dhall-lsp-server: Rework diagnostics backend + detailed error messages on hover (#982)

* Refactor Diagnostics backend

This commits refactors Backend.Dhall.Diagnostics, cleaning things up and
adding comments along the way. We also lose Backend.Dhall.DhallErrors.

The user-facing result is a step backwards, as we revert to using Dhall's
Show instances to print errors, which gives us error messages that don't
fit the LSP use case very well at the moment. In the future
we should change Dhall's error printing API (the Show instances) to make
them more generally useful (in particular for the LSP use case), thus
saving us from having to duplicate code (as was previously did, when
dhall-lsp-server was not yet part of the upstream project).

* Proof of concept: Provide detailed error messages

This proof of concept provides detailed explanations on hovering over type
errors. Currently this is done by injecting the explanation directly into
the hover text, which 1. conflicts with the short error messages, which
are still being displayed at the same time and 2. is not particularly
readable, since the explanations are meant to be rendered at least 80
characters wide.

For future work I am planning to instead only add an "explain" link to the
hover window, which when clicked opens the explanation in a separate
window (inspired by how the haskell ide engine presents documentation
links). This will require a small amount of client-side logic.

* Explain error messages via VSCode Command URIs

The first proof of concept simply spit out the explanations as hover text;
in order to make the feature a bit more useful, we now encode the
explanation text into a VSCode command URI (that still needs to be
implemented client-side), so that upon hovering over an error the user is
presented with a clickable "Explain error message" link.

The feature is still in the prototype stage!

* Use custom URI scheme instead of command URIs

Use URIs of the form "dhall-explain:?text" to present detailed
explanations on hovering. Previously we used command URIs, which are
specific to VSCode.

Needs a correspondingly patched vscode-lsp-server to handle the
"dhall-explain" URI scheme.

* Fix handling of relative imports in diagnostics

In refactoring the diagnostics backend I forgot to initialise the settings
passed to the Dhall type-checker, which are needed to properly resolve
relative imports. An easy fix for a silly mistake ;)

* Remove outdated TODO comment

* Make GHC stricter when building dhall-lsp-server

Add -Wall and -fwarn-incomplete-uni-patterns to the GHC options when
building dhall-lsp-server. This brings it in line with the rest of

* Fix warnings when building dhall-lsp-server

* Fix review comments

Fixes Gabriel's PR comments. Note that I leave a proper fix to
DhallException for the future (I want to work on something else for a bit

* Use underscores to pacify warnings
This commit is contained in:
Frederik Ramcke 2019-06-04 16:48:06 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent 98c7d4dfca
commit 49d29d685f
No known key found for this signature in database
10 changed files with 255 additions and 474 deletions

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@ -1,25 +1,11 @@
module Main (main) where
import Data.Default
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified System.Exit
import qualified System.Log.Logger as L
import qualified Data.Text.IO
import qualified System.IO
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Options.Applicative (Parser, ParserInfo)
import qualified Options.Applicative
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import qualified System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Exit (exitSuccess, exitWith)
import LSP.Server(run)

View File

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ source-repository head
@ -30,6 +29,7 @@ library
default-extensions: LambdaCase OverloadedStrings FlexibleInstances TypeApplications RecordWildCards ScopedTypeVariables
@ -53,8 +53,10 @@ library
, text
, transformers
, unordered-containers
, uri-encode
, yi-rope
default-language: Haskell2010
GHC-Options: -Wall -fwarn-incomplete-uni-patterns
executable dhall-lsp-server
main-is: Main.hs
@ -87,6 +89,7 @@ executable dhall-lsp-server
, unordered-containers
, yi-rope
default-language: Haskell2010
GHC-Options: -Wall -fwarn-incomplete-uni-patterns
test-suite dhall-lsp-server-test
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
@ -98,7 +101,7 @@ test-suite dhall-lsp-server-test
default-extensions: LambdaCase OverloadedStrings FlexibleInstances TypeApplications RecordWildCards ScopedTypeVariables
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N
ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N -Wall

