Dhall.Map: Remove the keys list when sorting (#1066)

Also add the unorderedSingleton and unorderedFromList functions.

This speeds up the "issue 412" benchmark by ~9% and "union performance"
by ~2%.
This commit is contained in:
Simon Jakobi 2019-07-07 09:21:04 +02:00 committed by mergify[bot]
parent c116207663
commit 3b4f826eda

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@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ module Dhall.Map
, fromList
, fromListWithKey
-- * Constructing unordered 'Map's
, unorderedSingleton
, unorderedFromList
-- * Sorting
, sort
, isSorted
@ -60,6 +64,7 @@ import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Semigroup
import Prelude hiding (filter, lookup)
import qualified Data.List
import qualified Data.Map
import qualified Data.Set
import qualified GHC.Exts
@ -72,11 +77,18 @@ import qualified Prelude
This is done primarily to avoid a dependency on @insert-ordered-containers@
and also to improve performance
data Map k v = Map (Data.Map.Map k v) [k]
data Map k v = Map (Data.Map.Map k v) (Keys k)
deriving (Data)
instance (Eq k, Eq v) => Eq (Map k v) where
Map m1 ks == Map m2 ks' = m1 == m2 && ks == ks'
data Keys a
= Sorted
| Original [a]
deriving (Data)
instance (Ord k, Eq v) => Eq (Map k v) where
m1 == m2 =
Data.Map.size (toMap m1) == Data.Map.size (toMap m2)
&& toList m1 == toList m2
{-# INLINABLE (==) #-}
@ -92,12 +104,10 @@ instance Functor (Map k) where
{-# INLINABLE fmap #-}
instance Ord k => Foldable (Map k) where
foldr f z m = foldr f z (elems m)
foldr f z (Map m Sorted) = foldr f z m
foldr f z m = foldr f z (elems m)
{-# INLINABLE foldr #-}
foldMap f m = foldMap f (elems m)
{-# INLINABLE foldMap #-}
length m = size m
{-# INLINABLE length #-}
@ -117,7 +127,7 @@ prop> \x -> x <> mempty == (x :: Map Int Int)
prop> \x -> mempty <> x == (x :: Map Int Int)
instance Ord k => Monoid (Map k v) where
mempty = Map Data.Map.empty []
mempty = Map Data.Map.empty (Original [])
{-# INLINABLE mempty #-}
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
@ -148,7 +158,7 @@ singleton k v = Map m ks
m = Data.Map.singleton k v
ks = pure k
ks = Original [k]
{-# INLINABLE singleton #-}
{-| Create a `Map` from a list of key-value pairs
@ -172,7 +182,7 @@ fromList kvs = Map m ks
m = Data.Map.fromList kvs
ks = nubOrd (map fst kvs)
ks = Original (nubOrd (map fst kvs))
{-# INLINABLE fromList #-}
{-| Create a `Map` from a list of key-value pairs with a combining function.
@ -185,7 +195,7 @@ fromListWithKey f kvs = Map m ks
m = Data.Map.fromListWithKey f kvs
ks = nubOrd (map fst kvs)
ks = Original (nubOrd (map fst kvs))
{-# INLINABLE fromListWithKey #-}
{-| Remove duplicates from a list
@ -204,6 +214,36 @@ nubOrd = go Data.Set.empty
| otherwise = k : go (Data.Set.insert k set) ks
{-# INLINABLE nubOrd #-}
{-| Create a `Map` from a single key-value pair.
Any further operations on this map will not retain the order of the keys.
>>> unorderedSingleton "A" 1
fromList [("A",1)]
unorderedSingleton :: k -> v -> Map k v
unorderedSingleton k v = Map m Sorted
m = Data.Map.singleton k v
{-# INLINABLE unorderedSingleton #-}
{-| Create a `Map` from a list of key-value pairs
Any further operations on this map will not retain the order of the keys.
>>> unorderedFromList []
fromList []
>>> unorderedFromList [("B",1),("A",2)] -- The map /doesn't/ preserve order
fromList [("A",2),("B",1)]
>>> unorderedFromList [("A",1),("A",2)] -- For duplicates, later values take precedence
fromList [("A",2)]
unorderedFromList :: Ord k => [(k, v)] -> Map k v
unorderedFromList kvs = Map m Sorted
m = Data.Map.fromList kvs
{-# INLINABLE unorderedFromList #-}
{-| Sort the keys of a `Map`, forgetting the original ordering
> sort (sort x) = sort x
@ -211,10 +251,8 @@ nubOrd = go Data.Set.empty
>>> sort (fromList [("B",1),("A",2)])
fromList [("A",2),("B",1)]
sort :: Ord k => Map k v -> Map k v
sort (Map m _) = Map m ks
ks = Data.Map.keys m
sort :: Map k v -> Map k v
sort (Map m _) = Map m Sorted
{-# INLINABLE sort #-}
{-| Check if the keys of a `Map` are already sorted
@ -227,7 +265,8 @@ False
isSorted :: Eq k => Map k v -> Bool
isSorted (Map m k) = Data.Map.keys m == k
isSorted (Map _ Sorted) = True
isSorted (Map m (Original ks)) = Data.Map.keys m == ks -- Or shortcut to False here?
