
171 lines
4.8 KiB

import nimSHA2, streams, multiformats, base58.bitcoin, cbor, hex, hashes, blake2
const MaxBlockSize* = 1 shl 18
## Maximum supported block size.
type Cid* = object
## Content IDentifier, used to identify blocks.
digest*: seq[uint8]
hash*: MulticodecTag
codec*: MulticodecTag
ver*: int
proc initCid*(): Cid =
## Initialize an invalid CID.
Cid(hash: MulticodecTag.Invalid, codec: MulticodecTag.Invalid)
proc isValid*(x: Cid): bool =
## Check that a CID has been properly initialized.
x.hash != MulticodecTag.Invalid
proc `==`*(x, y: Cid): bool =
## Compare two CIDs. Must be of the same type and
## use the same hash algorithm.
result =
x.ver == y.ver and
x.codec == y.codec and
x.hash == y.hash and
x.digest == y.digest
proc hash*(cid: Cid): Hash =
## Reduce a CID into an integer for use in tables.
result = hash cid.digest
result = result !& cid.ver !& !&
result = !$result
proc isRaw*(cid: Cid): bool =
## Test if a CID represents a raw block.
cid.codec == MulticodecTag.Raw
proc isDagCbor*(cid: Cid): bool =
## Test if a CID represents CBOR encoded data.
cid.codec == MulticodecTag.DagCbor
proc toBin(cid: Cid): string =
let s = newStringStream()
s.writeUvarint cid.ver
s.writeUvarint cid.digest.len
for e in cid.digest:
s.write e
s.setPosition 0
result = s.readAll
close s
proc toRaw*(cid: Cid): string =
## Return CID encoded in binary.
MultibaseTag.Identity.char & cid.toBIn
proc newCborBytes*(cid: Cid): CborNode = newCborBytes cid.toRaw
## Generate a CBOR representation of a CID.
proc toHex*(cid: Cid): string =
## Return CID encoded in hexidecimal.
MultibaseTag.Base16.char & hex.encode(cid.toBin)
proc toBase58*(cid: Cid): string =
## Return CID encoded in base 58.
MultibaseTag.Base58btc.char & bitcoin.encode(cid.toBin)
proc `$`*(cid: Cid): string = cid.toBase58
## Return CID in base 58, the default textual encoding.
proc parseCid*(s: string): Cid =
## Detect CID encoding and parse from a string.
if unlikely(s.len < (1+1+1+1)):
raise newException(ValueError, "too short to be a valid CID")
raw: string
off: int
codec, hash: int
digestLen: int
case s[0].MultibaseTag
of MultibaseTag.Identity:
raw = s
off = 1
of MultibaseTag.Base16, MultibaseTag.InconsistentBase16:
raw = hex.decode(s[1..s.high])
if unlikely(raw.isNil):
raise newException(ValueError, "not a CID")
of MultibaseTag.Base58btc:
raw = bitcoin.decode(s[1..s.high])
raise newException(ValueError, "unknown multibase encoding tag") parseUvarint(raw, result.ver, off) parseUvarint(raw, codec, off) parseUvarint(raw, hash, off) parseUvarint(raw, digestLen, off)
if unlikely(off + digestLen != raw.len):
raise newException(ValueError, "invalid multihash length")
result.digest = newSeq[uint8](digestLen)
for i in 0..<digestLen:
result.digest[i] = (uint8)raw[i+off]
result.hash = hash.MulticodecTag
result.codec = codec.MulticodecTag
proc CidSha256*(data: string; codec = MulticodecTag.Raw): Cid =
## Generate a CID for a string of data using the SHA 256 hash algorithm.
let sha = computeSHA256(data)
result.digest = newSeq[uint8](32)
for i in 0..31:
result.digest[i] = (uint8)sha[i]
result.hash = MulticodecTag.Sha2_256
result.codec = codec
result.ver = 1
proc CidBlake2b256*(data: string; codec = MulticodecTag.Raw): Cid =
## Generate a CID for a string of data using the BLAKE2b hash algorithm.
var b: Blake2b
blake2b_init(b, 32, nil, 0)
blake2b_update(b, data, data.len)
result.digest = blake2b_final(b)
result.hash = MulticodecTag.Blake2b_256
result.codec = codec
result.ver = 1
proc verify*(cid: Cid; data: string): bool =
## Verify that a string of data corresponds to a CID.
case cid.hash
of MulticodecTag.Sha2_256:
let sha = computeSHA256(data)
for i in 0..31:
if cid.digest[i] != (uint8)sha[i]:
return false
result = true
of MulticodecTag.Blake2b_256:
var b: Blake2b
blake2b_init(b, 32, nil, 0)
blake2b_update(b, data, data.len)
let digest = blake2b_final(b)
result = (cid.digest == digest)
raise newException(ValueError, "unknown hash type " & $cid.hash)
iterator simpleChunks*(s: Stream; size = 256 * 1024): string =
## Iterator that breaks a stream into simple chunks.
while not s.atEnd:
yield s.readStr size
when isMainModule:
import times
let data = newString MaxBlockSize
block sha256:
var i = 0
let t0 = cpuTime()
while i < 100:
discard CidSha256 data
inc i
let d = cpuTime() - t0
echo "SHA256 ticks: ", d
block blake2b:
var i = 0
let t0 = cpuTime()
while i < 100:
discard CidBlake2b256 data
inc i
let d = cpuTime() - t0
echo "BLAKE2b ticks: ", d