dhall-lsp-server: Type on hover (#1008)

* Type on Hover 1/2: Backend

Adds a function typeAt that, given an annotated expression and a text
position finds the type of the subexpression at that position.

* Type on Hover 2/2: Frontend

Exposes the new type-on-hover functionality as part of the hover

* Simplify explainDiagnosis

As suggested by @Gabriel439

* Simplify `inside`

Adressing @Gabriel439's comment.

* Simplify typeAt' by assuming well-typedness

* Simply srcAt

Use choice operator `<|>` instead of case distinction
This commit is contained in:
Frederik Ramcke 2019-06-17 10:37:38 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent b001a61a02
commit 66833cbfa5
No known key found for this signature in database
6 changed files with 147 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ library

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Dhall.LSP.Backend.Dhall where
import Dhall.Parser (Src(..))
import Dhall.Import (loadWith, emptyStatus)
import Dhall.Parser (Src, exprFromText)
import Dhall.TypeCheck (X)
import Dhall.Core (Expr)
import Dhall
@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
import System.FilePath (splitFileName)
import Lens.Family (set)
import Control.Exception (handle, SomeException)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (evalStateT)
runDhall :: FilePath -> Text -> IO (Expr Src X)
runDhall path = inputExprWithSettings dhallparams
@ -21,3 +23,12 @@ runDhall path = inputExprWithSettings dhallparams
runDhallSafe :: FilePath -> Text -> IO (Maybe (Expr Src X))
runDhallSafe path text = handle (\(_ :: SomeException) -> return Nothing)
(Just <$> runDhall path text)
loadDhallExprSafe :: FilePath -> Text -> IO (Maybe (Expr Src X))
loadDhallExprSafe filePath txt =
case exprFromText filePath txt of
Right expr ->
let (dir, _) = splitFileName filePath
in handle (\(_ :: SomeException) -> return Nothing)
(Just <$> evalStateT (loadWith expr) (emptyStatus dir))
Left _ -> return Nothing

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@ -4,11 +4,15 @@ module Dhall.LSP.Backend.Diagnostics
( DhallException
, checkDhall
, diagnose
, explain
, rangeFromDhall
, Position
, Range(..)
, Diagnosis(..)
, explain
, offsetToPosition
, Position
, positionFromMegaparsec
, positionToOffset
, Range(..)
, rangeFromDhall
, sanitiseRange

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@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
module Dhall.LSP.Backend.Typing (typeAt, srcAt) where
import Dhall.Context (Context, insert, empty)
import Dhall.Core (Expr(..), Binding(..), subExpressions, normalize, shift, Var(..))
import Dhall.TypeCheck (typeWithA, X(..), TypeError(..))
import Dhall.Parser (Src(..))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Control.Lens (toListOf)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Diagnostics (Position, positionFromMegaparsec, offsetToPosition)
-- | Find the type of the subexpression at the given position. Assumes that the
-- input expression is well-typed.
typeAt :: Position -> Expr Src X -> Maybe (Expr Src X)
typeAt pos expr = case typeAt' pos empty expr of
Right typ -> Just typ
_ -> Nothing
typeAt' :: Position -> Context (Expr Src X) -> Expr Src X -> Either (TypeError Src X) (Expr Src X)
-- unfold lets to make things simpler
-- need to match on outer Note to recover the range
typeAt' pos ctx (Note src (Let (b :| (b' : bs)) e)) =
typeAt' pos ctx (Note src (Let (b :| []) (Note src (Let (b' :| bs) e))))
-- only handle singleton lets explicitly
typeAt' pos ctx (Let (Binding x _ a :| []) (Note src e)) | pos `inside` src = do
_A <- typeWithA absurd ctx a
let ctx' = fmap (shift 1 (V x 0)) (insert x _A ctx)
typeAt' pos ctx' e
typeAt' pos ctx (Lam x _A (Note src b)) | pos `inside` src = do
let _A' = Dhall.Core.normalize _A
ctx' = fmap (shift 1 (V x 0)) (insert x _A' ctx)
typeAt' pos ctx' b
typeAt' pos ctx (Pi x _A (Note src _B)) | pos `inside` src = do
let _A' = Dhall.Core.normalize _A
ctx' = fmap (shift 1 (V x 0)) (insert x _A' ctx)
typeAt' pos ctx' _B
-- need to catch Notes since the catch-all would remove two layers at once
typeAt' pos ctx (Note _ expr) = typeAt' pos ctx expr
-- catch-all
typeAt' pos ctx expr = do
let subExprs = toListOf subExpressions expr
case [ e | (Note src e) <- subExprs, pos `inside` src ] of
[] -> typeWithA absurd ctx expr -- return type of whole subexpression
(t:_) -> typeAt' pos ctx t -- continue with leaf-expression
-- | Find the smallest Src annotation containing the given position.
srcAt :: Position -> Expr Src X -> Maybe Src
srcAt pos (Note src expr) = srcAt pos expr <|> Just src
srcAt pos expr =
let subExprs = toListOf subExpressions expr
in case [ (src, e) | (Note src e) <- subExprs, pos `inside` src ] of
[] -> Nothing
((src, e) : _) -> srcAt pos e <|> Just src
-- Check if range lies completely inside a given subexpression.
-- This version takes trailing whitespace into account
-- (c.f. `sanitiseRange` from Backend.Diangostics).
inside :: Position -> Src -> Bool
inside pos (Src left _right txt) =
let (x1,y1) = positionFromMegaparsec left
txt' = Text.stripEnd txt
(dx2,dy2) = (offsetToPosition txt . Text.length) txt'
(x2,y2) | dx2 == 0 = (x1, y1 + dy2)
| otherwise = (x1 + dx2, dy2)
in (x1,y1) <= pos && pos < (x2,y2)

