Add unit, string, pair and list types (#227)

This commit is contained in:
Oliver Charles 2018-01-23 00:38:42 +00:00 committed by Gabriel Gonzalez
parent 9f7691653e
commit 430fc08f45

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@ -39,6 +39,10 @@ module Dhall
, strictText
, maybe
, vector
, list
, unit
, string
, pair
, GenericInterpret(..)
, Inject(..)
@ -437,6 +441,52 @@ vector (Type extractIn expectedIn) = Type extractOut expectedOut
expectedOut = App List expectedIn
{-| Decode a list
>>> input (list integer) "[1, 2, 3]"
list :: Type a -> Type [a]
list = fmap Data.Vector.toList . vector
{-| Decode `()` from an empty record.
>>> input unit "{=}"
unit :: Type ()
unit = Type extractOut expectedOut
extractOut (RecordLit fields) | Data.Map.null fields = return ()
extractOut _ = Nothing
expectedOut = Record Data.Map.empty
{-| Decode a `String`
>>> input string "\"ABC\""
string :: Type String
string = Data.Text.Lazy.unpack <$> lazyText
{-| Given a pair of `Type`s, decode a tuple-record into their pairing.
>>> input (pair natural bool) "{ _1 = +42, _2 = False }"
(42, False)
pair :: Type a -> Type b -> Type (a, b)
pair l r = Type extractOut expectedOut
extractOut (RecordLit fields) =
(,) <$> ( Data.Map.lookup "_1" fields >>= extract l )
<*> ( Data.Map.lookup "_2" fields >>= extract r )
extractOut _ = Nothing
expectedOut = Record (Data.Map.fromList [("_1", expected l)
,("_2", expected r)])
{-| Any value that implements `Interpret` can be automatically decoded based on
the inferred return type of `input`