Introduce normalizeWithM for monadic normalization (#371)

This commit is contained in:
Alexander Biehl 2018-11-06 12:21:29 +08:00 committed by Gabriel Gonzalez
parent 7aba79118c
commit 096c03936e
4 changed files with 149 additions and 131 deletions

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@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ data EvaluateSettings = EvaluateSettings
defaultEvaluateSettings :: EvaluateSettings
defaultEvaluateSettings = EvaluateSettings
{ _startingContext = Dhall.Context.empty
, _normalizer = Dhall.Core.ReifiedNormalizer (const Nothing)
, _normalizer = Dhall.Core.ReifiedNormalizer (const (pure Nothing))
, _standardVersion = Dhall.Binary.defaultStandardVersion

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@ -36,7 +36,9 @@ module Dhall.Core (
, alphaNormalize
, normalize
, normalizeWith
, normalizeWithM
, Normalizer
, NormalizerM
, ReifiedNormalizer (..)
, judgmentallyEqual
, subst
@ -65,6 +67,7 @@ import Crypto.Hash (SHA256)
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor(..))
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
import Data.HashSet (HashSet)
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
@ -1385,7 +1388,7 @@ alphaNormalize (Embed a) =
leave ill-typed sub-expressions unevaluated.
normalize :: Eq a => Expr s a -> Expr t a
normalize = normalizeWith (const Nothing)
normalize = normalizeWith (const (pure Nothing))
{-| This function is used to determine whether folds like @Natural/fold@ or
@List/fold@ should be lazy or strict in their accumulator based on the type
@ -1493,26 +1496,33 @@ denote (Embed a ) = Embed a
normalizeWith :: Eq a => Normalizer a -> Expr s a -> Expr t a
normalizeWith ctx e0 = loop (denote e0)
normalizeWith ctx = runIdentity . normalizeWithM ctx
normalizeWithM :: (Eq a, Monad m) => NormalizerM m a -> Expr s a -> m (Expr t a)
normalizeWithM ctx e0 = loop (denote e0)
loop e = case e of
Const k -> Const k
Var v -> Var v
Lam x _A b -> Lam x _A' b'
Const k -> pure (Const k)
Var v -> pure (Var v)
Lam x _A b -> Lam x <$> _A' <*> b'
_A' = loop _A
b' = loop b
Pi x _A _B -> Pi x _A' _B'
Pi x _A _B -> Pi x <$> _A' <*> _B'
_A' = loop _A
_B' = loop _B
App f a -> case loop f of
Lam x _A b -> loop b'' -- Beta reduce
App f a -> do
f' <- loop f
case f' of
Lam x _A b -> loop b''
a' = shift 1 (V x 0) a
b' = subst (V x 0) a' b
b'' = shift (-1) (V x 0) b'
f' -> case App f' a' of
_ -> do
a' <- loop a
case App f' a' of
-- build/fold fusion for `List`
App (App ListBuild _) (App (App ListFold _) e') -> loop e'
@ -1522,14 +1532,15 @@ normalizeWith ctx e0 = loop (denote e0)
-- build/fold fusion for `Optional`
App (App OptionalBuild _) (App (App OptionalFold _) e') -> loop e'
App (App (App (App NaturalFold (NaturalLit n0)) t) succ') zero ->
if boundedType (loop t) then strict else lazy
App (App (App (App NaturalFold (NaturalLit n0)) t) succ') zero -> do
t' <- loop t
if boundedType t' then strict else lazy
strict = strictLoop n0
lazy = loop ( lazyLoop n0)
strictLoop !0 = loop zero
strictLoop !n = loop (App succ' (strictLoop (n - 1)))
strictLoop !n = App succ' <$> strictLoop (n - 1) >>= loop
lazyLoop !0 = zero
lazyLoop !n = App succ' (lazyLoop (n - 1))
@ -1538,18 +1549,18 @@ normalizeWith ctx e0 = loop (denote e0)
succ = Lam "x" Natural (NaturalPlus "x" (NaturalLit 1))
zero = NaturalLit 0
App NaturalIsZero (NaturalLit n) -> BoolLit (n == 0)
App NaturalEven (NaturalLit n) -> BoolLit (even n)
App NaturalOdd (NaturalLit n) -> BoolLit (odd n)
App NaturalToInteger (NaturalLit n) -> IntegerLit (toInteger n)
App NaturalIsZero (NaturalLit n) -> pure (BoolLit (n == 0))
App NaturalEven (NaturalLit n) -> pure (BoolLit (even n))
App NaturalOdd (NaturalLit n) -> pure (BoolLit (odd n))
App NaturalToInteger (NaturalLit n) -> pure (IntegerLit (toInteger n))
App NaturalShow (NaturalLit n) ->
TextLit (Chunks [] (Data.Text.pack (show n)))
pure (TextLit (Chunks [] (Data.Text.pack (show n))))
App IntegerShow (IntegerLit n)
| 0 <= n -> TextLit (Chunks [] ("+" <> Data.Text.pack (show n)))
| otherwise -> TextLit (Chunks [] (Data.Text.pack (show n)))
App IntegerToDouble (IntegerLit n) -> DoubleLit (fromInteger n)
| 0 <= n -> pure (TextLit (Chunks [] ("+" <> Data.Text.pack (show n))))
| otherwise -> pure (TextLit (Chunks [] (Data.Text.pack (show n))))
App IntegerToDouble (IntegerLit n) -> pure (DoubleLit (fromInteger n))
App DoubleShow (DoubleLit n) ->
TextLit (Chunks [] (Data.Text.pack (show n)))
pure (TextLit (Chunks [] (Data.Text.pack (show n))))
App (App OptionalBuild _A) g ->
loop (App (App (App g optional) just) nothing)
@ -1572,8 +1583,9 @@ normalizeWith ctx e0 = loop (denote e0)
nil = ListLit (Just _A) empty
App (App (App (App (App ListFold _) (ListLit _ xs)) t) cons) nil ->
if boundedType (loop t) then strict else lazy
App (App (App (App (App ListFold _) (ListLit _ xs)) t) cons) nil -> do
t' <- loop t
if boundedType t' then strict else lazy
strict = foldr strictCons strictNil xs
lazy = loop (foldr lazyCons lazyNil xs)
@ -1581,10 +1593,11 @@ normalizeWith ctx e0 = loop (denote e0)
strictNil = loop nil
lazyNil = nil
strictCons y ys = loop (App (App cons y) ys)
strictCons y ys = do
App (App cons y) <$> ys >>= loop
lazyCons y ys = App (App cons y) ys
App (App ListLength _) (ListLit _ ys) ->
NaturalLit (fromIntegral (Data.Sequence.length ys))
pure (NaturalLit (fromIntegral (Data.Sequence.length ys)))
App (App ListHead t) (ListLit _ ys) -> loop o
o = case Data.Sequence.viewl ys of
@ -1622,20 +1635,20 @@ normalizeWith ctx e0 = loop (denote e0)
loop nothing
App (App (App (App (App OptionalFold _) (Some x)) _) just) _ ->
loop (App just x)
_ -> case ctx (App f' a') of
Nothing -> App f' a'
_ -> do
res <- ctx (App f' a')
case res of
Nothing -> pure (App f' a')
Just app' -> loop app'
a' = loop a
Let f _ r b -> loop b''
r' = shift 1 (V f 0) r
b' = subst (V f 0) r' b
b'' = shift (-1) (V f 0) b'
Annot x _ -> loop x
Bool -> Bool
BoolLit b -> BoolLit b
BoolAnd x y -> decide (loop x) (loop y)
Bool -> pure Bool
BoolLit b -> pure (BoolLit b)
BoolAnd x y -> decide <$> loop x <*> loop y
decide (BoolLit True ) r = r
decide (BoolLit False) _ = BoolLit False
@ -1644,7 +1657,7 @@ normalizeWith ctx e0 = loop (denote e0)
decide l r
| judgmentallyEqual l r = l
| otherwise = BoolAnd l r
BoolOr x y -> decide (loop x) (loop y)
BoolOr x y -> decide <$> loop x <*> loop y
decide (BoolLit False) r = r
decide (BoolLit True ) _ = BoolLit True
@ -1653,21 +1666,21 @@ normalizeWith ctx e0 = loop (denote e0)
decide l r
| judgmentallyEqual l r = l
| otherwise = BoolOr l r
BoolEQ x y -> decide (loop x) (loop y)
BoolEQ x y -> decide <$> loop x <*> loop y
decide (BoolLit True ) r = r
decide l (BoolLit True ) = l
decide l r
| judgmentallyEqual l r = BoolLit True
| otherwise = BoolEQ l r
BoolNE x y -> decide (loop x) (loop y)
BoolNE x y -> decide <$> loop x <*> loop y
decide (BoolLit False) r = r
decide l (BoolLit False) = l
decide l r
| judgmentallyEqual l r = BoolLit False
| otherwise = BoolNE l r
BoolIf bool true false -> decide (loop bool) (loop true) (loop false)
BoolIf bool true false -> decide <$> loop bool <*> loop true <*> loop false
decide (BoolLit True ) l _ = l
decide (BoolLit False) _ r = r
@ -1675,22 +1688,22 @@ normalizeWith ctx e0 = loop (denote e0)
decide b l r
| judgmentallyEqual l r = l
| otherwise = BoolIf b l r
