dhall-lsp-server: Implement caching (#1040)

* Rewriting Dhall.LSP.Backend.Dhall: Implement new API

The old "backend" consisted of a random collection of ways to invoke
- runDhall :: FilePath -> Text -> IO (Expr Src X)
- runDhallSafe :: FilePath -> Text -> IO (Maybe (Expr Src X))
- loadDhallExprSafe :: FilePath -> Text -> IO (Maybe (Expr Src X))

The new backend exposes a slightly more though-out API. This also lays
the foundation for performance improvements in the dhall lsp server via

* Reorder code in Dhall.LSP.Backend.Dhall

* Remove unused constructor

* Rewrite and document Backend.Formatting

* Refactor Dhall.LSP.Backend.Linting

* Refactor Dhall.LSP.Backend.ToJSON

* Adapt Diagnostics backend to the new Dhall API

* Remove old Dhall backend API

* Implement caching; revamp LSP frontend

This commit implements caching of Dhall expressions: we only need to
fetch, typecheck and normalise each import once per session, unless they
change! This means that `dhall-lsp-server` is now viable for non-trivial
Dhall projects, for example probing around in `dhall-nethack` everything
feels near-instantaneous once the imports have been resolved.

This implementation currently has a bug: we don't invalidate imports
transitively, i.e. if A.dhall loads B.dhall and B.dhall changes we do
not discard the cached version of A.dhall. This should be reasonably
easy to fix given some time with Dhall's import graph. Furthermore,
there is some cleaning up left to do:
  - Fix warnings
  - Reorganise things in a less ad-hoc way
  - Make the code a bit prettier

* Fix caching of errors

* Use `bimap` instead of `first` and `second`

* Re-export `Dhall.lint` rather than aliasing

Rids us of some boilderplate

* Use MVar instead of TVar for server state

The main benefit is that we get to use `modifyMVar_` which does updating
of the shared state for us (and gracefully handles any uncaught

* Don't invalidate hashed imports

Fixes a misinterpretation on my end of the correct behaviour regarding
the caching of imports. Quoting @Gabriel439:

> A hashed import is valid indefinitely once it is successfully
> resolved, even when the underlying import later becomes broken. That's
> why missing sha256:… works so long as the cache has that import cached
> (and this behavior is part of the standard).

* Cleanup Dhall.LSP.Backend.Dhall a little bit

* Add note about fixing cache invalidation

* Use TemplateHaskell to generate state lenses

* Make types of `typeAt` and `annotateLet` more expressive

Both assume the input to be well-typed; by using `WellTyped` rather than
`Expr Src X` as the type of their input we can make this explicit.

This change exposed a bug (also fixed in this commit) in the
type-on-hover functionality: we run `typeAt` only if the input was
well-typed _the last time we checked it_ (which was at the last save);
this means that if the code changed without being written to disk we
would happily try to normalise (in `typeAt`) non-well-typed code...

* Fix type of typecheck

Typecheck returned the well-typed _type_ of a given expression, while I
was assuming it would certify the input to be well-typed. Silly indeed.

* Remove `checkDhall` from Dhall.Backend.Diagnostics

Removes the left-over stub from the change to the new Dhall backend.

* Update comments and remove TODO note

* Remove superfluous parentheses

* Simplify MonadState code via lens combinators

* Use `guard` instead of matching on True

* Remove more superfluous parentheses
This commit is contained in:
Frederik Ramcke 2019-07-01 17:30:32 +00:00 committed by GitHub
parent 15e981f61c
commit 41161aa390
No known key found for this signature in database
15 changed files with 611 additions and 558 deletions

View File

@ -28,11 +28,8 @@ library
Dhall.LSP.Backend.ToJSON Dhall.LSP.Backend.ToJSON
Dhall.LSP.Backend.Typing Dhall.LSP.Backend.Typing
Dhall.LSP.Handlers Dhall.LSP.Handlers
Dhall.LSP.Server Dhall.LSP.Server
other-modules: other-modules:
Paths_dhall_lsp_server Paths_dhall_lsp_server
Dhall.LSP.Util Dhall.LSP.Util
@ -45,9 +42,11 @@ library
, base >=4.7 && <5 , base >=4.7 && <5
, bytestring , bytestring
, containers , containers
, cryptonite
, data-default , data-default
, dhall , dhall
, dhall-json , dhall-json
, dotgen
, filepath , filepath
, haskell-lsp , haskell-lsp
, hslogger , hslogger
@ -55,6 +54,7 @@ library
, lens-family-core , lens-family-core
, megaparsec , megaparsec
, mtl , mtl
, network-uri
, optparse-applicative , optparse-applicative
, prettyprinter , prettyprinter
, sorted-list , sorted-list

