Load and commit

This commit is contained in:
Ehmry - 2018-12-27 01:32:59 +01:00
parent f01bf5083a
commit c5cc2f35a5
3 changed files with 191 additions and 120 deletions

View File

@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ import std/nre, std/os, std/strutils, std/tables, std/parseopt, std/streams, std
import cbor
import ./blobsets, ./blobsets/filestores
when defined(genode):
import dagfsclient
#when defined(genode):
# import dagfsclient
# import ./blobsets/tcp
@ -43,7 +43,6 @@ proc insertPath(store: BlobStore; bs: BlobSet; kind: PathComponent; path: string
let e = getCurrentException()
writeLine(stderr, "failed to ingest '", path, "', ", e.msg)
# raise e
proc ingestMain() =
var args = newSeq[string]()
@ -252,6 +251,10 @@ proc print(a: Atom; s: Stream) =
s.write '|'
s.write $a.size
of atomSet:
case a.bs.kind
of coldNode:
s.write $a.bs.setId
s.write "«set»"
of atomString:
s.write '"'
@ -390,7 +393,8 @@ proc cborFunc(env: Env; arg: NodeObj): NodeRef =
proc commitFunc(env: Env; arg: NodeObj): NodeRef =
assertArgCount(arg, 1)
raiseAssert("not implemented")
let cold = commit(env.store, arg.atom.bs)
proc copyFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef =
@ -474,6 +478,11 @@ proc listFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef =
while not result.tailRef.nextRef.isNil:
result.tailRef = result.tailRef.nextRef
proc loadFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef =
assertArgCount(args, 1)
let bs = env.store.loadSet args.atom.bs.setId
proc mapFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): NodeRef =
assertArgCount(args, 2)
result = newNodeList()
@ -551,6 +560,7 @@ proc newEnv(store: BlobStore): Env =
result.bindEnv "ingest", ingestFunc
result.bindEnv "insert", insertFunc
result.bindEnv "key", keyFunc
result.bindEnv "load", loadFunc
result.bindEnv "list", listFunc
result.bindEnv "map", mapFunc
#result.bindEnv "merge", mergeFunc
@ -638,7 +648,7 @@ proc replMain() =
scripted = true
#store = openStore()
store = newNullStore() # newFileStore("/tmp/blobs")
store = newFileStore("/tmp/blobs")
env = newEnv(store)
outStream = stdout.newFileStream
readLine = if scripted: readLineSimple else: readLineFromStdin

