2018-09-07 15:40:33 +02:00

131 lines
3.9 KiB

import std/streams, std/strutils, std/os
import cbor
import ../dagfs, ./priv/hex
MissingObject* = ref object of CatchableError
cid*: Cid ## Missing object identifier
BufferTooSmall* = object of CatchableError
proc newMissingObject*(cid: Cid): MissingObject =
MissingObject(msg: "object missing from store", cid: cid)
DagfsStore* = ref DagfsStoreObj
DagfsStoreObj* = object of RootObj
closeImpl*: proc (s: DagfsStore) {.nimcall, gcsafe.}
putImpl*: proc (s: DagfsStore; blk: string): Cid {.nimcall, gcsafe.}
getBufferImpl*: proc (s: DagfsStore; cid: Cid; buf: pointer; len: Natural): int {.nimcall, gcsafe.}
getImpl*: proc (s: DagfsStore; cid: Cid; result: var string) {.nimcall, gcsafe.}
proc close*(s: DagfsStore) =
## Close active store resources.
if not s.closeImpl.isNil: s.closeImpl(s)
proc put*(s: DagfsStore; blk: string): Cid =
## Place a raw block to the store. The hash argument specifies a required
## hash algorithm, or defaults to a algorithm choosen by the store
## implementation.
assert(not s.putImpl.isNil)
assert(blk.len > 0)
s.putImpl(s, blk)
proc getBuffer*(s: DagfsStore; cid: Cid; buf: pointer; len: Natural): int =
## Copy a raw block from the store into a buffer pointer.
assert cid.isValid
assert(not s.getBufferImpl.isNil)
result = s.getBufferImpl(s, cid, buf, len)
assert(result > 0)
proc get*(s: DagfsStore; cid: Cid; result: var string) =
## Retrieve a raw block from the store.
assert(not s.getImpl.isNil)
assert cid.isValid
s.getImpl(s, cid, result)
assert(result.len > 0)
proc get*(s: DagfsStore; cid: Cid): string =
## Retrieve a raw block from the store.
result = ""
s.get(cid, result)
proc putDag*(s: DagfsStore; dag: CborNode): Cid =
## Place an Dagfs node in the store.
var raw = encode dag
s.put raw
proc getDag*(s: DagfsStore; cid: Cid): CborNode =
## Retrieve an CBOR DAG from the store.
let stream = newStringStream(s.get(cid))
result = parseCbor stream
close stream
FileStore* = ref FileStoreObj
## A store that writes nodes and leafs as files.
FileStoreObj = object of DagfsStoreObj
root: string
proc parentAndFile(fs: FileStore; cid: Cid): (string, string) =
## Generate the parent path and file path of CID within the store.
let digest = hex.encode(cid.digest)
result[0] = fs.root / digest[0..1]
result[1] = result[0] / digest[2..digest.high]
proc fsPut(s: DagfsStore; blk: string): Cid =
var fs = FileStore(s)
result = dagHash blk
if result != zeroBlock:
let (dir, path) = fs.parentAndFile(result)
if not existsDir dir:
createDir dir
if not existsFile path:
tmp = fs.root / "tmp"
writeFile(tmp, blk)
moveFile(tmp, path)
proc fsGetBuffer(s: DagfsStore; cid: Cid; buf: pointer; len: Natural): int =
var fs = FileStore(s)
let (_, path) = fs.parentAndFile cid
if existsFile path:
let fSize = path.getFileSize
if fSize > maxBlockSize:
discard tryRemoveFile path
raise cid.newMissingObject
if fSize > len.int64:
raise newException(BufferTooSmall, "")
let file = open(path, fmRead)
result = file.readBuffer(buf, len)
close file
if result == 0:
raise cid.newMissingObject
proc fsGet(s: DagfsStore; cid: Cid; result: var string) =
var fs = FileStore(s)
let (_, path) = fs.parentAndFile cid
if existsFile path:
let fSize = path.getFileSize
if fSize > maxBlockSize:
discard tryRemoveFile path
raise cid.newMissingObject
file = open(path, fmRead)
n = file.readChars(result, 0, result.len)
close file
doAssert(n == result.len)
raise cid.newMissingObject
proc newFileStore*(root: string): FileStore =
## Blocks retrieved by `get` are not hashed and verified.
if not existsDir(root):
createDir root
new result
result.putImpl = fsPut
result.getBufferImpl = fsGetBuffer
result.getImpl = fsGet
result.root = root