Refactor UnixFS

UnixFS files now contain a seq of links. Walking will cache nodes
in intermediate directories.
This commit is contained in:
Ehmry - 2017-12-14 23:52:57 -06:00
parent 6fd4756222
commit 3c83a65341
5 changed files with 281 additions and 169 deletions

View File

@ -12,6 +12,11 @@ A Lisp REPL utility for storing files and directories in IPLD.
Standard Lisp `apply` function, apply a list as arguments to a function.
#### `(cbor <cid>)`
Return CBOR encoding of UnixFS node as a diagnostic string.
Provided for illustrating canonicalized CBOR encoding.
#### `(cons <head> <tail>)`
Standard Lisp `cons` function, prepend to a list.

View File

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ type Cid* = object
hash*: MulticodecTag
codec*: MulticodecTag
ver*: int
logicalLen*: int # not included in canonical representation
proc initCid*(): Cid =
## Initialize an invalid CID.
@ -46,7 +45,8 @@ proc toBin(cid: Cid): string =
proc toRaw*(cid: Cid): string =
MultibaseTag.Identity.char & cid.toBIn
proc toCbor*(cid: Cid): CborNode = newCborBytes cid.toRaw
proc newCborBytes*(cid: Cid): CborNode = newCborBytes cid.toRaw
proc toCbor*(cid: Cid): CborNode {.deprecated.} = cid.newCborBytes
proc toHex*(cid: Cid): string =
MultibaseTag.Base16.char & hex.encode(cid.toBin)
@ -85,15 +85,13 @@ proc parseCid*(s: string): Cid =
result.digest = raw[off..raw.high]
result.hash = hash.MulticodecTag
result.codec = codec.MulticodecTag
result.logicalLen = -1
proc CidSha256*(data: string; codec = MulticodecTag.Raw): Cid =
digest: $computeSHA256(data),
hash: MulticodecTag.Sha2_256,
codec: codec,
ver: 1,
logicalLen: data.len)
ver: 1)
proc verify*(cid: Cid; data: string): bool =
case cid.hash
@ -139,13 +137,13 @@ proc merge*(dag, other: Dag) =
result = newCborArray()
dag["links"] = result
if not otherLinks.isNil:
for link in otherlinks.list:
for link in otherlinks.seq:
block insert:
var i: int
while i < result.list.len:
let L = result.list[i]
while i < result.seq.len:
let L = result.seq[i]
if L["name"].getString == link["name"].getString:
result.list[i] = link
result.seq[i] = link
# replace
break insert
inc i
@ -169,8 +167,8 @@ proc fileLen*(dag: Dag; name: string): int =
iterator simpleChunks*(s: Stream; size = 256 * 1024): (Cid, string) =
var result: (Cid, string)
while not s.atEnd:
var result: (Cid, string)
result[1] = s.readStr size
result[0] = result[1].CidSHA256(MulticodecTag.Raw)
yield result

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import rdstdin, nre, os, strutils, tables, asyncdispatch, asyncstreams, parseopt, streams
import rdstdin, nre, os, strutils, tables, asyncdispatch, asyncstreams, parseopt, streams, cbor
import ipld, ipldstore, unixfs, multiformats
@ -154,10 +154,6 @@ proc append(list: NodeRef; n: NodeObj) =
p[] = n
list.append p
proc isAtom(n: Node): bool = n.kind == nodeAtom
proc isFunc(n: Node): bool = n.kind == nodeFunc
proc isList(n: Node): bool = n.kind == nodeList
proc getFile(env: Env; path: string): UnixFsNode =
result = env.paths.getOrDefault path
if result.isNil:
@ -188,9 +184,8 @@ proc getUnixfs(env: Env; cid: Cid): UnixFsNode =
assert cid.isValid
result = env.cids.getOrDefault cid
if result.isNil:
let dag = waitFor
assert(not dag.isNil)
result = parseUnixfs(dag, cid)
let raw = waitFor
result = parseUnixfs(raw, cid)
env.cids[cid] = result
when not defined(release):
inc env.cidCacheMiss
@ -230,7 +225,7 @@ proc print(a: Atom; s: Stream) =
s.write ':'
s.write a.fName
