
107 lines
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# \brief Procedures for exporting packages to Dagfs
# \author Emery Hemingway
# \date 2018-01-01
# Spawn the REPL process
set timeout -1
spawn dagfs_repl -s
set repl_id $spawn_id
proc make_a_goddamn_string { stringliststring } {
return [join $stringliststring " "]
proc dagfs_ingest { args } {
global repl_id
set paths [make_a_goddamn_string $args]
# convert quoted paths to the path type, apply ingest to the result
send -i $repl_id "(ingest $paths)\n"
expect -i $repl_id "\n"
expect -i $repl_id "\n"
set cid [lindex [regexp -inline {[a-f0-9]*} $expect_out(buffer)] 0]
puts "cid is $cid"
return $cid
proc dagfs_ingest_string { name string } {
global repl_id
set path [file normalize $name]
set fd [open $path "WRONLY CREAT TRUNC"]
puts $fd $string
close $fd
# convert quoted paths to the path type, apply ingest to the result
send -i $repl_id "(ingest $path)\n"
expect -i $repl_id "\n"
expect -i $repl_id "\n"
set cid [lindex [regexp -inline {[a-f0-9]*} $expect_out(buffer)] 0]
file delete $path
return $cid
proc dagfs_copy { cid from to } {
global repl_id
send -i $repl_id "(copy $cid \"$from\" \"$to\")\n"
expect -i $repl_id "\n"
expect -i $repl_id "\n"
set cid [lindex [regexp -inline {[a-f0-9]*} $expect_out(buffer)] 0]
return $cid
proc dagfs_merge { args } {
global repl_id
set cids [make_a_goddamn_string $args]
send -i $repl_id "(merge $cids)\n"
expect -i $repl_id "\n"
expect -i $repl_id "\n"
set cid [lindex [regexp -inline {[a-f0-9]*} $expect_out(buffer)] 0]
return $cid
proc dagfs_cid_from_depot { args } {
set cids {}
set archives [_collect_from_depot [join $args " "]]
set globs ""
foreach archive $archives {
# Do not include sources for now
if {[regexp [_depot_archive_versioned_path_pattern] $archive dummy user type]} {
if {$type == "src"} continue;
if {$type == "api"} continue;
if {$type == "pkg"} continue;
set globs "$globs \"[depot_dir]/$archive/*\""
global repl_id
send -i $repl_id "(apply ingest (glob $globs))\n"
expect -i $repl_id "\n"
expect -i $repl_id "\n"
set cid [lindex [regexp -inline {[a-f0-9]*} $expect_out(buffer)] 0]
return $cid