View File

@ -1,34 +1,166 @@
module Dhall.LSP.Backend.Dhall where module Dhall.LSP.Backend.Dhall (
) where
import Dhall.Import (loadWith, emptyStatus) import Dhall.Parser (Src)
import Dhall.Parser (Src, exprFromText)
import Dhall.TypeCheck (X) import Dhall.TypeCheck (X)
import Dhall.Core (Expr) import Dhall.Core (Expr)
import Dhall
(rootDirectory, sourceName, defaultInputSettings, inputExprWithSettings)
import qualified Dhall.Core as Dhall
import qualified Dhall.Import as Dhall
import qualified Dhall.Parser.Token as Dhall
import qualified Dhall.Parser as Dhall
import qualified Dhall.TypeCheck as Dhall
import qualified Text.Dot as Dot
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Network.URI as URI
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as LSP.Types
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as Megaparsec
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import Crypto.Hash (Digest, SHA256)
import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text (Text)
import System.FilePath (splitFileName) import System.FilePath (splitDirectories, takeFileName, takeDirectory)
import Lens.Family (set) import Lens.Family (view, set)
import Control.Exception (handle, SomeException) import Control.Exception (SomeException, catch)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (evalStateT) import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (runStateT)
import Network.URI (URI)
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
runDhall :: FilePath -> Text -> IO (Expr Src X) -- | A @FileIdentifier@ represents either a local file or a remote url.
runDhall path = inputExprWithSettings dhallparams newtype FileIdentifier = FileIdentifier Dhall.ImportType
-- | Construct a FileIdentifier from a local file path.
fileIdentifierFromFilePath :: FilePath -> FileIdentifier
fileIdentifierFromFilePath path =
let filename = Text.pack $ takeFileName path
directory = takeDirectory path
components = map Text.pack . reverse . splitDirectories $ directory
in FileIdentifier $ Dhall.Local Dhall.Absolute
(Dhall.File (Dhall.Directory components) filename)
-- | Construct a FileIdentifier from a given URI. Supports "file:", "http:" and
-- "https:" URI schemes.
fileIdentifierFromURI :: URI -> Maybe FileIdentifier
fileIdentifierFromURI uri
| URI.uriScheme uri == "file:" = do
path <- LSP.Types.uriToFilePath . LSP.Types.Uri . Text.pack
$ URI.uriToString id uri ""
return $ fileIdentifierFromFilePath path
fileIdentifierFromURI uri
| otherwise = do
url <- Megaparsec.parseMaybe (Dhall.unParser Dhall.httpRaw) . Text.pack
$ URI.uriToString id uri ""
return $ FileIdentifier (Dhall.Remote url)
-- | A well-typed expression.
newtype WellTyped = WellTyped {fromWellTyped :: Expr Src X}
-- | A fully normalised expression.
newtype Normal = Normal {fromNormal :: Expr Src X}
-- | A cache maps Dhall imports to fully normalised expressions. By reusing
-- caches we can speeds up diagnostics etc. significantly!
newtype Cache = Cache (Map.Map Dhall.Import (Dot.NodeId, Expr Src X))
-- | The initial cache.
emptyCache :: Cache
emptyCache = Cache Map.empty
-- | Cache a given normal expression.
cacheExpr :: FileIdentifier -> Normal -> Cache -> Cache
cacheExpr fileid (Normal expr) (Cache c) =
let unhashedImport = importFromFileIdentifier fileid
alpha = Dhall.alphaNormalize expr -- we need to alpha-normalise before
hash = Dhall.hashExpression maxBound alpha -- calculating the hash
hashedImport = hashedImportFromFileIdentifier fileid hash
in Cache $ Map.insert unhashedImport (Dot.userNodeId 0, expr)
$ Map.insert hashedImport (Dot.userNodeId 0, expr) c
-- Construct the unhashed import corresponding to the given file.
importFromFileIdentifier :: FileIdentifier -> Dhall.Import
importFromFileIdentifier (FileIdentifier importType) =
Dhall.Import { importHashed = Dhall.ImportHashed Nothing importType,
importMode = Dhall.Code }
-- Construct the hashed import corresponding to the given file.
hashedImportFromFileIdentifier :: FileIdentifier -> Digest SHA256 -> Dhall.Import
hashedImportFromFileIdentifier (FileIdentifier importType) hash =
Dhall.Import { importHashed = Dhall.ImportHashed (Just hash) importType,
importMode = Dhall.Code }
-- | Invalidate any _unhashed_ imports of the given file. Hashed imports are
-- kept around as per
-- https://github.com/dhall-lang/dhall-lang/blob/master/standard/imports.md.
-- Note to future self: this doesn't correctly invalidate reverse
-- dependencies, i.e. other cached expressions that imported the invalidated
-- one. We need to change the representation of the import graph in
-- Dhall.Import in order to be able to implement this correctly!
invalidate :: FileIdentifier -> Cache -> Cache
invalidate (FileIdentifier fileid) (Cache cache) =
Cache $ Map.delete codeImport (Map.delete textImport cache)
where where
dhallparams = (set rootDirectory dir . set sourceName file) codeImport = Dhall.Import (Dhall.ImportHashed Nothing fileid) Dhall.Code
defaultInputSettings textImport = Dhall.Import (Dhall.ImportHashed Nothing fileid) Dhall.RawText
(dir, file) = splitFileName path
runDhallSafe :: FilePath -> Text -> IO (Maybe (Expr Src X)) -- | A Dhall error. Covers parsing, resolving of imports, typechecking and
runDhallSafe path text = handle (\(_ :: SomeException) -> return Nothing) -- normalisation.
(Just <$> runDhall path text) data DhallError = ErrorInternal SomeException
| ErrorImportSourced (Dhall.SourcedException Dhall.MissingImports)
| ErrorTypecheck (Dhall.TypeError Src X)
| ErrorParse Dhall.ParseError
loadDhallExprSafe :: FilePath -> Text -> IO (Maybe (Expr Src X)) -- | Parse a Dhall expression.
loadDhallExprSafe filePath txt = parse :: Text -> Either DhallError (Expr Src Dhall.Import)
case exprFromText filePath txt of parse = fmap snd . parseWithHeader
Right expr ->
let (dir, _) = splitFileName filePath -- | Parse a Dhall expression along with its "header", i.e. whitespace and
in handle (\(_ :: SomeException) -> return Nothing) -- comments prefixing the actual code.
(Just <$> evalStateT (loadWith expr) (emptyStatus dir)) parseWithHeader :: Text -> Either DhallError (Text, Expr Src Dhall.Import)
Left _ -> return Nothing parseWithHeader = first ErrorParse . Dhall.exprAndHeaderFromText ""
-- | Resolve all imports in an expression.
load :: FileIdentifier -> Expr Src Dhall.Import -> Cache ->
IO (Either DhallError (Cache, Expr Src X))
load fileid expr (Cache cache) = do
let emptyStatus = Dhall.emptyStatus ""
status = -- reuse cache
set Dhall.cache cache .
-- set "root import"
set Dhall.stack (importFromFileIdentifier fileid :| [])
$ emptyStatus
(do (expr', status') <- runStateT (Dhall.loadWith expr) status
let cache' = Cache $ view Dhall.cache status'
return . Right $ (cache', expr'))
`catch` (\e -> return . Left $ ErrorImportSourced e)
`catch` (\e -> return . Left $ ErrorInternal e)
-- | Typecheck a fully resolved expression. Returns a certification that the
-- input was well-typed along with its (well-typed) type.
typecheck :: Expr Src X -> Either DhallError (WellTyped, WellTyped)
typecheck expr = case Dhall.typeOf expr of
Left err -> Left $ ErrorTypecheck err
Right typ -> Right (WellTyped expr, WellTyped typ)
-- | Normalise a well-typed expression.
normalize :: WellTyped -> Normal
normalize (WellTyped expr) = Normal $ Dhall.normalize expr

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Dhall.LSP.Backend.Diagnostics module Dhall.LSP.Backend.Diagnostics
( DhallException ( DhallError
, checkDhall
, diagnose , diagnose
, Diagnosis(..) , Diagnosis(..)
, explain , explain
@ -16,32 +15,18 @@ module Dhall.LSP.Backend.Diagnostics
) )
where where
import Dhall.Binary (DecodingFailure) import Dhall.Parser (SourcedException(..), Src(..), unwrap)
import Dhall.Parser (ParseError, SourcedException(..), Src(..), unwrap) import Dhall.TypeCheck (DetailedTypeError(..), TypeError(..))
import Dhall.Import (MissingImports)
import Dhall.TypeCheck (DetailedTypeError(..), TypeError(..), X)
import Dhall.Core (Expr(Note)) import Dhall.Core (Expr(Note))
import Dhall.LSP.Util import Dhall.LSP.Util
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Dhall (runDhall) import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Dhall
import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Control.Exception (handle, SomeException)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as Megaparsec import qualified Text.Megaparsec as Megaparsec
-- | An exception that occurred while trying to parse, type-check and normalise
-- the input. TODO: make this list exhaustive! We currently report too many
-- exceptions as "internal errors".
data DhallException
= ExceptionInternal SomeException
| ExceptionCBOR DecodingFailure -- CBOR decoding failure (not relevant?)
| ExceptionImport (SourcedException MissingImports) -- Failure to resolve an import statement
| ExceptionTypecheck (TypeError Src X) -- Input does not type-check
| ExceptionParse ParseError -- Input does not parse
-- | A (line, col) pair representing a position in a source file; 0-based. -- | A (line, col) pair representing a position in a source file; 0-based.
type Position = (Int, Int) type Position = (Int, Int)
-- | A source code range. -- | A source code range.
@ -55,23 +40,9 @@ data Diagnosis = Diagnosis {
} }
-- | Parse, type-check and normalise the given Dhall code, collecting any
-- occurring errors.
checkDhall :: FilePath -> Text -> IO [DhallException]
checkDhall path txt =
(handle' ExceptionInternal
. handle' ExceptionCBOR
. handle' ExceptionImport
. handle' ExceptionTypecheck
. handle' ExceptionParse
(const [] <$> runDhall path txt)
handle' constructor = handle (return . return . constructor)
-- | Give a short diagnosis for a given error that can be shown to the end user. -- | Give a short diagnosis for a given error that can be shown to the end user.
diagnose :: Text -> DhallException -> [Diagnosis] diagnose :: Text -> DhallError -> [Diagnosis]
diagnose _ (ExceptionInternal e) = [Diagnosis { .. }] diagnose _ (ErrorInternal e) = [Diagnosis { .. }]
where where
doctor = "Dhall" doctor = "Dhall"
range = Nothing range = Nothing
@ -79,25 +50,19 @@ diagnose _ (ExceptionInternal e) = [Diagnosis { .. }]
"An internal error has occurred while trying to process the Dhall file: " "An internal error has occurred while trying to process the Dhall file: "
<> tshow e <> tshow e
diagnose _ (ExceptionCBOR t) = [Diagnosis { .. }] diagnose txt (ErrorImportSourced (SourcedException src e)) = [Diagnosis { .. }]
doctor = "Dhall.Binary"
range = Nothing
diagnosis = "Failed to decode CBOR Dhall representation: " <> tshow t
diagnose txt (ExceptionImport (SourcedException src e)) = [Diagnosis { .. }]
where where
doctor = "Dhall.Import" doctor = "Dhall.Import"
range = (Just . sanitiseRange txt . rangeFromDhall) src range = (Just . sanitiseRange txt . rangeFromDhall) src
diagnosis = tshow e diagnosis = tshow e
diagnose txt (ExceptionTypecheck e@(TypeError _ expr _)) = [Diagnosis { .. }] diagnose txt (ErrorTypecheck e@(TypeError _ expr _)) = [Diagnosis { .. }]
where where
doctor = "Dhall.TypeCheck" doctor = "Dhall.TypeCheck"
range = fmap (sanitiseRange txt . rangeFromDhall) (note expr) range = fmap (sanitiseRange txt . rangeFromDhall) (note expr)
diagnosis = tshow e diagnosis = tshow e
diagnose txt (ExceptionParse e) = diagnose txt (ErrorParse e) =
[ Diagnosis { .. } | (diagnosis, range) <- zip diagnoses (map Just ranges) ] [ Diagnosis { .. } | (diagnosis, range) <- zip diagnoses (map Just ranges) ]
where where
doctor = "Dhall.Parser" doctor = "Dhall.Parser"
@ -126,8 +91,8 @@ diagnose txt (ExceptionParse e) =
-- | Give a detailed explanation for the given error; if no detailed explanation -- | Give a detailed explanation for the given error; if no detailed explanation
-- is available return @Nothing@ instead. -- is available return @Nothing@ instead.
explain :: Text -> DhallException -> Maybe Diagnosis explain :: Text -> DhallError -> Maybe Diagnosis
explain txt (ExceptionTypecheck e@(TypeError _ expr _)) = Just explain txt (ErrorTypecheck e@(TypeError _ expr _)) = Just
(Diagnosis { .. }) (Diagnosis { .. })
where where
doctor = "Dhall.TypeCheck" doctor = "Dhall.TypeCheck"

