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This commit is contained in:
Gabriel Gonzalez 2016-11-24 14:59:02 -08:00
parent 5a9f710cc1
commit 96fe0ededb

View File

@ -7,11 +7,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-- | Dhall is a programming language specialized for configuration files.
-- | Dhall is a programming language specialized for configuration files. This
-- tutorial explains how to author configuration files using this language.
-- The simplest possible way to use Dhall is to ignore the programming language
-- features and use it as a strongly typed configuration format. For example,
-- suppose that you have the following configuration file:
-- The simplest way to use Dhall is to ignore the programming language features
-- and use it as a strongly typed configuration format. For example, suppose that
-- you have the following configuration file:
-- > $ cat config
-- > < Example =
@ -23,7 +24,8 @@
-- You can read the above configuration file into Haskell using the following
-- code:
-- > $ cat example.hs
-- > -- example.hs
-- >
-- > {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
-- > {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- >
@ -45,61 +47,144 @@
-- > $ ./example
-- > Example {foo = 1, bar = [3.0,4.0,5.0]}
-- In the above code, the @Example@ Haskell type represents the schema for our
-- configuration file. Suppose that we modify our configuration file to no
-- longer match the schema, like this:
-- In the above code, the data type definition for the @Example@ record
-- represents the schema for our configuration file. Suppose that we modify our
-- configuration file to no longer match the schema, like this:
-- > $ echo "1" > config
-- This then throws an exception when we try to load the configuration file:
-- Then our program will throw an exception when we try to load the
-- configuration file:
-- > $ ./example
-- > example:
-- > example:
-- > Error: Expression doesn't match annotation
-- >
-- > ./config : < Example : { bar : List Double, foo : Integer } >
-- >
-- > (input):1:1
-- The Dhall programming language is a statically typed language and the
-- above error message is the output of the language's type-checker. Every
-- expression we read into Haskell is type-checked against the expected schema.
-- The Dhall programming language is a typed language and the above error
-- message is the output of the language's type-checker. Every expression we
-- read into Haskell is type-checked against the expected schema.
-- The above error message says that the type-checker expected a record with
-- two fields: a field named @bar@ that is a `Vector` of `Double`s, and a
-- field named @foo@ that is an `Integer`. However, the type-checker found an
-- expression whose inferred type was an `Integer`. Since an `Integer` is not
-- the same thing as a record the type-checking step fails and Dhall does not
-- bother to marshal the configuration into Haskell.
-- The above error message says that the type-checker expected our @./config@ to
-- be a record with two fields: a field named @bar@ that is a @List@ of
-- @Double@s, and a field named @foo@ that is an @Integer@. However, the type
-- checker found an expression whose inferred type was an `Integer`. Since an
-- `Integer` is not the same thing as a record the type-checking step fails and
-- the code does not bother to marshal the configuration into Haskell.
-- Dhall is also a heavily restricted programming language. For example, we can
-- define a configuration file that is an anonymous function:
-- More specifically, the code excerpt from the above error message has two
-- components:
-- * the expression being type checked (i.e. @./config@)
-- * the expression's expected type
-- > ./config : < Example : { bar : List Double, foo : Integer } >
-- > ⇧ ⇧
-- > Expression Expected type
-- The @:@ symbol is how Dhall annotates values with their expected types.
-- Whenever you see:
-- > x : t
-- ... you should read that as \"we expect the expression @x@ to have type @t@\".
-- If you are familiar with other functional programming languages, this is
-- exactly analogous to type annotations in Haskell or Purescript using the @(::)@
-- symbol or type annotations in Elm or ML using the @(:)@ symbol.
-- File paths like @./config@ are valid expressions which expand out to the
-- corresponding file's contents. The @./config@ file's contents are currently
-- @1@, so @./config@ is just an elaborate synonym for the number @1@. This
-- means that we could equivalently write:
-- > 1 : < Example : { bar : List Double, foo : Integer } >
-- The type checker rejects the above expression because the expression @1@
-- does not have type @\< Example : { bar : List Double, foo : Integer } \>@.
-- The actual type of @1@ is @Integer@, which is not even close to the same type.
-- The Dhall programming language also supports anonymous functions. For
-- example, we can define a configuration file that is a function like this:
-- > $ cat > makeBools
-- > \(n : Bool) ->
-- > [ n && True, n && False, n || True, n || False ] : List Bool
-- > <Ctrl-D>
-- You can read this as a function of one argument named @n@ of type `Bool`
-- that returns a `Vector` of `Bool`s. Each element of the `Vector` depends
-- ... or we can use Dhall's support for Unicode characters to use @λ@ instead of
-- @\\@ and @→@ instead of @->@:
-- > $ cat > makeBools
-- > λ(n : Bool) →
-- > [ n && True, n && False, n || True, n || False ] : List Bool
-- > <Ctrl-D>
-- You can read this as a function of one argument named @n@ that has type @Bool@
-- This function returns a @List@ of @Bool@s. Each element of the @List@ depends
-- on the input argument.
-- This library comes with a command-line compiler named @dhall@ that you can
-- use to type-check configuration files and convert them to a normal form. For
-- example, we can ask the compiler what the type of our @makeBools@ file
-- is:
-- We can test our @makeBools@ function without having to modify and recompile
-- our Haskell program. This library comes with a command-line executable program
-- named @dhall@ that you can use to both type-check configuration files and
-- convert them to a normal form. Our compiler takes a program on standard input
-- and then prints the program's type to standard error followed by the program's
-- normal form to standard output:
-- > $ dhall < makeBools
-- > $ dhall <<< "./makeBools"
-- > ∀(n : Bool) → List Bool
-- >
-- > λ(n : Bool) → [n && True, n && False, n || True, n || False] : List Bool
-- The first line says that @makeBools@ is a function of one argument named @n@
-- that has type @Bool@ and the function returns a @List@ of @Bool@s.
-- that has type @Bool@ and the function returns a @List@ of @Bool@s. The
-- second line is our program's normal form, which in this case happens to be
-- identical to our original program.
-- We can @\"apply\"@ our file to a @Bool@ argument as if the file itself were
-- an ordinary function, like this:
-- We can \"apply\" our file to a @Bool@ argument, like this:
-- > $ dhall <<< "./makeBools True"
-- > List Bool
-- >
-- > [True, False, True, True] : List Bool
-- Remember that file paths are synonymous with their contents, so the above
-- code is equivalent to:
-- > $ dhall <<< "(λ(n : Bool) → [n && True, n && False, n || True, n || False] : List Bool) True"
-- > List Bool
-- >
-- > [True, False, True, True] : List Bool
-- Functions are separated from their arguments by whitespace. So if you see:
-- @f x@
-- ... you should read that as \"apply the function @f@ to the argument @x@\".
-- When you apply an anonymous function to an argument, you substitute the
-- \"bound variable" with the function's argument:
-- > (λ(n : Bool) → ...) True
-- > ⇧ ⇧
-- > Bound variable Function argument
-- So in our above example, we would replace all occurrences of @n@ with @True@,
-- like this:
-- > -- If we replace all of these `n`s with `True` ...
-- > [n && True, n && False, n || True, n || False] : List Bool
-- >
-- > -- ... then we get this:
-- > [True && True, True && False, True || True, True || False] : List Bool
-- >
-- > -- ... which further reduces to:
-- > [True, False, True, True] : List Bool
-- Now that we've verified that our function type checks and works, we can use
-- the same function within our Haskell program:
-- > {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- >
@ -115,28 +200,38 @@
-- > $ ./example
-- > [True,False,True,True]
-- We can decode into some types \"out-of-the-box\" without declaring a Haskell
-- record to store the output. In the above example we marshalled the result
-- directly into a `Vector` of `Bool`s. The instances for the `Interpret` class
-- class list all types that are automatically supported.
-- Note that the `input` function accepts any arbitrary Dhall expression and is
-- not limited to just file paths. For example, we could write:
-- We can also test functions directly on the command line using the @dhall@
-- compiler. For example:
-- > {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- >
-- > import Dhall
-- >
-- > main :: IO ()
-- > main = do
-- > x <- input auto "True && False"
-- > print (x :: Bool)
-- > $ dhall
-- > ./makeBools False
-- > <Ctrl-D>
-- > List Bool
-- >
-- > [False, False, True, False] : List Bool
-- ... and that would print:
-- The @dhall@ compiler produces two output lines:
-- > $ ./example
-- > False
-- * The first output line is the type of the result
-- * The second output line is the normal form of the expression that we input
-- We can also decode into some types without declaring a corresponding Haskell
-- record to store the output. In the last two examples we decoded the result
-- directly into either a `Vector` of `Bool`s or a `Bool`. You can see what types
-- are supported \"out-of-the-box\" by examining the instances for the `Interpret`
-- class.
-- In the above example the type of the result is a `Vector` of `Bool`s and the
-- normal form of the expression just evaluates all functions.
-- For example, the following instance says that we can directly decode any
-- Dhall expression that evaluates to a @Bool@ into a Haskell `Bool`:
-- > instance Interpret Bool
-- ... and there is another instance that says that if we can decode a value of
-- type @a@, then we can also decode a @List@ of values as a `Vector` of @a@s:
-- > instance Interpret a => Interpret (Vector a)
-- You can also use the Dhall compiler to evaluate expressions which have no
-- file references. For example: