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{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
2016-11-25 04:15:29 +01:00
{-| Please read the "Dhall.Tutorial" module, which contains a tutorial explaining
how to use the language, the compiler, and this library
module Dhall
-- * Input
2016-11-21 01:25:55 +01:00
, detailed
-- * Types
, Type(..)
2017-07-27 20:44:37 +02:00
, InputType(..)
2016-09-13 06:27:47 +02:00
, Interpret(..)
2017-02-05 19:32:32 +01:00
, InvalidType(..)
, R2(..)
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
, auto
, InterpretOptions(..)
, defaultInterpretOptions
2016-09-09 18:51:31 +02:00
, bool
, natural
, integer
, double
, lazyText
, strictText
2016-09-19 00:38:36 +02:00
, maybe
, vector
, GenericInterpret(..)
, Inject(..)
, inject
-- * Miscellaneous
, rawInput
-- * Re-exports
2016-11-25 07:13:36 +01:00
, Natural
2016-09-19 00:24:54 +02:00
, Text
, Vector
, Generic
) where
import Control.Applicative (empty, liftA2, (<|>), Alternative)
import Control.Exception (Exception)
import Data.Functor.Contravariant (Contravariant(..))
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
2016-12-05 00:19:01 +01:00
import Data.Text.Buildable (Buildable(..))
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Dhall.Core (Expr(..))
2016-11-21 01:25:55 +01:00
import Dhall.Import (Imported(..))
import Dhall.Parser (Src(..))
2016-11-21 01:25:55 +01:00
import Dhall.TypeCheck (DetailedTypeError(..), TypeError, X)
import GHC.Generics
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
2016-09-19 00:38:36 +02:00
import Prelude hiding (maybe)
import Text.Trifecta.Delta (Delta(..))
import qualified Control.Exception
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy
import qualified Data.Map
import qualified Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding
2016-09-19 00:38:36 +02:00
import qualified Data.Vector
import qualified Dhall.Core
import qualified Dhall.Import
2016-10-31 03:31:47 +01:00
import qualified Dhall.Parser
import qualified Dhall.TypeCheck
throws :: Exception e => Either e a -> IO a
throws (Left e) = Control.Exception.throwIO e
throws (Right r) = return r
{-| Every `Type` must obey the contract that if an expression's type matches the
the `expected` type then the `extract` function must succeed. If not, then
this exception is thrown
This exception indicates that an invalid `Type` was provided to the `input`
data InvalidType = InvalidType deriving (Typeable)
_ERROR :: String
_ERROR = "\ESC[1;31mError\ESC[0m"
instance Show InvalidType where
show InvalidType =
_ERROR <> ": Invalid Dhall.Type \n\
\ \n\
\Every Type must provide an extract function that succeeds if an expression \n\
\matches the expected type. You provided a Type that disobeys this contract \n"
instance Exception InvalidType
{-| Dhall uses the type @R2 a b@ to represent a 2-tuple of type @(a, b)@
You might prefer to use this type instead of a 2-tuple if you want the Dhall
type to exactly match the Haskell type
data R2 a b = R2 { _1 :: a, _2 :: b }
deriving (Generic, Inject, Interpret, Show)
{-| Type-check and evaluate a Dhall program, decoding the result into Haskell
The first argument determines the type of value that you decode:
2016-09-10 04:02:13 +02:00
>>> input integer "2"
>>> input (vector double) "[1.0, 2.0]"
2016-09-10 04:02:13 +02:00
Use `auto` to automatically select which type to decode based on the
inferred return type:
2016-09-10 04:02:13 +02:00
>>> input auto "True" :: IO Bool
:: Type a
-- ^ The type of value to decode from Dhall to Haskell
-> Text
-- ^ The Dhall program
-> IO a
-- ^ The decoded value in Haskell
2017-01-29 23:10:28 +01:00
input (Type {..}) txt = do
let delta = Directed "(input)" 0 0 0 0
expr <- throws (Dhall.Parser.exprFromText delta txt)
expr' <- Dhall.Import.load expr
let suffix =
( Data.ByteString.Lazy.toStrict
. Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding.encodeUtf8
. Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.toLazyText
2016-12-05 00:19:01 +01:00
. build
) expected
let annot = case expr' of
Note (Src begin end bytes) _ ->
Note (Src begin end bytes') (Annot expr' expected)
bytes' = bytes <> " : " <> suffix
_ ->
Annot expr' expected
2017-01-29 23:10:28 +01:00
_ <- throws (Dhall.TypeCheck.typeOf annot)
case extract (Dhall.Core.normalize expr') of
Just x -> return x
Nothing -> Control.Exception.throwIO InvalidType
-- | Use this function to extract Haskell values directly from Dhall AST.
-- The intended use case is to allow easy extraction of Dhall values for
-- making the function `Dhall.Core.normalizeWith` easier to use.
-- For other use cases, use `input` from `Dhall` module. It will give you
-- a much better user experience.
:: Alternative f
=> Type a
-- ^ The type of value to decode from Dhall to Haskell
-> Expr s X
-- ^ a closed form Dhall program, which evaluates to the expected type
-> f a
-- ^ The decoded value in Haskell
rawInput (Type {..}) expr = do
case extract (Dhall.Core.normalize expr) of
Just x -> pure x
Nothing -> empty
2016-11-21 01:25:55 +01:00
{-| Use this to provide more detailed error messages
>> input auto "True" :: IO Integer
> *** Exception: Error: Expression doesn't match annotation
> True : Integer
> (input):1:1
>> detailed (input auto "True") :: IO Integer
> *** Exception: Error: Expression doesn't match annotation
> Explanation: You can annotate an expression with its type or kind using the
> : symbol, like this:
> x : t x is an expression and t is the annotated type or kind of x
> The type checker verifies that the expression's type or kind matches the
> provided annotation
> For example, all of the following are valid annotations that the type checker
> accepts:
> 1 : Integer 1 is an expression that has type Integer, so the type
> checker accepts the annotation
> Natural/even +2 : Bool Natural/even +2 has type Bool, so the type
> checker accepts the annotation
> List : Type Type List is an expression that has kind Type Type,
> so the type checker accepts the annotation
> List Text : Type List Text is an expression that has kind Type, so
> the type checker accepts the annotation
> However, the following annotations are not valid and the type checker will
> reject them:
> 1 : Text The type checker rejects this because 1 does not have type
> Text
> List : Type List does not have kind Type
> You or the interpreter annotated this expression:
> True
> ... with this type or kind:
> Integer
> ... but the inferred type or kind of the expression is actually:
> Bool
> Some common reasons why you might get this error:
> The Haskell Dhall interpreter implicitly inserts a top-level annotation
> matching the expected type
> For example, if you run the following Haskell code:
> >>> input auto "1" :: IO Text
> ... then the interpreter will actually type check the following annotated
> expression:
> 1 : Text
> ... and then type-checking will fail
> True : Integer
> (input):1:1
detailed :: IO a -> IO a
detailed =
Control.Exception.handle handler1 . Control.Exception.handle handler0
handler0 :: Imported (TypeError Src) -> IO a
handler0 (Imported ps e) =
Control.Exception.throwIO (Imported ps (DetailedTypeError e))
handler1 :: TypeError Src -> IO a
handler1 e = Control.Exception.throwIO (DetailedTypeError e)
2016-09-10 04:02:13 +02:00
{-| A @(Type a)@ represents a way to marshal a value of type @\'a\'@ from Dhall
into Haskell
You can produce `Type`s either explicitly:
2016-09-15 18:03:12 +02:00
> example :: Type (Vector Text)
> example = vector text
... or implicitly using `auto`:
2016-09-15 18:03:12 +02:00
> example :: Type (Vector Text)
> example = auto
You can consume `Type`s using the `input` function:
> input :: Type a -> Text -> IO a
data Type a = Type
{ extract :: Expr Src X -> Maybe a
-- ^ Extracts Haskell value from the Dhall expression
2016-10-30 05:48:18 +01:00
, expected :: Expr Src X
-- ^ Dhall type of the Haskell value
deriving (Functor)
{-| Decode a `Bool`
>>> input bool "True"
bool :: Type Bool
bool = Type {..}
extract (BoolLit b) = pure b
extract _ = Nothing
expected = Bool
{-| Decode a `Natural`
>>> input natural "+42"
natural :: Type Natural
natural = Type {..}
extract (NaturalLit n) = pure n