View File

@ -1,23 +1,24 @@
module Dhall.LSP.Backend.Formatting (formatDocument, formatExpr) where module Dhall.LSP.Backend.Formatting (formatExpr, formatExprWithHeader) where
import Dhall.Core (Expr) import Dhall.Core (Expr)
import Dhall.Pretty (CharacterSet(..), layoutOpts, prettyCharacterSet) import Dhall.Pretty (CharacterSet(..), layoutOpts, prettyCharacterSet)
import Dhall.Parser(exprAndHeaderFromText, ParseError(..))
import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc as Pretty import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc as Pretty
import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Text as Pretty import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Text as Pretty
formatDocument :: Text -> Either ParseError Text -- | Pretty-print the given Dhall expression.
formatDocument text = do formatExpr :: Pretty.Pretty b => Expr a b -> Text
(header, expr) <- exprAndHeaderFromText "" text formatExpr expr = formatExprWithHeader expr ""
pure (formatExpr header expr)
formatExpr :: Pretty.Pretty b => Text -> Expr a b -> Text -- | Pretty-print the given Dhall expression, prepending the given a "header"
formatExpr header expr = Pretty.renderStrict -- (usually consisting of comments and whitespace).
formatExprWithHeader :: Pretty.Pretty b => Expr a b -> Text -> Text
formatExprWithHeader expr header = Pretty.renderStrict
(Pretty.layoutSmart layoutOpts doc) (Pretty.layoutSmart layoutOpts doc)
where where
doc = doc =
Pretty.pretty header Pretty.pretty header
<> Pretty.unAnnotate (prettyCharacterSet Unicode expr) <> Pretty.unAnnotate (prettyCharacterSet Unicode expr)
<> "\n" <> "\n"

View File

@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
module Dhall.LSP.Backend.Linting module Dhall.LSP.Backend.Linting
( suggest ( Suggestion(..)
, Suggestion(..) , suggest
, lintAndFormatDocument , Dhall.lint
) )
where where
import Dhall.Parser (Src, ParseError, exprFromText, exprAndHeaderFromText) import Dhall.Parser (Src)
import Dhall.Core (Expr(..), Binding(..), Var(..), subExpressions, freeIn) import Dhall.Core (Expr(..), Binding(..), Var(..), subExpressions, freeIn, Import)
import Dhall.Lint (lint) import qualified Dhall.Lint as Dhall
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Formatting
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Diagnostics import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Diagnostics
import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text (Text)
@ -21,13 +20,13 @@ data Suggestion = Suggestion {
suggestion :: Text suggestion :: Text
} }
-- Diagnose nested Let blocks. -- Diagnose nested let blocks.
diagLetInLet :: Expr Src a -> [Suggestion] diagLetInLet :: Expr Src a -> [Suggestion]
diagLetInLet (Note _ (Let _ (Note src (Let _ _)))) = diagLetInLet (Note _ (Let _ (Note src (Let _ _)))) =
[Suggestion (rangeFromDhall src) "Superfluous 'in' before nested let binding"] [Suggestion (rangeFromDhall src) "Superfluous 'in' before nested let binding"]
diagLetInLet _ = [] diagLetInLet _ = []
-- Given a (noted) Let block compute all unused variables in the block. -- Given a (noted) let block compute all unused variables in the block.
unusedBindings :: Eq a => Expr s a -> [Text] unusedBindings :: Eq a => Expr s a -> [Text]
unusedBindings (Note _ (Let bindings d)) = concatMap unusedBindings (Note _ (Let bindings d)) = concatMap
(\case (\case
@ -37,7 +36,7 @@ unusedBindings (Note _ (Let bindings d)) = concatMap
(toList $ tails bindings) (toList $ tails bindings)
unusedBindings _ = [] unusedBindings _ = []
-- Diagnose unused Let bindings. -- Diagnose unused let bindings.
diagUnusedBinding :: Eq a => Expr Src a -> [Suggestion] diagUnusedBinding :: Eq a => Expr Src a -> [Suggestion]
diagUnusedBinding e@(Note src (Let _ _)) = map diagUnusedBinding e@(Note src (Let _ _)) = map
(\var -> (\var ->
@ -47,14 +46,6 @@ diagUnusedBinding _ = []
-- | Given an dhall expression suggest all the possible improvements that would -- | Given an dhall expression suggest all the possible improvements that would
-- be made by the linter. -- be made by the linter.
suggest :: Text -> [Suggestion] suggest :: Expr Src Import -> [Suggestion]
suggest txt = case exprFromText "" txt of suggest expr = concat [ diagLetInLet e ++ diagUnusedBinding e
Right expr -> concat [ diagLetInLet e ++ diagUnusedBinding e | e <- universeOf subExpressions expr ]
| e <- universeOf subExpressions expr ]
_ -> []
lintAndFormatDocument :: Text -> Either ParseError Text
lintAndFormatDocument text = do
(header, expr) <- exprAndHeaderFromText "" text
let expr' = lint expr
pure (formatExpr header expr')

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module Dhall.LSP.Backend.ToJSON where module Dhall.LSP.Backend.ToJSON (CompileError, toJSON) where
import qualified Dhall.JSON as Dhall import Dhall.JSON as Dhall
import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty as Aeson import qualified Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty as Aeson
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Dhall import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Dhall
@ -9,19 +9,13 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8) import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict) import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict)
-- | Try to convert the given Dhall file to JSON. -- | Try to convert a given Dhall expression to JSON.
dhallToJSON :: FilePath -> Text -> IO (Maybe Text) toJSON :: WellTyped -> Either CompileError Text
dhallToJSON path text = do toJSON expr = fmap (decodeUtf8 . toStrict . Aeson.encodePretty' config)
mexpr <- runDhallSafe path text (Dhall.dhallToJSON $ fromWellTyped expr)
case mexpr of where
Just expr -> case Dhall.dhallToJSON expr of config = Aeson.Config
Right value -> do
let config = Aeson.Config
{ Aeson.confIndent = Aeson.Spaces 2 { Aeson.confIndent = Aeson.Spaces 2
, Aeson.confCompare = compare , Aeson.confCompare = compare
, Aeson.confNumFormat = Aeson.Generic , Aeson.confNumFormat = Aeson.Generic
, Aeson.confTrailingNewline = False } , Aeson.confTrailingNewline = False }
return . Just . decodeUtf8 . toStrict $
Aeson.encodePretty' config value
_ -> return Nothing
Nothing -> return Nothing