View File

@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
module Backend.Dhall.DhallErrors(simpleTypeMessage) where
{-| This file contains mostly copy-paste error formatting code from <root>/dhall/src/Dhall/TypeCheck.hs
This had to be necessary as to strip down extra information that standard error formatting provides (location, ascii-formatting).
import Dhall.Binary (ToTerm)
import Dhall.TypeCheck
import Dhall.Core(Expr)
import Dhall.Pretty(Ann(..), layoutOpts)
import qualified Dhall.Diff
import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc as Pretty
import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.String as R
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
prettyDiff :: (Eq a, Pretty.Pretty a, ToTerm a) => Expr s a -> Expr s a -> Text
prettyDiff exprL exprR = T.pack . R.renderString . Pretty.layoutPretty layoutOpts . Pretty.unAnnotate $ diff
diff = Dhall.Diff.diffNormalized exprL exprR
:: (Eq a, Pretty.Pretty a, ToTerm a) => TypeMessage s a -> Text
simpleTypeMessage (UnboundVariable x) =
"Unbound variable: " <> x
simpleTypeMessage (InvalidInputType expr) =
"Invalid function input"
simpleTypeMessage (InvalidOutputType expr) =
"Invalid function output"
simpleTypeMessage (NotAFunction expr0 expr1) =
"Not a function"
simpleTypeMessage (TypeMismatch expr0 expr1 expr2 expr3) =
"Wrong type of function argument\n"
<> "\n"
<> prettyDiff expr1 expr3
simpleTypeMessage (AnnotMismatch expr0 expr1 expr2) =
"Expression doesn't match annotation\n"
<> "\n"
<> prettyDiff expr1 expr2
simpleTypeMessage Untyped =
"❰Sort❱ has no type, kind, or sort"
simpleTypeMessage (InvalidPredicate expr0 expr1) =
"Invalid predicate for ❰if❱"
simpleTypeMessage (IfBranchMustBeTerm b expr0 expr1 expr2) =
"❰if❱ branch is not a term"
simpleTypeMessage (IfBranchMismatch expr0 expr1 expr2 expr3) =
"❰if❱ branches must have matching types\n"
<> "\n"
<> prettyDiff expr1 expr3
simpleTypeMessage (InvalidListType expr0) =
"Invalid type for ❰List❱ elements"
simpleTypeMessage MissingListType =
"An empty list requires a type annotation"
simpleTypeMessage (MismatchedListElements i expr0 _expr1 expr2) =
"List elements should all have the same type\n"
<> "\n"
<> prettyDiff expr0 expr2
simpleTypeMessage (InvalidListElement i expr0 _expr1 expr2) =
"List element has the wrong type\n"
<> "\n"
<> prettyDiff expr0 expr2
simpleTypeMessage (InvalidOptionalType expr0) =
"Invalid type for ❰Optional❱ element"
simpleTypeMessage (InvalidOptionalElement expr0 expr1 expr2) =
"❰Optional❱ element has the wrong type\n"
<> "\n"
<> prettyDiff expr0 expr2
simpleTypeMessage (InvalidSome expr0 expr1 expr2) =
"❰Some❱ argument has the wrong type"
simpleTypeMessage (InvalidFieldType k expr0) =
"Invalid field type"
simpleTypeMessage (FieldAnnotationMismatch k0 expr0 c0 k1 expr1 c1) =
"Field annotation mismatch"
simpleTypeMessage (FieldMismatch k0 expr0 c0 k1 expr1 c1) =
"Field mismatch"
simpleTypeMessage (InvalidField k expr0) =
"Invalid field"
simpleTypeMessage (InvalidAlternativeType k expr0) =
"Invalid alternative type"
simpleTypeMessage (InvalidAlternative k expr0) =