View File

@ -36,8 +36,7 @@ func `$`*(bh: BlobId): string =
let r = (Rune)baseRune or b.int
fastToUTF8Copy(r, result, pos, true)
func toBlobId*(s: string): BlobId =
## Parse a visual blob hash to binary.
func parseStringId[T](s: string): T =
if s.len == blobVisualLen:
pos: int
@ -46,6 +45,28 @@ func toBlobId*(s: string): BlobId =
fastRuneAt(s, pos, r, true)
b = r.byte
func parseCborId[T](c: CborNode): T =
## Parse a CBOR node to binary.
if c.bytes.len == result.data.len:
for i in 0..result.data.high:
result.data[i] = c.bytes[i]
func toBlobId*(s: string): BlobId =
## Parse a visual blob hash to binary.
parseStringId[BlobId] s
func toBlobId(c: CborNode): BlobId =
## Parse a CBOR blob hash to binary.
parseCborId[BlobId] c
func toSetId*(s: string): SetId =
## Parse a visual set hash to binary.
parseStringId[SetId] s
func toSetId(c: CborNode): SetId =
## Parse a CBOR set hash to binary.
parseCborId[SetId] c
proc `==`*(x, y: BlobId): bool = x.data == y.data
## Compare two BlobIds.
@ -182,14 +203,19 @@ func toCbor(k: Key): CborNode =
## Keys are endian independent.
newCborBytes cast[array[sizeof(k), byte]](k)
# CBOR tags
nodeTag = 0
leafTag = 1
setKind* = enum hotNode, coldNode, leafNode
SetKind* = enum hotNode, coldNode, leafNode
BlobSet* = ref BlobSetObj
BlobSetObj = object
case kind*: setKind
case kind*: SetKind
of hotNode:
bitmap: Key
table*: seq[BlobSet]
table: seq[BlobSet]
of coldNode:
setId*: SetId
of leafNode:
@ -351,33 +377,51 @@ func remove*(trie: BlobSet; name: string): BlobSet =
result = newBlobSet()
func toCbor*(x: BlobSet): CborNode =
nodeTag = 0
leafTag = 1
let array = newCborArray()
case x.kind
of hotNode:
map = x.bitmap
buf = newCborBytes(sizeof(Key))
when not sizeof(Key) == 8:
{.error: "unknown key conversion".}
bigEndian64(buf.bytes[0].addr, map.addr)
array.add buf
let array = newCborArray()
array.add x.bitmap
for y in x.table:
array.add y.toCbor
newCborTag(nodeTag, array)
of coldNode:
array.add x.setId.data
newCborTag(nodeTag, array)
newCborTag(nodeTag, x.setId.data.newCborBytes)
of leafNode:
array.add x.key.toCbor
let array = newCborArray()
array.add x.key
array.add x.blob.data
array.add x.size
newCborTag(leafTag, array)
func leafCount*(size: Natural): int = (size+blobLeafSize-1) div blobLeafSize
func compressTree*(leaves: var seq[BlobId]) =
ctx: Blake2b256
nodeOffset = 0
nodeDepth = 0
while leaves.len > 1:
nodeOffset = 0
inc nodeDepth
var pos, next: int
while pos < leaves.len:
ctx.init do (params: var Blake2bParams):
params.fanout = 2
params.depth = 255
params.leafLength = blobLeafSize
params.nodeOffset = nodeOffset
params.nodeDepth = nodeDepth
inc nodeOffset
inc pos
if pos < leaves.len:
inc pos
leaves[next] = ctx.finish()
inc next
# TODO: BLAKE2 tree finalization flags
BlobKind* = enum
dataBlob, metaBlob
@ -421,98 +465,8 @@ type
openBlobStreamImpl*: proc (s: BlobStore; id: BlobId; size: BiggestInt; kind: BlobKind): BlobStream {.nimcall, gcsafe.}
openIngestStreamImpl*: proc (s: BlobStore; size: BiggestInt; kind: BlobKind): IngestStream {.nimcall, gcsafe.}
proc close*(s: BlobStore) =
## Close active store resources.
if not s.closeImpl.isNil: s.closeImpl(s)
proc openBlobStream*(s: BlobStore; id: BlobId; size = 0.BiggestInt; kind = dataBlob): BlobStream =
## Return a new `BlobStream` for reading a blob.
assert(not s.openBlobStreamImpl.isNil)
s.openBlobStreamImpl(s, id, size, kind)
proc openIngestStream*(s: BlobStore; size = 0.BiggestInt; kind = dataBlob): IngestStream =
## Return a new `IngestStream` for ingesting a blob.
assert(not s.openIngestStreamImpl.isNil)
s.openIngestStreamImpl(s, size, kind)
func compressTree*(leaves: var seq[BlobId]) =
ctx: Blake2b256
nodeOffset = 0
nodeDepth = 0
while leaves.len > 1:
nodeOffset = 0
inc nodeDepth
var pos, next: int
while pos < leaves.len:
ctx.init do (params: var Blake2bParams):
params.fanout = 2
params.depth = 255
params.leafLength = blobLeafSize
params.nodeOffset = nodeOffset
params.nodeDepth = nodeDepth
inc nodeOffset
inc pos
if pos < leaves.len:
inc pos
leaves[next] = ctx.finish()
inc next
# TODO: BLAKE2 tree finalization flags
iterator dumpBlob*(store: BlobStore; id: BlobId): string =
stream = store.openBlobStream(id, kind=dataBlob)
buf = newString(blobLeafSize)
close stream
while true:
let n = stream.read(buf[0].addr, buf.len)
if n == 0:
yield buf
proc commit*(store: BlobStore; bs: BlobSet): BlobSet =
assert(bs.kind == hotNode)
for e in bs.table.mitems:
case e.kind
of coldNode, leafNode: discard
of hotNode:
e = store.commit e
let stream = store.openIngestStream(kind=metaBlob)
