\documentclass[handout]{latexkurs} \subtitle{Grafiken erstellen mit \LaTeX{}} \date{\dateSeventhLecture} \def\TikZ{Ti\emph{k}Z} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{frame} \frametitle{Grafiken erstellen in \LaTeX} \onslide<+-> \LaTeX\ stellt von sich aus Möglichkeiten bereit, Graphiken zu erzeugen: \begin{itemize} \item<2-> die \texttt{picture}-Umgebung \item<2-> \texttt{pict2e}, um die \texttt{picture}-Umgebung zu erweitern \item<2-> \texttt{epic}, \textit{enhanced picture} \item<2-> \texttt{eepic}, \textit{enhanced epic} \item<2-> \texttt{pmgraph}, \textit{poor man graphics} \item<3-> \alert<3-5>{pstricks} \begin{itemize} \item<4-> schnell (nutzt Postscript) \item<5-> funktioniert nicht mit \texttt{pdftex} und \texttt{luatex} \end{itemize} \item<6-> \alert<6->{\TikZ} \begin{itemize} \item<7-> portabel \item<8-> langsamer als \texttt{pstricks} \item<9-> subjektiv einfacher als \texttt{pstricks} \end{itemize} \end{itemize} \end{frame} \begin{luacode} function weierstrass(x0, x1, n, a, b, epsilon) local dx = (x1 - x0) / n local x = x0 local out = assert(io.open("tmp.data", "w")) local y, k, dy while (x <= x1) do y = 0 k = 0 repeat dy = math.pow(a, k) * math.cos(math.pow(b, k) * math.pi * x) y = y + dy k = k + 1 until (math.abs(dy) < epsilon) out:write(x, " ", y, "\string\n") x = x + dx end out:close() end \end{luacode} \directlua{weierstrass(-2,2,500,0.3,5,1.e-12)} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Weierstraß-Funktion mit \TikZ\ und Lua} \begin{equation*} x \mapsto \sum_{n=0} ^\infty a^n \cos(b^n \pi x) \end{equation*} \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture} \begin{axis}[axis lines=middle, ymin=-1.5, ymax=1.75] \addplot[thin, blue] table {tmp.data}; \end{axis} \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \end{frame} \section{Grundlagen von \TikZ} \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Wie? } \onslide<+-> Um \TikZ\ in \LaTeX\ zu nutzen: \begin{itemize} \item<+-> \lstinline!\usepackage{tikz}! \item<+-> Aller Code zwischen \lstinline!\begin{tikzpicture}! und \lstinline!\end{tikzpicture}! wird von \LaTeX\ an \TikZ\ abgegeben. \end{itemize} \onslide<+-> \begin{block}{\textcolor{red}{\textbf{ACHTUNG!}}} \TikZ\ ist eine eigene \enquote{Sprache}! \end{block} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile,t] \frametitle{Die \texttt{tikzpicture} Umgebung.} \begin{lstlisting} \begin{tikzpicture} CODE \end{tikzpicture} \end{lstlisting} \pause Kann zum Beispiel in \texttt{figure} Umgebung eingebettet werden. \begin{lstlisting} \begin{figure}[h] \centering \begin{tikzpicture} CODE \end{tikzpicture} \caption{\label{fig:someref} some caption} \end{figure} \end{lstlisting} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Ein paar Linien …} \centering \pause \begin{columns} \begin{column}{0.3\linewidth} \centering \tikzexternalenable \begin{tikzpicture}[step=0.3] \draw<2->[red] (0,0) -- (2,3); \draw<3->[thick,blue] (1,1) -- (1,3); \uncover<4->{\draw[step=0.3] (0,0) grid (3,3);} \end{tikzpicture} \tikzexternaldisable \end{column} \begin{column}{0.7\linewidth} \begin{lstlisting}[frame=none] \begin{tikzpicture} \draw[red] (0,0) -- (2,3); \pause \draw[thick,blue] (1,1) -- (1,3); \pause \draw[step=.3] (0,0) grid (3,3); \end{tikzpicture} \end{lstlisting} \end{column} \end{columns} \pause \medskip \begin{columns} \begin{column}{0.3\linewidth} \centering \tikzexternalenable \begin{tikzpicture}[step=0.3] \draw<5->[red,->] (0,0) -- (2,3); \draw<6->[blue,dashed] (1,1) -- (1,3); \uncover<7->{\draw[dotted] (0,0) grid (3,3);} \end{tikzpicture} \tikzexternaldisable \end{column} \begin{column}{0.7\linewidth} \begin{lstlisting}[frame=none] \begin{tikzpicture}[step=0.3] \draw[red,->] (0,0) -- (2,3); \pause \draw[blue,dashed] (1,1) -- (1,3); \pause \draw[dotted] (0,0) grid (3,3); \end{tikzpicture} \end{lstlisting} \end{column} \end{columns} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile,t] \frametitle{Noch mehr Linien …} \pause \begin{columns} \begin{column}{0.3\linewidth} \centering \tikzexternalenable \begin{tikzpicture}[step=0.4,scale=0.8] \uncover<2->{\draw[red!50,thick,<<-] (0,0) -- (2,3);} \draw<3->[line width=4pt,blue] (1,1) -- (0,2); \uncover<4->{\draw[dotted] (0,0) grid (3,3);} \end{tikzpicture} \tikzexternaldisable \end{column} \begin{column}{0.7\linewidth} \begin{lstlisting}[frame=none] \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.8,step=0.4] \draw[red!50,thick,<<-] (0,0) -- (2,3); \pause \draw[line width=4pt,blue] (1,1) -- (0,2); \pause \draw[dotted] (0,0) grid (3,3); \end{tikzpicture} \end{lstlisting} \end{column} \end{columns} \pause \medskip \begin{columns} \begin{column}{0.3\linewidth} \centering \tikzexternalenable \begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={below}] \tikzset{step=0.3} \draw<5->[red] (0,0) -- (2,3) node[above] {a}; \draw<6->[blue,dashed] (1,1) rectangle (2,2); \uncover<7->{\draw[dotted] (0,0) node {0} grid (3,3);} \draw<8->[fill,,opacity=0.3] (1,1) circle(.707); \end{tikzpicture} \tikzexternaldisable \end{column} \begin{column}{0.7\linewidth} \begin{lstlisting}[frame=none] \begin{tikzpicture}[step=0.3] \tikzset{every node/.style={below}} \draw[red] (0,0) -- (2,3) node[above] {a}; \pause \draw[blue,dashed] (1,1) rectangle (2,2); \pause \draw[dotted] (0,0) node {0} grid (3,3); \pause \draw[fill,opacity=0.3] (1,1) circle(1); \end{tikzpicture} \end{lstlisting} \end{column} \end{columns} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Jetzt wird's kurvig!} \pause \begin{columns} \begin{column}{0.3\linewidth} \centering \tikzexternalenable \begin{tikzpicture} \coordinate (a) at (0,0); \coordinate (b) at (0,1); \coordinate (c) at (1,1); \coordinate (d) at (3,2); \draw[blue] (a) -- (d); \draw<2-> (a)..controls (b) and (c)..(d); \draw<3->[green,bend left=30] (a) to (d); \draw<4->[red,out=90, in=-90] (a) to (d); \draw<5-> ($(a)!0.5!(d)$) ellipse (1 and 0.5); \end{tikzpicture} \tikzexternaldisable \end{column} \begin{column}{0.7\linewidth} \begin{lstlisting}[mathescape=false,frame=none] \usetikzlibrary{calc} \begin{tikzpicture} \coordinate (a) at (0,0); \coordinate (b) at (0,1); \coordinate (c) at (1,1); \coordinate (d) at (3,2); \draw[blue] (a) -- (d); \draw (a)..controls (b) and (c)..(d); \pause \draw[green,bend left=30] (a) to (d); \pause \draw[red,out=90, in=-90] (a) to (d); \pause \draw ($(a)!0.5!