Fix running the type-inference failure tests (#1326)

This fixes several bugs introduced in
This commit is contained in:
Simon Jakobi 2019-09-19 17:46:07 +02:00 committed by mergify[bot]
parent 8ead6012e9
commit 0ef00bf5e3

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
module Dhall.Test.TypeInference where
import Control.Exception (SomeException)
import Control.Exception (SomeException(..))
import Data.Monoid (mempty, (<>))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ getTests = do
let failureTestFiles = Turtle.lstree (typeInferenceDirectory </> "failure")
failureTests <- (Turtle.chars <* "A.dhall") failureTest failureTestFiles
failureTests <- (Turtle.chars <* ".dhall") failureTest failureTestFiles
let testTree = Tasty.testGroup "type-inference tests"
[ successTests
@ -84,25 +84,36 @@ successTest prefix = do
Tasty.HUnit.assertEqual message resolvedExpectedType inferredType
failureTest :: Text -> TestTree
failureTest path = do
let skip = [ typeInferenceDirectory </> "failure/unit/MergeEmptyNeedsDirectAnnotation1.dhall"
failureTest prefix = do
let skip = [ typeInferenceDirectory </> "failure/unit/MergeEmptyNeedsDirectAnnotation1"
-- Duplicate fields are incorrectly caught during parsing:
, typeInferenceDirectory </> "failure/unit/RecordLitDuplicateFields"
, typeInferenceDirectory </> "failure/unit/RecordTypeDuplicateFields"
, typeInferenceDirectory </> "failure/unit/UnionTypeDuplicateVariants1"
, typeInferenceDirectory </> "failure/unit/UnionTypeDuplicateVariants2"
Test.Util.testCase path skip $ do
let dhallPath = Test.Util.toDhallPath path
Test.Util.testCase prefix skip $ do
let prefixFP = Text.unpack prefix
expression <- Core.throws (Parser.exprFromText mempty dhallPath)
code <- Text.IO.readFile (prefixFP <> ".dhall")
let io :: IO Bool
io = do
_ <- Test.Util.load expression
return True
expression <- case Parser.exprFromText mempty code of
Left _ -> Tasty.HUnit.assertFailure (prefixFP <> " should have parsed")
Right e -> return e
let handler :: SomeException -> IO Bool
handler _ = return False
tryResolvedExpr <-
(FilePath.takeDirectory prefixFP)
typeChecked <- Exception.handle handler io
case tryResolvedExpr of
Left (SomeException _) -> return ()
if typeChecked
then Tasty.HUnit.assertFailure (Text.unpack path <> " should not have type-checked")
else return ()
Right resolved -> case TypeCheck.typeOf resolved of
Left _ -> return ()
Right _ -> Tasty.HUnit.assertFailure (prefixFP <> " should not have type-checked")