s.write ':'
s.write $a.file.fSize
s.write $a.file.size
of atomDir:
s.write "\n"
s.write $a.dir.cid
@ -380,6 +375,16 @@ proc catFunc(env: Env; arg: NodeObj): Node =
result = newNodeError("cat not implemented", arg)
proc cborFunc(env: Env; arg: NodeObj): Node =
let a = arg.atom
if a.cid.isDagCbor:
ufsNode = env.getUnixfs a.cid
diag = $ufsNode.toCbor
proc consFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): Node =
result = newNodeList()
@ -449,14 +454,14 @@ proc lsFunc(env: Env; args: NodeObj): Node =
let a = n.atom
if a.cid.isDagCbor:
let ufsNode = env.getUnixfs a.cid
if ufsNode.kind == rootNode:
if ufsNode.isDir:
for name, u in ufsNode.items:
assert(not name.isNil)
assert(not u.isNil, name & " is nil")
case u.kind:
of fileNode:
of fileNode, shallowFile:
result.append Atom(kind: atomFile, fName: name, file: u).newNode
of dirNode, rootNode:
of dirNode, shallowDir:
result.append Atom(kind: atomDir, dName: name, dir: u).newNode
raiseAssert("ls over a raw IPLD block")
@ -519,6 +524,7 @@ proc newEnv(storePath: string): Env =
cids: initTable[Cid, UnixfsNode]())
result.bindEnv "apply", applyFunc
result.bindEnv "cat", catFunc
result.bindEnv "cbor", cborFunc
result.bindEnv "cons", consFunc
result.bindEnv "define", defineFunc
result.bindEnv "dump", dumpFunc

View File

@ -11,41 +11,45 @@ type
IpldStore* = ref IpldStoreObj
IpldStoreObj* = object of RootObj
closeImpl*: proc (s: IpldStore) {.nimcall, gcsafe.}
putRawImpl*: proc (s: IpldStore; blk: string): Future[Cid] {.nimcall, gcsafe.}
getRawImpl*: proc (s: IpldStore; cid: Cid): Future[string] {.nimcall, gcsafe.}
putDagImpl*: proc (s: IpldStore; dag: Dag): Future[Cid] {.nimcall, gcsafe.}
putImpl*: proc (s: IpldStore; blk: string): Future[Cid] {.nimcall, gcsafe.}
getImpl*: proc (s: IpldStore; cid: Cid): Future[string] {.nimcall, gcsafe.}
fileStreamImpl*: proc (s: IpldStore; cid: Cid; fut: FutureStream[string]): Future[void] {.nimcall, gcsafe.}
proc close*(s: IpldStore) =
## Close active store resources.
if not s.closeImpl.isNil: s.closeImpl(s)
proc putRaw*(s: IpldStore; blk: string): Future[Cid] =
proc put*(s: IpldStore; blk: string): Future[Cid] =
## Place a raw block to the store.
assert(not s.putRawImpl.isNil)
s.putRawImpl(s, blk)
assert(not s.putImpl.isNil)
s.putImpl(s, blk)
proc getRaw*(s: IpldStore; cid: Cid): Future[string] =
proc get*(s: IpldStore; cid: Cid): Future[string] =
## Retrieve a raw block from the store.
assert cid.isValid
assert(not s.getRawImpl.isNil)
result = s.getRawImpl(s, cid)
echo "returning future for generic getRaw"
assert(not s.getImpl.isNil)
s.getImpl(s, cid)
proc putDag*(s: IpldStore; dag: Dag): Future[Cid] =
{.deprecated: [putRaw: put, getRaw: get].}
proc putDag*(s: IpldStore; dag: Dag): Future[Cid] {.async.} =
## Place an IPLD node in the store.
assert(not s.putDagImpl.isNil)
s.putDagImpl(s, dag)
assert(not s.putImpl.isNil)
raw = dag.toBinary
cid = raw.CidSha256(MulticodecTag.DagCbor)
discard await s.putImpl(s, raw)
result = cid
proc getDag*(s: IpldStore; cid: Cid): Future[Dag] {.async.} =
## Retrieve an IPLD node from the store.
assert cid.isValid
assert(not s.getRawImpl.isNil)
let raw = await s.getRawImpl(s, cid)
assert(not s.getImpl.isNil)
let raw = await s.getImpl(s, cid)
assert(not raw.isNil)
result = parseDag raw
proc fileStream*(s: IpldStore; cid: Cid; fut: FutureStream[string]): Future[void] {.async.} =
proc fileStream*(s: IpldStore; cid: Cid; fut: FutureStream[string]): Future[void] {.async, deprecated.} =