{-# INLINABLE isSorted #-}
{-| Insert a key-value pair into a `Map`, overriding any previous value stored
@ -241,12 +280,13 @@ fromList [("C",1),("B",2),("A",3)]
fromList [("C",1),("A",3)]
insert :: Ord k => k -> v -> Map k v -> Map k v
insert k v (Map m ks) = Map m' ks'
insert k v (Map m Sorted) = Map (Data.Map.insert k v m) Sorted
insert k v (Map m (Original ks)) = Map m' (Original ks')
m' = Data.Map.insert k v m
(mayOldV, m') = Data.Map.insertLookupWithKey (\_k new _old -> new) k v m
ks' | elem k ks = ks
| otherwise = k : ks
ks' | Just _ <- mayOldV = ks
| otherwise = k : ks
{-# INLINABLE insert #-}
{-| Insert a key-value pair into a `Map`, using the supplied function to combine
@ -258,12 +298,13 @@ fromList [("C",1),("B",2),("A",3)]
fromList [("C",3),("A",3)]
insertWith :: Ord k => (v -> v -> v) -> k -> v -> Map k v -> Map k v
insertWith f k v (Map m ks) = Map m' ks'
insertWith f k v (Map m Sorted) = Map (Data.Map.insertWith f k v m) Sorted
insertWith f k v (Map m (Original ks)) = Map m' (Original ks')
m' = Data.Map.insertWith f k v m
(mayOldV, m') = Data.Map.insertLookupWithKey (\_k new old -> f new old) k v m
ks' | elem k ks = ks
| otherwise = k : ks
ks' | Just _ <- mayOldV = ks
| otherwise = k : ks
{-# INLINABLE insertWith #-}
{-| Delete a key from a `Map` if present, otherwise return the original `Map`
@ -278,7 +319,9 @@ delete k (Map m ks) = Map m' ks'
m' = Data.Map.delete k m
ks' = Prelude.filter (k /=) ks
ks' = case ks of
Sorted -> Sorted
Original ks'' -> Original (Data.List.delete k ks'')
{-# INLINABLE delete #-}
{-| Keep all values that satisfy the given predicate
@ -293,9 +336,7 @@ filter predicate (Map m ks) = Map m' ks'
m' = Data.Map.filter predicate m
set = Data.Map.keysSet m'
ks' = Prelude.filter (\k -> Data.Set.member k set) ks
ks' = filterKeys (\k -> Data.Map.member k m') ks
{-# INLINABLE filter #-}
{-| Transform all values in a `Map` using the supplied function, deleting the
@ -309,9 +350,7 @@ mapMaybe f (Map m ks) = Map m' ks'
m' = Data.Map.mapMaybe f m
set = Data.Map.keysSet m'
ks' = Prelude.filter (\k -> Data.Set.member k set) ks
ks' = filterKeys (\k -> Data.Map.member k m') ks
{-# INLINABLE mapMaybe #-}
{-| Retrieve a key from a `Map`
@ -342,8 +381,12 @@ Just ("C",1,fromList [("B",2),("A",3)])
uncons :: Ord k => Map k v -> Maybe (k, v, Map k v)
uncons (Map _ []) = Nothing
uncons (Map m (k:ks)) = Just (k, m Data.Map.! k, Map (Data.Map.delete k m) ks)
uncons (Map _ (Original [])) = Nothing
uncons (Map m (Original (k:ks))) =
Just (k, m Data.Map.! k, Map (Data.Map.delete k m) (Original ks))
uncons (Map m Sorted)
| Just ((k, v), m') <- Data.Map.minViewWithKey m = Just (k, v, Map m' Sorted)
| otherwise = Nothing
{-# INLINABLE uncons #-}
{-| Check if a key belongs to a `Map`
@ -383,9 +426,10 @@ union (Map mL ksL) (Map mR ksR) = Map m ks
m = Data.Map.union mL mR
setL = Data.Map.keysSet mL
ks = ksL <|> Prelude.filter (\k -> Data.Set.notMember k setL) ksR
ks = case (ksL, ksR) of
(Original l, Original r) -> Original $
l <|> Prelude.filter (\k -> Data.Map.notMember k mL) r
_ -> Sorted
{-# INLINABLE union #-}
{-| Combine two `Map`s using a combining function for colliding keys
@ -400,9 +444,10 @@ unionWith combine (Map mL ksL) (Map mR ksR) = Map m ks
m = Data.Map.unionWith combine mL mR
setL = Data.Map.keysSet mL
ks = ksL <|> Prelude.filter (\k -> Data.Set.notMember k setL) ksR
ks = case (ksL, ksR) of
(Original l, Original r) -> Original $
l <|> Prelude.filter (\k -> Data.Map.notMember k mL) r
_ -> Sorted
{-# INLINABLE unionWith #-}
{-| Combine two `Map` on their shared keys, keeping the value from the first
@ -418,10 +463,8 @@ intersection (Map mL ksL) (Map mR _) = Map m ks
m = Data.Map.intersection mL mR
setL = Data.Map.keysSet mL
setR = Data.Map.keysSet mR
set = Data.Set.intersection setL setR
ks = Prelude.filter (\k -> Data.Set.member k set) ksL
-- Or forget order unless both maps are ordered?!
