Add union types

Just the types for now.  No union literals or pattern matching, yet
This commit is contained in:
Gabriel Gonzalez 2016-10-02 14:32:35 -07:00
parent 89ea6b038c
commit 718fdeb171
3 changed files with 104 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -263,6 +263,8 @@ data Expr a
| Record (Map Text (Expr a))
-- | > RecordLit [(k1, v1), (k2, v2)] ~ { k1 = v1, k2 = v2 }
| RecordLit (Map Text (Expr a))
-- | > Union [(k1, t1), (k2, t2)] ~ < k1 t1 | k2 t2 >
| Union (Map Text (Expr a))
-- | > Field e x ~ e.x
| Field (Expr a) Text
-- | > Embed path ~ #path
@ -327,6 +329,7 @@ instance Monad Expr where
MaybeFold >>= _ = MaybeFold
Record kts >>= k = Record (fmap (>>= k) kts)
RecordLit kvs >>= k = RecordLit (fmap (>>= k) kvs)
Union kts >>= k = Union (fmap (>>= k) kts)
Field r x >>= k = Field (r >>= k) x
Embed r >>= k = k r
@ -370,7 +373,17 @@ propEqual eL0 eR0 = State.evalState (go (normalize eL0) (normalize eR0)) []
go Text Text = return True
go List List = return True
go Maybe Maybe = return True
go (Record ktsL0) (Record ktsR0) = do
go (Record ktsL0) (Record ktsR0) = do
let loop ((kL, tL):ktsL) ((kR, tR):ktsR)
| kL == kR = do
b <- go tL tR
if b
then loop ktsL ktsR
else return False
loop [] [] = return True
loop _ _ = return False
loop (Data.Map.toList ktsL0) (Data.Map.toList ktsR0)
go (Union ktsL0) (Union ktsR0) = do
let loop ((kL, tL):ktsL) ((kR, tR):ktsR)
| kL == kR = do
b <- go tL tR
@ -529,6 +542,8 @@ buildExpr6 (RecordLit a) =
buildRecordLit a
buildExpr6 (Record a) =
buildRecord a
buildExpr6 (Union a) =
buildUnion a
buildExpr6 (Embed a) =
build a
buildExpr6 (Field a b) =
@ -582,7 +597,21 @@ buildFieldTypes [a] = buildFieldType a
buildFieldTypes (a:bs) = buildFieldType a <> ", " <> buildFieldTypes bs
buildFieldType :: Buildable a => (Text, Expr a) -> Builder
buildFieldType (a, b) = build a <> " : " <> build b
buildFieldType (a, b) = build a <> " : " <> buildExpr0 b
buildUnion :: Buildable a => Map Text (Expr a) -> Builder
buildUnion a | Data.Map.null a =
buildUnion a =
"< " <> buildTagTypes (Data.Map.toList a) <> " >"
buildTagTypes :: Buildable a => [(Text, Expr a)] -> Builder
buildTagTypes [] = ""
buildTagTypes [a] = buildTagType a
buildTagTypes (a:bs) = buildTagType a <> " | " <> buildTagTypes bs
buildTagType :: Buildable a => (Text, Expr a) -> Builder
buildTagType (a, b) = build a <> " " <> buildExpr0 b
-- | Generates a syntactically valid Dhall program
instance Buildable a => Buildable (Expr a)
@ -606,6 +635,7 @@ data TypeMessage
| InvalidPredicate (Expr X) (Expr X)
| IfBranchMismatch (Expr X) (Expr X) (Expr X) (Expr X)
| InvalidFieldType Text (Expr X)
| InvalidTagType Text (Expr X)
| NotARecord Text (Expr X) (Expr X)
| MissingField Text (Expr X)
| CantAnd Bool (Expr X) (Expr X)
@ -1019,6 +1049,27 @@ You provided a record type with a key named:
{{ ... : $txt1, ... }}
-- ^ This needs to be a type
You can fix the problem by changing the annotation to a type
txt0 = Text.toStrict (pretty k )
txt1 = Text.toStrict (pretty expr0)
build (InvalidTagType k expr0) =
Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|
Error: Invalid type of tag
Explanation: Every union type has an annotated type for each tag
However, tags *cannot* be annotated with expressions other than types
You provided a union type with a tag named:
... annotated with the following expression which is not a type:
< ... $txt1 | ... >
-- ^ This needs to be a type
You can fix the problem by changing the annotation to a type
@ -1353,6 +1404,7 @@ shift d v (MaybeLit a b) = MaybeLit a' b'
b' = fmap (shift d v) b
shift d v (Record kts) = Record (fmap (shift d v) kts)
shift d v (RecordLit kvs) = RecordLit (fmap (shift d v) kvs)
shift d v (Union kts) = Union (fmap (shift d v) kts)
shift d v (Field a b) = Field a' b
a' = shift d v a
@ -1455,6 +1507,7 @@ subst x e (MaybeLit a b) = MaybeLit a' b'
b' = fmap (subst x e) b
subst x e (Record kts) = Record (fmap (subst x e) kts)
subst x e (RecordLit kvs) = RecordLit (fmap (subst x e) kvs)
subst x e (Union kts) = Union (fmap (subst x e) kts)
subst x e (Field a b) = Field a' b
a' = subst x e a
@ -1771,7 +1824,7 @@ typeWith _ MaybeFold = do
typeWith ctx e@(Record kts ) = do
let process (k, t) = do
s <- fmap normalize (typeWith ctx t)
case normalize s of
case s of
Const Type -> return ()
_ -> Left (TypeError ctx e (InvalidFieldType k t))
mapM_ process (Data.Map.toList kts)
@ -1782,6 +1835,14 @@ typeWith ctx (RecordLit kvs ) = do
return (k, t)
kts <- mapM process (Data.Map.toAscList kvs)
return (Record (Data.Map.fromAscList kts))
typeWith ctx e@(Union kts ) = do
let process (k, t) = do
s <- fmap normalize (typeWith ctx t)
case s of
Const Type -> return ()
_ -> Left (TypeError ctx e (InvalidTagType k t))
mapM_ process (Data.Map.toList kts)
return (Const Type)
typeWith ctx e@(Field r x ) = do
t <- fmap normalize (typeWith ctx r)
case t of
@ -1998,8 +2059,9 @@ normalize e = case e of
x' = normalize x
y' = normalize y
MaybeLit t es -> MaybeLit (normalize t) (fmap normalize es)
RecordLit kvs -> RecordLit (fmap normalize kvs)
Record kts -> Record (fmap normalize kts)
RecordLit kvs -> RecordLit (fmap normalize kvs)
Union kts -> Union (fmap normalize kts)
Field r x ->
case normalize r of
RecordLit kvs ->