var buf = encode bs.toCbor
let (id, _) = finish stream
result = BlobSet(kind: coldNode, setId: id)
proc apply*(store: BlobStore; bs: BlobSet; name: string; f: proc (id: BlobId; size: BiggestInt)) =
# TODO: lazy-load set
bs.apply(name, f)
proc insert*(store: BlobStore; bs: BlobSet; name: string; blob: BlobId; size: BiggestInt): BlobSet =
# TODO: lazy-load set
insert(bs, name, blob, size)
proc remove*(store: BlobStore; bs: BlobSet; name: string): BlobSet =
# TODO: lazy-load set
remove(bs, name)
proc union*(store: BlobStore; sets: varargs[BlobSet]): BlobSet =
## Return the union of `sets`.
# TODO: lazy-load set
var fresh = newBlobSet()
proc freshInsert(leaf: BlobSet) =
fresh = insert(fresh, leaf)
for bs in sets:
assert(not bs.isnil)
result = fresh
# Store implementations
# Null Store implementation
@ -567,3 +521,106 @@ proc newNullStore*(): BlobStore =
openBlobStreamImpl: nullOpenBlobStream,
openIngestStreamImpl: nullOpenIngestStream)
proc close*(s: BlobStore) =
## Close active store resources.
if not s.closeImpl.isNil: s.closeImpl(s)
proc openBlobStream*(s: BlobStore; id: BlobId; size = 0.BiggestInt; kind = dataBlob): BlobStream =
## Return a new `BlobStream` for reading a blob.
assert(not s.openBlobStreamImpl.isNil)
s.openBlobStreamImpl(s, id, size, kind)
proc openIngestStream*(s: BlobStore; size = 0.BiggestInt; kind = dataBlob): IngestStream =
## Return a new `IngestStream` for ingesting a blob.
assert(not s.openIngestStreamImpl.isNil)
s.openIngestStreamImpl(s, size, kind)
iterator dumpBlob*(store: BlobStore; id: BlobId): string =
stream = store.openBlobStream(id, kind=dataBlob)
buf = newString(blobLeafSize)
close stream
while true:
let n = stream.read(buf[0].addr, buf.len)
if n == 0:
yield buf
proc loadSet(store: BlobStore; id: SetId; depth: int): BlobSet =
if Key.high shr depth == 0:
raiseAssert("loadSet trie is too deep")
stream = store.openBlobStream(id, kind=metaBlob)
buf = newString(blobLeafSize)
close stream
let n = stream.read(buf[0].addr, buf.len)
c = buf.parseCbor.val
bitmap = c.seq[0].getInt
if bitmap.countSetBits != c.seq.len-1:
let bits = bitmap.countSetBits
raise newException(ValueError, "invalid set CBOR, bitmap is " & $bits & " and sequence len is " & $c.seq.len)
result = BlobSet(
kind: hotNode,
bitmap: bitmap,
table: newSeqOfCap[BlobSet](c.seq.len-1))
for i in 1..c.seq.high:
let node = c[i].val
case c[i].tag.int
of nodeTag:
result.table.add loadSet(store, node.toSetId, depth+1)
of leafTag:
leaf = BlobSet(
kind: leafNode,
key: getInt node[0],
blob: parseCborId[BlobId] node[1],
size: getInt node[2])
result.table.add leaf
raise newException(ValueError, "invalid set CBOR")
proc loadSet*(store: BlobStore; id: SetId): BlobSet =
loadSet store, id, 0
proc commit*(store: BlobStore; bs: BlobSet): BlobSet =
assert(bs.kind == hotNode)
for e in bs.table.mitems:
case e.kind
of coldNode, leafNode: discard
of hotNode:
e = store.commit e
let stream = store.openIngestStream(kind=metaBlob)
var buf = encode bs.toCbor
let (id, _) = finish stream
result = BlobSet(kind: coldNode, setId: id)
proc apply*(store: BlobStore; bs: BlobSet; name: string; f: proc (id: BlobId; size: BiggestInt)) =
# TODO: lazy-load set
bs.apply(name, f)
proc insert*(store: BlobStore; bs: BlobSet; name: string; blob: BlobId; size: BiggestInt): BlobSet =
# TODO: lazy-load set
insert(bs, name, blob, size)
proc remove*(store: BlobStore; bs: BlobSet; name: string): BlobSet =
# TODO: lazy-load set
remove(bs, name)
proc union*(store: BlobStore; sets: varargs[BlobSet]): BlobSet =
## Return the union of `sets`.
# TODO: lazy-load set
var fresh = newBlobSet()
proc freshInsert(leaf: BlobSet) =
fresh = insert(fresh, leaf)
for bs in sets:
assert(not bs.isnil)
result = fresh

View File

@ -51,7 +51,11 @@ proc fsOpenBlobStream(s: BlobStore; id: BlobId; size: BiggestInt; kind: BlobKind
var fs = FileStore(s)
let stream = FsBlobStream()
result = stream
stream.path = fs.root / $id
case kind
of dataBlob:
stream.path = fs.root / "data" / $id
of metaBlob:
stream.path = fs.root / "blob" / $id
stream.file = openAsync(stream.path, fmRead)
stream.closeImpl = fsBlobClose
stream.readImpl = fsBlobRead
@ -108,8 +112,8 @@ proc fsOpenIngestStream(s: BlobStore; size: BiggestInt; kind: BlobKind): IngestS
stream.leaves = newSeq[BlobId]()
proc newFileStore*(root = "/"): FileStore =
if not existsDir(root):
createDir root
createDir(root / "data")
createDir(root / "blob")
new result
result.openBlobStreamImpl = fsOpenBlobStream
result.openIngestStreamImpl = fsOpenIngestStream