## Asynchronously stream a file from a CID list.
## TODO: doesn't need to be a file, can be a raw CID or
## a DAG that is simply a list of other CIDs.
@ -55,7 +59,7 @@ proc fileStream*(s: IpldStore; cid: Cid; fut: FutureStream[string]): Future[void
# use the simple implementation
if cid.isRaw:
let blk = await s.getRaw(cid)
let blk = await s.get(cid)
await fut.write(blk)
elif cid.isDagCbor:
let dag = await s.getDag(cid)
@ -99,13 +103,13 @@ proc putToFile(fs: FileStore; cid: Cid; blk: string) {.async.} =
close file
moveFile(tmp, path)
proc fsPutRaw(s: IpldStore; blk: string): Future[Cid] {.async.} =
proc fsPut(s: IpldStore; blk: string): Future[Cid] {.async.} =
var fs = FileStore(s)
let cid = blk.CidSha256
await fs.putToFile(cid, blk)
proc fsGetRaw(s: IpldStore; cid: Cid): Future[string] =
result = newFuture[string]("fsGetRaw")
proc fsGet(s: IpldStore; cid: Cid): Future[string] =
result = newFuture[string]("fsGet")
var fs = FileStore(s)
let (_, path) = fs.parentAndFile cid
if existsFile path:
@ -120,14 +124,6 @@ proc fsGetRaw(s: IpldStore; cid: Cid): Future[string] =
if not result.finished: cid.newMissingObject
proc fsPutDag(s: IpldStore; dag: Dag): Future[Cid] {.async.} =
var fs = FileStore(s)
blk = dag.toBinary
cid = blk.CidSha256(MulticodecTag.DagCbor)
await fs.putToFile(cid, blk)
result = cid
proc fsFileStreamRecurs(fs: FileStore; cid: Cid; fut: FutureStream[string]) {.async.} =
if cid.isRaw:
let (_, path) = fs.parentAndFile cid
@ -160,8 +156,7 @@ proc newFileStore*(root: string): FileStore =
if not existsDir(root):
createDir root
new result
result.putRawImpl = fsPutRaw
result.getRawImpl = fsGetRaw
result.putDagImpl = fsPutDag
result.putImpl = fsPut
result.getImpl = fsGet
result.fileStreamImpl = fsFileStream
result.root = root

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
import asyncdispatch, strutils, multiformats, streams, tables, cbor, os, hex
import asyncdispatch, strutils, multiformats, streams, tables, cbor, os, hex, math
import ipld, ipldstore
type EntryKey = enum
typeKey = 1,
contentKey = 2,
dataKey = 2,
sizeKey = 3
type UnixFsType* = enum
@ -12,37 +12,46 @@ type UnixFsType* = enum
ufsDir = 1
type UnixFsKind* = enum
FileLink* = object
cid*: Cid
size*: int
UnixFsNode* = ref object
cid: Cid
case kind*: UnixFsKind
of rootNode:
entries: OrderedTable[string, UnixFsNode]
of dirNode:
of fileNode:
fSize*: BiggestInt
links*: seq[FileLink]
of dirNode:
entries: OrderedTable[string, UnixFsNode]
of shallowFile, shallowDir:
size: BiggestInt
proc cid*(u: UnixFsNode): Cid =
assert u.cid.isValid
proc isFile*(u: UnixfsNode): bool = u.kind == fileNode
proc isFile*(u: UnixfsNode): bool = u.kind in { fileNode, shallowFile }
proc isDir*(u: UnixfsNode): bool = u.kind in { dirNode, shallowDir }
proc isDir*(u: UnixfsNode): bool = u.kind in {rootNode, dirNode}
proc size*(u: UnixfsNode): BiggestInt =
if u.kind == dirNode: u.entries.len.BiggestInt
else: u.size
proc newUnixFsRoot*(): UnixFsNode =
cid: initCid(),
kind: rootNode,
kind: dirNode,
entries: initOrderedTable[string, UnixFsNode](8))
proc newUnixFsFile*(cid: Cid; size: int): UnixFsNode =
UnixFsNode(kind: fileNode, cid: cid, fSize: size)
proc newUnixfsFile*(): UnixFsNode =
UnixFsNode(kind: fileNode, cid: initCid())
proc newUnixfsDir*(cid: Cid): UnixFsNode =
UnixFsNode(cid: cid, kind: dirNode)
@ -56,69 +65,155 @@ proc addDir*(root: var UnixFsNode; name: string; cid: Cid) {.deprecated.} =
proc addFile*(root: var UnixFsNode; name: string; cid: Cid; size: BiggestInt) {.deprecated.} =
assert cid.isValid
root.add name, UnixFsNode(kind: fileNode, cid: cid, fSize: size)
root.add name, UnixFsNode(kind: fileNode, cid: cid, size: size)