"Invalid alternative"
simpleTypeMessage (AlternativeAnnotationMismatch k0 expr0 c0 k1 expr1 c1) =
"Alternative annotation mismatch"
simpleTypeMessage (ListAppendMismatch expr0 expr1) =
"You can only append ❰List❱s with matching element types\n"
<> "\n"
<> prettyDiff expr0 expr1
simpleTypeMessage (DuplicateAlternative k) =
"Duplicate union alternative"
simpleTypeMessage (MustCombineARecord c expr0 expr1) =
"You can only combine records"
simpleTypeMessage (RecordMismatch c expr0 expr1 const0 const1) =
"Record mismatch"
simpleTypeMessage (CombineTypesRequiresRecordType expr0 expr1) =
"❰⩓❱ requires arguments that are record types"
simpleTypeMessage (RecordTypeMismatch const0 const1 expr0 expr1) =
"Record type mismatch"
simpleTypeMessage (FieldCollision k) =
"Field collision"
simpleTypeMessage (MustMergeARecord expr0 expr1) =
"❰merge❱ expects a record of handlers"
simpleTypeMessage (MustMergeUnion expr0 expr1) =
"❰merge❱ expects a union"
simpleTypeMessage (UnusedHandler ks) =
"Unused handler"
simpleTypeMessage (MissingHandler ks) =
"Missing handler"
simpleTypeMessage MissingMergeType =
"An empty ❰merge❱ requires a type annotation"
simpleTypeMessage (HandlerInputTypeMismatch expr0 expr1 expr2) =
"Wrong handler input type\n"
<> "\n"
<> prettyDiff expr1 expr2
simpleTypeMessage (InvalidHandlerOutputType expr0 expr1 expr2) =
"Wrong handler output type\n"
<> "\n"
<> prettyDiff expr1 expr2
simpleTypeMessage (HandlerOutputTypeMismatch key0 expr0 key1 expr1) =
"Handlers should have the same output type\n"
<> "\n"
<> prettyDiff expr0 expr1
simpleTypeMessage (HandlerNotAFunction k expr0) =
"Handler is not a function"
simpleTypeMessage (ConstructorsRequiresAUnionType expr0 expr1) =
"❰constructors❱ requires a union type"
simpleTypeMessage (CantAccess lazyText0 expr0 expr1) =
"Not a record or a union"
simpleTypeMessage (CantProject lazyText0 expr0 expr1) =
"Not a record"
simpleTypeMessage (MissingField k expr0) =
"Missing record field"
simpleTypeMessage (CantAnd expr0 expr1) =
buildBooleanOperator "&&" expr0 expr1
simpleTypeMessage (CantOr expr0 expr1) =
buildBooleanOperator "||" expr0 expr1
simpleTypeMessage (CantEQ expr0 expr1) =
buildBooleanOperator "==" expr0 expr1
simpleTypeMessage (CantNE expr0 expr1) =
buildBooleanOperator "!=" expr0 expr1
simpleTypeMessage (CantInterpolate expr0 expr1) =
"You can only interpolate ❰Text❱"
simpleTypeMessage (CantTextAppend expr0 expr1) =
"❰++❱ only works on ❰Text❱"
simpleTypeMessage (CantListAppend expr0 expr1) =
"❰#❱ only works on ❰List❱s"
simpleTypeMessage (CantAdd expr0 expr1) =
buildNaturalOperator "+" expr0 expr1
simpleTypeMessage (CantMultiply expr0 expr1) =
buildNaturalOperator "*" expr0 expr1
simpleTypeMessage (NoDependentTypes expr0 expr1) =
"No dependent types"
buildBooleanOperator :: Text -> Expr s a -> Expr s a -> Text
buildBooleanOperator operator expr0 expr1 =
"" <> txt2 <> "❱ only works on ❰Bool❱s"
txt2 = operator
buildNaturalOperator :: Text -> Expr s a -> Expr s a -> Text
buildNaturalOperator operator expr0 expr1 =
"" <> txt2 <> "❱ only works on ❰Natural❱s"
txt2 = operator