Natural -> Natural
NaturalLit n -> NaturalLit n
NaturalFold -> NaturalFold
NaturalBuild -> NaturalBuild
NaturalIsZero -> NaturalIsZero
NaturalEven -> NaturalEven
NaturalOdd -> NaturalOdd
NaturalToInteger -> NaturalToInteger
NaturalShow -> NaturalShow
NaturalPlus x y -> decide (loop x) (loop y)
Natural -> pure Natural
NaturalLit n -> pure (NaturalLit n)
NaturalFold -> pure NaturalFold
NaturalBuild -> pure NaturalBuild
NaturalIsZero -> pure NaturalIsZero
NaturalEven -> pure NaturalEven
NaturalOdd -> pure NaturalOdd
NaturalToInteger -> pure NaturalToInteger
NaturalShow -> pure NaturalShow
NaturalPlus x y -> decide <$> loop x <*> loop y
decide (NaturalLit 0) r = r
decide l (NaturalLit 0) = l
decide (NaturalLit m) (NaturalLit n) = NaturalLit (m + n)
decide l r = NaturalPlus l r
NaturalTimes x y -> decide (loop x) (loop y)
NaturalTimes x y -> decide <$> loop x <*> loop y
decide (NaturalLit 1) r = r
decide l (NaturalLit 1) = l
@ -1698,25 +1711,29 @@ normalizeWith ctx e0 = loop (denote e0)
decide _ (NaturalLit 0) = NaturalLit 0
decide (NaturalLit m) (NaturalLit n) = NaturalLit (m * n)
decide l r = NaturalTimes l r
Integer -> Integer
IntegerLit n -> IntegerLit n
IntegerShow -> IntegerShow
IntegerToDouble -> IntegerToDouble
Double -> Double
DoubleLit n -> DoubleLit n
DoubleShow -> DoubleShow
Text -> Text
TextLit (Chunks xys z) ->
case mconcat chunks of
Chunks [("", x)] "" -> x
c -> TextLit c
Integer -> pure Integer
IntegerLit n -> pure (IntegerLit n)
IntegerShow -> pure IntegerShow
IntegerToDouble -> pure IntegerToDouble
Double -> pure Double
DoubleLit n -> pure (DoubleLit n)
DoubleShow -> pure DoubleShow
Text -> pure Text
TextLit (Chunks xys z) -> do
chunks' <- mconcat <$> chunks
case chunks' of
Chunks [("", x)] "" -> pure x
c -> pure (TextLit c)
chunks = concatMap process xys ++ [Chunks [] z]
chunks =
((++ [Chunks [] z]) . concat) <$> traverse process xys
process (x, y) = case loop y of
TextLit c -> [Chunks [] x, c]
y' -> [Chunks [(x, y')] mempty]
TextAppend x y -> decide (loop x) (loop y)
process (x, y) = do
y' <- loop y
case y' of
TextLit c -> pure [Chunks [] x, c]
_ -> pure [Chunks [(x, y')] mempty]
TextAppend x y -> decide <$> loop x <*> loop y
isEmpty (Chunks [] "") = True
isEmpty _ = False
@ -1725,49 +1742,49 @@ normalizeWith ctx e0 = loop (denote e0)
decide l (TextLit n) | isEmpty n = l
decide (TextLit m) (TextLit n) = TextLit (m <> n)
decide l r = TextAppend l r
List -> List
List -> pure List
ListLit t es
| Data.Sequence.null es -> ListLit t' es'
| otherwise -> ListLit Nothing es'
| Data.Sequence.null es -> ListLit <$> t' <*> es'
| otherwise -> ListLit Nothing <$> es'
t' = fmap loop t
es' = fmap loop es
ListAppend x y -> decide (loop x) (loop y)
t' = traverse loop t
es' = traverse loop es
ListAppend x y -> decide <$> loop x <*> loop y
decide (ListLit _ m) r | Data.Sequence.null m = r
decide l (ListLit _ n) | Data.Sequence.null n = l
decide (ListLit t m) (ListLit _ n) = ListLit t (m <> n)
decide l r = ListAppend l r
ListBuild -> ListBuild
ListFold -> ListFold
ListLength -> ListLength
ListHead -> ListHead
ListLast -> ListLast
ListIndexed -> ListIndexed
ListReverse -> ListReverse
Optional -> Optional
ListBuild -> pure ListBuild
ListFold -> pure ListFold
ListLength -> pure ListLength
ListHead -> pure ListHead
ListLast -> pure ListLast
ListIndexed -> pure ListIndexed
ListReverse -> pure ListReverse
Optional -> pure Optional
OptionalLit _A Nothing -> loop (App None _A)
OptionalLit _ (Just a) -> loop (Some a)
Some a -> Some a'
Some a -> Some <$> a'
a' = loop a
None -> None
OptionalFold -> OptionalFold
OptionalBuild -> OptionalBuild
Record kts -> Record (Dhall.Map.sort kts')
