import ../blobsets import tiger import std/asyncfile, std/asyncdispatch, std/os proc ingestFile*(store: BlobStore; path: string): Future[tuple[id: BlobId, size: BiggestInt]] {.async.} = ## Ingest a file and return blob metadata. let file = openAsync(path, fmRead) fileSize = file.getFileSize defer: close file let stream = store.openIngestStream(fileSize, dataBlob) if fileSize > 0: var buf = newString(min(8 shl 10, fileSize)) while true: let n = await file.readBuffer(buf[0].addr, buf.len) if n == 0: break await stream.ingest(buf[0].addr, n) return await finish stream type FsBlobStream = ref FsBlobStreamObj FsBlobStreamObj = object of BlobStreamObj path: string file: AsyncFile FsIngestStream = ref FsIngestStreamObj FsIngestStreamObj = object of IngestStreamObj ctx: TigerState leaves: seq[BlobId] path: string file: AsyncFile pos, nodeOffset: BiggestInt FileStore* = ref FileStoreObj ## A store that writes nodes and leafs as files. FileStoreObj = object of BlobStoreObj root, buf: string proc fsBlobClose(s: BlobStream) = var s = FsBlobStream(s) close s.file proc fsBlobSize(s: BlobStream): BiggestInt = var s = FsBlobStream(s) s.file.getFileSize.BiggestInt proc setPosFs(s: BlobStream; pos: BiggestInt) = var s = FsBlobStream(s) s.file.setFilePos (int64)pos proc getPosFs(s: BlobStream): BiggestInt = var s = FsBlobStream(s) (BiggestInt)s.file.getFilePos proc fsBlobRead(s: BlobStream; buffer: pointer; len: Natural): Future[int] = var s = FsBlobStream(s) s.file.readBuffer(buffer, len) proc fsOpenBlobStream(s: BlobStore; id: BlobId; size: BiggestInt; kind: BlobKind): BlobStream = var fs = FileStore(s) try: let path = fs.root / $kind / id.toBase32 file = openAsync(path, fmRead) result = FsBlobStream( closeImpl: fsBlobClose, sizeImpl: fsBlobSize, setPosImpl: setPosFs, getPosImpl: getPosFs, readImpl: fsBlobRead, path: path, file: file, ) except: raise newException(KeyError, "blob not in file-system store") proc fsFinish(s: IngestStream): Future[tuple[id: BlobId, size: BiggestInt]] = var s = FsIngestStream(s) pair: tuple[id: BlobId, size: BiggestInt] close s.file if s.pos == 0 or s.pos mod blobLeafSize != 0: s.leaves.add finish(s.ctx) compressTree(s.leaves) = s.leaves[0] pair.size = s.pos let finalPath = s.path.parentDir / if fileExists finalPath: removeFile s.path else: moveFile(s.path, finalPath) result = newFuture[tuple[id: BlobId, size: BiggestInt]]() complete result, pair proc appendLeaf(s: FsIngestStream) = s.leaves.add(finish s.ctx) init s.ctx s.ctx.update [0'u8] proc fsIngest(s: IngestStream; data: pointer; size: Natural): Future[void] = let s = FsIngestStream(s) buf = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[byte]](data) result = s.file.writeBuffer(data, size) var dataOff: int let leafOff = mod blobLeafSize if leafOff != 0: let leafFill = min(blobLeafSize - leafOff, size) s.ctx.update(buf[0].addr, leafFill) leafFill if leafFill < size: appendLeaf s while dataOff+blobLeafSize <= size: s.ctx.update(buf[dataOff].addr, blobLeafSize) blobLeafSize appendLeaf s if dataOff != size: s.ctx.update(buf[dataOff].addr, size - dataOff) size proc fsOpenIngestStream(s: BlobStore; size: BiggestInt; kind: BlobKind): IngestStream = var fs = FileStore(s) let stream = FsIngestStream( finishImpl: fsFinish, ingestImpl: fsIngest, path: fs.root / $kind / "ingest" ) try: stream.file = openAsync(stream.path, fmWrite) except: raise newException(OSError, "failed to create ingest stream at '" & stream.path & "' " & getCurrentExceptionMsg()) if size > 0: stream.file.setFileSize(size) stream.leaves = newSeqOfCap[BlobId](leafCount size) else: stream.leaves = newSeq[BlobId]() init stream.ctx stream.ctx.update [0'u8] stream proc fsContains(s: BlobStore; id: BlobId; kind: BlobKind): Future[bool] = var fs = FileStore(s) result = newFuture[bool]("blobsets.filestores.fsContains") let path = fs.root / $kind / id.toBase32 try: close(openAsync(path, fmRead)) result.complete(true) except: result.complete(false) proc newFileStore*(root: string): BlobStore = ## Create a new store object backed by a file-system. try: createDir(root / $dataBlob) createDir(root / $metaBlob) except: discard FileStore( containsImpl: fsContains, openBlobStreamImpl: fsOpenBlobStream, openIngestStreamImpl: fsOpenIngestStream, root: root, buf: "", )