View File

@ -1,234 +1,183 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module Backend.Dhall.Diagnostics( compilerDiagnostics
, defaultDiagnosticSource
) where
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Backend.Dhall.Diagnostics
( DhallException
, runDhall
, diagnose
, explain
, Position
, Range(..)
, Diagnosis(..)
This module is responsible for producing dhall compiler diagnostic (errors, warns, etc ...)
import Control.Exception (SomeException)
import qualified Control.Exception
import qualified Dhall
import Dhall(rootDirectory, sourceName, defaultInputSettings, inputExprWithSettings)
import Dhall.Parser(ParseError(..), Src(..), SourcedException(..))
import qualified Dhall.Core
import qualified System.Exit
import qualified System.IO
import Lens.Family (LensLike', set, view)
import Dhall.Binary (DecodingFailure)
import Dhall.Parser (ParseError, SourcedException(..), Src(..), unwrap)
import Dhall.Import (MissingImports)
import Dhall.TypeCheck (DetailedTypeError(..), TypeError(..), X)
import Dhall.Core (Expr(Note))
import Dhall
(rootDirectory, sourceName, defaultInputSettings, inputExprWithSettings)
import Dhall.Binary(DecodingFailure(..))
import Dhall.Import(Imported(..), Cycle(..), ReferentiallyOpaque(..),
MissingFile, MissingEnvironmentVariable, MissingImports(..) )
import Util
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Control.Exception (handle, SomeException)
import Lens.Family (set)
import System.FilePath (splitFileName)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as Megaparsec
-- | An exception that occurred while trying to parse, type-check and normalise
-- the input. TODO: make this list exhaustive! We currently report too many
-- exceptions as "internal errors".
data DhallException
= ExceptionInternal SomeException
| ExceptionCBOR DecodingFailure -- CBOR decoding failure (not relevant?)
| ExceptionImport (SourcedException MissingImports) -- Failure to resolve an import statement
| ExceptionTypecheck (TypeError Src X) -- Input does not type-check
| ExceptionParse ParseError -- Input does not parse
import qualified Text.Megaparsec
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Error
import Text.Show(ShowS)
import qualified Data.Set
import Data.Foldable (foldl')
import qualified System.FilePath
-- | A (line, col) pair representing a position in a source file; 0-based.
type Position = (Int, Int)
-- | A source code range.
data Range = Range {left, right :: Position}
-- | A diagnosis, optionally tagged with a source code range.
data Diagnosis = Diagnosis {
-- | Where the diagnosis came from, e.g. Dhall.TypeCheck.
doctor :: Text,
range :: Maybe Range, -- ^ The range of code the diagnosis concerns
diagnosis :: Text
import Backend.Dhall.DhallErrors(simpleTypeMessage)
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types(
, Range(..)
, DiagnosticSeverity(..)
, DiagnosticSource(..)
, DiagnosticRelatedInformation(..)
, Position(..)
-- | Parse, type-check and normalise the given Dhall code, collecting any
-- occurring errors.
runDhall :: FilePath -> Text -> IO [DhallException]
runDhall path txt =
(handle' ExceptionInternal
. handle' ExceptionCBOR
. handle' ExceptionImport
. handle' ExceptionTypecheck
. handle' ExceptionParse
tshow :: Show a => a -> Text
tshow = T.pack . show
defaultDiagnosticSource :: DiagnosticSource
defaultDiagnosticSource = "dhall-lsp-server"
-- TODO: don't use show for import msgs (requires alternative typeclass)
-- TODO: file consisting with only comments shouldn't produce an error msg
compilerDiagnostics :: FilePath -> Text -> IO [Diagnostic]
compilerDiagnostics path txt = handle ast
(rootDir, bufferName) = System.FilePath.splitFileName path
settings = ( set rootDirectory rootDir
. set sourceName bufferName) defaultInputSettings
isEmpty = T.null $ T.strip txt
ast = if isEmpty
then pure []
else [] <$ inputExprWithSettings settings txt
handle = Control.Exception.handle allErrors
. Control.Exception.handle decodingFailure
. Control.Exception.handle missingImports
. Control.Exception.handle parseErrors
. Control.Exception.handle typeErrors
allErrors e = do
let _ = e :: SomeException
numLines = length $ T.lines txt
pure [Diagnostic {
_range = Range (Position 0 0) (Position numLines 0)
, _severity = Just DsError
, _source = Just defaultDiagnosticSource
, _code = Nothing
, _message = "Internal error has occurred: " <> (tshow e)
, _relatedInformation = Nothing
decodingFailure e = do