None -> pure None
OptionalFold -> pure OptionalFold
OptionalBuild -> pure OptionalBuild
Record kts -> Record . Dhall.Map.sort <$> kts'
kts' = fmap loop kts
RecordLit kvs -> RecordLit (Dhall.Map.sort kvs')
kts' = traverse loop kts
RecordLit kvs -> RecordLit . Dhall.Map.sort <$> kvs'
kvs' = fmap loop kvs
Union kts -> Union (Dhall.Map.sort kts')
kvs' = traverse loop kvs
Union kts -> Union . Dhall.Map.sort <$> kts'
kts' = fmap loop kts
UnionLit k v kvs -> UnionLit k v' (Dhall.Map.sort kvs')
kts' = traverse loop kts
UnionLit k v kvs -> UnionLit k <$> v' <*> (Dhall.Map.sort <$> kvs')
v' = loop v
kvs' = fmap loop kvs
Combine x y -> decide (loop x) (loop y)
v' = loop v
kvs' = traverse loop kvs
Combine x y -> decide <$> loop x <*> loop y
decide (RecordLit m) r | Data.Foldable.null m =
@ -1777,7 +1794,7 @@ normalizeWith ctx e0 = loop (denote e0)
RecordLit (Dhall.Map.sort (Dhall.Map.unionWith decide m n))
decide l r =
Combine l r
CombineTypes x y -> decide (loop x) (loop y)
CombineTypes x y -> decide <$> loop x <*> loop y
decide (Record m) r | Data.Foldable.null m =
@ -1787,8 +1804,7 @@ normalizeWith ctx e0 = loop (denote e0)
Record (Dhall.Map.sort (Dhall.Map.unionWith decide m n))
decide l r =
CombineTypes l r
Prefer x y -> decide (loop x) (loop y)
Prefer x y -> decide <$> loop x <*> loop y
decide (RecordLit m) r | Data.Foldable.null m =
@ -1798,48 +1814,49 @@ normalizeWith ctx e0 = loop (denote e0)
RecordLit (Dhall.Map.sort (Dhall.Map.union n m))
decide l r =
Prefer l r
Merge x y t ->
Merge x y t -> do
x' <- loop x
y' <- loop y
case x' of
RecordLit kvsX ->
case y' of
UnionLit kY vY _ ->
case Dhall.Map.lookup kY kvsX of
Just vX -> loop (App vX vY)
Nothing -> Merge x' y' t'
_ -> Merge x' y' t'
_ -> Merge x' y' t'
Nothing -> Merge x' y' <$> t'
_ -> Merge x' y' <$> t'
_ -> Merge x' y' <$> t'
x' = loop x
y' = loop y
t' = fmap loop t
Constructors t ->
t' = traverse loop t
Constructors t -> do
t' <- loop t
case t' of
Union kts -> RecordLit kvs
Union kts -> pure (RecordLit kvs)
kvs = Dhall.Map.mapWithKey adapt kts
adapt k t_ = Lam k t_ (UnionLit k (Var (V k 0)) rest)
rest = Dhall.Map.delete k kts
_ -> Constructors t'
t' = loop t
Field r x ->
case loop r of
_ -> pure (Constructors t')
Field r x -> do
r' <- loop r
case r' of
RecordLit kvs ->
case Dhall.Map.lookup x kvs of
Just v -> loop v
Nothing -> Field (RecordLit (fmap loop kvs)) x
Nothing -> Field <$> (RecordLit <$> traverse loop kvs) <*> pure x
Union kvs ->
case Dhall.Map.lookup x kvs of
Just t_ -> Lam x t' (UnionLit x (Var (V x 0)) rest)
Just t_ -> Lam x <$> t' <*> pure (UnionLit x (Var (V x 0)) rest)
t' = loop t_
rest = Dhall.Map.delete x kvs
Nothing -> Field (Union (fmap loop kvs)) x
r' -> Field r' x
Project r xs ->
case loop r of
Nothing -> Field <$> (Union <$> traverse loop kvs) <*> pure x
_ -> pure (Field r' x)
Project r xs -> do
r' <- loop r
case r' of
RecordLit kvs ->
case traverse adapt (Dhall.Set.toList xs) of
Just s ->
@ -1847,15 +1864,15 @@ normalizeWith ctx e0 = loop (denote e0)
kvs' = Dhall.Map.fromList s
Nothing ->
Project (RecordLit (fmap loop kvs)) xs
Project <$> (RecordLit <$> traverse loop kvs) <*> pure xs
adapt x = do
v <- Dhall.Map.lookup x kvs
return (x, v)
r' -> Project r' xs
_ -> pure (Project r' xs)
Note _ e' -> loop e'
ImportAlt l _r -> loop l
Embed a -> Embed a
Embed a -> pure (Embed a)
{-| Returns `True` if two expressions are α-equivalent and β-equivalent and
`False` otherwise
@ -1868,7 +1885,9 @@ judgmentallyEqual eL0 eR0 = alphaBetaNormalize eL0 == alphaBetaNormalize eR0
-- | Use this to wrap you embedded functions (see `normalizeWith`) to make them
-- polymorphic enough to be used.