extract _ = empty
expected = Natural
{-| Decode an `Integer`
>>> input integer "42"
integer :: Type Integer
integer = Type {..}
extract (IntegerLit n) = pure n
extract _ = empty
expected = Integer
{-| Decode a `Double`
>>> input double "42.0"
double :: Type Double
double = Type {..}
extract (DoubleLit n) = pure n
extract _ = empty
expected = Double
{-| Decode lazy `Text`
>>> input lazyText "\"Test\""
lazyText :: Type Text
lazyText = Type {..}
extract (TextLit t) = pure (Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.toLazyText t)
extract _ = empty
expected = Text
{-| Decode strict `Text`
>>> input strictText "\"Test\""
strictText :: Type Data.Text.Text
strictText = fmap Data.Text.Lazy.toStrict lazyText
2016-09-19 00:38:36 +02:00
{-| Decode a `Maybe`
2016-12-05 00:10:08 +01:00
>>> input (maybe integer) "[1] : Optional Integer"
Just 1
2016-09-19 00:38:36 +02:00
maybe :: Type a -> Type (Maybe a)
maybe (Type extractIn expectedIn) = Type extractOut expectedOut
extractOut (OptionalLit _ es) = traverse extractIn es'
2016-09-19 00:38:36 +02:00
es' = if Data.Vector.null es then Nothing else Just (Data.Vector.head es)
2017-01-29 23:10:28 +01:00
extractOut _ = Nothing
2016-09-19 00:38:36 +02:00
expectedOut = App Optional expectedIn
2016-09-19 00:38:36 +02:00
{-| Decode a `Vector`
>>> input (vector integer) "[1, 2, 3]"
vector :: Type a -> Type (Vector a)
vector (Type extractIn expectedIn) = Type extractOut expectedOut
extractOut (ListLit _ es) = traverse extractIn es
2017-01-29 23:10:28 +01:00
extractOut _ = Nothing
2016-09-15 18:03:12 +02:00
expectedOut = App List expectedIn
{-| Any value that implements `Interpret` can be automatically decoded based on
the inferred return type of `input`
>>> input auto "[1, 2, 3]" :: IO (Vector Integer)
2016-09-10 04:02:13 +02:00
This class auto-generates a default implementation for records that
implement `Generic`. This does not auto-generate an instance for recursive
class Interpret a where
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
autoWith:: InterpretOptions -> Type a
default autoWith
:: (Generic a, GenericInterpret (Rep a)) => InterpretOptions -> Type a
autoWith options = fmap GHC.Generics.to (genericAutoWith options)
instance Interpret Bool where
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
autoWith _ = bool
instance Interpret Natural where
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
autoWith _ = natural
instance Interpret Integer where
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
autoWith _ = integer
instance Interpret Double where
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
autoWith _ = double
instance Interpret Text where
autoWith _ = lazyText
instance Interpret Data.Text.Text where
autoWith _ = strictText
2016-09-19 00:38:36 +02:00
instance Interpret a => Interpret (Maybe a) where
autoWith opts = maybe (autoWith opts)
2016-09-19 00:38:36 +02:00
instance Interpret a => Interpret (Vector a) where
autoWith opts = vector (autoWith opts)
instance Interpret a => Interpret [a] where
autoWith = fmap (fmap Data.Vector.toList) autoWith
-- | The Haskell type @(a, b)@ corresponds to the Dhall type @{ _1 : a, _2 : b }@
instance (Interpret a, Interpret b) => Interpret (a, b) where
autoWith = fmap (\R2{..} -> (_1, _2)) . autoWith
instance (Inject a, Interpret b) => Interpret (a -> b) where
autoWith opts = Type extractOut expectedOut
extractOut e = Just (\i -> case extractIn (Dhall.Core.normalize (App e (embed i))) of
Just o -> o
Nothing -> error "Interpret: You cannot decode a function if it does not have the correct type" )
expectedOut = Pi "_" declared expectedIn
InputType {..} = inject
Type extractIn expectedIn = autoWith opts
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
{-| Use the default options for interpreting a configuration file
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
> auto = autoWith defaultInterpretOptions
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
auto :: Interpret a => Type a
auto = autoWith defaultInterpretOptions
{-| Use these options to tweak how Dhall derives a generic implementation of
data InterpretOptions = InterpretOptions
{ fieldModifier :: Text -> Text
-- ^ Function used to transform Haskell field names into their corresponding
-- Dhall field names
, constructorModifier :: Text -> Text
-- ^ Function used to transform Haskell constructor names into their
-- corresponding Dhall alternative names
{-| Default interpret options, which you can tweak or override, like this:
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
> autoWith
> (defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') })
defaultInterpretOptions :: InterpretOptions
defaultInterpretOptions = InterpretOptions
{ fieldModifier = id
, constructorModifier = id
{-| This is the underlying class that powers the `Interpret` class's support
for automatically deriving a generic implementation
class GenericInterpret f where
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
genericAutoWith :: InterpretOptions -> Type (f a)
instance GenericInterpret f => GenericInterpret (M1 D d f) where
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
genericAutoWith = fmap (fmap M1) genericAutoWith
instance GenericInterpret V1 where
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
genericAutoWith _ = Type {..}
extract _ = Nothing
expected = Union Data.Map.empty
instance (Constructor c1, Constructor c2, GenericInterpret f1, GenericInterpret f2) => GenericInterpret (M1 C c1 f1 :+: M1 C c2 f2) where
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
genericAutoWith options@(InterpretOptions {..}) = Type {..}
nL :: M1 i c1 f1 a
nL = undefined
nR :: M1 i c2 f2 a
nR = undefined
nameL = constructorModifier (Data.Text.Lazy.pack (conName nL))
nameR = constructorModifier (Data.Text.Lazy.pack (conName nR))
extract (UnionLit name e _)
| name == nameL = fmap (L1 . M1) (extractL e)
| name == nameR = fmap (R1 . M1) (extractR e)
| otherwise = Nothing
2017-01-29 23:10:28 +01:00
extract _ = Nothing
expected =
Union (Data.Map.fromList [(nameL, expectedL), (nameR, expectedR)])
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
Type extractL expectedL = genericAutoWith options
Type extractR expectedR = genericAutoWith options
instance (Constructor c, GenericInterpret (f :+: g), GenericInterpret h) => GenericInterpret ((f :+: g) :+: M1 C c h) where
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
genericAutoWith options@(InterpretOptions {..}) = Type {..}
n :: M1 i c h a
n = undefined
name = constructorModifier (Data.Text.Lazy.pack (conName n))
extract u@(UnionLit name' e _)
| name == name' = fmap (R1 . M1) (extractR e)
| otherwise = fmap L1 (extractL u)
2017-01-29 23:10:28 +01:00
extract _ = Nothing
expected = Union (Data.Map.insert name expectedR expectedL)
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
Type extractL (Union expectedL) = genericAutoWith options
Type extractR expectedR = genericAutoWith options
instance (Constructor c, GenericInterpret f, GenericInterpret (g :+: h)) => GenericInterpret (M1 C c f :+: (g :+: h)) where
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
genericAutoWith options@(InterpretOptions {..}) = Type {..}
n :: M1 i c f a
n = undefined
name = constructorModifier (Data.Text.Lazy.pack (conName n))
extract u@(UnionLit name' e _)
| name == name' = fmap (L1 . M1) (extractL e)
| otherwise = fmap R1 (extractR u)
2017-01-29 23:10:28 +01:00
extract _ = Nothing
expected = Union (Data.Map.insert name expectedL expectedR)
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
Type extractL expectedL = genericAutoWith options
Type extractR (Union expectedR) = genericAutoWith options
instance (GenericInterpret (f :+: g), GenericInterpret (h :+: i)) => GenericInterpret ((f :+: g) :+: (h :+: i)) where
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
genericAutoWith options = Type {..}
extract e = fmap L1 (extractL e) <|> fmap R1 (extractR e)
expected = Union (Data.Map.union expectedL expectedR)
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
Type extractL (Union expectedL) = genericAutoWith options
Type extractR (Union expectedR) = genericAutoWith options
instance GenericInterpret f => GenericInterpret (M1 C c f) where
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
genericAutoWith = fmap (fmap M1) genericAutoWith
instance GenericInterpret U1 where
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
genericAutoWith _ = Type {..}
extract _ = Just U1
expected = Record (Data.Map.fromList [])
instance (GenericInterpret f, GenericInterpret g) => GenericInterpret (f :*: g) where
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
genericAutoWith options = Type {..}
extract = liftA2 (liftA2 (:*:)) extractL extractR
expected = Record (Data.Map.union ktsL ktsR)
Record ktsL = expectedL
Record ktsR = expectedR
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
Type extractL expectedL = genericAutoWith options
Type extractR expectedR = genericAutoWith options
instance (Selector s, Interpret a) => GenericInterpret (M1 S s (K1 i a)) where
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
genericAutoWith opts@(InterpretOptions {..}) = Type {..}
n :: M1 i s f a
n = undefined
extract (RecordLit m) = do
case selName n of
"" -> Nothing
name -> do
let name' = fieldModifier (Data.Text.Lazy.pack name)
e <- Data.Map.lookup name' m
fmap (M1 . K1) (extract' e)
extract _ = Nothing
expected = Record (Data.Map.fromList [(key, expected')])
key = fieldModifier (Data.Text.Lazy.pack (selName n))
Fix `InterpretOptions` to affect nested records. Fixes #33 Consider the following program which marshals a Dhall record into Haskell: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} import Dhall hiding (auto) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy interpretOptions :: InterpretOptions interpretOptions = defaultInterpretOptions { fieldModifier = Data.Text.Lazy.dropWhile (== '_') } data GitRepo = GitRepo { _host :: Text , _repo :: Text } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) data BoxConfig = BoxConfig { _userName :: Text , _dotfilesRepo :: GitRepo } deriving (Generic, Interpret, Show) main :: IO () main = do x <- Dhall.input (autoWith interpretOptions) "./config" print (x :: BoxConfig) ``` The above program is a common pattern when mixing Dhall records with lenses (which typically prefix the original fields with "_"). Before this change, the above program expects a record of the following type: ``` { userName : Text, dotfilesRepo : { _host : Text, _repo : Text } } ``` Note that the sub-record ignores the `InterpretOptions` and incorrectly includes the underscore in the expected field names. This change fixes the derived `Interpret` instance for records to correctly thread `InterpretOptions` to nested records. This required a change to the `auto` method of the `Interpret` class to accept `InterpretOptions`, otherwise there is no way to supply the `InterpretOptions` record to sub-records. This modified `auto` method is now called `autoWith`. I still include an `auto` function that uses `defaultInterpretOptions` consistent with the old behavior.
2017-03-26 18:20:04 +02:00
Type extract' expected' = autoWith opts
{-| An @(InputType a)@ represents a way to marshal a value of type @\'a\'@ from
Haskell into Dhall
data InputType a = InputType
{ embed :: a -> Expr Src X
-- ^ Embeds a Haskell value as a Dhall expression
, declared :: Expr Src X
-- ^ Dhall type of the Haskell value
instance Contravariant InputType where
contramap f (InputType embed declared) = InputType embed' declared
embed' x = embed (f x)
{-| This class is used by `Interpret` instance for functions:
> instance (Inject a, Interpret b) => Interpret (a -> b)
You can convert Dhall functions with "simple" inputs (i.e. instances of this
class) into Haskell functions. This works by:
* Marshaling the input to the Haskell function into a Dhall expression (i.e.
@x :: Expr Src X@)
* Applying the Dhall function (i.e. @f :: Expr Src X@) to the Dhall input
(i.e. @App f x@)
* Normalizing the syntax tree (i.e. @normalize (App f x)@)
* Marshaling the resulting Dhall expression back into a Haskell value
class Inject a where
injectWith :: InterpretOptions -> InputType a
default injectWith
:: (Generic a, GenericInject (Rep a)) => InterpretOptions -> InputType a
injectWith options = contramap GHC.Generics.from (genericInjectWith options)
{-| Use the default options for injecting a value
> inject = inject defaultInterpretOptions
inject :: Inject a => InputType a
inject = injectWith defaultInterpretOptions
instance Inject Bool where
injectWith _ = InputType {..}
embed = BoolLit
declared = Bool
instance Inject Text where
injectWith _ = InputType {..}
embed text = TextLit (Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.fromLazyText text)
declared = Text
instance Inject Data.Text.Text where
injectWith _ = InputType {..}
embed text = TextLit (Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.fromText text)
declared = Text
instance Inject Natural where
injectWith _ = InputType {..}
embed = NaturalLit
declared = Natural
instance Inject Integer where
injectWith _ = InputType {..}
embed = IntegerLit
declared = Integer
2017-08-20 19:24:24 +02:00
instance Inject Int where
injectWith _ = InputType {..}
embed = IntegerLit . toInteger
declared = Integer
instance Inject Double where
injectWith _ = InputType {..}
embed = DoubleLit
declared = Double
instance Inject a => Inject (Maybe a) where
injectWith options = InputType embedOut declaredOut
embedOut (Just x) =
OptionalLit declaredIn (Data.Vector.singleton (embedIn x))
embedOut Nothing =
OptionalLit declaredIn Data.Vector.empty
InputType embedIn declaredIn = injectWith options
declaredOut = App Optional declaredIn
instance Inject a => Inject (Vector a) where
injectWith options = InputType embedOut declaredOut
embedOut xs = ListLit (Just declaredIn) (fmap embedIn xs)
declaredOut = App List declaredIn
InputType embedIn declaredIn = injectWith options
instance Inject a => Inject [a] where
injectWith = fmap (contramap Data.Vector.fromList) injectWith
-- | The Haskell type @(a, b)@ corresponds to the Dhall type @{ _1 : a, _2 : b }@
instance (Inject a, Inject b) => Inject (a, b) where
injectWith = fmap (contramap adapt) injectWith
adapt (_1, _2) = R2 {..}
{-| This is the underlying class that powers the `Interpret` class's support
for automatically deriving a generic implementation
class GenericInject f where
genericInjectWith :: InterpretOptions -> InputType (f a)
instance GenericInject f => GenericInject (M1 D d f) where
genericInjectWith = fmap (contramap unM1) genericInjectWith
instance GenericInject f => GenericInject (M1 C c f) where