let (CBORIsNotDhall term) = e
pure [Diagnostic {
_range = Range (Position 0 0) (Position 1 0)
, _severity = Just DsError
, _source = Just defaultDiagnosticSource
, _code = Nothing
, _message = "Cannot decode CBOR to Dhall " <> (tshow term)
, _relatedInformation = Nothing
parseErrors e = do
let _ = e :: ParseError
errors = errorBundleToDiagnostics $ unwrap e
System.IO.hPrint System.IO.stderr errors
pure $ errors
missingImports (SourcedException src e) = do
let _ = e :: MissingImports
pure [Diagnostic {
_range = sanitiseRange (sourceToRange src) txt
, _severity = Just DsError
, _source = Just defaultDiagnosticSource
, _code = Nothing
, _message = removeAsciiColors $ tshow e
, _relatedInformation = Nothing
typeErrors e = do
let _ = e :: TypeError Src X
(TypeError ctx expr msg) = e
pure [ Diagnostic {
_range = sanitiseRange (getSourceRange e) txt
, _severity = Just DsError
, _source = Just defaultDiagnosticSource
, _code = Nothing
, _message = (simpleTypeMessage msg)
, _relatedInformation = Nothing
handle' constructor = handle (return . return . constructor)
-- we need to tell Dhall the path in order for relative imports to be resolved correctly
(dir, file) = splitFileName path
dhallparams =
(set rootDirectory dir . set sourceName file) defaultInputSettings
go :: IO [DhallException]
go = do
_ <- inputExprWithSettings dhallparams txt
return [] -- If we got this far the input was a valid Dhall program.
removeAsciiColors :: Text -> Text
removeAsciiColors = T.replace "\ESC[1;31m" "" . T.replace "\ESC[0m" ""
getSourceRange :: TypeError Src X -> Range
getSourceRange (TypeError ctx expr msg) = case expr of
Dhall.Core.Note src _ -> sourceToRange src
_ -> error "Expected note" -- FIXME: either justify this error or provide a default case
-- | Give a short diagnosis for a given error that can be shown to the end user.
diagnose :: Text -> DhallException -> [Diagnosis]
diagnose _ (ExceptionInternal e) = [Diagnosis { .. }]
unPos = Text.Megaparsec.unPos
doctor = "Dhall"
range = Nothing
diagnosis =
"An internal error has occurred while trying to process the Dhall file: "
<> tshow e
sourcePosToRange :: Text.Megaparsec.SourcePos -> Text.Megaparsec.SourcePos -> Range
sourcePosToRange (Text.Megaparsec.SourcePos _ bl bc) (Text.Megaparsec.SourcePos _ el ec) =
Range (Position (unPos bl - 1) (unPos bc - 1)) (Position (unPos el - 1) (unPos ec - 1))
diagnose _ (ExceptionCBOR t) = [Diagnosis { .. }]
unPos = Text.Megaparsec.unPos
doctor = "Dhall.Binary"
range = Nothing
diagnosis = "Failed to decode CBOR Dhall representation: " <> tshow t
sourceToRange :: Src -> Range
sourceToRange (Src start end _) = sourcePosToRange start end
---------------------- Megaparsec utils: ----------------------------------------
-- see Text.Megaparsec.Error::errorBundlePretty for reference
:: forall s e. ( Text.Megaparsec.Stream s
, Text.Megaparsec.Error.ShowErrorComponent e
=> Text.Megaparsec.ParseErrorBundle s e
-> [Diagnostic]
errorBundleToDiagnostics Text.Megaparsec.Error.ParseErrorBundle {..} =
fst $ foldl' f ([], bundlePosState) bundleErrors
diagnose txt (ExceptionImport (SourcedException src e)) = [Diagnosis { .. }]
f :: forall s e. ( Text.Megaparsec.Stream s, Text.Megaparsec.Error.ShowErrorComponent e)
=> ([Diagnostic], Text.Megaparsec.PosState s)
-> Text.Megaparsec.ParseError s e
-> ([Diagnostic], Text.Megaparsec.PosState s)
f (r, !pst) e = (diagnostics:r, pst')
(epos, line, pst') = Text.Megaparsec.reachOffset (Text.Megaparsec.errorOffset e) pst
errorText = Text.Megaparsec.Error.parseErrorTextPretty e
lineNumber = (Text.Megaparsec.unPos . Text.Megaparsec.sourceLine) epos - 1
startColumn = Text.Megaparsec.unPos (Text.Megaparsec.sourceColumn epos) - 1
diagnostics = Diagnostic {
_range = Range (Position lineNumber startColumn) (Position lineNumber endColumn)
, _severity = Just DsError
, _source = Just defaultDiagnosticSource
, _code = Nothing
, _message = T.pack errorText
, _relatedInformation = Nothing
endColumn = startColumn + errorLength
lineLength = length line
errorLength =
case e of
Text.Megaparsec.TrivialError _ Nothing _ -> 1
Text.Megaparsec.TrivialError _ (Just x) _ -> errorItemLength x
Text.Megaparsec.FancyError _ xs ->
Data.Set.foldl' (\a b -> max a (errorFancyLength b)) 1 xs
doctor = "Dhall.Import"
range = (Just . sanitiseRange txt . rangeFromDhall) src
diagnosis = tshow e
-- | Get length of the “pointer” to display under a given 'ErrorItem'.