ks = filterKeys (\k -> Data.Map.member k m) ksL
{-# INLINABLE intersection #-}
{-| Combine two `Map`s on their shared keys, using the supplied function to
@ -435,10 +478,8 @@ intersectionWith combine (Map mL ksL) (Map mR _) = Map m ks
m = Data.Map.intersectionWith combine mL mR
setL = Data.Map.keysSet mL
setR = Data.Map.keysSet mR
set = Data.Set.intersection setL setR
ks = Prelude.filter (\k -> Data.Set.member k set) ksL
-- Or forget order unless both maps are ordered?!
ks = filterKeys (\k -> Data.Map.member k m) ksL
{-# INLINABLE intersectionWith #-}
{-| Compute the difference of two `Map`s by subtracting all keys from the
@ -452,9 +493,7 @@ difference (Map mL ksL) (Map mR _) = Map m ks
m = Data.Map.difference mL mR
setR = Data.Map.keysSet mR
ks = Prelude.filter (\k -> Data.Set.notMember k setR) ksL
ks = filterKeys (\k -> Data.Map.notMember k mR) ksL
{-# INLINABLE difference #-}
{-| Fold all of the key-value pairs in a `Map`, in their original order
@ -463,7 +502,8 @@ difference (Map mL ksL) (Map mR _) = Map m ks
foldMapWithKey :: (Monoid m, Ord k) => (k -> a -> m) -> Map k a -> m
foldMapWithKey f m = foldMap (uncurry f) (toList m)
foldMapWithKey f (Map m Sorted) = Data.Map.foldMapWithKey f m
foldMapWithKey f m = foldMap (uncurry f) (toList m)
{-# INLINABLE foldMapWithKey #-}
{-| Transform the values of a `Map` using their corresponding key
@ -492,6 +532,8 @@ mapWithKey f (Map m ks) = Map m' ks
:: Ord k => Applicative f => (k -> a -> f b) -> Map k a -> f (Map k b)
traverseWithKey f (Map m Sorted) =
fmap (\m' -> Map m' Sorted) (Data.Map.traverseWithKey f m)
traverseWithKey f m =
fmap fromList (traverse f' (toList m))
@ -525,7 +567,8 @@ unorderedTraverseWithKey_ f (Map m _) =
toList :: Ord k => Map k v -> [(k, v)]
toList (Map m ks) = fmap (\k -> (k, m Data.Map.! k)) ks
toList (Map m Sorted) = Data.Map.toList m
toList (Map m (Original ks)) = fmap (\k -> (k, m Data.Map.! k)) ks
{-# INLINABLE toList #-}
{-| Convert a @"Dhall.Map".`Map`@ to a @"Data.Map".`Data.Map.Map`@
@ -543,7 +586,8 @@ toMap (Map m _) = m
keys :: Map k v -> [k]
keys (Map _ ks) = ks
keys (Map m Sorted) = Data.Map.keys m
keys (Map _ (Original ks)) = ks
{-# INLINABLE keys #-}
{-| Return the values from a `Map` in their original order.
@ -552,13 +596,19 @@ keys (Map _ ks) = ks
elems :: Ord k => Map k v -> [v]
elems (Map m ks) = fmap (\k -> m Data.Map.! k) ks
elems (Map m Sorted) = Data.Map.elems m
elems (Map m (Original ks)) = fmap (\k -> m Data.Map.! k) ks
{-# INLINABLE elems #-}
filterKeys :: (a -> Bool) -> Keys a -> Keys a
filterKeys _ Sorted = Sorted
filterKeys f (Original ks) = Original (Prelude.filter f ks)
{-# INLINABLE filterKeys #-}
{- $setup
>>> import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..))
>>> import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(..), oneof)
>>> :{
instance (Ord k, Arbitrary k, Arbitrary v) => Arbitrary (Map k v) where
arbitrary = fromList <$> arbitrary
arbitrary = oneof [fromList <$> arbitrary, unorderedFromList <$> arbitrary]