import ../blobsets import tiger import std/asyncdispatch, std/httpclient, std/strutils, std/uri type HttpBlobStream = ref HttpBlobStreamObj HttpBlobStreamObj = object of BlobStreamObj client: AsyncHttpClient url: string rangePos: BiggestInt HttpIngestStream = ref HttpIngestStreamObj HttpIngestStreamObj = object of IngestStreamObj client: AsyncHttpClient url: string ctx: TigerState leaves: seq[BlobId] leaf: string buffOff: int pos, nodeOffset: BiggestInt HttpStore* = ref HttpStoreObj HttpStoreObj = object of BlobStoreObj client: AsyncHttpClient # TODO: keep a future that completes after the current client transaction completes, # chain new streams that use the same client connection to this future url: Uri proc httpBlobClose(s: BlobStream) = discard proc httpBlobSize(s: BlobStream): BiggestInt = var s = HttpBlobStream(s) discard proc setPosHttp(s: BlobStream; pos: BiggestInt) = var s = (HttpBlobStream)s s.rangePos = pos proc getPosHttp(s: BlobStream): BiggestInt = var s = (HttpBlobStream)s s.rangePos proc httpBlobRead(s: BlobStream; buffer: pointer; len: Natural): Future[int] {.async.} = assert(not buffer.isNil) var s = (HttpBlobStream)s let headers = newHttpHeaders({"range": "bytes=$1-$2" % [ $s.rangePos, $(s.rangePos+len) ]}) resp = waitFor s.client.request(s.url, HttpGET, headers=headers) var body = await resp.body result = (int)min(body.len, len) if result > 0: copyMem(buffer, body[0].addr, result) result proc httpOpenBlobStream(store: BlobStore; id: BlobId; size: BiggestInt; kind: BlobKind): BlobStream = var store = HttpStore(store) let stream = HttpBlobStream( client: store.client, closeImpl: httpBlobClose, sizeImpl: httpBlobSize, setPosImpl: setPosHttp, getPosImpl: getPosHttp, readImpl: httpBlobRead, url: $((store.url / $kind) / id.toHex) ) let resp = waitFor stream.client.request(stream.url, HttpHEAD) case resp.code of Http200, Http204: stream of Http404: raise newException(KeyError, "blob not at HTTP store") else: raise newException(KeyError, "unrecognized " & $resp.code & " response from HTTP store: " & resp.status) proc httpFinish(s: IngestStream): Future[tuple[id: BlobId, size: BiggestInt]] {.async.} = var s = HttpIngestStream(s) pair: tuple[id: BlobId, size: BiggestInt] let resp = await s.client.request($s.url, HttpPOST) if not resp.code.is2xx: raiseAssert(resp.status) = toBlobId resp.headers["blob-id"] pair.size = parseBiggestInt resp.headers["blob-size"] return pair proc httpIngest(x: IngestStream; buf: pointer; len: Natural) {.async.} = var s = HttpIngestStream(x) body = newString(len) copyMem(body[0].addr, buf, body.len) # TODO: zero-copy let resp = await s.client.request($s.url, HttpPUT, body) if resp.code != Http204: raiseAssert(resp.status) proc httpOpenIngestStream(s: BlobStore; size: BiggestInt; kind: BlobKind): IngestStream = var store = HttpStore(s) let client = store.client url = (store.url / "ingest") / $kind headers = newHttpHeaders({"ingest-size": $size}) resp = waitFor client.request($url, HttpPOST, headers=headers) if resp.code == Http201: var ingestUrl = parseUri resp.headers["Location"] if not ingestUrl.isAbsolute: ingestUrl = combine(store.url, ingestUrl) result = HttpIngestStream( finishImpl: httpFinish, ingestImpl: httpIngest, client: client, url: $ingestUrl, leaf: newString(min(, blobLeafSize)), ) else: raiseAssert(resp.status) proc httpCloseStore(s: BlobStore) = var s = HttpStore(s) close s.client proc httpContains(s: BlobStore; id: BlobId; kind: BlobKind): Future[bool] {.async.} = var s = HttpStore(s) try: let url = $((s.url / $kind) / id.toHex) resp = await s.client.request(url, HttpHEAD) return (resp.code in {Http200, Http204}) except: close s.client return false proc newHttpStore*(url: string): HttpStore = HttpStore( closeImpl: httpCloseStore, containsImpl: httpContains, openBlobStreamImpl: httpOpenBlobStream, openIngestStreamImpl: httpOpenIngestStream, client: newAsyncHttpClient(), url: parseUri url, )