b
buildExpr2 a = buildExpr3 a
buildExpr2 (BoolEQ a b) = buildExpr2 a <> " == " <> buildExpr2 b
buildExpr2 (BoolNE a b) = buildExpr2 a <> " /= " <> buildExpr2 b
buildExpr2 a = buildExpr3 a
-- | Builder corresponding to the @Expr3@ parser in "Dhall.Parser"
buildExpr3 :: Buildable a => Expr a -> Builder
buildExpr3 (BoolOr a b) = buildExpr3 a <> " || " <> buildExpr3 b
buildExpr3 (NaturalPlus a b) = buildExpr3 a <> " + " <> buildExpr3 b
buildExpr3 (TextAppend a b) = buildExpr3 a <> " ++ " <> buildExpr3 b
buildExpr3 a = buildExpr4 a
-- | Builder corresponding to the @Expr4@ parser in "Dhall.Parser"
buildExpr4 :: Buildable a => Expr a -> Builder
buildExpr4 (BoolAnd a b) = buildExpr4 a <> " && " <> buildExpr4 b
buildExpr4 (NaturalTimes a b) = buildExpr4 a <> " * " <> buildExpr4 b
buildExpr4 a = buildExpr5 a
-- | Builder corresponding to the @Expr5@ parser in "Dhall.Parser"
buildExpr5 :: Buildable a => Expr a -> Builder
buildExpr5 (App a b) = buildExpr5 a <> " " <> buildExpr6 b
buildExpr5 a = buildExpr6 a
-- | Builder corresponding to the @Expr6@ parser in "Dhall.Parser"
buildExpr6 :: Buildable a => Expr a -> Builder
buildExpr6 (Var a) =
buildVar a
@ -414,6 +475,8 @@ buildExpr6 Double =
buildExpr6 Text =
buildExpr6 List =
buildExpr6 ListBuild =
buildExpr6 ListFold =
@ -428,8 +491,6 @@ buildExpr6 ListIndexed =
buildExpr6 ListReverse =
buildExpr6 List =
buildExpr6 Maybe =
buildExpr6 MaybeFold =
@ -439,17 +500,17 @@ buildExpr6 (BoolLit True) =
buildExpr6 (BoolLit False) =
buildExpr6 (IntegerLit a) =
build (show a)
buildNumber a
buildExpr6 (NaturalLit a) =
"+" <> build (show a)
"+" <> buildNatural a
buildExpr6 (DoubleLit a) =
build (show a)
buildDouble a
buildExpr6 (TextLit a) =
build (show a)
buildExpr6 (RecordLit a) =
buildRecordLit a
buildText a
buildExpr6 (Record a) =
buildRecord a
buildExpr6 (RecordLit a) =
buildRecordLit a
buildExpr6 (Union a) =
buildUnion a
buildExpr6 (UnionLit a b c) =
@ -457,76 +518,89 @@ buildExpr6 (UnionLit a b c) =
buildExpr6 (Embed a) =
build a
buildExpr6 (Field a b) =
buildExpr6 a <> "." <> build b
buildExpr6 a <> "." <> buildLabel b
buildExpr6 a =
"(" <> buildExpr0 a <> ")"
-- | Builder corresponding to the @Const@ parser in "Dhall.Parser"
buildConst :: Const -> Builder
buildConst Type = "Type"
buildConst Kind = "Kind"
-- | Builder corresponding to the @Var@ parser in "Dhall.Parser"
buildVar :: Var -> Builder
buildVar (V x 0) = build x
buildVar (V x n) = build x <> "@" <> build (show n)
buildVar (V x 0) = buildLabel x
buildVar (V x n) = buildLabel x <> "@" <> buildNumber n
-- | Builder corresponding to the @Elems@ parser in "Dhall.Parser"
buildElems :: Buildable a => [Expr a] -> Builder
buildElems [] = ""
buildElems [a] = buildExpr0 a
buildElems (a:bs) = buildExpr0 a <> ", " <> buildElems bs
-- | Builder corresponding to the @RecordLit@ parser in "Dhall.Parser"
buildRecordLit :: Buildable a => Map Text (Expr a) -> Builder
buildRecordLit a | Data.Map.null a =
buildRecordLit a =
"{ " <> buildFieldValues (Data.Map.toList a) <> " }"
-- | Builder corresponding to the @FieldValues@ parser in "Dhall.Parser"
buildFieldValues :: Buildable a => [(Text, Expr a)] -> Builder
buildFieldValues [] = ""
buildFieldValues [a] = buildFieldValue a
buildFieldValues (a:bs) = buildFieldValue a <> ", " <> buildFieldValues bs
-- | Builder corresponding to the @FieldValue@ parser in "Dhall.Parser"
buildFieldValue :: Buildable a => (Text, Expr a) -> Builder
