when not isMainModule: {.error: "this module is not a library, import blobsets instead".} import std/asyncdispatch, std/nre, std/os, std/strutils, std/tables, std/parseopt, std/streams, std/rdstdin, std/random import cbor import ./blobsets, ./blobsets/filestores, ./blobsets/httpservers, ./blobsets/httpstores when defined(tox): import toxcore # Basic Spry when defined(spry): import spryvm/spryvm # Spry extra modules import spryvm/sprycore, spryvm/spryextend, spryvm/sprymath, spryvm/spryos, spryvm/spryio, spryvm/spryoo, spryvm/sprystring, spryvm/sprymodules, spryvm/spryreflect, spryvm/sprymemfile, spryvm/spryblock, ./blobsets/spryblobs import os, strutils when defined(readLine): import rdstdin, linenoise proc openStore(): BlobStore = const key = "BLOB_STORE_URL" var url = os.getEnv key if url == "": url = "/tmp/blobs" #quit(key & " not set in environment") if url.startsWith "http://": newHttpStore(url) else: newFileStore(url) when defined(spry): proc newSpry(store: BlobStore): Interpreter = result = newInterpreter() result.addCore() result.addExtend() result.addMath() result.addOS() result.addIO() result.addOO() result.addString() result.addModules() result.addReflect() result.addMemfile() result.addBlock() result.addBlobSets(store) discard result.evalRoot("""[loadFile: "blobs.sy"]""") when defined(tox) and defined(spry): proc setupCallbacks(tox: Tox) = tox.onSelfConnectionStatus do (status: TOX_CONNECTION): echo "self status is ", status let store = openStore() spry = newSpry(store) proc eval(code: string): string {.gcsafe.} = $(spry.evalRoot(code)) tox.onFriendMessage do (friend: Friend; msg: string; kind: TOX_MESSAGE_TYPE): try: if kind == TOX_MESSAGE_TYPE_NORMAL: tox.typing(friend, true) let res = eval("[" & msg & "]") tox.typing(friend, false) discard tox.send(friend, $res, TOX_MESSAGE_TYPE_ACTION) except: discard tox.send(friend, getCurrentExceptionMsg()) tox.onFriendRequest do (key: PublicKey; msg: string): echo "friend request from ", key, ", ", msg discard tox.addFriendNoRequest(key) tox.name = "blobbot" echo "callbacks set" echo "Tox address: ", tox.address echo "Tox DHT: ", tox.udpPort, " ", tox.dhtId proc toxMain() {.async.} = let tox = newTox do (o: Options): o.ipv6Enabled = false o.localDiscoveryEnabled = true o.holePunchingEnabled = false var saveData = "" try: saveData = readFile "tox.save" except: discard if saveData != "": o.saveData = saveData o.saveDataType = TOX_SAVEDATA_TYPE_TOX_SAVE writeFile "tox.save", tox.saveData setupCallbacks(tox) while not tox.isClosed: iterate tox await sleepAsync(tox.iterationInterval) proc serverMain(): Future[void] = let store = newFileStore("/tmp/blobs") server = newHttpStoreServer(store) server.serve((Port)8080) proc dumpMain() = var args = newSeq[string]() for kind, key, val in getopt(): if kind == cmdArgument: args.add key if args.len > 1: let store = openStore() for i in 1..args.high: try: for chunk in store.dumpBlob(args[i].toBlobId): write(stdout, chunk) except: writeLine(stderr, "failed to dump '", args[i], "', ", getCurrentExceptionMsg()) quit(-1) proc insertPath(store: BlobStore; bs: BlobSet; kind: PathComponent; path: string): BlobSet = result = bs try: case kind of pcFile, pcLinkToFile: var path = normalizedPath path let (id, size) = waitFor store.ingestFile(path) path.removePrefix(getCurrentDir()) path.removePrefix("/") result = waitfor insert(store, result, path, id, size) writeLine(stdout, id, align($size, 11), " ", path) of pcDir, pcLinkToDir: for kind, subPath in path.walkDir: result = store.insertPath(result, kind, subPath) except: let e = getCurrentException() writeLine(stderr, "failed to ingest '", path, "', ", e.msg) proc ingestMain() {.async.