import nre, os, strutils, tables, parseopt, streams, cbor import ./dagfs, ./dagfs/stores, ./dagfs/fsnodes type EvalError = object of CatchableError type Env = ref EnvObj AtomKind = enum atomPath atomCid atomString atomSymbol atomError Atom = object case kind: AtomKind of atomPath: path: string of atomCid: cid: Cid of atomString: str: string of atomSymbol: sym: string of atomError: err: string Func = proc(env: Env; arg: NodeObj): NodeRef NodeKind = enum nodeError nodeList nodeAtom nodeFunc NodeRef = ref NodeObj ## NodeRef is used to chain nodes into lists. NodeObj = object ## NodeObj is used to mutate nodes without side-effects. case kind: NodeKind of nodeList: headRef, tailRef: NodeRef of nodeAtom: atom: Atom of nodeFunc: fun: Func name: string of nodeError: errMsg: string errNode: NodeRef nextRef: NodeRef EnvObj = object store: DagfsStore bindings: Table[string, NodeObj] paths: Table[string, FsNode] cids: Table[Cid, FsNode] proc print(a: Atom; s: Stream) proc print(ast: NodeRef; s: Stream) proc newAtom(c: Cid): Atom = Atom(kind: atomCid, cid: c) proc newAtomError(msg: string): Atom = Atom(kind: atomError, err: msg) proc newAtomPath(s: string): Atom = try: let path = expandFilename s Atom(kind: atomPath, path: path) except OSError: newAtomError("invalid path '$1'" % s) proc newAtomString(s: string): Atom = Atom(kind: atomString, str: s) proc newNodeError(msg: string; n: NodeObj): NodeRef = var p = new NodeRef p[] = n NodeRef(kind: nodeError, errMsg: msg, errNode: p) proc newNode(a: Atom): NodeRef = NodeRef(kind: nodeAtom, atom: a) proc newNodeList(): NodeRef = NodeRef(kind: nodeList) proc next(n: NodeObj | NodeRef): NodeObj = ## Return a copy of list element that follows Node n. assert(not n.nextRef.isNil, "next element is nil") result = n.nextRef[] proc head(list: NodeObj | NodeRef): NodeObj = ## Return the start element of a list Node. list.headRef[] proc `next=`(n, p: NodeRef) = ## Return a copy of list element that follows Node n. assert(n.nextRef.isNil, "append to node that is not at the end of a list") n.nextRef = p iterator list(n: NodeObj): NodeObj = ## Iterate over members of a list node. var n = n.headRef while not n.isNil: yield n[] n = n.nextRef iterator walk(n: NodeObj): NodeObj = ## Walk down the singly linked list starting from a member node. var n = n while not n.nextRef.isNil: yield n n = n.nextRef[] yield n proc append(list, n: NodeRef) = ## Append a node to the end of a list node. if list.headRef.isNil: list.headRef = n list.tailRef = n else: = n while not list.tailRef.nextRef.isNil: assert(list.tailRef != list.tailRef.nextRef) list.tailRef = list.tailRef.nextRef proc append(list: NodeRef; n: NodeObj) = let p = new NodeRef p[] = n list.append p proc getFile(env: Env; path: string): FsNode = result = env.paths.getOrDefault path if result.isNil: result = assert(not result.isNil) env.paths[path] = result proc getDir(env: Env; path: string): FsNode = result = env.paths.getOrDefault path if result.isNil: result = assert(not result.isNil) env.paths[path] = result proc getUnixfs(env: Env; cid: Cid): FsNode = assert cid.isValid result = env.cids.getOrDefault cid if result.isNil: var raw = "", raw) result = parseFs(raw, cid) env.cids[cid] = result type Tokens = seq[string] Reader = ref object buffer: string tokens: Tokens pos: int proc newReader(): Reader = Reader(buffer: "", tokens: newSeq[string]()) proc next(r: Reader): string = assert(r.pos < r.tokens.len, $r.tokens) result = r.tokens[r.pos] inc r.pos proc peek(r: Reader): string = assert(r.pos < r.tokens.len, $r.tokens) r.tokens[r.pos] proc print(a: Atom; s: Stream) = case a.kind of atomPath: s.write a.path of atomCid: s.write $a.cid of atomString: s.write '"' s.write a.str s.write '"' #[ of atomData: let fut = newFutureStream[string]() asyncCheck, fut) while true: let (valid, chunk) = if not valid: break f.write chunk ]# of atomSymbol: s.write a.sym of atomError: s.write "«" s.write a.err s.write "»" proc print(ast: NodeObj; s: Stream) = case ast.kind: of nodeAtom: ast.atom.print(s) of nodeList: s.write "\n(" for n in ast.list: s.write " " n.print(s) s.write ")" of nodeFunc: s.write "#" of nodeError: s.write "«" s.write ast.errMsg s.write ": " ast.errNode.print s s.write "»" proc print(ast: NodeRef; s: Stream) = if ast.isNil: s.write "«nil»" else: ast[].print s proc readAtom(r: Reader): Atom = let token = block: if token[token.low] == '"': if token[token.high] != '"': newAtomError("invalid string '$1'" % token) else: newAtomString(token[1..token.len-2]) elif token.contains DirSep: # TODO: memoize this, store a table of paths to atoms newAtomPath token elif token.len == 46 or token.len > 48: Atom(kind: atomCid, cid: token.parseCid) else: Atom(kind: atomSymbol, sym: token.normalize) #except: # newAtomError(getCurrentExceptionMsg()) proc readForm(r: Reader): NodeRef proc readList(r: Reader): NodeRef = result = newNodeList() while true: if (r.pos == r.tokens.len): return nil let p = r.peek case p[p.high] of ')': discard break else: result.append r.readForm proc readForm(r: Reader): NodeRef = case r.peek[0] of '(': discard r.readList else: r.readAtom.newNode proc tokenizer(s: string): Tokens = # TODO: this sucks let tokens = s.findAll(re"""[\s,]*(~@|[\[\]{}()'`~^@]|"(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"|;.*|[^\s\[\]{}('"`,;)]*)""") result = newSeqOfCap[string] tokens.len for s in tokens: let t = s.strip(leading = true, trailing = false).strip(leading = false, trailing = true) if t.len > 0: result.add t proc read(r: Reader; line: string): NodeRef = r.pos = 0 if r.buffer.len > 0: r.buffer.add " " r.buffer.add line r.tokens = r.buffer.tokenizer else: r.tokens = line.tokenizer result = r.readForm if result.isNil: r.buffer = line else: r.buffer.setLen 0 proc assertArgCount(args: NodeObj; len: int) = var arg = args for _ in 2..len: doAssert(not arg.nextRef.isNil) arg = doAssert(arg.nextRef.isNil) ## # Builtin functions # proc applyFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = assertArgCount(args, 2) let fn = args ln =, ln.head) proc cborFunc(env: Env; arg: NodeObj): NodeRef = assertArgCount(arg, 1) let a = arg.atom ufsNode = env.getUnixfs a.cid diag = $ufsNode.toCbor diag.newAtomString.newNode proc copyFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = assertArgCount(args, 3) let x = args y = z = var root = newFsRoot() let dir = env.getUnixfs x.atom.cid for name, node in dir.items: root.add(name, node) root.add(z.atom.str, dir[y.atom.str]) let cid = cid.newAtom.newNode proc consFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = assertArgCount(args, 2) result = newNodeList() let car = args cdr = result.append car result.append cdr.head proc defineFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = assertArgCount(args, 2) let symN = args val = env.bindings[symN.atom.sym] = val new result result[] = val proc globFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = result = newNodeList() for n in args.walk: let a = n.atom case a.kind of atomPath: result.append n of atomString: for match in walkPattern a.str: result.append match.newAtomPath.newNode else: result = newNodeError("invalid glob argument", n) proc ingestFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = var root = newFsRoot() for n in args.walk: let a = n.atom name = a.path.extractFilename info = a.path.getFileInfo case info.kind of pcFile, pcLinkToFile: let file = env.getFile a.path root.add(name, file) of pcDir, pcLinkToDir: let dir = env.getDir a.path root.add(name, dir) let cid = cid.newAtom.newNode proc listFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = ## Standard Lisp 'list' function. result = newNodeList() new result.headRef result.headRef[] = args result.tailRef = result.headRef while not result.tailRef.nextRef.isNil: result.tailRef = result.tailRef.nextRef proc lsFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = result = newNodeList() for n in args.walk: let a = n.atom ufsNode = env.getUnixfs a.cid if ufsNode.isDir: for name, u in ufsNode.items: let e = newNodeList() e.append u.cid.newAtom.newNode e.append name.newAtomString.newNode result.append e proc mapFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = assertArgCount(args, 2) result = newNodeList() let f = for v in result.append f(env, v) proc mergeFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = var root = newFsRoot() for n in args.walk: let a = n.atom dir = env.getUnixfs a.cid for name, node in dir.items: root.add(name, node) let cid = cid.newAtom.newNode proc pathFunc(env: Env; arg: NodeObj): NodeRef = result = arg.atom.str.newAtomPath.newNode proc rootFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = var root = newFsRoot() let name = args.atom.str cid = ufs = env.getUnixfs cid root.add(name, ufs) let rootCid = rootCid.newAtom.newNode proc walkFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef = assert args.atom.cid.isValid let rootCid = args.atom.cid walkPath = root = env.getUnixfs rootCid final =, walkPath) if final.isNil: result = newNodeError("no walk to '$1'" % walkPath, args) else: result = final.cid.newAtom.newNode ## # Environment # proc bindEnv(env: Env; name: string; fun: Func) = assert(not env.bindings.contains name) env.bindings[name] = NodeObj(kind: nodeFunc, fun: fun, name: name) proc newEnv(store: DagfsStore): Env = result = Env( store: store, bindings: initTable[string, NodeObj](), paths: initTable[string, FsNode](), cids: initTable[Cid, FsNode]()) result.bindEnv "apply", applyFunc result.bindEnv "cbor", cborFunc result.bindEnv "cons", consFunc result.bindEnv "copy", copyFunc result.bindEnv "define", defineFunc result.bindEnv "glob", globFunc result.bindEnv "ingest", ingestFunc result.bindEnv "list", listFunc result.bindEnv "ls", lsFunc result.bindEnv "map", mapFunc result.bindEnv "merge", mergeFunc result.bindEnv "path", pathFunc result.bindEnv "root", rootFunc result.bindEnv "walk", walkFunc proc eval(ast: NodeRef; env: Env): NodeRef proc eval_ast(ast: NodeRef; env: Env): NodeRef = result = ast case ast.kind of nodeList: result = newNodeList() while not ast.headRef.isNil: # cut out the head of the list and evaluate let n = ast.headRef ast.headRef = n.nextRef n.nextRef = nil let x = n.eval(env) result.append x of nodeAtom: if ast.atom.kind == atomSymbol: if env.bindings.contains ast.atom.sym: result = new NodeRef result[] = env.bindings[ast.atom.sym] else: discard proc eval(ast: NodeRef; env: Env): NodeRef = var input = ast[] try: if ast.kind == nodeList: if ast.headRef == nil: newNodeList() else: let ast = eval_ast(ast, env) head = ast.headRef if head.kind == nodeFunc: if not head.nextRef.isNil: input =, input) else: input = NodeObj(kind: nodeList), input) else: input = head[] newNodeError("not a function", input) else: eval_ast(ast, env) except EvalError: newNodeError(getCurrentExceptionMsg(), input) except FieldError: newNodeError("invalid argument", input) except MissingChunk: newNodeError("chunk not in store", input) except OSError: newNodeError(getCurrentExceptionMsg(), input) var scripted = false when defined(genode): import dagfsclient proc openStore(): DagfsStore = result = newDagfsClient("repl") scripted = true # do not use linenoise for the moment #[ for kind, key, value in getopt(): if kind == cmdShortOption and key == "s": scripted = true else: quit "unhandled argument " & key ]# else: import ./dagfs/tcp proc openStore(): DagfsStore = var host = "" for kind, key, value in getopt(): case kind of cmdShortOption: if key == "s": scripted = true else: quit "unhandled argument " & key of cmdArgument: if host != "": quit "only a single store path argument is accepted" host = key else: quit "unhandled argument " & key if host == "": host = "" try: result = newTcpClient(host) except: quit("failed to connect to store at $1 ($2)" % [host, getCurrentExceptionMsg()]) import rdstdin proc readLineSimple(prompt: string; line: var TaintedString): bool = stdin.readLine(line) proc main() = let store = openStore() env = newEnv(store) outStream = stdout.newFileStream readLine = if scripted: readLineSimple else: readLineFromStdin var reader = newReader() line = newStringOfCap 128 while readLine("> ", line): if line.len > 0: let ast = if not ast.isNil: ast.eval(env).print(outStream) outStream.write "\n" flush outStream main() quit 0 # Genode doesn't implicitly quit