type Normalizer a = forall s. Expr s a -> Maybe (Expr s a)
type NormalizerM m a = forall s. Expr s a -> m (Maybe (Expr s a))
type Normalizer a = NormalizerM Identity a
-- | A reified 'Normalizer', which can be stored in structures without
-- running into impredicative polymorphism.
@ -1880,8 +1899,7 @@ data ReifiedNormalizer a = ReifiedNormalizer
-- It is much more efficient to use `isNormalized`.
isNormalizedWith :: (Eq s, Eq a) => Normalizer a -> Expr s a -> Bool
isNormalizedWith ctx e = e == (normalizeWith ctx e)
isNormalizedWith ctx e = e == normalizeWith ctx e
-- | Quickly check if an expression is in normal form
isNormalized :: Eq a => Expr s a -> Bool

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@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ emptyStatusWith _resolver _cacher rootDirectory = Status {..}
_standardVersion = Dhall.Binary.defaultStandardVersion
_normalizer = ReifiedNormalizer (const Nothing)
_normalizer = ReifiedNormalizer (const (pure Nothing))
_startingContext = Dhall.Context.empty

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@ -216,8 +216,8 @@ simpleCustomization :: TestTree
simpleCustomization = testCase "simpleCustomization" $ do
let tyCtx = insert "min" (Pi "_" Natural (Pi "_" Natural Natural)) empty
valCtx e = case e of
(App (App (Var (V "min" 0)) (NaturalLit x)) (NaturalLit y)) -> Just (NaturalLit (min x y))
_ -> Nothing
(App (App (Var (V "min" 0)) (NaturalLit x)) (NaturalLit y)) -> pure (Just (NaturalLit (min x y)))
_ -> pure Nothing
e <- codeWith tyCtx "min (min 11 12) 8 + 1"
assertNormalizesToWith valCtx e "9"
@ -228,12 +228,12 @@ nestedReduction = testCase "doubleReduction" $ do
wurbleType <- insert "wurble" <$> code "Natural → Integer"
let tyCtx = minType . fiveorlessType . wurbleType $ empty
valCtx e = case e of
(App (App (Var (V "min" 0)) (NaturalLit x)) (NaturalLit y)) -> Just (NaturalLit (min x y))
(App (Var (V "wurble" 0)) (NaturalLit x)) -> Just
(App (Var (V "fiveorless" 0)) (NaturalPlus (NaturalLit x) (NaturalLit 2)))
(App (Var (V "fiveorless" 0)) (NaturalLit x)) -> Just
(App (App (Var (V "min" 0)) (NaturalLit x)) (NaturalPlus (NaturalLit 3) (NaturalLit 2)))
_ -> Nothing
(App (App (Var (V "min" 0)) (NaturalLit x)) (NaturalLit y)) -> pure (Just (NaturalLit (min x y)))
(App (Var (V "wurble" 0)) (NaturalLit x)) -> pure (Just
(App (Var (V "fiveorless" 0)) (NaturalPlus (NaturalLit x) (NaturalLit 2))))
(App (Var (V "fiveorless" 0)) (NaturalLit x)) -> pure (Just
(App (App (Var (V "min" 0)) (NaturalLit x)) (NaturalPlus (NaturalLit 3) (NaturalLit 2))))
_ -> pure Nothing
e <- codeWith tyCtx "wurble 6"
assertNormalizesToWith valCtx e "5"