} = var args = newSeq[string]() for kind, key, val in getopt(): if kind == cmdArgument: args.add key if args.len > 1: var set = newBlobSet() let store = openStore() for i in 1..args.high: let path = normalizedPath args[i] set = store.insertPath(set, path.getFileInfo.kind, path) let final = await store.commit(set) writeLine(stdout, final.setId.toHex) func isShortHash(id: BlobId): bool = var r: byte for i in countup(16, id.data.high): r = r or id.data[i] r == 0 proc checkMain() {.async.} = randomize() var args = newSeq[string]() for kind, key, val in getopt(): if kind == cmdArgument: args.add key if args.len > 1: let store = openStore() for i in 1..args.high: try: var bs = await store.load(args[i].toBlobId) let stream = newMemberStream() asyncCheck stream.streamMembers(store, bs) var m: tuple[key: Key; id: BlobId; size: BiggestInt] while true: let (valid, m) = await stream.read() if not valid: break if m.id.isShortHash: echo m.key, " has a short hash - ", m.id bs = await remove(store, bs, m.key) echo "removed ", m.key #close(store.openBlobStream(id, size, dataBlob)) echo "commit repaired set" bs = await commit(store, bs) writeLine(stdout, "recovered set is ", bs.setId.toHex) except: writeLine(stderr, "failed to check '", args[i], "', ", getCurrentExceptionMsg()) quit(-1) proc replicateMain() {.async.} = randomize() var args = newSeq[string]() rng = initRand(rand(int.high)) for kind, key, val in getopt(): if kind == cmdArgument: args.add key if args.len > 3: let src = openStore() dst = newHttpStore(args[1]) for i in 2..args.high: try: let srcId = args[i].toBlobId srcSet = await src.load(srcId) var dstSet = newBlobSet() let stream = newMemberStream() asyncCheck stream.streamMembers(src, srcSet) var m: tuple[key: Key; id: BlobId; size: BiggestInt] while true: let (valid, m) = await stream.read() if not valid: break let readStream = src.openBlobStream(m.id, m.size, dataBlob) ingestStream = dst.openIngestStream(m.size, dataBlob) var buf: array[0x16000, byte] while true: let n = await readStream.read(addr buf, buf.len) if n == 0: break await ingestStream.ingest(addr buf, n) close readStream let (otherId, otherSize) = await ingestStream.finish() if otherId != m.id or otherSize != m.size: writeLine(stderr, "replication mismatch ", m.id, ":", m.size, " replicated to ", otherId, ":", otherSize) quit -1 dstSet = await insert(dst, dstSet, m.key, m.id, m.size) let newSet = await commit(dst, dstSet) dstId = newSet.setId doAssert(dstId == srcId, "set mismatch after replication") except: writeLine(stderr, "failed to replicate '", args[i], "', ", getCurrentExceptionMsg()) quit -1 type EvalError = object of CatchableError Env = ref EnvObj AtomKind = enum atomBlob atomSet atomPath atomString atomKey atomNum atomSymbol atomError Atom = object case kind: AtomKind of atomBlob: blob: BlobId size: BiggestInt of atomSet: bs: BlobSet of atomPath: path: string name: string of atomString: str: string of atomKey: key: Key of atomNum: num: BiggestInt of atomSymbol: sym: string of atomError: err: string Func = proc(env: Env; arg: NodeObj): NodeRef NodeKind = enum nodeError nodeList nodeAtom nodeFunc NodeRef = ref NodeObj ## NodeRef is used to chain nodes into lists. NodeObj = object ## NodeObj is used to mutate nodes without side-effects. case kind: NodeKind of nodeList: headRef, tailRef: NodeRef of nodeAtom: atom: Atom of nodeFunc: fun: Func name: string of nodeError: errMsg: string errNode: NodeRef nextRef: NodeRef EnvObj = object store: BlobStore bindings: Table[string, NodeObj] blobs: Table[string, tuple[id: BlobId, size: BiggestInt]] sets: Table[string, BlobSet] proc print(a: Atom; s: Stream) proc print(ast: NodeRef; s: Stream) proc newAtom(id: BlobId, size: BiggestInt): Atom = Atom(kind: atomBlob, blob: id, size: size) proc newAtom(bs: BlobSet): Atom = Atom(kind: atomSet, bs: bs) proc newAtomError(msg: string): Atom = Atom(kind: atomError, err: msg) proc newAtomPath(s: string): Atom = try: let path = expandFilename s Atom(kind: atomPath, path: path, name: extractFilename(s)) except OSError: newAtomError("invalid path '$1'" % s) proc newAtomString(s: string): Atom = Atom(kind: atomString, str: s) proc newAtom(k: Key): Atom = Atom(kind: atomKey, key: k) proc newAtom(i: Natural): Atom = Atom(kind: atomNum, num: i) proc newNodeError(msg: string; n: NodeObj): NodeRef = var p = new NodeRef p[] = n NodeRef(kind: nodeError, errMsg: msg, errNode: p) proc newNode(a: Atom): NodeRef = NodeRef(kind: nodeAtom, atom: a) proc newNodeList(): NodeRef = NodeRef(kind: nodeList) proc next(n: NodeObj | NodeRef): NodeObj = ## Return a copy of list element that follows Node n. assert(not n.nextRef.isNil, "next element is nil") result = n.nextRef[] proc head(list: NodeObj | NodeRef): NodeObj = ## Return the start element of a list Node. list.headRef[] proc `next=`(n, p: NodeRef) = ## Return a copy of list element that follows Node n. assert(n.nextRef.isNil, "append to node that is not at the end of a list") n.nextRef = p iterator list(n: NodeObj): NodeObj = ## Iterate over members of a list node. var n = n.headRef while not n.isNil: yield n[] n = n.nextRef iterator walk(n: NodeObj): NodeObj = ## Walk down the singly linked list starting from a member node. var n = n while not n.nextRef.isNil: yield n n = n.nextRef[] yield n proc append(list, n: NodeRef) = ## Append a node to the end of a list node. if list.headRef.isNil: list.headRef = n list.tailRef = n else: list.tailRef.next = n while not list.tailRef.nextRef.isNil: assert(list.tailRef != list.tailRef.nextRef) list.tailRef = list.tailRef.nextRef proc append(list: NodeRef; n: NodeObj) = let p = new NodeRef p[] = n list.append p template returnError(n: NodeObj) = if n.atom.kind == atomError: return n.atom.newNode proc getBlob(env: Env; path: string): tuple[id: BlobId, size: BiggestInt] = result = env.blobs.getOrDefault(path) if result.size == 0: result = waitFor env.store.ingestFile(path) if result.size != 0: env.blobs[path] = result proc getSet(env: Env; path: string): BlobSet= result = env.sets.getOrDefault(path) if result.isNil: result = newBlobSet() result = env.store.insertPath(result, path.getFileInfo.kind, path) if not result.isEmpty: env.sets[path] = result type Tokens = seq[string] Reader = ref object buffer: string tokens: Tokens pos: int proc newReader(): Reader = Reader(buffer: "", tokens: newSeq[string]()) proc next(r: Reader): string = assert(r.pos < r.tokens.len, $r.tokens) result = r.tokens[r.pos] inc r.pos proc peek(r: Reader): string = assert(r.pos < r.tokens.len, $r.tokens) r.tokens[r.pos] proc print(a: Atom; s: Stream) = case a.kind of atomPath: s.write a.path of atomBlob: s.write $a.blob s.write '|' s.write $a.size of atomSet: case a.bs.kind of coldNode: s.write $a.bs.setId else: s.write "«set»" of atomString: s.write '"' s.write a.str s.write '"' #[ of atomData: let fut = newFutureStream[string]() asyncCheck env.store.fileStream(a.fileCid, fut) while true: let (valid, chunk) = fut.read() if not valid: break f.write chunk ]# of atomKey: s.write $a.key of atomNum: s.write $a.num of atomSymbol: s.write a.sym of atomError: s.write "«" s.write a.err s.write "»" proc print(ast: NodeObj; s: Stream) = case ast.kind: of nodeAtom: ast.atom.print(s) of nodeList: s.write "\n(" for n in ast.list: s.write " " n.print(s) s.write " )" of nodeFunc: s.write "#" of nodeError: s.write "«" s.write ast.errMsg s.write ": " ast.errNode.print s s.write "»" proc print(ast: NodeRef; s: Stream) = if ast.isNil: s.write "«nil»" else: ast[].print s proc readAtom(r: Reader): Atom = let token = r.next block: if token[token.low] == '"': if token[token.high] != '"': newAtomError("invalid string '$1'" % token) else: newAtomString(token[1..token.len-2]) elif token.contains DirSep: # TODO: memoize this, store a table of paths to atoms newAtomPath token elif token.len in { blobHexLen, blobVisualLen }: Atom(kind: atomSet, bs: newBlobSet(token.toSetId)) else: Atom(kind: atomSymbol, sym: token.normalize) #except: # newAtomError(getCurrentExceptionMsg()) proc readForm(r: Reader): NodeRef proc readList(r: Reader): NodeRef = result = newNodeList() while true: if (r.pos == r.tokens.len): return nil let p = r.peek case p[p.high] of ')': discard r.next break else: result.append r.readForm proc readForm(r: Reader): NodeRef = case r.peek[0] of '(': discard r.next r.readList else: r.readAtom.newNode proc tokenizer(s: string): Tokens = # TODO: this sucks let tokens = s.findAll(re"""[\s,]*(~@|[\[\]{}()'`~^@]|"(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"|;.*|[^\s\[\]{}('"`,;)]*)""") result = newSeqOfCap[string] tokens.len for s in tokens: let t = s.strip(leading = true, trailing = false).strip(leading = false, trailing = true) if t.len > 0: result.add t proc read(r: Reader; line: string): NodeRef = r.pos = 0 if r.buffer.len > 0: r.buffer.add " " r.buffer.add line r.tokens = r.buffer.tokenizer else: r.tokens = line.tokenizer result = r.readForm if result.isNil: r.buffer = line else: r.buffer.setLen 0 proc assertArgCount(args: NodeObj; len: int) = var arg = args for _ in 2..len: doAssert(not arg.nextRef.isNil) arg = arg.next doAssert(arg.nextRef.isNil) ## # Builtin functions # proc applyFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = assertArgCount(args, 2) let fn = args ln = fn.next fn.fun(env, ln.head) proc cborFunc(env: Env; arg: NodeObj): NodeRef = assertArgCount(arg, 1) newNode(newAtomString($toCbor(arg.atom.bs))) proc commitFunc(env: Env; arg: NodeObj): NodeRef = assertArgCount(arg, 1) let cold = waitFor commit(env.store, arg.atom.bs) cold.newAtom.newNode #[ proc copyFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = assertArgCount(args, 3) let x = args y = x.next z = y.next var root = newFsRoot() let dir = env.getUnixfs x.atom.cid for name, node in dir.items: root.add(name, node) root.add(z.atom.str, dir[y.atom.str]) let cid = env.store.putDag(root.toCbor) cid.newAtom.newNode ]# proc consFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = assertArgCount(args, 2) result = newNodeList() let car = args cdr = args.next result.append car result.append cdr.head proc defineFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = assertArgCount(args, 2) let symN = args val = args.next env.bindings[symN.atom.sym] = val new result result[] = val proc globFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = result = newNodeList() for n in args.walk: let a = n.atom case a.kind of atomPath: result.append n of atomString: for match in walkPattern a.str: result.append match.newAtomPath.newNode else: result = newNodeError("invalid glob argument", n) proc hexFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = assertArgCount(args, 1) let a = args.atom case a.kind of atomBlob: a.blob.toHex.newAtomString.newNode of atomSet: case a.bs.kind of hotNode: let cold = waitFor commit(env.store, a.bs) cold.setId.toHex.newAtomString.newNode of coldNode: a.bs.setId.toHex.newAtomString.newNode of leafNode: a.bs.blob.toHex.newAtomString.newNode else: newNodeError("cannot convert to hex", args) proc keyFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = assertArgCount(args, 1) let k = args.atom.str.toKey k.newAtom.newNode proc ingestFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = var bs: BlobSet for n in args.walk: if bs.isNil: bs = env.getSet(n.atom.path) else: bs = env.store.union(bs, env.getSet(n.atom.path)) result = bs.newAtom.newNode proc insertFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = assertArgCount(args, 3) let trie = args.atom.bs blob = args.next.atom name = args.next.next.atom.str let newBs = waitFor env.store.insert(trie, name, blob.blob, blob.size) doAssert(not newBs.isNil) newNode(newAtom(newBs)) proc blobFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = assertArgCount(args, 