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-| This module contains everything related to how the LSP server handles
diagnostic messages. -}
module Dhall.LSP.Handlers.Diagnostics
( diagnosticsHandler
( diagnosticsHandler, explainDiagnosis
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Diagnostics
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Linting
import Dhall.LSP.Util (readUri)
import Data.List ( find )
import Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe )
-- | Called by @didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler@ and
-- @didSaveTextDocumentNotificationHandler@.
@ -61,6 +63,17 @@ suggestionToDiagnostic Suggestion {..} = J.Diagnostic {..}
_message = suggestion
_relatedInformation = Nothing
explainDiagnosis :: FilePath -> Text -> Position -> IO (Maybe Diagnosis)
explainDiagnosis path txt pos = do
errors <- checkDhall path txt
let explanations = mapMaybe (explain txt) errors
return $ find (isHovered pos) explanations
isHovered :: Position -> Diagnosis -> Bool
isHovered _ (Diagnosis _ Nothing _) = False
isHovered pos (Diagnosis _ (Just (Range left right)) _) =
left <= pos && pos <= right
-- | Compute the list of possible improvements, as would be carried out by
-- @Dhall.Lint@.
linterDiagnostics :: Text -> [J.Diagnostic]

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@ -7,39 +7,58 @@ import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Utility as LSP
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as J
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens as J
import Dhall.Core (pretty)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Dhall
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Diagnostics
import Dhall.LSP.Handlers.Diagnostics (explainDiagnosis)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Typing
import Dhall.LSP.Util (readUri)
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import qualified Network.URI.Encode as URI
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
-- | This is a prototype implementation. We should avoid recomputing the
-- diagnostics each time.
hoverHandler :: LSP.LspFuncs () -> J.HoverRequest -> IO ()
hoverHandler lsp request = do
LSP.logs "LSP Handler: processing HoverRequest"
uri = request ^. J.params . J.textDocument . J.uri
let uri = request ^. J.params . J.textDocument . J.uri
(J.Position line col) = request ^. (J.params . J.position)
pos = (line, col)
fileName = case J.uriToFilePath uri of
Nothing -> fail "Failed to parse URI in ReqHover."
Just path -> path
txt <- readUri lsp uri
errors <- checkDhall fileName txt
explanations = mapMaybe (explain txt) errors
isHovered :: Diagnosis -> Bool
isHovered (Diagnosis _ Nothing _) = False
isHovered (Diagnosis _ (Just (Range left right)) _) =
left <= (line, col) && (line, col) <= right
hover = case filter isHovered explanations of
[] -> Nothing
(diag : _) -> hoverFromDiagnosis diag
LSP.sendFunc lsp $ LSP.RspHover $ LSP.makeResponseMessage request hover
-- Explain takes priority
mexplain <- explainDiagnosis fileName txt (line, col)
case mexplain of
Just explanation -> LSP.sendFunc lsp
$ LSP.RspHover
$ LSP.makeResponseMessage
request (hoverFromDiagnosis explanation)
Nothing -> do -- infer type
mexpr <- loadDhallExprSafe fileName txt
case mexpr of
Nothing -> LSP.sendFunc lsp $ LSP.RspHover
$ LSP.makeResponseMessage request Nothing
Just expr ->
case typeAt pos expr of
Just typ ->
let _range = fmap (rangeToJSON . sanitiseRange txt . rangeFromDhall)
(srcAt pos expr)
_contents = J.List [J.PlainString (pretty typ)]
hover = J.Hover{..}
in LSP.sendFunc lsp $ LSP.RspHover
$ LSP.makeResponseMessage request (Just hover)
Nothing -> LSP.sendFunc lsp $ LSP.RspHover
$ LSP.makeResponseMessage request Nothing
rangeToJSON :: Range -> J.Range
rangeToJSON (Range (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) = J.Range (J.Position x1 y1) (J.Position x2 y2)
hoverFromDiagnosis :: Diagnosis -> Maybe J.Hover
hoverFromDiagnosis (Diagnosis _ Nothing _) = Nothing
hoverFromDiagnosis (Diagnosis _ (Just (Range left right)) diagnosis) = Just