buildFieldValue (a, b) = build a <> " = " <> buildExpr0 b
buildFieldValue (a, b) = buildLabel a <> " = " <> buildExpr0 b
-- | Builder corresponding to the @Record@ parser in "Dhall.Parser"
buildRecord :: Buildable a => Map Text (Expr a) -> Builder
buildRecord a | Data.Map.null a =
buildRecord a =
"{ " <> buildFieldTypes (Data.Map.toList a) <> " }"
-- | Builder corresponding to the @FieldTypes@ parser in "Dhall.Parser"
buildFieldTypes :: Buildable a => [(Text, Expr a)] -> Builder
buildFieldTypes [] = ""
buildFieldTypes [a] = buildFieldType a
buildFieldTypes (a:bs) = buildFieldType a <> ", " <> buildFieldTypes bs
-- | Builder corresponding to the @FieldType@ parser in "Dhall.Parser"
buildFieldType :: Buildable a => (Text, Expr a) -> Builder
buildFieldType (a, b) = build a <> " : " <> buildExpr0 b
buildFieldType (a, b) = buildLabel a <> " : " <> buildExpr0 b
-- | Builder corresponding to the @Union@ parser in "Dhall.Parser"
buildUnion :: Buildable a => Map Text (Expr a) -> Builder
buildUnion a | Data.Map.null a =
buildUnion a =
"< " <> buildTagTypes (Data.Map.toList a) <> " >"
-- | Builder corresponding to the @TagTypes@ parser in "Dhall.Parser"
buildTagTypes :: Buildable a => [(Text, Expr a)] -> Builder
buildTagTypes [] = ""
buildTagTypes [a] = buildTagType a
buildTagTypes (a:bs) = buildTagType a <> " | " <> buildTagTypes bs
-- | Builder corresponding to the @TagType@ parser in "Dhall.Parser"
buildTagType :: Buildable a => (Text, Expr a) -> Builder
buildTagType (a, b) = build a <> " : " <> buildExpr0 b
buildTagType (a, b) = buildLabel a <> " : " <> buildExpr0 b
-- | Builder corresponding to the @UnionLit@ parser in "Dhall.Parser"
buildUnionLit :: Buildable a => Text -> Expr a -> Map Text (Expr a) -> Builder
buildUnionLit a b c
| Data.Map.null c =
"< "
<> build a
<> buildLabel a
<> " = "
<> buildExpr0 b
<> " >"
| otherwise =
"< "
<> build a
<> buildLabel a
<> " = "
<> buildExpr0 b
<> " | "
@ -988,7 +1062,3 @@ buildVector f = Data.Vector.reverse (Data.Vector.create (do
return (0, 1, mv)
(len, _, mv) <- f cons nil
return (Data.Vector.Mutable.slice 0 len mv) ))
-- | Pretty-print a value
pretty :: Buildable a => a -> Text
pretty = Builder.toLazyText . build

View File

@ -123,10 +123,10 @@ Expr1
{ Lam $3 $5 $8 }
| 'if' Expr0 'then' Expr1 'else' Expr1
{ BoolIf $2 $4 $6 }
| 'forall' '(' label ':' Expr0 ')' '->' Expr1
{ Pi $3 $5 $8 }
| Expr2 '->' Expr1
{ Pi "_" $1 $3 }
| 'forall' '(' label ':' Expr0 ')' '->' Expr1
{ Pi $3 $5 $8 }
| 'let' label '=' Expr0 'in' Expr1
{ Let $2 Nothing $4 $6 }
| 'let' label ':' Expr0 '=' Expr0 'in' Expr1
@ -177,14 +177,10 @@ Expr5
{ $1 }
: label
{ Var (V $1 0) }
| label '@' number
{ Var (V $1 $3) }
| 'Type'
{ Const Type }
| 'Kind'
{ Const Kind }
: Var
{ Var $1 }
| Const
{ Const $1 }
| 'Bool'
{ Bool }
| 'Natural'
@ -249,6 +245,18 @@ Expr6
{ Field $1 $3 }
| '(' Expr0 ')'
{ $2 }
: 'Type'
{ Type }
| 'Kind'
{ Kind }
: label
{ V $1 0 }
| label '@' number
{ V $1 $3 }
: ElemsRev
@ -263,10 +271,10 @@ ElemsRev
{ $3 : $1 }
: '{' FieldValues '}'
{ RecordLit (Data.Map.fromList $2) }
| '{=}'
: '{=}'
{ RecordLit (Data.Map.fromList []) }
| '{' FieldValues '}'
{ RecordLit (Data.Map.fromList $2) }
: FieldValuesRev
@ -318,16 +326,16 @@ TagTypesRev
| TagTypesRev '|' TagType
{ $3 : $1 }
: label ':' Expr0
{ ($1, $3) }
: '<' label '=' Expr0 '>'
{ UnionLit $2 $4 Data.Map.empty }
| '<' label '=' Expr0 '|' TagTypes '>'
{ UnionLit $2 $4 (Data.Map.fromList $6) }
: label ':' Expr0
{ ($1, $3) }
: file
{ File $1 }