
81 lines
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import httpclient, json, base58/bitcoin, streams, cbor, tables
import ../blobsets, ./stores, ./fsnodes
IpfsStore* = ref IpfsStoreObj
IpfsStoreObj = object of DagfsStoreObj
## IPFS daemon client.
http: HttpClient
baseUrl: string
proc ipfsClose(s: DagfsStore) =
var ipfs = IpfsStore(s)
close ipfs.http
proc putBlock(ipfs: IpfsStore; data: string; format = "raw"): tuple[key: string, size: int] =
# stuff in some MIME horseshit so it works
ipfs.http.headers = newHttpHeaders({
"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data; boundary=------------------------KILL_A_WEBDEV"})
trash = """
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="myfile"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
""" & data & """
resp = & "/api/v0/block/put?format=" & format, body=trash)
body = resp.body
js = parseJson body
# You can tell its written in Go when the JSON keys had to be capitalized
result = (js["Key"].getStr, js["Size"].getInt)
proc ipfsPut(s: DagfsStore; blk: string): Cid =
var ipfs = IpfsStore(s)
isDag = blk.isUnixfs
tag = 0x55
format = "raw"
result = CidBlake2b256 blk
discard ipfs.putBlock(blk, format)
# IPFS returns a different hash. Whatever.
proc ipfsGetBuffer(s: DagfsStore; cid: Cid; buf: pointer; len: Natural): int =
var ipfs = IpfsStore(s)
let url = ipfs.baseUrl & "/api/v0/block/get?arg=" & $cid
var body = ipfs.http.request(url).body
if not verify(cid, body):
raise newMissingObject cid
if body.len > len:
raise newException(BufferTooSmall, "")
result = body.len
copyMem(buf, body[0].addr, result)
raise newMissingObject cid
proc ipfsGet(s: DagfsStore; cid: Cid; result: var string) =
var ipfs = IpfsStore(s)
let url = ipfs.baseUrl & "/api/v0/block/get?arg=" & $cid
result = ipfs.http.request(url).body
if not verify(cid, result):
raise newMissingObject cid
raise newMissingObject cid
proc newIpfsStore*(url = ""): IpfsStore =
## Allocate a new synchronous store interface to the IPFS daemon at `url`.
## Every block retrieved by `get` is hashed and verified.
new result
result.closeImpl = ipfsClose
result.putImpl = ipfsPut
result.getBufferImpl = ipfsGetBuffer
result.getImpl = ipfsGet
result.http = newHttpClient()
result.baseUrl = url