proc del*(dir: var UnixFsNode; name: string) =
dir.entries.del name
proc toCbor*(root: UnixFsNode): CborNode =
result = newCborMap()
for name, node in root.entries:
var entry = newCborMap()
case node.kind
of rootNode, dirNode:
entry[] = newCborInt
entry[] = node.cid.toCbor
of fileNode:
entry[] = newCborInt
entry[] = node.cid.toCbor
entry[] = newCborInt node.fSize
result[name] = entry
# TODO: the CBOR maps must be sorted
DirTag* = 0xda3c80 ## CBOR tag for UnixFS directories
FileTag* = 0xda3c81 ## CBOR tag for UnixFS files
proc parseUnixfs*(c: CborNode; cid: Cid): UnixFsNode =
assert(not c.isNil)
result = newUnixFsRoot()
proc toCbor*(u: UnixFsNode): CborNode =
case u.kind
of fileNode:
if u.links.isNil:
raiseAssert "cannot encode single-chunk files"
let array = newCborArray()
array.seq.setLen u.links.len
for i in 0..u.links.high:
let L = newCborMap()
# typeEntry is reserved but not in use
L[] = u.links[i].cid.newCborBytes
L[] = u.links[i].size.newCborInt
array.seq[i] = L
result = newCborTag(FileTag, array)
of dirNode:
let map = newCborMap()
for name, node in u.entries:
var entry = newCborMap()
case node.kind
of fileNode, shallowFile:
entry[] =
entry[] = node.cid.newCborBytes
entry[] = node.size.newCborInt
of dirNode:
entry[] =
entry[] = node.cid.newCborBytes
entry[] = node.entries.len.newCborInt
of shallowdir:
entry[] =
entry[] = node.cid.newCborBytes
entry[] =
map[name] = entry
# TODO: the CBOR maps must be sorted
result = newCborTag(DirTag, map)
raiseAssert "shallow UnixfsNodes can not be encoded"
template parseAssert(cond: bool; msg = "") =
if not cond: raise newException(
if msg == "": "invalid UnixFS CBOR" else: "invalid UnixFS CBOR, " & msg)
proc parseUnixfs*(raw: string; cid: Cid): UnixFsNode =
## Parse a string containing CBOR data into a UnixFsNode.
assert(not raw.isNil)
new result
result.cid = cid
for k, v in
name = k.getString
t = v[].getInt.UnixFsType
subCid = v[].getBytes.parseCid
case t
of ufsDir:
result.addDir(name, subCid)
of ufsFile:
let size = v[]
if not size.isNil:
result.addFile(name, subCid, size.getInt)
result.addFile(name, subCid, 0)
c: CborParser
buf = ""
open(c, newStringStream(raw))
next c
parseAssert(c.kind == CborEventKind.cborTag, "data not tagged")
let tag = c.parseTag
if tag == FileTag:
result.kind = fileNode
next c
parseAssert(c.kind == CborEventKind.cborArray, "file data not an array")
let nLinks = c.arrayLen
result.links = newSeq[FileLink](nLinks)
for i in 0..<nLinks:
next c
parseAssert(c.kind == CborEventKind.cborMap, "file array does not contain maps")
let nAttrs = c.mapLen
for _ in 1..nAttrs:
next c
parseAssert(c.kind == CborEventKind.cborPositive, "link map key not an integer")
let key = c.parseInt.EntryKey
next c
case key
of typeKey:
parseAssert(false, "type file links are not supported")
of dataKey:
parseAssert(c.kind == CborEventKind.cborBytes, "CID not encoded as bytes")
c.readBytes buf
result.links[i].cid = buf.parseCid
of sizeKey:
parseAssert(c.kind == CborEventKind.cborPositive, "link size not encoded properly")
result.links[i].size = c.parseInt result.links[i].size
elif tag == DirTag:
result.kind = dirNode
next c
parseAssert(c.kind == CborEventKind.cborMap)
let dirLen = c.mapLen
parseAssert(dirLen != -1, raw)
result.entries = initOrderedTable[string, UnixFsNode](dirLen.nextPowerOfTwo)
for i in 1 .. dirLen:
next c
parseAssert(c.kind == CborEventKind.cborText, raw)
c.readText buf
parseAssert(not buf.contains({ '/', '\0'}), raw)
next c
parseAssert(c.kind == CborEventKind.cborMap)
let nAttrs = c.mapLen
parseAssert(nAttrs > 1, raw)
let entry = new UnixFsNode
result.entries[buf] = entry
for i in 1 .. nAttrs:
next c
parseAssert(c.kind == CborEventKind.cborPositive)
case c.parseInt.EntryKey
of typeKey:
next c
case c.parseInt.UnixFsType
of ufsFile: entry.kind = shallowFile
of ufsDir: entry.kind = shallowDir
of dataKey:
next c
c.readBytes buf
entry.cid = buf.parseCid
of sizeKey:
next c
entry.size = c.parseInt
parseAssert(false, raw)
next c
parseAssert(c.kind == cborEof, "trailing data")
proc toStream*(dir: UnixFsNode; s: Stream) =
doAssert(dir.kind == rootNode)
let c = dir.toCbor()
proc toStream*(node: UnixFsNode; s: Stream) =
let c = node.toCbor()
c.toStream s
iterator items*(root: UnixFsNode): (string, UnixFsNode) =
assert(not root.isNil)
assert(root.kind == rootNode)
for k, v in root.entries.pairs:
iterator items*(dir: UnixFsNode): (string, UnixFsNode) =
assert(not dir.isNil)
assert(dir.kind == dirNode)
for k, v in dir.entries.pairs:
yield (k, v)
proc containsFile*(dir: UnixFsNode; name: string): bool =
doAssert(dir.kind == rootNode)
doAssert(dir.kind == dirNode)
dir.entries.contains name
proc `[]`*(dir: UnixFsNode; name: string): UnixFsNode =
if dir.kind == rootNode:
if dir.kind == dirNode:
result = dir.entries.getOrDefault name
proc `[]`*(dir: UnixFsNode; index: int): (string, UnixfsNode) =
result[0] = ""
if dir.kind == rootNode:
if dir.kind == dirNode:
var i = 0
for name, node in dir.entries.pairs:
if i == index:
@ -127,36 +222,34 @@ proc `[]`*(dir: UnixFsNode; index: int): (string, UnixfsNode) =
inc i
proc lookupFile*(dir: UnixFsNode; name: string): tuple[cid: Cid, size: BiggestInt] =
doAssert(dir.kind == rootNode)
doAssert(dir.kind == dirNode)
let f = dir.entries[name]
if f.kind == fileNode:
result.cid = f.cid
result.size = f.fSize
result.size = f.size
proc addFile*(store: IpldStore; path: string): Future[UnixFsNode] {.async.} =
## Add a file to the store and return the CID and file size.
fCid = initCid()
fSize = 0
## Add a file to the store and a UnixfsNode.
fStream = newFileStream(path, fmRead)
fRoot = newDag()
u = newUnixfsFile()
for cid, chunk in fStream.simpleChunks:
discard await store.putRaw(chunk)
fRoot.add(cid, chunk.len)
fCid = cid chunk.len
if fSize == 0:
discard await store.put(chunk)
if u.links.isNil:
u.links = newSeqOfCap[FileLink](1)
u.links.add FileLink(cid: cid, size: chunk.len) chunk.len
if u.size == 0:
# return the CID for a raw nothing
fCid = CidSha256("")
u.cid = CidSha256("")
if fRoot["links"].len == 1:
# take a shortcut and return the bare chunk CID
if u.links.len == 1:
# take a shortcut use the raw chunk CID
u.cid = u.links[0].cid
fCid = await store.putDag(fRoot)
close fStream
result = newUnixfsFile(fCid, fSize)
u.cid = await store.putDag(u.toCbor)
result = u
close fStream
proc addDir*(store: IpldStore; dirPath: string): Future[UnixFsNode] {.async.} =
var dRoot = newUnixFsRoot()
@ -175,28 +268,50 @@ proc addDir*(store: IpldStore; dirPath: string): Future[UnixFsNode] {.async.} =
cid = await store.putDag(dag)
result = newUnixfsDir(cid)
proc open*(store: IpldStore; cid: Cid): Future[UnixfsNode] {.async.} =
assert cid.isValid
assert(not cid.isRaw)
let raw = await store.get(cid)
result = parseUnixfs(raw, cid)
proc openDir*(store: IpldStore; cid: Cid): Future[UnixfsNode] {.async.} =
assert cid.isValid
let dag = await store.getDag(cid)
assert(not dag.isNil)
result = parseUnixfs(dag, cid)
assert(result.kind == rootNode)
let raw = await store.get(cid)
assert(not raw.isNil)
result = parseUnixfs(raw, cid)
assert(result.kind == dirNode)
proc walk*(store: IpldStore; root: UnixfsNode; path: string): Future[UnixfsNode] {.async.} =
proc walk*(store: IpldStore; dir: UnixfsNode; path: string; cache = true): Future[UnixfsNode] {.async.} =
