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Gabriel Gonzalez 2016-09-18 15:24:42 -07:00
parent acd77292ef
commit 429dbd266b

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@ -68,25 +68,25 @@ import qualified Dhall.Context as Context
import qualified Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS as Filesystem
import qualified NeatInterpolation
{-| Constants for the calculus of constructions
{-| Constants for a pure type system
The only axiom is:
> * :
> Type : Kind
... and the valid rule pairs are:
> * * : *
> * : *
> :
> Type Type : Type -- Functions from terms to terms (ordinary functions)
> Kind Type : Type -- Functions from types to terms (polymorphic functions)
> Kind Kind : Kind -- Functions from types to types (type constructors)
These are the same rule pairs as System
Note that Dhall does not support functions from terms to types and therefore
Dhall is not a dependently typed languaged
data Const = Type | Kind deriving (Show, Bounded, Enum)
instance Buildable Const where
build Type = "Type"
build Kind = "Kind"
axiom :: Const -> Either TypeError Const
axiom Type = return Kind
axiom Kind = Left (TypeError Context.empty (Const Kind) (Untyped Kind))
@ -132,97 +132,97 @@ instance IsString Var where
-- | Syntax tree for expressions
data Expr a
-- | > Const c ~ c
-- | > Const c ~ c
= Const Const
-- | > Var (V x 0) ~ x
-- | > Var (V x n) ~ x@n
-- | > Var (V x 0) ~ x
-- | > Var (V x n) ~ x@n
| Var Var
-- | > Lam x A b ~ λ(x : A) -> b
-- | > Lam x A b ~ λ(x : A) -> b
| Lam Text (Expr a) (Expr a)
-- | > Pi x A B ~ ∀(x : A) -> B
-- > Pi unused A B ~ A -> B
-- | > Pi x A B ~ ∀(x : A) -> B
-- > Pi unused A B ~ A -> B
| Pi Text (Expr a) (Expr a)
-- | > App f a ~ f a
-- | > App f a ~ f a
| App (Expr a) (Expr a)
-- | > Let f [(x1, t1), (x2, t2)] Nothing r e ~ let f (x1 : t1) (x2 : t2) = r in e
-- | > Let f [(x1, t1), (x2, t2)] Nothing r e ~ let f (x1 : t1) (x2 : t2) = r in e
-- | > Let f [(x1, t1), (x2, t2)] (Just t) r e ~ let f (x1 : t1) (x2 : t2) : t = r in e
| Let Text [(Text, Expr a)] (Maybe (Expr a)) (Expr a) (Expr a)
-- | > Annot x t ~ x : t
-- | > Annot x t ~ x : t
| Annot (Expr a) (Expr a)
-- | > Bool ~ Bool
-- | > Bool ~ Bool
| Bool
-- | > BoolLit b ~ b
-- | > BoolLit b ~ b
| BoolLit Bool
-- | > BoolAnd x y ~ x && y
-- | > BoolAnd x y ~ x && y
| BoolAnd (Expr a) (Expr a)
-- | > BoolOr x y ~ x || y
-- | > BoolOr x y ~ x || y
| BoolOr (Expr a) (Expr a)
-- | > BoolIf ~ if
-- | > BoolIf ~ if
| BoolIf (Expr a) (Expr a) (Expr a)
-- | > Natural ~ Natural
-- | > Natural ~ Natural
| Natural
-- | > NaturalLit n ~ +n
-- | > NaturalLit n ~ +n
| NaturalLit Natural
-- | > NaturalFold ~ Natural/fold
-- | > NaturalFold ~ Natural/fold
| NaturalFold
-- | > NaturalIsZero ~ Natural/isZero
-- | > NaturalIsZero ~ Natural/isZero
| NaturalIsZero
-- | > NaturalPlus x y ~ x + y
-- | > NaturalPlus x y ~ x + y
| NaturalPlus (Expr a) (Expr a)
-- | > NaturalTimes x y ~ x * y
-- | > NaturalTimes x y ~ x * y
| NaturalTimes (Expr a) (Expr a)
-- | > Integer ~ Integer