diagnose txt (ExceptionTypecheck e@(TypeError _ expr _)) = [Diagnosis { .. }]
doctor = "Dhall.TypeCheck"
range = fmap (sanitiseRange txt . rangeFromDhall) (note expr)
diagnosis = tshow e
errorItemLength :: Text.Megaparsec.ErrorItem t -> Int
errorItemLength = \case
Text.Megaparsec.Tokens ts -> length ts
_ -> 1
diagnose txt (ExceptionParse e) =
[ Diagnosis { .. } | (diagnosis, range) <- zip diagnoses (map Just ranges) ]
doctor = "Dhall.Parser"
errors = (NonEmpty.toList . Megaparsec.bundleErrors . unwrap) e
diagnoses = map (Text.pack . Megaparsec.parseErrorTextPretty) errors
positions =
map (positionFromMegaparsec . snd) . fst $ Megaparsec.attachSourcePos
(Megaparsec.bundlePosState (unwrap e))
lengths = map parseErrorLength errors
ranges =
[ Range pos r
| (pos, len) <- zip positions lengths
, let r = offsetToPosition txt $ positionToOffset txt pos + len
{- Since Dhall doesn't use custom errors (corresponding to the FancyError
ParseError constructor) we only need to handle the case of plain
Megaparsec errors (i.e. TrivialError), and only those who actually
include a list of tokens that we can compute the length of. -}
parseErrorLength :: Megaparsec.ParseError s e -> Int
parseErrorLength (Megaparsec.TrivialError _ (Just (Megaparsec.Tokens ts)) _)
= length ts
parseErrorLength _ = 0
errorFancyLength :: Text.Megaparsec.ShowErrorComponent e => Text.Megaparsec.ErrorFancy e -> Int
errorFancyLength = \case
Text.Megaparsec.ErrorCustom a -> Text.Megaparsec.errorComponentLen a
_ -> 1
-- sanitise range to exclude surrounding whitespace
-- makes sure that the resulting range is well-formed
sanitiseRange :: Range -> Text -> Range
sanitiseRange (Range l r) text = Range l (max l r')
where r' = trimEndPosition r text
-- | Give a detailed explanation for the given error; if no detailed explanation
-- is available return @Nothing@ instead.
explain :: Text -> DhallException -> Maybe Diagnosis
explain txt (ExceptionTypecheck e@(TypeError _ expr _)) = Just
(Diagnosis { .. })
doctor = "Dhall.TypeCheck"
range = fmap (sanitiseRange txt . rangeFromDhall) (note expr)
diagnosis = tshow (DetailedTypeError e)
explain _ _ = Nothing -- only type errors have detailed explanations so far
-- Variants of T.lines and T.unlines that are inverses of one another.
-- T.lines always returns at least the empty line!
lines' :: Text -> NonEmpty Text
lines' text =
case T.split (== '\n') text of
[] -> "" :| [] -- this case never occurs!
l : ls -> l :| ls
unlines' :: [Text] -> Text
unlines' = T.intercalate "\n"
-- Adjust a given range to exclude any trailing whitespace.
sanitiseRange :: Text -> Range -> Range
sanitiseRange txt (Range l r) = Range l (max l r')
off = positionToOffset txt r
r' =
(offsetToPosition txt . Text.length . Text.stripEnd . Text.take off) txt
-- Given an annotated AST return the note at the top-most node.
note :: Expr s a -> Maybe s
note (Note s _) = Just s
note _ = Nothing
-- Megaparsec's positions are 1-based while ours are 0-based.
positionFromMegaparsec :: Megaparsec.SourcePos -> Position
positionFromMegaparsec (Megaparsec.SourcePos _ line col) =
(Megaparsec.unPos line - 1, Megaparsec.unPos col - 1)
-- Convert a source range from Dhalls @Src@ format.
rangeFromDhall :: Src -> Range
rangeFromDhall (Src left right _) =
Range (positionFromMegaparsec left) (positionFromMegaparsec right)
-- Convert a (line,column) position into the corresponding character offset
-- and back, such that the two are inverses of eachother.
positionToOffset :: Text -> Position -> Int
positionToOffset txt (Position line col) =
if line < length ls
then T.length . unlines' $ take line ls ++ [T.take col (ls !! line)]
else T.length txt -- position lies outside txt
ls = NonEmpty.toList (lines' txt)
positionToOffset txt (line, col) = if line < length ls
then Text.length . unlines' $ take line ls ++ [Text.take col (ls !! line)]
else Text.length txt -- position lies outside txt
where ls = NonEmpty.toList (lines' txt)
offsetToPosition :: Text -> Int -> Position
offsetToPosition txt off = Position (length ls - 1) (T.length (NonEmpty.last ls))
where ls = lines' (T.take off txt)
-- adjust a given position to exclude any trailing whitespace
trimEndPosition :: Position -> Text -> Position
trimEndPosition pos txt =
offsetToPosition txt (T.length . T.stripEnd . T.take off $ txt)
where off = positionToOffset txt pos
offsetToPosition txt off = (length ls - 1, Text.length (NonEmpty.last ls))
where ls = lines' (Text.take off txt)

View File

@ -4,9 +4,7 @@ module LSP.Common(sendToClient, nextLspReqId) where
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Core as LSP.Core
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as J
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens as J
import Control.Monad.Reader.Class (ask, asks)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
@ -18,4 +16,4 @@ sendToClient msg = do
liftIO $ LSP.Core.sendFunc lf msg
nextLspReqId :: ReaderT (LSP.Core.LspFuncs ()) IO J.LspId
nextLspReqId = asks LSP.Core.getNextReqId >>= liftIO
nextLspReqId = asks LSP.Core.getNextReqId >>= liftIO

View File

@ -2,18 +2,17 @@ module LSP.Dispatcher(dispatcher) where
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Control as LSP.Control
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Core as LSP.Core
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as LSP.Types
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Utility as LSP.Utility
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as J
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens as J
import LSP.Common
import LSP.Handlers.Diagnostics
import LSP.Handlers.DocumentFormatting
import Backend.Dhall.Diagnostics
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad (forever)
@ -21,6 +20,10 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT, runReaderT)
import Control.Monad.Reader.Class (ask)
import GHC.Conc (atomically)
import qualified Data.Text.IO
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import qualified Network.URI.Encode as URI
import qualified Data.Text as Text
-- ! FIXME: replace logs/logm (which are just utilities) with own logging functions to make intent clearer
-- | A basic router, which reads from Client messages queue `inp` and executes appropriate actions
@ -109,10 +112,39 @@ dispatcher lf inp = do
formattedDocument <- formatDocument uri tabSize insertSpaces
publish req RspDocumentFormatting formattedDocument
-- This is a quick-and-dirty prototype implementation that will be
-- completely rewritten!
ReqHover req -> do
liftIO $ LSP.Utility.logm "****** reactor: processing ReqHover"
let (J.Position line col) = req ^. (J.params . J.position)
doc = req ^. (J.params . J.textDocument . J.uri)
fileName = case J.uriToFilePath doc of
Nothing -> fail "Failed to parse URI in ReqHover."
Just path -> path
txt <- liftIO $ Data.Text.IO.readFile fileName
errors <- liftIO $ runDhall fileName txt
let explanations = mapMaybe (explain txt) errors
isHovered :: Diagnosis -> Bool
isHovered (Diagnosis _ Nothing _) = False
isHovered (Diagnosis _ (Just (Range left right)) _)
= left <= (line,col) && (line,col) <= right
hover = case filter isHovered explanations of
[] -> Nothing
(diag : _) -> hoverFromDiagnosis diag
publish req RspHover hover
unknown ->
liftIO $ LSP.Utility.logs $ "\nIGNORING!!!\n HandlerRequest:" ++ show unknown
hoverFromDiagnosis :: Diagnosis -> Maybe J.Hover
hoverFromDiagnosis (Diagnosis _ Nothing _) = Nothing
hoverFromDiagnosis (Diagnosis _ (Just (Range left right)) diagnosis) = Just J.Hover{..}
_range = Just $ J.Range (uncurry J.Position left) (uncurry J.Position right)
encodedDiag = URI.encode (Text.unpack diagnosis)
command = "[Explain error](dhall-explain:?" <> Text.pack encodedDiag <> ")"
_contents = J.List [J.PlainString command]
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

View File

@ -3,19 +3,18 @@ module LSP.Handlers.Diagnostics( sendEmptyDiagnostics
, sendDiagnostics
) where
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages
-- import Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Diagnostics
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Control as LSP.Control
-- import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Control as LSP.Control
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Core as LSP.Core
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as LSP.Types
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Utility as LSP.Utility
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as J
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens as J
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as LSP
-- import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens as LSP
import qualified System.IO.Unsafe
-- import qualified System.IO.Unsafe
import qualified Data.Text.IO
import qualified Data.SortedList
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
@ -23,6 +22,8 @@ import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT)
import Control.Monad.Reader.Class (ask)
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift, liftIO)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Backend.Dhall.Diagnostics
@ -30,27 +31,47 @@ import Backend.Dhall.Diagnostics
-- TODO: Make max number of errors parameter configurable (not rly relevant since we got 1, but still)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Y no method to flush particular source errors?
sendEmptyDiagnostics :: J.Uri -> Maybe Int -> ReaderT (LSP.Core.LspFuncs ()) IO ()
sendEmptyDiagnostics :: LSP.Uri -> Maybe Int -> ReaderT (LSP.Core.LspFuncs ()) IO ()
sendEmptyDiagnostics fileUri version =
publishDiagnostics 10 fileUri version defaultDiagnosticBySource
defaultDiagnosticBySource :: DiagnosticsBySource
defaultDiagnosticBySource = Map.singleton (Just defaultDiagnosticSource) (Data.SortedList.toSortedList [])
defaultDiagnosticBySource = Map.singleton (Just "Dhall") (Data.SortedList.toSortedList [])
diagnosisToLSP :: Diagnosis -> LSP.Diagnostic
diagnosisToLSP Diagnosis{..} = LSP.Diagnostic {..}
_range = case range of
Just (Range (line1, col1) (line2, col2)) ->
LSP.Range (LSP.Position line1 col1) (LSP.Position line2 col2)
Nothing -> LSP.Range (LSP.Position 0 0) (LSP.Position 0 0)
_severity = Just LSP.DsError
-- TODO use @doctor@ instead. Seems incompatible with LSP.Core's API...
_source = Just "Dhall"
_code = Nothing
_message = diagnosis
_relatedInformation = Nothing
compilerDiagnostics :: FilePath -> Text -> IO [LSP.Diagnostic]
compilerDiagnostics path txt = do
errors <- runDhall path txt
let diagnoses = concatMap (diagnose txt) errors
return (map diagnosisToLSP diagnoses)
-- | Analyze the file and send any diagnostics to the client in a
-- "textDocument/publishDiagnostics" notification
sendDiagnostics :: J.Uri -> Maybe Int -> ReaderT (LSP.Core.LspFuncs ()) IO ()
sendDiagnostics :: LSP.Uri -> Maybe Int -> ReaderT (LSP.Core.LspFuncs ()) IO ()
sendDiagnostics fileUri version = do
filePath = maybe (error "can't convert uri to file path") id $ J.uriToFilePath fileUri -- !FIXME: handle non-file uris
filePath = maybe (error "can't convert uri to file path") id $ LSP.uriToFilePath fileUri -- !FIXME: handle non-file uris
txt <- lift $ Data.Text.IO.readFile filePath
diags' <- lift $ compilerDiagnostics filePath txt
lift $ LSP.Utility.logs $ "diagnostic: " <> show diags'
publishDiagnostics 10 fileUri version (Map.union (partitionBySource diags') defaultDiagnosticBySource)
publishDiagnostics :: Int -> J.Uri -> J.TextDocumentVersion -> DiagnosticsBySource -> ReaderT (LSP.Core.LspFuncs ()) IO ()
publishDiagnostics :: Int -> LSP.Uri -> LSP.TextDocumentVersion -> DiagnosticsBySource -> ReaderT (LSP.Core.LspFuncs ()) IO ()
publishDiagnostics maxToPublish uri v diags = do
lf <- ask
liftIO $ (LSP.Core.publishDiagnosticsFunc lf) maxToPublish uri v diags