genericInjectWith = fmap (contramap unM1) genericInjectWith
instance (Constructor c1, Constructor c2, GenericInject f1, GenericInject f2) => GenericInject (M1 C c1 f1 :+: M1 C c2 f2) where
genericInjectWith options@(InterpretOptions {..}) = InputType {..}
embed (L1 (M1 l)) = UnionLit keyL (embedL l) Data.Map.empty
embed (R1 (M1 r)) = UnionLit keyR (embedR r) Data.Map.empty
declared =
Union (Data.Map.fromList [(keyL, declaredL), (keyR, declaredR)])
nL :: M1 i c1 f1 a
nL = undefined
nR :: M1 i c2 f2 a
nR = undefined
keyL = constructorModifier (Data.Text.Lazy.pack (conName nL))
keyR = constructorModifier (Data.Text.Lazy.pack (conName nR))
InputType embedL declaredL = genericInjectWith options
InputType embedR declaredR = genericInjectWith options
instance (Constructor c, GenericInject (f :+: g), GenericInject h) => GenericInject ((f :+: g) :+: M1 C c h) where
genericInjectWith options@(InterpretOptions {..}) = InputType {..}
embed (L1 l) = UnionLit keyL valL (Data.Map.insert keyR declaredR ktsL')
UnionLit keyL valL ktsL' = embedL l
embed (R1 (M1 r)) = UnionLit keyR (embedR r) ktsL
nR :: M1 i c h a
nR = undefined
keyR = constructorModifier (Data.Text.Lazy.pack (conName nR))
declared = Union (Data.Map.insert keyR declaredR ktsL)
InputType embedL (Union ktsL) = genericInjectWith options
InputType embedR declaredR = genericInjectWith options
instance (Constructor c, GenericInject f, GenericInject (g :+: h)) => GenericInject (M1 C c f :+: (g :+: h)) where
genericInjectWith options@(InterpretOptions {..}) = InputType {..}
embed (L1 (M1 l)) = UnionLit keyL (embedL l) ktsR
embed (R1 r) = UnionLit keyR valR (Data.Map.insert keyL declaredL ktsR')
UnionLit keyR valR ktsR' = embedR r
nL :: M1 i c f a
nL = undefined
keyL = constructorModifier (Data.Text.Lazy.pack (conName nL))
declared = Union (Data.Map.insert keyL declaredL ktsR)
InputType embedL declaredL = genericInjectWith options
InputType embedR (Union ktsR) = genericInjectWith options
instance (GenericInject (f :+: g), GenericInject (h :+: i)) => GenericInject ((f :+: g) :+: (h :+: i)) where
genericInjectWith options = InputType {..}
embed (L1 l) = UnionLit keyL valR (Data.Map.union ktsL' ktsR)
UnionLit keyL valR ktsL' = embedL l
embed (R1 r) = UnionLit keyR valR (Data.Map.union ktsL ktsR')
UnionLit keyR valR ktsR' = embedR r
declared = Union (Data.Map.union ktsL ktsR)
InputType embedL (Union ktsL) = genericInjectWith options
InputType embedR (Union ktsR) = genericInjectWith options
instance (GenericInject f, GenericInject g) => GenericInject (f :*: g) where
genericInjectWith options = InputType embedOut declaredOut
embedOut (l :*: r) = RecordLit (Data.Map.union mapL mapR)
RecordLit mapL = embedInL l
RecordLit mapR = embedInR r
declaredOut = Record (Data.Map.union mapL mapR)
Record mapL = declaredInL
Record mapR = declaredInR
InputType embedInL declaredInL = genericInjectWith options
InputType embedInR declaredInR = genericInjectWith options
instance GenericInject U1 where
genericInjectWith _ = InputType {..}
embed _ = RecordLit Data.Map.empty
declared = Record Data.Map.empty
instance (Selector s, Inject a) => GenericInject (M1 S s (K1 i a)) where
genericInjectWith opts@(InterpretOptions {..}) =
InputType embedOut declaredOut
n :: M1 i s f a
n = undefined
name = fieldModifier (Data.Text.Lazy.pack (selName n))
embedOut (M1 (K1 x)) = RecordLit (Data.Map.singleton name (embedIn x))
declaredOut = Record (Data.Map.singleton name declaredIn)
InputType embedIn declaredIn = injectWith opts