Improve error messages

This commit is contained in:
Gabriel Gonzalez 2016-11-13 14:04:38 -08:00
parent a2a7075a14
commit 7538cd3152
2 changed files with 33 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -44,22 +44,25 @@ main = do
handler0 e = do
let _ = e :: TypeError Src
System.IO.hPutStrLn stderr ""
if unHelpful (explain options)
then Control.Exception.throwIO (DetailedTypeError e)
else do
Data.Text.Lazy.IO.hPutStrLn stderr "\ESC[2mAdd the --explain flag for a more detailed explanation of this error\ESC[0m\n"
Data.Text.Lazy.IO.hPutStrLn stderr "\ESC[2mAdd the --explain flag for a more detailed explanation of this error\ESC[0m"
Control.Exception.throwIO e
handler1 (Imported ps e) = do
let _ = e :: TypeError Src
System.IO.hPutStrLn stderr ""
if unHelpful (explain options)
then Control.Exception.throwIO (Imported ps (DetailedTypeError e))
else do
Data.Text.Lazy.IO.hPutStrLn stderr "Add the --explain flag for a more detailed explanation of this error\n"
Data.Text.Lazy.IO.hPutStrLn stderr "\ESC[2mAdd the --explain flag for a more detailed explanation of this error\ESC[0m"
Control.Exception.throwIO (Imported ps e)
handler2 e = do
let _ = e :: SomeException
System.IO.hPutStrLn stderr ""
System.IO.hPrint stderr e

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@ -2125,27 +2125,42 @@ prettyTypeMessage (HandlerInputTypeMismatch expr0 expr1 expr2) =
long =
Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Explanation: You can consume a union by `merge`ing a record of handlers, like
Explanation: You can merge the alternatives of a union using a record with one
handler per alternative, like this:
let handlers = { Left = Natural/even, Right = λ(x : Bool) x }
in let union = < Left = +2 | Right : Bool >
in merge handlers union : Bool
... but the input type of each handler must match the type of the corresponding
alternative of the union:
let union = < Left = +2 | Right : Bool >
in let handlers = { Left = Natural/even, Right = λ(x : Bool) x }
in merge handlers union : Bool
... as long as the input type of each handler function matches the type of the
corresponding alternative:
union : < Left : Natural | Right : Bool >
These must match These must match
handlers : { Left : Natural Bool, Right : Bool Bool }
let handlers = { Left = Natural/even, Right = λ(x : Bool) x }
-- ^ This function ...
in let union = < Left = +2 | Right : Bool >
-- ^ ... must accept a value of this type
in merge handlers union : Bool
Your handler for the following alternative:
... was supposed to accept a value of type:
... needs to accept a value of type:
... but actually accepts a value of type: