Improve efficiency of Context implementation

The old list-based implementation was tuned for Morte and more efficient for
type-checking typical Morte expressions (such as Church-encoded bytes), that had
multiple occurrences of the same key.  I'm still not sure why it was more
efficient, though, but it may have been due to better use of laziness.

However, these sorts of expressions are rare in idiomatic Dhall code, so we use
the more direct approach using a `Map` for faster lookup of the outer keys and
a `Seq` for faster indexing into the elements associated with a given key.
This commit is contained in:
Gabriel Gonzalez 2016-10-18 08:56:30 -07:00
parent e4abd4fdfc
commit 3d9661817f

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@ -13,45 +13,69 @@ module Dhall.Context (
, toList
) where
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Data.Sequence (Seq, (<|))
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
-- | Bound variable names and their types
newtype Context a = Context { getContext :: [(Text, a)] }
import qualified Data.Foldable
import qualified Data.Map
import qualified Data.Sequence
{-| A @(Context a)@ associates `Text` labels with values of type @a@
The `Context` is used for type-checking when @(a = Expr X)@
* You create a `Context` using `empty` and `insert`
* You transform a `Context` using `fmap`
* You consume a `Context` using `lookup` and `toList`
The difference between a `Context` and a `Map` is that a `Context` lets you
have multiple occurrences of the same key and you can query for the @n@th
occurrence of a given key.
newtype Context a = Context { getContext :: Map Text (Seq a) }
deriving (Functor)
-- | An empty context with no key-value pairs
empty :: Context a
empty = Context []
empty = Context Data.Map.empty
-- | Add a key-value pair to the `Context`
insert :: Text -> a -> Context a -> Context a
insert k v (Context kvs) = Context ((k, v) : kvs)
insert k v (Context kvs) =
Context (Data.Map.insertWith (<>) k (Data.Sequence.singleton v) kvs)
{-# INLINABLE insert #-}
{-| Lookup a key by name and index
{-| Look up a key by name and index
> lookup _ _ empty = Nothing
> lookup k 0 (insert k v c) = Just v
> lookup k n (insert k v c) = lookup k (n - 1) c -- 1 <= n
> lookup k n (insert j v c) = lookup k n c -- k /= j
> lookup k n (insert k _ c) = lookup k (n - 1) c -- 1 <= n
> lookup k n (insert j _ c) = lookup k n c -- k /= j
lookup :: Text -> Integer -> Context a -> Maybe a
lookup _ !_ (Context [] ) =
lookup x !n (Context ((k, v):kvs)) =
if x == k
then if n == 0
then Just v
else lookup x (n - 1) (Context kvs)
else lookup x n (Context kvs)
lookup k n (Context kvs) = do
vs <- Data.Map.lookup k kvs
lookupSeq (fromIntegral n) vs
-- Replace this `Data.Sequence.lookup` once that's available on Stackage LTS
lookupSeq :: Int -> Seq a -> Maybe a
lookupSeq n s =
if n < Data.Sequence.length s
then Just (Data.Sequence.index s n)
else Nothing
{-# INLINABLE lookup #-}
{-| Return all key-value associations as a list
> toList empty = []
> toList empty = []
> toList (insert k v ctx) = (k, v) : toList ctx
toList :: Context a -> [(Text, a)]
toList = getContext
toList (Context kvs) = do
(k, vs) <- Data.Map.toList kvs
v <- Data.Foldable.toList vs
return (k, v)
{-# INLINABLE toList #-}