Emery Hemingway 0a9ade9f67 Bundle Nimcrypto
TODO: create a dedicated, high-performance BLAKE2 library.
2019-03-19 15:04:58 +01:00

290 lines
10 KiB

# NimCrypto
# (c) Copyright 2016 Eugene Kabanov
# See the file "LICENSE", included in this
# distribution, for details about the copyright.
## This module implements HMAC (Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication)
## [].
## Module provides two common interfaces for calculating HMAC.
## ``Classic`` method allows to process big chunks of data using limited amount
## of memory, while ``one-line`` method allows you to perform HMAC calculation
## in one line of code.
## .. code-block::nim
## import nimcrypto
## ## ``Classic`` method of HMAC calculation.
## var stringToHmac = "Hello World!"
## var stringHmacKey = "AliceKey"
## let ptrToHmac = cast[ptr byte](addr stringToHmac[0])
## let ptrHmacKey = cast[ptr byte](addr stringHmacKey[0])
## let toHmacLen = uint(len(stringToHmac))
## let hmacKeyLen = uint(len(stringHmacKey))
## # Declare context objects
## var hctx1, hctx2: HMAC[sha256]
## # Initalize HMAC[SHA256] contexts with key `AliceKey`.
## hctx1.init(stringHmacKey)
## hctx2.init(ptrHmacKey, hmacKeyLen)
## # Update HMAC[SHA256] context using data `Hello World!` twice.
## hctx1.update(stringToHmac)
## hctx1.update(stringToHmac)
## # Update HMAC[SHA256] context using data `Hello World!` twice.
## hctx2.update(ptrToHmac, toHmacLen)
## hctx2.update(ptrToHmac, toHmacLen)
## # Print HMAC[SHA256] digest.
## echo $hctx1.finish()
## echo $hctx2.finish()
## # Do not forget to clear contexts.
## hctx1.clear()
## hctx2.clear()
## ## ``One-line`` method of HMAC calculation.
## # Print HMAC[SHA256] digest of `Hello World!Hello World!` using key
## # `AliceKey`.
## echo $sha256.hmac(stringHmacKey, stringToHmac & stringToHmac)
## # Output to stdout must be 3 equal digests:
## # 18AF7C8586141A47EAAD416C2B356431D001FAFF3B8C98C80AA108DC971B230D
## # 18AF7C8586141A47EAAD416C2B356431D001FAFF3B8C98C80AA108DC971B230D
## # 18AF7C8586141A47EAAD416C2B356431D001FAFF3B8C98C80AA108DC971B230D
import hash, utils
from sha2 import Sha2Context
from ripemd import RipemdContext
from keccak import KeccakContext
from blake2 import Blake2Context
MaxHmacBlockSize = 256
HMAC*[HashType] = object
## HMAC context object.
mdctx: HashType
opadctx: HashType
template sizeBlock*(h: HMAC[Sha2Context]): uint =
## Size of processing block in octets (bytes), while perform HMAC
## operation using SHA2 algorithms.
template sizeBlock*(h: HMAC[RipemdContext]): uint =
## Size of processing block in octets (bytes), while perform HMAC
## operation using RIPEMD algorithms.
template sizeBlock*(h: HMAC[KeccakContext]): uint =
## Size of processing block in octets (bytes), while perform HMAC
## operation using KECCAK/SHA3/SHAKE algorithms.
when h.HashType.kind == Keccak or h.HashType.kind == Sha3:
when h.HashType.bits == 224:
elif h.HashType.bits == 256:
elif h.HashType.bits == 384:
elif h.HashType.bits == 512:
{.fatal: "Choosen hash primitive is not yet supported!".}
{.fatal: "Choosen hash primitive is not yet supported!".}
template sizeBlock*(h: HMAC[Blake2Context]): uint =
## Size of processing block in octets (bytes), while perform HMAC
## operation using BLAKE2b/BLAKE2s algorithms.
template sizeDigest*(h: HMAC[Sha2Context]): uint =
## Size of HMAC digest in octets (bytes) using SHA2 algorithms.
template sizeDigest*(h: HMAC[RipemdContext]): uint =
## Size of HMAC digest in octets (bytes) using RIPEMD algorithms.
template sizeDigest*(h: HMAC[KeccakContext]): uint =
## Size of HMAC digest in octets (bytes) using KECCAK/SHA3/SHAKE
## algorithms.
template sizeDigest*(h: HMAC[Blake2Context]): uint =
## Size of HMAC digest in octets (bytes) using BLAKE2b/BLAKE2s algorithms.
proc init*[T](hmctx: var HMAC[T], key: ptr byte, ulen: uint) =
## Initialize HMAC context ``hmctx`` with key using ``key`` and size ``ulen``.
## ``key`` can be ``nil``.
mixin init, update, finish
var k: array[MaxHmacBlockSize, byte]
var ipad: array[MaxHmacBlockSize, byte]
var opad: array[MaxHmacBlockSize, byte]
const sizeBlock = hmctx.sizeBlock
hmctx.mdctx = T()
hmctx.opadctx = T()
if not isNil(key):
if ulen > sizeBlock:
update(hmctx.mdctx, key, ulen)
discard finish(hmctx.mdctx, addr k[0], sizeBlock)
if ulen > 0'u: copyMem(addr k[0], key, ulen)
for i in 0..<int(sizeBlock):
opad[i] = 0x5C'u8 xor k[i]
ipad[i] = 0x36'u8 xor k[i]
update(hmctx.mdctx, addr ipad[0], sizeBlock)
update(hmctx.opadctx, addr opad[0], sizeBlock)
proc init*[T](hmctx: var HMAC[T], key: openarray[byte]) {.inline.} =
## Initialize HMAC context ``hmctx`` with key using ``key`` array.
## ``key`` can be zero-length array.
if len(key) == 0:
init(hmctx, nil, 0'u)
init(hmctx, unsafeAddr key[0], cast[uint](len(key)))
proc init*[T](hmctx: var HMAC[T], key: openarray[char]) {.inline.} =
## Initialize HMAC context ``hmctx`` with key using ``key`` string/array.
## ``key`` can be zero-length array.
if len(key) == 0:
init(hmctx, nil, 0'u)
init(hmctx, cast[ptr byte](unsafeAddr key[0]), cast[uint](len(key)))
proc clear*(hmctx: var HMAC) =
## Clear HMAC context ``hmctx``.
proc update*(hmctx: var HMAC, data: ptr byte, ulen: uint) =
## Update HMAC context ``hmctx`` with data pointed by ``data`` and length
## ``ulen``. Repeated calls are equivalent to a single call with the
## concatenation of all ``data`` arguments.
## ``data`` can be ``nil``, but ``ulen`` must be ``0`` in such case.
mixin update
assert((not isNil(data)) or (isNil(data) and ulen == 0'u))
update(hmctx.mdctx, data, ulen)
proc update*[T: bchar](hmctx: var HMAC, data: openarray[T]) {.inline.} =
## Update HMAC context ``hmctx`` with data array ``data``. Repeated calls are
## equivalent to a single call with the concatenation of all ``data``
## arguments.
## ``data`` can be zero-length array.
if len(data) == 0:
update(hmctx, nil, 0'u)
update(hmctx, cast[ptr byte](unsafeAddr data[0]), cast[uint](len(data)))
proc finish*(hmctx: var HMAC, data: ptr byte, ulen: uint): uint =
## Finalize HMAC context ``hmctx`` and store calculated digest in data pointed
## by ``data`` and length ``ulen``. ``data`` must be able to hold
assert((not isNil(data)) or (isNil(data) and ulen == 0'u))
mixin update, finish
var buffer: array[hmctx.sizeDigest, byte]
let size = finish(hmctx.mdctx, addr buffer[0], cast[uint](hmctx.sizeDigest))
hmctx.opadctx.update(addr buffer[0], size)
result = hmctx.opadctx.finish(data, ulen)
proc finish*[T: bchar](hmctx: var HMAC,
data: var openarray[T]): uint {.inline.} =
## Finalize HMAC context ``hmctx`` and store calculated digest in array
## ``data``. ``data`` length must be at least ``hmctx.sizeDigest`` octets
## (bytes).
let ulen = cast[uint](len(data))
assert(ulen >= hmctx.sizeDigest)
result = finish(hmctx, cast[ptr byte](addr data[0]), ulen)
proc finish*(hmctx: var HMAC): MDigest[hmctx.HashType.bits] =
## Finalize HMAC context ``hmctx`` and return calculated digest as ``MDigest``
## object.
discard finish(hmctx, cast[ptr byte](addr[0]),
proc hmac*(HashType: typedesc, key: ptr byte, klen: uint,
data: ptr byte, ulen: uint): MDigest[HashType.bits] =
## Perform HMAC computation with hash algorithm ``HashType`` using key ``key``
## of length ``klen`` on data buffer pointed by ``data`` of length ``ulen``.
## .. code-block::nim
## import nimcrypto
## var stringToHmac = "Hello World!"
## var stringHmacKey = "AliceKey"
## let data = cast[ptr byte](addr stringToHmac[0])
## let datalen = uint(len(stringToHmac))
## let key = cast[ptr byte](addr stringHmacKey[0])
## let keylen = uint(len(stringHmacKey))
## # Print HMAC[SHA256](key = "AliceKey", data = "Hello World!")
## echo sha256.hmac(key, keylen, data, datalen)
## # Print HMAC[SHA512](key = "AliceKey", data = "Hello World!")
## echo sha512.hmac(key, keylen, data, datalen)
## # Print HMAC[KECCAK256](key = "AliceKey", data = "Hello World!")
## echo keccak256.hmac(key, keylen, data, datalen)
## # Print HMAC[RIPEMD160](key = "AliceKey", data = "Hello World!")
## echo ripemd160.hmac(key, keylen, data, datalen)
var ctx: HMAC[HashType]
ctx.init(key, klen)
ctx.update(data, ulen)
result = ctx.finish()
proc hmac*[A, B](HashType: typedesc, key: openarray[A],
data: openarray[B],
ostart: int = 0, ofinish: int = -1): MDigest[HashType.bits] =
## Perform HMAC computation with hash algorithm ``HashType`` using key ``key``
## of data ``data``, in slice ``[ostart, ofinish]``, both ``ostart`` and
## ``ofinish`` are inclusive.
## .. code-block::nim
## import nimcrypto
## var stringToHmac = "Hello World!"
## var stringHmacKey = "AliceKey"
## # Print HMAC[SHA256] digest of whole string `Hello World!` using
## # key `AliceKey`.
## echo sha256.hmac(stringHmacKey, stringToHmac)
## # Print HMAC[SHA256] digest of `Hello` using key `AliceKey`.
## echo sha256.hmac(stringHmacKey, stringToHmac, ofinish = 4)
## # Print HMAC[SHA256] digest of `World!` using key `AliceKey`.
## echo sha256.hmac(stringHmacKey, stringToHmac, ostart = 6)
## # Print HMAC[SHA256] digest of constant `Hello` using constant key
## # `AliceKey`.
## echo sha256.hmac("AliceKey", "Hello")
## # Print HMAC[SHA256] digest of constant `World!` using constant key
## # `AliceKey`
## echo sha256.hmac("AliceKey", "World!")
var ctx: HMAC[HashType]
let so = if ostart < 0: (len(data) + ostart) else: ostart
let eo = if ofinish < 0: (len(data) + ofinish) else: ofinish
let length = (eo - so + 1) * sizeof(B)
if len(key) == 0:
ctx.init(nil, 0)
ctx.init(cast[ptr byte](unsafeAddr key[0]),
cast[uint](sizeof(A) * len(key)))
if length <= 0:
result = ctx.finish()
ctx.update(cast[ptr byte](unsafeAddr data[so]), cast[uint](length))
result = ctx.finish()