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# NimCrypto
# (c) Copyright 2016 Eugene Kabanov
# See the file "LICENSE", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
## This module provides utility functions common to all other submodules of nimcrypto.
proc ROL*[T: uint32|uint64](x: T, n: int): T {.inline.} =
when T is uint32:
result = (x shl T(n and 0x1F)) or (x shr T(8 * sizeof(T) - (n and 0x1F)))
result = (x shl T(n and 0x3F)) or (x shr T(8 * sizeof(T) - (n and 0x3F)))
proc ROR*[T: uint32|uint64](x: T, n: int): T {.inline.} =
when T is uint32:
result = (x shr T(n and 0x1F)) or (x shl T(8 * sizeof(T) - (n and 0x1F)))
result = (x shr T(n and 0x3F)) or (x shl T(8 * sizeof(T) - (n and 0x3F)))
template GETU32*(p, o): uint32 =
(cast[uint32](cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](p) + o)[]) shl 24) xor
(cast[uint32](cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](p) + (o + 1))[]) shl 16) xor
(cast[uint32](cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](p) + (o + 2))[]) shl 8) xor
(cast[uint32](cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](p) + (o + 3))[]))
template GETU64*(p, o): uint64 =
(cast[uint64](cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](p) + o)[]) shl 56) xor
(cast[uint64](cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](p) + (o + 1))[]) shl 48) xor
(cast[uint64](cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](p) + (o + 2))[]) shl 40) xor
(cast[uint64](cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](p) + (o + 3))[]) shl 32) xor
(cast[uint64](cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](p) + (o + 4))[]) shl 24) xor
(cast[uint64](cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](p) + (o + 5))[]) shl 16) xor
(cast[uint64](cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](p) + (o + 6))[]) shl 8) xor
(cast[uint64](cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](p) + (o + 7))[]))
template PUTU32*(p, o, v) =
cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](p) + o)[] = cast[byte](v shr 24)
cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](p) + o + 1)[] = cast[byte](v shr 16)
cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](p) + o + 2)[] = cast[byte](v shr 8)
cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](p) + o + 3)[] = cast[byte](v)
template PUTU64*(p, o, v) =
cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](p) + o)[] = cast[byte](v shr 56)
cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](p) + o + 1)[] = cast[byte](v shr 48)
cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](p) + o + 2)[] = cast[byte](v shr 40)
cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](p) + o + 3)[] = cast[byte](v shr 32)
cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](p) + o + 4)[] = cast[byte](v shr 24)
cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](p) + o + 5)[] = cast[byte](v shr 16)
cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](p) + o + 6)[] = cast[byte](v shr 8)
cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](p) + o + 7)[] = cast[byte](v)
when cpuEndian == bigEndian:
template BSWAP*[T: uint32|uint64](x: T): T =
when T is uint32:
((ROR(x, 8) and 0xFF00FF00'u32) or (ROL(x, 8) and 0x00FF00FF'u32))
((x shl 56) or
((x shl 40) and 0xFF000000000000'u64) or
((x shl 24) and 0xFF0000000000'u64) or
((x shl 8) and 0xFF00000000'u64) or
((x shr 8) and 0xFF000000'u64) or
((x shr 24) and 0xFF0000'u64) or
((x shr 40) and 0xFF00'u64) or
(x shr 56))
template LSWAP*[T: uint32|uint64](x: T): T =
template EGETU32*(p, o): uint32 =
cast[ptr uint32]((cast[uint](p) + cast[uint](o)))[]
template EPUTU32*(p, o, v) =
cast[ptr uint32]((cast[uint](p) + cast[uint](o)))[] = v
template EGETU64*(p, o): uint64 =
cast[ptr uint64]((cast[uint](p) + cast[uint](o)))[]
template EPUTU64*(p, o, v) =
cast[ptr uint64]((cast[uint](p) + cast[uint](o)))[] = v
template BSWAP*[T: uint32|uint64](x: T): T =
template LSWAP*[T: uint32|uint64](x: T): T =
when T is uint32:
((ROR(x, 8) and 0xFF00FF00'u32) or (ROL(x, 8) and 0x00FF00FF'u32))
((x shl 56) or
((x shl 40) and 0xFF000000000000'u64) or
((x shl 24) and 0xFF0000000000'u64) or
((x shl 8) and 0xFF00000000'u64) or
((x shr 8) and 0xFF000000'u64) or
((x shr 24) and 0xFF0000'u64) or
((x shr 40) and 0xFF00'u64) or
(x shr 56))
template EGETU32*(p, o): uint32 =
GETU32(p, o)
template EPUTU32*(p, o, v) =
PUTU32(p, o, v)
template EGETU64*(p, o): uint64 =
GETU64(p, o)
template EPUTU64*(p, o, v) =
PUTU64(p, o, v)
template GET_DWORD*(p: ptr byte, i: int): uint32 =
cast[ptr uint32](cast[uint](p) + cast[uint](sizeof(uint32) * i))[]
template SET_DWORD*(p: ptr byte, i: int, v: uint32) =
cast[ptr uint32](cast[uint](p) + cast[uint](sizeof(uint32) * i))[] = v
template GET_QWORD*(p: ptr byte, i: int): uint64 =
cast[ptr uint64](cast[uint](p) + cast[uint](sizeof(uint64) * i))[]
template SET_QWORD*(p: ptr byte, i: int, v: uint64) =
cast[ptr uint64](cast[uint](p) + cast[uint](sizeof(uint64) * i))[] = v
template GETU8*(p, o): byte =
cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](p) + cast[uint](o))[]
template PUTU8*(p, o, v) =
cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](p) + cast[uint](o))[] = v
proc hexToBytes*(a: string, result: var openarray[byte]) =
doAssert(len(a) == 2 * len(result))
var i = 0
var k = 0
var r = 0
if len(a) > 0:
while i < len(a):
let c = a[i]
if i != 0 and i %% 2 == 0:
result[k] = r.byte
r = 0
r = r shl 4
case c
of 'a'..'f':
r = r or (10 + ord(c) - ord('a'))
of 'A'..'F':
r = r or (10 + ord(c) - ord('A'))
of '0'..'9':
r = r or (ord(c) - ord('0'))
result[k] = r.byte
proc fromHex*(a: string): seq[byte] =
doAssert(len(a) %% 2 == 0)
if len(a) == 0:
result = newSeq[byte]()
result = newSeq[byte](len(a) div 2)
hexToBytes(a, result)
proc hexChar*(c: byte, lowercase: bool = false): string =
var alpha: int
if lowercase:
alpha = ord('a')
alpha = ord('A')
result = newString(2)
let t1 = ord(c) shr 4
let t0 = ord(c) and 0x0F
case t1
of 0..9: result[0] = chr(t1 + ord('0'))
else: result[0] = chr(t1 - 10 + alpha)
case t0:
of 0..9: result[1] = chr(t0 + ord('0'))
else: result[1] = chr(t0 - 10 + alpha)
proc toHex*(a: openarray[byte], lowercase: bool = false): string =
result = ""
for i in a:
result = result & hexChar(i, lowercase)
proc stripSpaces*(s: string): string =
result = ""
let allowed:set[char] = {'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9'}
for i in s:
if i in allowed:
result &= i
proc burnMem*(p: pointer, size: Natural) =
var sp {.volatile.} = cast[ptr byte](p)
var c = size
if not isNil(sp):
zeroMem(p, size)
while c > 0:
sp[] = 0
sp = cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](sp) + 1)
proc burnArray*[T](a: var openarray[T]) {.inline.} =
if len(a) > 0:
burnMem(addr a[0], len(a) * sizeof(T))
template burnMem*[T](a: var seq[T]) =
template burnMem*[A, B](a: var array[A, B]) =
proc burnMem*[T](a: var T) {.inline.} =
burnMem(addr a, sizeof(T))
proc isFullZero*(p: pointer, size: Natural): bool =
result = true
var counter = 0
var sp {.volatile.} = cast[ptr byte](p)
var c = size
if not isNil(sp):
while c > 0:
if sp[] != 0'u8:
counter += 1
sp = cast[ptr byte](cast[uint](sp) + 1)
result = (counter == 0)
proc isFullZero*[T](a: openarray[T]): bool {.inline.} =
result = true
if len(a) > 0:
result = isFullZero(unsafeAddr a[0], len(a) * sizeof(T))
proc isFullZero*[T](a: T): bool {.inline.} =
result = isFullZero(unsafeAddr a, sizeof(T))