-- | > Integer ~ Integer
| Integer
-- | > IntegerLit n ~ n
-- | > IntegerLit n ~ n
| IntegerLit Integer
-- | > Double ~ Double
-- | > Double ~ Double
| Double
-- | > DoubleLit n ~ n
-- | > DoubleLit n ~ n
| DoubleLit Double
-- | > Text ~ Text
-- | > Text ~ Text
| Text
-- | > TextLit t ~ t
-- | > TextLit t ~ t
| TextLit Text
-- | > TextAppend x y ~ x <> y
-- | > TextAppend x y ~ x <> y
| TextAppend (Expr a) (Expr a)
-- | > List ~ List
-- | > List ~ List
| List
-- | > ListLit t [x, y, z] ~ [x, y, z] : List t
-- | > ListLit t [x, y, z] ~ [x, y, z] : List t
| ListLit (Expr a) (Vector (Expr a))
-- | > ListBuild ~ List/build
-- | > ListBuild ~ List/build
| ListBuild
-- | > ListFold ~ List/fold
-- | > ListFold ~ List/fold
| ListFold
-- | > ListLength ~ List/length
-- | > ListLength ~ List/length
| ListLength
-- | > ListFirst ~ List/first
-- | > ListFirst ~ List/first
| ListFirst
-- | > ListLast ~ List/last
-- | > ListLast ~ List/last
| ListLast
-- | ListDrop ~ List/drop
-- | ListDrop ~ List/drop
| ListDrop
-- | ListDropEnd ~ List/dropEnd
-- | ListDropEnd ~ List/dropEnd
| ListDropEnd
-- | > ListIndexed ~ List/indexed
-- | > ListIndexed ~ List/indexed
| ListIndexed
-- | > ListReverse ~ List/reverse
-- | > ListReverse ~ List/reverse
| ListReverse
-- | > ListConcat x y ~ x ++ y
-- | > ListConcat x y ~ x ++ y
| ListConcat (Expr a) (Expr a)
-- | > Maybe ~ Maybe
-- | > Maybe ~ Maybe
| Maybe
-- | > MaybeLit t [e] ~ [e] : Maybe t
-- | > MaybeLit t [] ~ [] : Maybe t
-- | > MaybeLit t [e] ~ [e] : Maybe t
-- | > MaybeLit t [] ~ [] : Maybe t
| MaybeLit (Expr a) (Vector (Expr a))
-- | > MaybeFold ~ Maybe/fold
-- | > MaybeFold ~ Maybe/fold
| MaybeFold
-- | > Record [(k1, t1), (k2, t2)] ~ { k1 : t1, k2 : t1 }
-- | > Record [(k1, t1), (k2, t2)] ~ { k1 : t1, k2 : t1 }
| Record (Map Text (Expr a))
-- | > RecordLit [(k1, v1), (k2, v2)] ~ { k1 = v1, k2 = v2 }
-- | > RecordLit [(k1, v1), (k2, v2)] ~ { k1 = v1, k2 = v2 }
| RecordLit (Map Text (Expr a))
-- | > Field e x ~ e.x
-- | > Field e x ~ e.x
| Field (Expr a) Text
-- | > Embed path ~ #path
-- | > Embed path ~ #path
| Embed a
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable, Show)
@ -421,10 +421,8 @@ buildExpr4 a = buildExpr5 a
buildExpr5 :: Buildable a => Expr a -> Builder
buildExpr5 (Var a) =
buildVar a
buildExpr5 (Const Type) =
buildExpr5 (Const Kind) =
buildExpr5 (Const k) =
buildConst k
buildExpr5 Bool =
buildExpr5 Natural =
@ -486,6 +484,10 @@ buildExpr5 (Field a b) =
buildExpr5 a =
"(" <> buildExpr0 a <> ")"
buildConst :: Const -> Builder
buildConst Type = "Type"
buildConst Kind = "Kind"
buildVar :: Var -> Builder
buildVar (V x 0) = build x
buildVar (V x n) = build x <> "@" <> build (show n)
@ -741,7 +743,7 @@ type-check an expression which includes `Kind` then you get this error because
the compiler cannot infer what `Kind` belongs to
txt = Text.toStrict (pretty c)
txt = Text.toStrict (Builder.toLazyText (buildConst c))
build (InvalidPredicate expr0 expr1) =
Builder.fromText [NeatInterpolation.text|