Rename Star/Box to Kind/Type

This commit is contained in:
Gabriel Gonzalez 2016-09-13 21:38:37 -07:00
parent d0e29c66f9
commit abbcdb8b55
2 changed files with 30 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -82,21 +82,21 @@ import qualified NeatInterpolation
> :
data Const = Star | Box deriving (Show, Bounded, Enum)
data Const = Type | Kind deriving (Show, Bounded, Enum)
instance Buildable Const where
build Star = "Type"
build Box = "Kind"
build Type = "Type"
build Kind = "Kind"
axiom :: Const -> Either TypeError Const
axiom Star = return Box
axiom Box = Left (TypeError Context.empty (Const Box) (Untyped Box))
axiom Type = return Kind
axiom Kind = Left (TypeError Context.empty (Const Kind) (Untyped Kind))
rule :: Const -> Const -> Either () Const
rule Star Box = Left ()
rule Star Star = return Star
rule Box Box = return Box
rule Box Star = return Star
rule Type Kind = Left ()
rule Type Type = return Type
rule Kind Kind = return Kind
rule Kind Type = return Type
-- | Path to an external resource
data Path
@ -283,8 +283,8 @@ propEqual :: Expr X -> Expr X -> Bool
propEqual eL0 eR0 = State.evalState (go (normalize eL0) (normalize eR0)) []
go :: Expr X -> Expr X -> State [(Text, Text)] Bool
go (Const Star) (Const Star) = return True
go (Const Box) (Const Box) = return True
go (Const Type) (Const Type) = return True
go (Const Kind) (Const Kind) = return True
go (Var xL) (Var xR) = do
ctx <- State.get
return (match xL xR ctx)
@ -379,9 +379,9 @@ buildExpr4 a = buildExpr5 a
buildExpr5 :: Buildable a => Expr a -> Builder
buildExpr5 (Var a) =
build a
buildExpr5 (Const Star) =
buildExpr5 (Const Type) =
buildExpr5 (Const Box) =
buildExpr5 (Const Kind) =
buildExpr5 Bool =
@ -1215,7 +1215,7 @@ typeWith ctx e@(Annot x t ) = do
let nf_t' = normalize t'
Left (TypeError ctx e (AnnotMismatch x nf_t nf_t'))
typeWith _ Bool = do
return (Const Star)
return (Const Type)
typeWith _ (BoolLit _ ) = do
return Bool
typeWith ctx e@(BoolAnd l r ) = do
@ -1254,13 +1254,13 @@ typeWith ctx e@(BoolIf x y z ) = do
else Left (TypeError ctx e (IfBranchMismatch y z ty tz))
return ty
typeWith _ Natural = do
return (Const Star)
return (Const Type)
typeWith _ (NaturalLit _ ) = do
return Natural
typeWith _ NaturalFold = do
(Pi "_" Natural
(Pi "natural" (Const Star)
(Pi "natural" (Const Type)
(Pi "succ" (Pi "pred" "natural" "natural")
(Pi "zero" "natural" "natural") ) ) )
typeWith ctx e@(NaturalPlus l r) = do
@ -1286,15 +1286,15 @@ typeWith ctx e@(NaturalTimes l r) = do
_ -> Left (TypeError ctx e (CantMultiply False r tr))
return Natural
typeWith _ Integer = do
return (Const Star)
return (Const Type)
typeWith _ (IntegerLit _ ) = do
return Integer
typeWith _ Double = do
return (Const Star)
return (Const Type)
typeWith _ (DoubleLit _ ) = do
return Double
typeWith _ Text = do
return (Const Star)
return (Const Type)
typeWith _ (TextLit _ ) = do
return Text
typeWith ctx e@(TextAppend l r ) = do
@ -1311,13 +1311,13 @@ typeWith ctx e@(TextAppend l r ) = do
typeWith ctx e@(List t ) = do
s <- fmap normalize (typeWith ctx t)
case s of
Const Star -> return ()
Const Type -> return ()
_ -> Left (TypeError ctx e (InvalidListTypeParam t))
return (Const Star)
return (Const Type)
typeWith ctx e@(ListLit t xs ) = do
s <- fmap normalize (typeWith ctx t)
case s of
Const Star -> return ()
Const Type -> return ()
_ -> Left (TypeError ctx e (InvalidListType (Data.Vector.null xs) t))
let n = Data.Vector.length xs
flip Data.Vector.imapM_ xs (\i x -> do
@ -1331,17 +1331,17 @@ typeWith ctx e@(ListLit t xs ) = do
return (List t)
typeWith _ ListBuild = do
(Pi "a" (Const Star)
(Pi "a" (Const Type)
(Pi "_"
(Pi "list" (Const Star)
(Pi "list" (Const Type)
(Pi "cons" (Pi "head" "a" (Pi "tail" "list" "list"))
(Pi "nil" "list" "list") ) )
(List "a") ) )
typeWith _ ListFold = do
(Pi "a" (Const Star)
(Pi "a" (Const Type)
(Pi "_" (List "a")
(Pi "list" (Const Star)
(Pi "list" (Const Type)
(Pi "cons" (Pi "head" "a" (Pi "tail" "list" "list"))
(Pi "nil" "list" "list")) ) ) )
typeWith ctx e@(ListConcat l r ) = do
@ -1362,10 +1362,10 @@ typeWith ctx e@(Record kts ) = do
let process (k, t) = do
s <- fmap normalize (typeWith ctx t)
case normalize s of
Const Star -> return ()
Const Type -> return ()
_ -> Left (TypeError ctx e (InvalidFieldType k t))
mapM_ process (Data.Map.toList kts)
return (Const Star)
return (Const Type)
typeWith ctx (RecordLit kvs ) = do
let process (k, v) = do
t <- typeWith ctx v

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@ -144,9 +144,9 @@ Expr5
: label
{ Var $1 }
| 'Type'
{ Const Star }
{ Const Type }
| 'Kind'
{ Const Box }
{ Const Kind }
| 'Bool'
{ Bool }
| 'Natural'