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Parsing (getLetInner, getLetAnnot) import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Parsing (getLetInner, getLetAnnot)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Diagnostics (Position, positionFromMegaparsec, offsetToPosition) import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Diagnostics (Position, positionFromMegaparsec, offsetToPosition)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Dhall (WellTyped, fromWellTyped)
import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc as Pretty import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc as Pretty
import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Text as Pretty import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Text as Pretty
@ -21,9 +22,9 @@ import Dhall.Pretty (CharacterSet(..), prettyCharacterSet)
-- | Find the type of the subexpression at the given position. Assumes that the -- | Find the type of the subexpression at the given position. Assumes that the
-- input expression is well-typed. -- input expression is well-typed.
typeAt :: Position -> Expr Src X -> Either String (Expr Src X) typeAt :: Position -> WellTyped -> Either String (Expr Src X)
typeAt pos expr = do typeAt pos expr = do
expr' <- case splitLets expr of expr' <- case splitLets (fromWellTyped expr) of
Just e -> return e Just e -> return e
Nothing -> Left "The impossible happened: failed to split let\ Nothing -> Left "The impossible happened: failed to split let\
\ blocks when preprocessing for typeAt'." \ blocks when preprocessing for typeAt'."
@ -85,9 +86,9 @@ srcAt pos expr = do Note src _ <- exprAt pos expr
-- position (if there is one) and return a textual update to the source code -- position (if there is one) and return a textual update to the source code
-- that inserts the type annotation (or replaces the existing one). If -- that inserts the type annotation (or replaces the existing one). If
-- something goes wrong returns a textual error message. -- something goes wrong returns a textual error message.
annotateLet :: Position -> Expr Src X -> Either String (Src, Text) annotateLet :: Position -> WellTyped -> Either String (Src, Text)
annotateLet pos expr = do annotateLet pos expr = do
expr' <- case splitLets expr of expr' <- case splitLets (fromWellTyped expr) of
Just e -> return e Just e -> return e
Nothing -> Left "The impossible happened: failed to split let\ Nothing -> Left "The impossible happened: failed to split let\
\ blocks when preprocessing for annotateLet'." \ blocks when preprocessing for annotateLet'."