View File

@ -6,15 +6,11 @@ import qualified Backend.Dhall.Formatting as Formatting
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Core as LSP.Core
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as J
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens as J
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Utility as LSP.Utility
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages
import qualified Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO
import qualified Data.SortedList
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT)
@ -22,7 +18,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT)
-- * Note: any formatting errors would be swallowed. I think this is fine in this case, but generally we'd like to send user a notification
-- (e.g. the error occurred in the formatter itself, and user requests format constantly and nothing happens)
formatDocument :: J.Uri -> Int -> Bool -> ReaderT (LSP.Core.LspFuncs ()) IO (J.List J.TextEdit)
formatDocument fileUri tabSize insertSpaces = do
formatDocument fileUri _tabSize _insertSpaces = do
filePath = maybe (error "can't convert uri to file path") id $ J.uriToFilePath fileUri -- !FIXME: handle non-file uris
txt <- lift $ Data.Text.IO.readFile filePath

View File

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ module LSP.Server(run) where
import Control.Concurrent(forkIO)
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan
import qualified GHC.IO.Exception
import qualified Control.Exception
import Data.Default
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages
@ -14,9 +13,7 @@ import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Control as LSP.Control
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Core as LSP.Core
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Utility as LSP.Utility
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as J
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens as J
import qualified System.Log.Logger
import GHC.Conc (atomically)
@ -83,7 +80,7 @@ lspHandlers :: TChan FromClientMessage -> LSP.Core.Handlers
lspHandlers rin
= def { LSP.Core.initializedHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotInitialized
-- , Core.renameHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqRename
-- , Core.hoverHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqHover
, LSP.Core.hoverHandler = Just $ passHandler rin ReqHover
, LSP.Core.didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotDidOpenTextDocument
, LSP.Core.didSaveTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotDidSaveTextDocument
, LSP.Core.didChangeTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ passHandler rin NotDidChangeTextDocument

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
-- | Miscellaneous utility functions
module Util (
) where
import Data.Text
import Data.List.NonEmpty
-- | Shorthand for @pack . show@. Useful since we are mostly working with Text
-- rather than String.
tshow :: Show a => a -> Text
tshow = pack . show
-- | A variant of @Data.Text.lines@ that does not swallow the last empty. Always
-- returns at least the empty line!
lines' :: Text -> NonEmpty Text
lines' text =
case split (== '\n') text of
[] -> "" :| [] -- this case never occurs!
l : ls -> l :| ls
-- | A variant of @Data.Text.unlines@ that is the exact inverse to @lines'@ (and
-- vice-versa).
unlines' :: [Text] -> Text
unlines' = intercalate "\n"