## Walk a path down a root.
assert root.cid.isValid
assert dir.cid.isValid
assert(path != "")
result = root
assert(dir.kind == dirNode)
result = dir
for name in split(path, DirSep):
if name == "": continue
if result.kind == fileNode:
result = nil
result = result[name]
if result.isNil: break
if result.kind == dirNode:
result = await store.openDir result.cid
# fetch and parse the directory as a root
var next = result[name]
if next.isNil:
result = nil
if (next.kind in {shallowFile, shallowDir}) and (not next.cid.isRaw):
let raw = await store.get(next.cid)
next = parseUnixfs(raw, next.cid)
if cache:
result.entries[name] = next
result = next
iterator fileChunks*(store: IpldStore; file: UnixfsNode): Future[string] =
## Iterate over the links in a file and return futures for link data.
if file.cid.isRaw:
yield store.get(file.cid)
var i = 0
while i < file.links.len:
yield store.get(file.links[i].cid)
inc i
proc readBuffer*(store: IpldStore; file: UnixfsNode; pos: BiggestInt;
buf: pointer; size: int): Future[int] {.async.} =
@ -204,25 +319,24 @@ proc readBuffer*(store: IpldStore; file: UnixfsNode; pos: BiggestInt;
assert(pos > -1)
filePos = 0
bufPos = 0
if pos < file.fSize:
if pos < file.size:
if file.cid.isRaw:
let pos =
var blk = await store.getRaw(file.cid)
var blk = await store.get(file.cid)
if pos < blk.high:
copyMem(buf, blk[pos].addr, min(blk.len - pos, size))
elif file.cid.isDagCbor:
let dag = await store.getDag(file.cid)
for link in dag["links"].items:
let linkSize = link["size"].getInt().int
result = size
for i in 0..file.links.high:
let linkSize = file.links[i].size
if filePos <= pos and pos < filePos+linkSize:
let linkCid = link["cid"].getBytes.parseCid
var chunk = await store.getRaw(linkCid)
var chunk = await store.get(file.links[i].cid)
chunkPos = int(pos - filePos)
n = min(chunk.len-chunkPos, size)
copyMem(buf, chunk[chunkPos].addr, n)
return n
result = n
break linkSize
proc path(fs: FileStore; cid: Cid): string =
@ -246,23 +360,17 @@ proc dumpPaths*(paths: var seq[string]; store: FileStore; cid: Cid) =
## TODO: use CBOR tags rather than reconstitute UnixFS nodes.
paths.add store.path(cid)
if cid.isDagCbor:
let dag = waitFor store.getDag(cid)
if dag.kind == cborMap:
if dag.contains("links"):
for cbor in dag["links"].items:
if cbor.contains("cid"):
paths.add store.path(cbor["cid"].getString.parseCid)
let ufsNode = parseUnixfs(dag, cid)
case ufsNode.kind
of fileNode:
for link in dag["links"].items:
paths.dumpPaths(store, link["cid"].getBytes.parseCid)
of rootNode:
for _, u in ufsNode.items:
paths.dumpPaths(store, u.cid)
of dirNode:
raiseAssert "cannot dump child dir"
let u = waitFor
case u.kind:
of fileNode:
assert(not u.links.isNil)
for i in 0..u.links.high:
paths.add store.path(u.links[i].cid)
of dirNode:
for _, child in u.items:
paths.dumpPaths(store, child.cid)
raiseAssert "cannot dump shallow nodes"
iterator dumpPaths*(store: FileStore; cid: Cid): string =
var collector = newSeq[string]()