View File

@ -2,59 +2,345 @@ module Dhall.LSP.Handlers where
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Core as LSP import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Core as LSP
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages as LSP import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages as LSP
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Utility as LSP
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as J import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as J
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens as J import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens as J
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.VFS as LSP
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Yi.Rope as Rope
import Dhall.Core (Expr, pretty)
import Dhall.Parser (Src(..))
import Dhall.TypeCheck (X)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Dhall (FileIdentifier, parse, load, typecheck,
normalize, fileIdentifierFromFilePath, fileIdentifierFromURI, invalidate,
cacheExpr, parseWithHeader, fromWellTyped)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Diagnostics (Range(..), Diagnosis(..), explain,
sanitiseRange, rangeFromDhall, diagnose)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Formatting (formatExprWithHeader)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Linting (Suggestion(..), suggest, lint)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Typing (typeAt, srcAt, annotateLet)
import Dhall.LSP.State
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Lens ((^.), use, uses, assign, modifying)
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (throwE, catchE, runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (execStateT)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Network.URI as URI
import qualified Network.URI.Encode as URI
import Text.Megaparsec (SourcePos(..), unPos)
-- Workaround to make our single-threaded LSP fit dhall-lsp's API, which
-- expects a multi-threaded implementation. Reports errors to the user via the
-- LSP `ShowMessage` notification.
:: MVar ServerState
-> (a -> HandlerM ())
-> a
-> IO ()
wrapHandler vstate handle message =
modifyMVar_ vstate $
execStateT . runExceptT $
catchE (handle message) lspUserMessage
lspUserMessage :: (Severity, Text) -> HandlerM ()
lspUserMessage (Log, text) =
lspSendNotification LSP.NotLogMessage J.WindowLogMessage
$ J.LogMessageParams J.MtLog text
lspUserMessage (severity, text) =
lspSendNotification LSP.NotShowMessage J.WindowShowMessage
$ J.ShowMessageParams severity' text
where severity' = case severity of
Error -> J.MtError
Warning -> J.MtWarning
Info -> J.MtInfo
Log -> J.MtLog
lspSend :: LSP.FromServerMessage -> HandlerM ()
lspSend msg = do
send <- use (lspFuncs . sendFunc)
liftIO $ send msg
lspRespond :: (J.ResponseMessage response -> LSP.FromServerMessage)
-> J.RequestMessage J.ClientMethod request response -> response -> HandlerM ()
lspRespond constructor request response =
lspSend . constructor $ LSP.makeResponseMessage request response
:: (J.NotificationMessage J.ServerMethod params -> LSP.FromServerMessage)
-> J.ServerMethod -> params -> HandlerM ()
lspSendNotification constructor method params =
lspSend . constructor $ J.NotificationMessage "2.0" method params
:: (J.RequestMessage J.ServerMethod params response -> LSP.FromServerMessage)
-> J.ServerMethod -> params -> HandlerM ()
lspRequest constructor method params = do
getNextReqId <- uses lspFuncs LSP.getNextReqId
reqId <- liftIO getNextReqId
lspSend . constructor $ J.RequestMessage "2.0" reqId method params
-- | A helper function to query haskell-lsp's VFS.
readUri :: J.Uri -> HandlerM Text
readUri uri = do
getVirtualFileFunc <- uses lspFuncs LSP.getVirtualFileFunc
mVirtualFile <- liftIO $ getVirtualFileFunc uri
case mVirtualFile of
Just (LSP.VirtualFile _ rope) -> return (Rope.toText rope)
Nothing -> fail $ "Could not find " <> show uri <> " in VFS."
loadFile :: J.Uri -> HandlerM (Expr Src X)
loadFile uri = do
txt <- readUri uri
fileIdentifier <- fileIdentifierFromUri uri
cache <- use importCache
expr <- case parse txt of
Right e -> return e
_ -> throwE (Error, "Failed to parse Dhall file.")
loaded <- liftIO $ load fileIdentifier expr cache
(cache', expr') <- case loaded of
Right x -> return x
_ -> throwE (Error, "Failed to resolve imports.")
-- Update cache. Don't cache current expression because it might not have been
-- written to disk yet (readUri reads from the VFS).
assign importCache cache'
return expr'
-- helper
fileIdentifierFromUri :: J.Uri -> HandlerM FileIdentifier
fileIdentifierFromUri uri =
let mFileIdentifier = fmap fileIdentifierFromFilePath (J.uriToFilePath uri)
<|> (do uri' <- (URI.parseURI . Text.unpack . J.getUri) uri
fileIdentifierFromURI uri')
in case mFileIdentifier of
Just fileIdentifier -> return fileIdentifier
Nothing -> throwE (Error, J.getUri uri <> " is not a valid name for a dhall file.")
-- helper
rangeToJSON :: Range -> J.Range
rangeToJSON (Range (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) = J.Range (J.Position x1 y1) (J.Position x2 y2)
hoverExplain :: J.HoverRequest -> HandlerM ()
hoverExplain request = do
let uri = request ^. J.params . J.textDocument . J.uri
J.Position line col = request ^. J.params . J.position
txt <- readUri uri
mError <- uses errors $ Map.lookup uri
let isHovered (Diagnosis _ (Just (Range left right)) _) =
left <= (line,col) && (line,col) <= right
isHovered _ = False
hoverFromDiagnosis (Diagnosis _ (Just (Range left right)) diagnosis) =
let _range = Just $ J.Range (uncurry J.Position left)
(uncurry J.Position right)
encodedDiag = URI.encode (Text.unpack diagnosis)
command = "[Explain error](dhall-explain:?"
<> Text.pack encodedDiag <> " )"
_contents = J.List [J.PlainString command]
in Just J.Hover { .. }
hoverFromDiagnosis _ = Nothing
mHover = do err <- mError
explanation <- explain txt err
guard (isHovered explanation)
hoverFromDiagnosis explanation
lspRespond LSP.RspHover request mHover
hoverType :: J.HoverRequest -> HandlerM ()
hoverType request = do
let uri = request ^. J.params . J.textDocument . J.uri
J.Position line col = request ^. J.params . J.position
txt <- readUri uri
expr <- loadFile uri
(welltyped, _) <- case typecheck expr of
Left _ -> throwE (Info, "Can't infer type; code does not type-check.")
Right wt -> return wt
case typeAt (line,col) welltyped of
Left err -> throwE (Error, Text.pack err)
Right typ ->
let _range = fmap (rangeToJSON . sanitiseRange txt . rangeFromDhall)
(srcAt (line,col) (fromWellTyped welltyped))
_contents = J.List [J.PlainString (pretty typ)]
hover = J.Hover{..}
in lspRespond LSP.RspHover request (Just hover)
hoverHandler :: J.HoverRequest -> HandlerM ()
hoverHandler request = do
let uri = request ^. J.params . J.textDocument . J.uri
errorMap <- use errors
case Map.lookup uri errorMap of
Nothing -> hoverType request
_ -> hoverExplain request
diagnosticsHandler :: J.Uri -> HandlerM ()
diagnosticsHandler uri = do
txt <- readUri uri
fileIdentifier <- fileIdentifierFromUri uri
-- make sure we don't keep a stale version around
modifying importCache (invalidate fileIdentifier)
cache <- use importCache
errs <- flip catchE (return . Just) $ do
expr <- case parse txt of
Right e -> return e
Left err -> throwE err
loaded <- liftIO $ load fileIdentifier expr cache
(cache', expr') <- case loaded of
Right x -> return x
Left err -> throwE err
welltyped <- case typecheck expr' of
Right (wt, _typ) -> return wt
Left err -> throwE err
let normal = normalize welltyped
-- cache the new expression
assign importCache (cacheExpr fileIdentifier normal cache')
return Nothing
let suggestions =
case parse txt of
Right expr -> suggest expr
_ -> []
suggestionToDiagnostic Suggestion {..} =
let _range = rangeToJSON range
_severity = Just J.DsHint
_source = Just "Dhall.Lint"
_code = Nothing
_message = suggestion
_relatedInformation = Nothing
in J.Diagnostic {..}
diagnosisToDiagnostic Diagnosis {..} =
let _range = case range of
Just range' ->
rangeToJSON range'
Nothing -> J.Range (J.Position 0 0) (J.Position 0 0)
_severity = Just J.DsError
_source = Just doctor
_code = Nothing
_message = diagnosis
_relatedInformation = Nothing
in J.Diagnostic {..}
diagnostics = concatMap (map diagnosisToDiagnostic . diagnose txt) (maybeToList errs)
++ map suggestionToDiagnostic suggestions
modifying errors (Map.alter (const errs) uri) -- cache errors
lspSendNotification LSP.NotPublishDiagnostics J.TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics
(J.PublishDiagnosticsParams uri (J.List diagnostics))
documentFormattingHandler :: J.DocumentFormattingRequest -> HandlerM ()
documentFormattingHandler request = do
let uri = request ^. J.params . J.textDocument . J.uri
txt <- readUri uri
(header, expr) <- case parseWithHeader txt of
Right res -> return res
_ -> throwE (Warning, "Failed to format dhall code; parse error.")
let formatted = formatExprWithHeader expr header
numLines = Text.length txt
range = J.Range (J.Position 0 0) (J.Position numLines 0)
edits = J.List [J.TextEdit range formatted]
lspRespond LSP.RspDocumentFormatting request edits
executeCommandHandler :: J.ExecuteCommandRequest -> HandlerM ()
executeCommandHandler request
| command == "dhall.server.lint" = executeLintAndFormat request
| command == "dhall.server.annotateLet" = executeAnnotateLet request
| otherwise = throwE (Warning, "Command '" <> command
<> "' not known; ignored.")
where command = request ^. J.params . J.command
getCommandArguments :: J.FromJSON a => J.ExecuteCommandRequest -> HandlerM a
getCommandArguments request = do
json <- case request ^. J.params . J.arguments of
Just (J.List (x : _)) -> return x
_ -> throwE (Error, "Failed to execute command; arguments missing.")
case J.fromJSON json of
J.Success args -> return args
_ -> throwE (Error, "Failed to execute command; failed to parse arguments.")
-- implements dhall.server.lint
executeLintAndFormat :: J.ExecuteCommandRequest -> HandlerM ()
executeLintAndFormat request = do
uri <- getCommandArguments request
txt <- readUri uri
(header, expr) <- case parseWithHeader txt of
Right res -> return res
_ -> throwE (Warning, "Failed to lint dhall code; parse error.")
let linted = formatExprWithHeader (lint expr) header
numLines = Text.length txt
range = J.Range (J.Position 0 0) (J.Position numLines 0)
edit = J.WorkspaceEdit
(Just (HashMap.singleton uri (J.List [J.TextEdit range linted]))) Nothing
lspRespond LSP.RspExecuteCommand request J.Null
lspRequest LSP.ReqApplyWorkspaceEdit J.WorkspaceApplyEdit
(J.ApplyWorkspaceEditParams edit)
executeAnnotateLet :: J.ExecuteCommandRequest -> HandlerM ()
executeAnnotateLet request = do
args :: J.TextDocumentPositionParams <- getCommandArguments request
let uri = args ^. J.textDocument . J.uri
line = args ^. J.position . J.line
col = args ^. J.position . J.character
expr <- loadFile uri
(welltyped, _) <- case typecheck expr of
Left _ -> throwE (Warning, "Failed to annotate let binding; not well-typed.")
Right e -> return e
(Src (SourcePos _ x1 y1) (SourcePos _ x2 y2) _, txt)
<- case annotateLet (line, col) welltyped of
Right x -> return x
Left msg -> throwE (Warning, Text.pack msg)
let range = J.Range (J.Position (unPos x1 - 1) (unPos y1 - 1))
(J.Position (unPos x2 - 1) (unPos y2 - 1))
edit = J.WorkspaceEdit
(Just (HashMap.singleton uri (J.List [J.TextEdit range txt]))) Nothing
lspRequest LSP.ReqApplyWorkspaceEdit J.WorkspaceApplyEdit
(J.ApplyWorkspaceEditParams edit)
import qualified Dhall.LSP.Handlers.Diagnostics as Diagnostics
import qualified Dhall.LSP.Handlers.DocumentFormatting as Formatting
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Control.Monad.Reader (runReaderT)
-- handler that doesn't do anything. Useful for example to make haskell-lsp shut -- handler that doesn't do anything. Useful for example to make haskell-lsp shut
-- up about unhandled DidChangeTextDocument notifications (which are already -- up about unhandled DidChangeTextDocument notifications (which are already
-- handled haskell-lsp itself). -- handled haskell-lsp itself).
nullHandler :: LSP.LspFuncs () -> a -> IO () nullHandler :: a -> HandlerM ()
nullHandler _ _ = return () nullHandler _ = return ()
{- Currently implemented by the dummy nullHandler:
initializedHandler :: LSP.LspFuncs () -> J.InitializedNotification -> IO ()
:: LSP.LspFuncs () -> J.DidChangeTextDocumentNotification -> IO ()
:: LSP.LspFuncs () -> J.DidCloseTextDocumentNotification -> IO ()
:: LSP.LspFuncs () -> J.CancelNotification -> IO ()
responseHandler :: LSP.LspFuncs () -> J.BareResponseMessage -> IO ()
didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler
:: LSP.LspFuncs () -> J.DidOpenTextDocumentNotification -> IO () :: J.DidOpenTextDocumentNotification -> HandlerM ()
didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler lsp notification = do didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler notification = do
LSP.logs "LSP Handler: processing DidOpenTextDocumentNotification"
let uri = notification ^. J.params . J.textDocument . J.uri let uri = notification ^. J.params . J.textDocument . J.uri
Diagnostics.diagnosticsHandler lsp uri diagnosticsHandler uri
didSaveTextDocumentNotificationHandler didSaveTextDocumentNotificationHandler
:: LSP.LspFuncs () -> J.DidSaveTextDocumentNotification -> IO () :: J.DidSaveTextDocumentNotification -> HandlerM ()
didSaveTextDocumentNotificationHandler lsp notification = do didSaveTextDocumentNotificationHandler notification = do
LSP.logs "LSP Handler: processing DidSaveTextDocumentNotification"
let uri = notification ^. J.params . J.textDocument . J.uri let uri = notification ^. J.params . J.textDocument . J.uri
Diagnostics.diagnosticsHandler lsp uri diagnosticsHandler uri
:: LSP.LspFuncs () -> J.DocumentFormattingRequest -> IO ()
documentFormattingHandler lsp request = do
LSP.logs "LSP Handler: processing DocumentFormattingRequest"
let uri = request ^. J.params . J.textDocument . J.uri
formattedDocument <- flip runReaderT lsp
$ Formatting.formatDocument uri undefined undefined
LSP.sendFunc lsp $ LSP.RspDocumentFormatting $ LSP.makeResponseMessage

View File

@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
module Dhall.LSP.Handlers.Command (executeCommandHandler) where
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Core as LSP
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages as LSP
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Utility as LSP
import qualified Data.Aeson as J
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as J
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens as J
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Dhall
import qualified Dhall.LSP.Backend.Linting as Linting
import qualified Dhall.LSP.Backend.ToJSON as ToJSON
import Dhall.LSP.Util (readUri)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Typing (annotateLet)
import System.FilePath (replaceExtension)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (singleton)
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (runExceptT, throwE, ExceptT)
import Text.Megaparsec (SourcePos(..), unPos)
import Dhall.Parser (Src(..))
executeCommandHandler :: LSP.LspFuncs () -> J.ExecuteCommandRequest -> IO ()
executeCommandHandler lsp request
| command == "dhall.server.lint" = case parseUriArgument request of
Right uri -> executeLintAndFormat lsp uri
Left msg -> LSP.logs msg
| command == "dhall.server.toJSON" = case parseUriArgument request of
Right uri -> executeDhallToJSON lsp uri
Left msg -> LSP.logs msg
| command == "dhall.server.annotateLet" = executeAnnotateLet lsp request
| otherwise = LSP.logs
("LSP Handler: asked to execute unknown command: " ++ show command)
where command = request ^. J.params . J.command
-- implements dhall.server.toJSON
executeDhallToJSON :: LSP.LspFuncs () -> J.Uri -> IO ()
executeDhallToJSON lsp uri = do
txt <- readUri lsp uri
let filepath = case J.uriToFilePath uri of
Nothing -> fail "Failed to parse URI when converting Dhall to JSON."
Just path -> path
mconverted <- ToJSON.dhallToJSON filepath txt
case mconverted of
Just converted -> do
let edit = J.List [ J.TextEdit (J.Range (J.Position 0 0) (J.Position 0 0))
converted ]
-- TODO: this doesn't work; we need to fix haskell-lsp-types to
-- support file creation!
edits = case appendSuffixToUri uri ".json" of
Right uri' -> Just (singleton uri' edit)
_ -> Nothing
lid <- LSP.getNextReqId lsp
LSP.sendFunc lsp $ LSP.ReqApplyWorkspaceEdit
$ LSP.fmServerApplyWorkspaceEditRequest lid
$ J.ApplyWorkspaceEditParams
$ J.WorkspaceEdit edits Nothing
Nothing -> LSP.sendFunc lsp $ LSP.NotShowMessage
$ LSP.fmServerShowMessageNotification J.MtError
"Failed to convert Dhall to JSON. Make sure\
\ the Dhall file is free of errors first!"
-- implements dhall.server.lint
executeLintAndFormat :: LSP.LspFuncs () -> J.Uri -> IO ()
executeLintAndFormat lsp uri = do
txt <- readUri lsp uri
case Linting.lintAndFormatDocument txt of
Right linted -> do
let endline = length $ Text.lines txt
let edit = J.List [ J.TextEdit
(J.Range (J.Position 0 0) (J.Position endline 0))
linted ]
lid <- LSP.getNextReqId lsp
LSP.sendFunc lsp $ LSP.ReqApplyWorkspaceEdit
$ LSP.fmServerApplyWorkspaceEditRequest lid
$ J.ApplyWorkspaceEditParams
$ J.WorkspaceEdit (Just (singleton uri edit)) Nothing
_ -> LSP.logs "LSP Handler: linting failed"
-- Helper that appends a suffix to a uri. Fails if the uri does not represent a
-- file path.
appendSuffixToUri :: J.Uri -> Text -> Either String J.Uri
appendSuffixToUri uri suffix = case J.uriToFilePath uri of
Just path -> Right . J.filePathToUri $ replaceExtension path (show suffix)
Nothing -> Left $ "failed to append suffix to uri " ++ show uri
++ " because it's not a valid file path"
parseUriArgument :: J.ExecuteCommandRequest -> Either String J.Uri
parseUriArgument request = case request ^. J.params . J.arguments of
Just (J.List (x : _)) -> case J.fromJSON x of
J.Success uri -> Right uri
_ -> Left $ "unable to parse uri argument to "
<> show (request ^. J.params . J.command)
_ -> Left $ "unable to parse uri argument to "
<> show (request ^. J.params . J.command)
srcToRange :: Src -> J.Range
srcToRange (Src (SourcePos _ x1 y1) (SourcePos _ x2 y2) _) =
J.Range (J.Position (unPos x1 - 1) (unPos y1 - 1))
(J.Position (unPos x2 - 1) (unPos y2 - 1))
executeAnnotateLet :: LSP.LspFuncs () -> J.ExecuteCommandRequest -> IO ()
executeAnnotateLet lsp request = do
LSP.logs "LSP Handler: executing AnnotateLet"
err <- runExceptT (executeAnnotateLet' lsp request)
case err of
Left msg -> LSP.logs ("AnnotateLet failed: " ++ msg)
_ -> return ()
executeAnnotateLet' :: LSP.LspFuncs () -> J.ExecuteCommandRequest -> ExceptT String IO ()
executeAnnotateLet' lsp request = do
args <- case request ^. J.params . J.arguments of
Just (J.List (x : _)) -> return x
_ -> throwE "arguments missing"
(uri, line, col) <- case J.fromJSON args :: J.Result J.TextDocumentPositionParams of
J.Success textDocPos -> return (textDocPos ^. J.textDocument . J.uri,
textDocPos ^. J.position . J.line,
textDocPos ^. J.position . J.character)
_ -> throwE "failed to parse arguments"
path <- case J.uriToFilePath uri of
Just x -> return x
_ -> throwE "unable to parse uri argument into file path"
txt <- lift $ readUri lsp uri
mexpr <- lift $ loadDhallExprSafe path txt
expr <- case mexpr of
Just e -> return e
_ -> throwE "failed to parse dhall file"
(src, txt') <- case annotateLet (line, col) expr of
Right x -> return x
Left err -> throwE err
let edit = J.List [ J.TextEdit (srcToRange src) txt' ]
lid <- lift $ LSP.getNextReqId lsp
lift $ LSP.sendFunc lsp
$ LSP.ReqApplyWorkspaceEdit
$ LSP.fmServerApplyWorkspaceEditRequest lid
$ J.ApplyWorkspaceEditParams
$ J.WorkspaceEdit (Just (singleton uri edit)) Nothing