1) let (id, size) = env.getBlob args.atom.path newNode(newAtom(id, size)) proc listFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = ## Standard Lisp 'list' function. result = newNodeList() new result.headRef result.headRef[] = args result.tailRef = result.headRef while not result.tailRef.nextRef.isNil: result.tailRef = result.tailRef.nextRef proc loadFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = assertArgCount(args, 1) let bs = waitFor env.store.load(args.atom.bs.setId) bs.newAtom.newNode proc mapFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = assertArgCount(args, 2) result = newNodeList() let f = args.fun for v in args.next.list: result.append f(env, v) #[ proc mergeFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = var root = newFsRoot() for n in args.walk: let a = n.atom dir = env.getUnixfs a.cid for name, node in dir.items: root.add(name, node) let cid = env.store.putDag(root.toCbor) cid.newAtom.newNode ]# proc pathFunc(env: Env; arg: NodeObj): NodeRef = result = arg.atom.str.newAtomPath.newNode proc randomFunc(env: Env; arg: NodeObj): NodeRef = assertArgCount(arg, 1) var rng = initRand(rand(int.high)) let bs = arg.atom.bs var random: NodeRef env.store.randomApply(bs, rng) do (id: BlobId; size: BiggestInt): random = newNode(newAtom(id, size)) if random.isNil: newNodeList() else: random proc removeFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = assertArgCount(args, 2) let bs = args.atom.bs name = args.next.atom.str newNode(newAtom(waitFor env.store.remove(bs, name))) proc searchFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = assertArgCount(args, 2) var found: NodeRef let bs = args.atom.bs name = args.next.atom.str apply(env.store, bs, name) do (id: BlobId; size: BiggestInt): found = newNode(newAtom(id, size)) if found.isNil: result = newNodeList() else: result = found proc unionFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = var bs: BlobSet for n in args.walk: if bs.isNil: bs = n.atom.bs else: bs = env.store.union(bs, n.atom.bs) result = bs.newAtom.newNode ## # Environment # proc bindEnv(env: Env; name: string; fun: Func) = assert(not env.bindings.contains name) env.bindings[name] = NodeObj(kind: nodeFunc, fun: fun, name: name) proc newEnv(store: BlobStore): Env = result = Env( store: store, bindings: initTable[string, NodeObj](), blobs: initTable[string, tuple[id: BlobId, size: BiggestInt]](), sets: initTable[string, BlobSet]()) result.bindEnv "apply", applyFunc result.bindEnv "blob", blobFunc result.bindEnv "cbor", cborFunc result.bindEnv "commit", commitFunc result.bindEnv "cons", consFunc #result.bindEnv "copy", copyFunc result.bindEnv "define", defineFunc result.bindEnv "glob", globFunc result.bindEnv "hex", hexFunc result.bindEnv "ingest", ingestFunc result.bindEnv "insert", insertFunc result.bindEnv "key", keyFunc result.bindEnv "load", loadFunc result.bindEnv "list", listFunc result.bindEnv "map", mapFunc #result.bindEnv "merge", mergeFunc result.bindEnv "path", pathFunc result.bindEnv "random", randomFunc result.bindEnv "remove", removeFunc result.bindEnv "search", searchFunc result.bindEnv "union", unionFunc proc eval(ast: NodeRef; env: Env): NodeRef proc eval_ast(ast: NodeRef; env: Env): NodeRef = result = ast case ast.kind of nodeList: result = newNodeList() while not ast.headRef.isNil: # cut out the head of the list and evaluate let n = ast.headRef ast.headRef = n.nextRef n.nextRef = nil let x = n.eval(env) result.append x of nodeAtom: if ast.atom.kind == atomSymbol: if env.bindings.contains ast.atom.sym: result = new NodeRef result[] = env.bindings[ast.atom.sym] else: discard proc eval(ast: NodeRef; env: Env): NodeRef = var input = ast[] try: if ast.kind == nodeList: if ast.headRef == nil: newNodeList() else: let ast = eval_ast(ast, env) head = ast.headRef if head.kind == nodeFunc: if not head.nextRef.isNil: input = head.next head.fun(env, input) else: input = NodeObj(kind: nodeList) head.fun(env, input) else: input = head[] newNodeError("not a function", input) else: eval_ast(ast, env) except EvalError: newNodeError(getCurrentExceptionMsg(), input) except FieldError: newNodeError("invalid argument", input) except OSError: newNodeError(getCurrentExceptionMsg(), input) proc readLineSimple(prompt: string; line: var TaintedString): bool = stdin.readLine(line) #[ when defined(genode): proc openStore(): BlobStore = result = newDagfsClient("repl") else: proc openStore(): BlobStore = var host = "" for kind, key, value in getopt(): if kind == cmdShortOption: if key == "h": if host != "": quit "only a single store path argument is accepted" host = value if host == "": host = "" try: result = newTcpClient(host) except: quit("failed to connect to store at $1 ($2)" % [host, getCurrentExceptionMsg()]) ]# proc emptyMain() = let store = openStore() bs = waitFor store.commit(newBlobSet()) echo bs.setId.toHex proc replMain() = randomize() var scripted: bool for kind, key, value in getopt(): if kind == cmdShortOption and key == "s": scripted = true let #store = openStore() store = openStore() env = newEnv(store) outStream = stdout.newFileStream readLine = if scripted: readLineSimple else: readLineFromStdin var reader = newReader() line = newStringOfCap 128 while readLine("> ", line): if line.len > 0: let ast = reader.read(line) if not ast.isNil: ast.eval(env).print(outStream) outStream.write "\n" flush outStream const Prompt = ">>> " proc getLine(prompt: string): string = # Using line editing when defined(readLine): result = readLineFromStdin(prompt) else: # Primitive fallback stdout.write(prompt) result = stdin.readline() when defined(spry): proc spryMain() = let spry = newSpry(openStore()) var lines, stashed, fileLines = newSeq[string]() suspended: bool = true echo "Welcome to interactive Spry!" echo "An empty line will evaluate previous lines, so hit enter twice." # We collect lines until an empty line is entered, easy way to enter # multiline code. while true: var line: string if suspended: line = getLine(Prompt) else: if fileLines.len == 0: quit 0 # Read a line, eh, would be nice with removeFirst or popFirst... line = fileLines[0] fileLines.delete(0) # Logic for pausing if line.strip() == "# pause": var enter = getLine(" ") if enter.strip() == "s": stdout.write(" \n") stashed = lines lines = newSeq[string]() suspended = true continue else: stdout.write(line & "\n") # Logic to start the script again if suspended and line.strip() == "c": lines = stashed suspended = false continue # Finally time to eval if line.strip().len() == 0: let code = lines.join("\n") lines = newSeq[string]() try: # Let the interpreter eval the code. We need to eval whatever we # get (ispry acting as a func). The surrounding block is just because we only # want to pass one Node. var result = spry.evalRoot("[" & code & "]") #discard spry.setBinding(newEvalWord("@"), result) var output = $result # Print any result if output.isNil: output = if suspended: "nil" else: "" stdout.write(output & "\n") except: echo "Oops, sorry about that: " & getCurrentExceptionMsg() & "\n" echo getStackTrace() else: lines.add(line) when isMainModule: var cmd = "" for kind, key, val in getopt(): if kind == cmdArgument: cmd = key break case normalize(cmd) of "": quit("no subcommand specified") of "empty": emptyMain() of "repl": replMain() of "dump": dumpMain() of "ingest": waitFor ingestMain() of "server": waitFor serverMain() of "spry": when defined(spry): spryMain() else: quit "not compiled with Spry interpreter" of "check": waitFor checkMain() of "replicate": waitFor replicateMain() of "tox": when defined(tox) and defined(spry): #waitFor toxReplicateMain() waitFor toxMain() else: quit "not compiled with Tox node" else: quit("no such subcommand " & cmd)