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@ -57,11 +57,14 @@ tokens :-
")" { emit CloseParen }
"{" { emit OpenBrace }
"}" { emit CloseBrace }
"<" { emit OpenAngle }
">" { emit CloseAngle }
"{=}" { emit EmptyRecordLit }
"[" { emit OpenBracket }
"]" { emit CloseBracket }
":" { emit Colon }
"," { emit Comma }
"|" { emit Bar }
"." { emit Dot }
"=" { emit Equals }
"&&" { emit And }
@ -218,11 +221,14 @@ data Token
| CloseParen
| OpenBrace
| CloseBrace
| OpenAngle
| CloseAngle
| EmptyRecordLit
| OpenBracket
| CloseBracket
| Colon
| Comma
| Bar
| Dot
| Equals
| And
@ -286,6 +292,10 @@ instance Buildable Token where
= "{"
build CloseBrace
= "}"
build OpenAngle
= "<"
build CloseAngle
= ">"
build EmptyRecordLit
= "{=}"
build OpenBracket
@ -296,6 +306,8 @@ instance Buildable Token where
= ":"
build Comma
= ","
build Bar
= "|"
build Dot
= "."
build Equals

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@ -44,11 +44,14 @@ import qualified NeatInterpolation
')' { Dhall.Lexer.CloseParen }
'{' { Dhall.Lexer.OpenBrace }
'}' { Dhall.Lexer.CloseBrace }
'<' { Dhall.Lexer.OpenAngle }
'>' { Dhall.Lexer.CloseAngle }
'{=}' { Dhall.Lexer.EmptyRecordLit }
'[' { Dhall.Lexer.OpenBracket }
']' { Dhall.Lexer.CloseBracket }
':' { Dhall.Lexer.Colon }
',' { Dhall.Lexer.Comma }
'|' { Dhall.Lexer.Bar }
'.' { Dhall.Lexer.Dot }
'=' { Dhall.Lexer.Equals }
'&&' { Dhall.Lexer.And }
@ -239,9 +242,11 @@ Expr6
{ DoubleLit $1 }
| text
{ TextLit $1 }
| Record
{ $1 }
| RecordLit
{ $1 }
| Record
| Union
{ $1 }
| Import
{ Embed $1 }
@ -316,6 +321,26 @@ FieldType
: label ':' Expr0
{ ($1, $3) }
: '<' TagTypes '>'
{ Union (Data.Map.fromList $2) }
: TagTypesRev
{ reverse $1 }
: {- empty -}
{ [] }
| TagType
{ [$1] }
| TagTypesRev '|' TagType
{ $3 : $1 }
: label Expr0
{ ($1, $2) }
: file
{ File $1 }