View File

@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
{-| This module contains everything related to how the LSP server handles
diagnostic messages. -}
module Dhall.LSP.Handlers.Diagnostics
( diagnosticsHandler, explainDiagnosis
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages as LSP
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Core as LSP
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Utility as LSP
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as J
import Data.Text ( Text )
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Diagnostics
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Linting
import Dhall.LSP.Util (readUri)
import Data.List ( find )
import Data.Maybe ( mapMaybe )
-- | Called by @didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler@ and
-- @didSaveTextDocumentNotificationHandler@.
diagnosticsHandler :: LSP.LspFuncs () -> J.Uri -> IO ()
diagnosticsHandler lsp uri = do
LSP.logs $ "LSP Handler: processing diagnostics for " <> show uri
let fileName = case J.uriToFilePath uri of
Nothing -> fail "Failed to parse URI when computing diagnostics."
Just path -> path
txt <- readUri lsp uri
let lintDiags = linterDiagnostics txt
compDiags <- compilerDiagnostics fileName txt
publishDiagnostics lsp uri (compDiags ++ lintDiags)
diagnosisToLSP :: Diagnosis -> J.Diagnostic
diagnosisToLSP Diagnosis{..} = J.Diagnostic {..}
_range = case range of
Just (Range (line1, col1) (line2, col2)) ->
J.Range (J.Position line1 col1) (J.Position line2 col2)
Nothing -> J.Range (J.Position 0 0) (J.Position 0 0)
_severity = Just J.DsError
_source = Just doctor
_code = Nothing
_message = diagnosis
_relatedInformation = Nothing
compilerDiagnostics :: FilePath -> Text -> IO [J.Diagnostic]
compilerDiagnostics path txt = do
errors <- checkDhall path txt
let diagnoses = concatMap (diagnose txt) errors
return (map diagnosisToLSP diagnoses)
suggestionToDiagnostic :: Suggestion -> J.Diagnostic
suggestionToDiagnostic Suggestion {..} = J.Diagnostic {..}
_range = case range of
Range (line1, col1) (line2, col2) ->
J.Range (J.Position line1 col1) (J.Position line2 col2)
_severity = Just J.DsHint
_source = Just "Dhall.Lint"
_code = Nothing
_message = suggestion
_relatedInformation = Nothing
explainDiagnosis :: FilePath -> Text -> Position -> IO (Maybe Diagnosis)
explainDiagnosis path txt pos = do
errors <- checkDhall path txt
let explanations = mapMaybe (explain txt) errors
return $ find (isHovered pos) explanations
isHovered :: Position -> Diagnosis -> Bool
isHovered _ (Diagnosis _ Nothing _) = False
isHovered pos (Diagnosis _ (Just (Range left right)) _) =
left <= pos && pos <= right
-- | Compute the list of possible improvements, as would be carried out by
-- @Dhall.Lint@.
linterDiagnostics :: Text -> [J.Diagnostic]
linterDiagnostics = map suggestionToDiagnostic . suggest
-- | Publish diagnostics for a given file. Overwrites any existing diagnostics
-- on the client side! In order to clear the diagnostics for a given file simply
-- pass the empty list [].
publishDiagnostics :: LSP.LspFuncs () -> J.Uri -> [J.Diagnostic] -> IO ()
publishDiagnostics lsp uri diags =
LSP.sendFunc lsp $ LSP.NotPublishDiagnostics
$ J.NotificationMessage "2.0" J.TextDocumentPublishDiagnostics
$ J.PublishDiagnosticsParams uri (J.List diags)

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
module Dhall.LSP.Handlers.DocumentFormatting(formatDocument) where
import qualified Dhall.LSP.Backend.Formatting as Formatting
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Core as LSP.Core
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as J
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Utility as LSP.Utility
import qualified Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT)
-- TODO: implement tabSize and spaces/tabs options
-- * Note: any formatting errors would be swallowed. I think this is fine in this case, but generally we'd like to send user a notification
-- (e.g. the error occurred in the formatter itself, and user requests format constantly and nothing happens)
formatDocument :: J.Uri -> Int -> Bool -> ReaderT (LSP.Core.LspFuncs ()) IO (J.List J.TextEdit)
formatDocument fileUri _tabSize _insertSpaces = do
filePath = maybe (error "can't convert uri to file path") id $ J.uriToFilePath fileUri -- !FIXME: handle non-file uris
txt <- lift $ Data.Text.IO.readFile filePath
case Formatting.formatDocument txt of
(Right formatted) -> let
numLines = Data.Text.length txt
range = J.Range (J.Position 0 0) (J.Position numLines 0)
in pure $ J.List [J.TextEdit range formatted]
(Left err) -> do
lift $ LSP.Utility.logs $ "Error while formatting the document " <> show err
pure (J.List [])

View File

@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
module Dhall.LSP.Handlers.Hover (hoverHandler) where
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Core as LSP
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages as LSP
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Utility as LSP
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as J
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens as J
import Dhall.Core (pretty)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Dhall
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Diagnostics
import Dhall.LSP.Handlers.Diagnostics (explainDiagnosis)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Typing
import Dhall.LSP.Util (readUri)
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import qualified Network.URI.Encode as URI
import qualified Data.Text as Text
-- | This is a prototype implementation. We should avoid recomputing the
-- diagnostics each time.
hoverHandler :: LSP.LspFuncs () -> J.HoverRequest -> IO ()
hoverHandler lsp request = do
LSP.logs "LSP Handler: processing HoverRequest"
let uri = request ^. J.params . J.textDocument . J.uri
(J.Position line col) = request ^. (J.params . J.position)
pos = (line, col)
fileName = case J.uriToFilePath uri of
Nothing -> fail "Failed to parse URI in ReqHover."
Just path -> path
txt <- readUri lsp uri
-- Explain takes priority
mexplain <- explainDiagnosis fileName txt (line, col)
case mexplain of
Just explanation -> LSP.sendFunc lsp
$ LSP.RspHover
$ LSP.makeResponseMessage
request (hoverFromDiagnosis explanation)
Nothing -> do -- infer type
mexpr <- loadDhallExprSafe fileName txt
case mexpr of
Nothing -> LSP.sendFunc lsp $ LSP.RspHover
$ LSP.makeResponseMessage request Nothing
Just expr ->
case typeAt pos expr of
Right typ ->
let _range = fmap (rangeToJSON . sanitiseRange txt . rangeFromDhall)
(srcAt pos expr)
_contents = J.List [J.PlainString (pretty typ)]
hover = J.Hover{..}
in LSP.sendFunc lsp $ LSP.RspHover
$ LSP.makeResponseMessage request (Just hover)
_ -> LSP.sendFunc lsp $ LSP.RspHover
$ LSP.makeResponseMessage request Nothing
rangeToJSON :: Range -> J.Range
rangeToJSON (Range (x1,y1) (x2,y2)) = J.Range (J.Position x1 y1) (J.Position x2 y2)
hoverFromDiagnosis :: Diagnosis -> Maybe J.Hover
hoverFromDiagnosis (Diagnosis _ Nothing _) = Nothing
hoverFromDiagnosis (Diagnosis _ (Just (Range left right)) diagnosis) = Just
J.Hover { .. }
_range =
Just $ J.Range (uncurry J.Position left) (uncurry J.Position right)
encodedDiag = URI.encode (Text.unpack diagnosis)
command =
"[Explain error](dhall-explain:?" <> Text.pack encodedDiag <> " )"
_contents = J.List [J.PlainString command]

View File

@ -1,41 +1,38 @@
{-| This is the entry point for the LSP server. -}
{-| This is the entry point for the LSP server. All calls are delegated to the haskell-lsp library
which does the heavy lifting.
module Dhall.LSP.Server(run) where module Dhall.LSP.Server(run) where
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Data.Default import Data.Default
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Control as LSP.Control import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Control as LSP.Control
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Core as LSP.Core import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Core as LSP.Core
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as J import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as J
import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified System.Log.Logger import qualified System.Log.Logger
import GHC.Conc (atomically)
import qualified Dhall.LSP.Handlers as Handlers import Dhall.LSP.State
import qualified Dhall.LSP.Handlers.Command as Handlers import Dhall.LSP.Handlers (nullHandler, wrapHandler, hoverHandler,
import qualified Dhall.LSP.Handlers.Hover as Handlers didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler, didSaveTextDocumentNotificationHandler,
executeCommandHandler, documentFormattingHandler)
-- | The main entry point for the LSP server. -- | The main entry point for the LSP server.
run :: Maybe FilePath -> IO () run :: Maybe FilePath -> IO ()
run mlog = do run mlog = do
setupLogger mlog setupLogger mlog
vlsp <- newTVarIO Nothing state <- newEmptyMVar
_ <- LSP.Control.run (makeConfig, initCallback vlsp) (lspHandlers vlsp) _ <- LSP.Control.run (makeConfig, initCallback state) (lspHandlers state)
lspOptions Nothing lspOptions Nothing
return () return ()
where where
-- Callback that is called when the LSP server is started; makes the lsp -- Callback that is called when the LSP server is started; makes the lsp
-- state (LspFuncs) available to the message handlers through the vlsp TVar. -- state (LspFuncs) available to the message handlers through the vlsp MVar.
initCallback initCallback
:: TVar (Maybe (LSP.Core.LspFuncs ())) :: MVar ServerState
-> LSP.Core.LspFuncs () -> LSP.Core.LspFuncs ()
-> IO (Maybe J.ResponseError) -> IO (Maybe J.ResponseError)
initCallback vlsp lsp = do initCallback state lsp = do
atomically $ writeTVar vlsp (Just lsp) putMVar state (initialState lsp)
return Nothing return Nothing
-- Interpret DidChangeConfigurationNotification; pointless at the moment -- Interpret DidChangeConfigurationNotification; pointless at the moment
@ -75,35 +72,19 @@ lspOptions = def { LSP.Core.textDocumentSync = Just syncOptions
-- around this peculiarity. -- around this peculiarity.
Just (J.ExecuteCommandOptions Just (J.ExecuteCommandOptions
(J.List ["dhall.server.lint", (J.List ["dhall.server.lint",
"dhall.server.annotateLet"])) "dhall.server.annotateLet"]))
} }
lspHandlers :: TVar (Maybe (LSP.Core.LspFuncs ())) -> LSP.Core.Handlers lspHandlers :: MVar ServerState -> LSP.Core.Handlers
lspHandlers lsp lspHandlers state
= def { LSP.Core.initializedHandler = Just $ wrapHandler lsp Handlers.nullHandler = def { LSP.Core.initializedHandler = Just $ wrapHandler state nullHandler
, LSP.Core.hoverHandler = Just $ wrapHandler lsp Handlers.hoverHandler , LSP.Core.hoverHandler = Just $ wrapHandler state hoverHandler
, LSP.Core.didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ wrapHandler lsp Handlers.didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler , LSP.Core.didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ wrapHandler state didOpenTextDocumentNotificationHandler
, LSP.Core.didChangeTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ wrapHandler lsp Handlers.nullHandler , LSP.Core.didChangeTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ wrapHandler state nullHandler
, LSP.Core.didSaveTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ wrapHandler lsp Handlers.didSaveTextDocumentNotificationHandler , LSP.Core.didSaveTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ wrapHandler state didSaveTextDocumentNotificationHandler
, LSP.Core.didCloseTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ wrapHandler lsp Handlers.nullHandler , LSP.Core.didCloseTextDocumentNotificationHandler = Just $ wrapHandler state nullHandler
, LSP.Core.cancelNotificationHandler = Just $ wrapHandler lsp Handlers.nullHandler , LSP.Core.cancelNotificationHandler = Just $ wrapHandler state nullHandler
, LSP.Core.responseHandler = Just $ wrapHandler lsp Handlers.nullHandler , LSP.Core.responseHandler = Just $ wrapHandler state nullHandler
, LSP.Core.executeCommandHandler = Just $ wrapHandler lsp Handlers.executeCommandHandler , LSP.Core.executeCommandHandler = Just $ wrapHandler state executeCommandHandler
, LSP.Core.documentFormattingHandler = Just $ wrapHandler lsp Handlers.documentFormattingHandler , LSP.Core.documentFormattingHandler = Just $ wrapHandler state documentFormattingHandler
} }
-- Workaround to make our single-threaded LSP fit dhall-lsp's API, which
-- expects a multi-threaded implementation.
:: TVar (Maybe (LSP.Core.LspFuncs ()))
-> (LSP.Core.LspFuncs () -> a -> IO ())
-> a
-> IO ()
wrapHandler vlsp handle message = do
mlsp <- readTVarIO vlsp
case mlsp of
Just lsp -> handle lsp message
Nothing ->
fail "A handler was called before the LSP was initialized properly.\
\ This should never happen."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Dhall.LSP.State where
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Core as LSP
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Messages as LSP
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as J
import Control.Lens.TH (makeLenses)
import Lens.Family (LensLike')
import Data.Map.Strict (Map, empty)
import Data.Dynamic (Dynamic)
import Dhall.LSP.Backend.Dhall (DhallError, Cache, emptyCache)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (StateT)
-- Inside a handler we have access to the ServerState. The exception layer
-- allows us to fail gracefully, displaying a message to the user via the
-- "ShowMessage" mechanism of the lsp standard.
type HandlerM = ExceptT (Severity, Text) (StateT ServerState IO)
data Severity = Error
-- ^ Error displayed to the user.
| Warning
-- ^ Warning displayed to the user.
| Info
-- ^ Information displayed to the user.
| Log
-- ^ Log message, not displayed by default.
data ServerState = ServerState
{ _importCache :: Cache -- ^ The dhall import cache
, _errors :: Map J.Uri DhallError -- ^ Map from dhall files to their errors
, _httpManager :: Maybe Dynamic
-- ^ The http manager used by dhall's import infrastructure
, _lspFuncs :: LSP.LspFuncs ()
-- ^ Access to the lsp functions supplied by haskell-lsp
makeLenses ''ServerState
sendFunc :: Functor f =>
LensLike' f (LSP.LspFuncs ()) (LSP.FromServerMessage -> IO ())
sendFunc k s = fmap (\x -> s {LSP.sendFunc = x}) (k (LSP.sendFunc s))
initialState :: LSP.LspFuncs () -> ServerState
initialState lsp = ServerState {..}
_importCache = emptyCache
_errors = empty
_httpManager = Nothing
_lspFuncs = lsp

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@ -3,16 +3,10 @@
module Dhall.LSP.Util ( module Dhall.LSP.Util (
tshow, tshow,
lines', lines',
rightToMaybe, rightToMaybe,
unlines' unlines'
) where ) where
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Core as LSP
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.VFS as LSP
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as J
import qualified Yi.Rope as Rope
import Data.Text import Data.Text
import Data.List.NonEmpty import Data.List.NonEmpty
@ -34,14 +28,6 @@ lines' text =
unlines' :: [Text] -> Text unlines' :: [Text] -> Text
unlines' = intercalate "\n" unlines' = intercalate "\n"
-- | A helper function to query haskell-lsp's VFS.
readUri :: LSP.LspFuncs () -> J.Uri -> IO Text
readUri lsp uri = do
asd <- LSP.getVirtualFileFunc lsp uri
case asd of
Just (LSP.VirtualFile _ rope) -> return (Rope.toText rope)
Nothing -> fail $ "Could not find " <> show uri <> " in VFS."
rightToMaybe :: Either a b -> Maybe b rightToMaybe :: Either a b -> Maybe b
rightToMaybe (Right b) = Just b rightToMaybe (Right b) = Just b
rightToMaybe (Left _) = Nothing rightToMaybe (Left _) = Nothing