
124 lines
2.9 KiB

* \brief Dagfs session interface
* \author Emery Hemingway
* \date 2017-11-07
* Copyright (C) 2017 Genode Labs GmbH
* This file is part of the Genode OS framework, which is distributed
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
#include <packet_stream_tx/packet_stream_tx.h>
#include <session/session.h>
#include <base/rpc.h>
namespace Dagfs {
struct Packet;
struct Session;
enum {
MAX_CID_LEN = 96, /* enough for a CID with a 256 bit digest */
MAX_BLOCK_SIZE = 1 << 18, /* ¼ MiB */
/* Content identifier embedded in DAGFS packets */
typedef Genode::String<MAX_CID_LEN> Cid;
* Packet carrying a request or response
struct Dagfs::Packet final : Genode::Packet_descriptor
enum Opcode { PUT, GET, IDLE, INVALID };
enum Error {
OK, /* put or get success */
MISSING, /* no block found for get request */
OVERSIZE, /* get response is larger than packet buffer */
FULL, /* put failed due to storage exhaustion */
ERROR /* unspecified error */
Cid _cid;
Genode::size_t _length = 0;
Opcode _op = INVALID;
Error _err;
Packet(Genode::off_t offset=0, Genode::size_t size = 0)
: Genode::Packet_descriptor(offset, size), _op(INVALID) { }
Packet(Packet p, Cid cid, Opcode op)
Genode::Packet_descriptor(p.offset(), p.size()),
_cid(cid), _length(p.length()), _op(op), _err(OK)
{ }
Packet(Cid cid, Genode::size_t length,
Opcode op, Error err = OK)
Genode::Packet_descriptor(0, 0),
_cid(cid), _length(length), _op(op), _err(err)
{ }
Cid const &cid() const { return _cid; }
Opcode op() const { return _op; }
size_t length() const { return _length; }
Error error() const { return _err; }
void cid(char const *hex) { _cid = Cid(hex); }
void op(Opcode o) { _op = o; }
void length(size_t len) { _length = len; }
void error(Error err) { _err = err; }
* DAGFS session interface
* An DAGFS session stores or retrieves DAGFS blocks via an asynchrous
* packet-stream interface.
struct Dagfs::Session : Genode::Session
enum { QUEUE_SIZE = 8 };
typedef Genode::Packet_stream_policy<
Dagfs::Packet, QUEUE_SIZE, QUEUE_SIZE, char> Policy;
typedef Packet_stream_tx::Channel<Policy> Dagfs_channel;
* \noapi
static const char *service_name() { return "Dagfs"; }
* An DAGFS session consumes a dataspace capability for the server-side
* session object, a session capability, a packet-stream dataspace,
* and two signal context capabilities for data-flow signals.
enum { CAP_QUOTA = 6 };
virtual ~Session() { }
** RPC interface **
GENODE_RPC(Rpc_tx_cap, Genode::Capability<Dagfs_channel>, _tx_cap);
#endif /* _DAGFS_SESSION_H_ */