(d)$) ellipse(1 and 0.5); \end{tikzpicture} \end{lstlisting} \end{column} \end{columns} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Zickzack} \pause \begin{columns} \begin{column}{0.3\linewidth} \centering \begin{tikzpicture} \coordinate (a) at (0,0); \coordinate (b) at (1,1); \coordinate (c) at (3,2); \draw<2->[blue] (a) -- (c); \draw<3-> (a)--(b)--(c); \begin{scope}[yshift=1cm,dashed,thick] \coordinate (a) at (0,0); \coordinate (c) at (3,2); \uncover<6->{\draw[red] (a)--(b)--(c);} \node<7->[draw,circle through=(a)] at (b){}; \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} \end{column} \begin{column}{0.7\linewidth} \begin{lstlisting}[mathescape=false,frame=none] \usetikzlibrary{through} \begin{tikzpicture} \coordinate (a) at (0,0); \coordinate (b) at (1,1); \coordinate (c) at (3,2); \draw[blue] (a) -- (c);\pause \draw (a)--(b)--(c);\pause \begin{scope}[yshift=1cm,dashed,thick] \pause \coordinate (a) at (0,0); \coordinate (c) at (3,2);\pause \draw[red] (a)--(b)--(c);\pause \node[draw,circle through=(a)] at (b){}; \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} \end{lstlisting} \end{column} \end{columns} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Eine andere Sicht.} \pause \begin{columns} \begin{column}{0.2\linewidth} \centering \begin{tikzpicture} \tikzset{tomsbox/.style={rectangle, draw, very thick, minimum size=7mm, rounded corners=2mm}} \node[tomsbox] (1) at (0,0) {$T_1$}; \node[tomsbox] (2) [below=of 1] {$T_2$}; \node[tomsbox] (3) [below=of 2] {$T_3$}; \node[tomsbox] (4) [below=of 3] {$T_4$}; \draw (1)--(2)--(3)--(4); \end{tikzpicture} \end{column} \begin{column}{0.8\linewidth} \begin{lstlisting}[mathescape=false,frame=none] \usetikzlibrary{positioning} % in der Präambel \begin{tikzpicture} \tikzset{tomsbox/.style={rectangle, draw, very thick,minimum size=7mm, rounded corners=2mm}} \node[tomsbox] (1) at (0,0) {$T_1$}; \node[tomsbox] (2) [below=of 1] {$T_2$}; \node[tomsbox] (3) [below=of 2] {$T_3$}; \node[tomsbox] (4) [below=of 3] {$T_4$}; \draw (1)--(2)--(3)--(4); \end{tikzpicture} \end{lstlisting} \end{column} \end{columns} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Wiederholungen} \pause \begin{columns} \begin{column}{0.2\linewidth} \centering \begin{tikzpicture} \tikzset{tomsbox/.style={rectangle, draw, very thick, minimum size=7mm, rounded corners=2mm}} \node[tomsbox] (1) at (0,0) {$T_1$}; \foreach \i [count=\j] in {2,3,4}{ \node[tomsbox] (\i) [below=of \j] {$T_\i$}; \draw (\j)--(\i); } \end{tikzpicture} \end{column} \begin{column}{0.82\linewidth} \begin{lstlisting}[mathescape=false,frame=none] \begin{tikzpicture} \tikzset{tomsbox/.style={rectangle, draw, very thick,minimum size=7mm, rounded corners=2mm}} \node[tomsbox] (1) at (0,0) {$T_1$}; \foreach \i [count=\j] in {2,3,4} { \node[tomsbox] (\i) [below=of \j] {$T_\i$}; \draw (\j)--(\i); } \end{tikzpicture} \end{lstlisting} \end{column} \end{columns} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Bibliotheken} \onslide<+-> Die Funktionalität von \TikZ\ kann durch externe \emph{Bibliotheken} erweitert werden. \onslide<+-> \begin{Beispiel} \begin{lstlisting} \usetikzlibrary{automata} \end{lstlisting} \centering \begin{tikzpicture}[shorten >=1pt,node distance=1cm and 3cm,on grid, every state/.style={draw=blue!50,very thick,fill=blue!20}] \node[state,initial] (q_0) {$q_0$}; \node[state] (q_1) [above right=of q_0] {$q_1$}; \node[state] (q_2) [below right=of q_0] {$q_2$}; \path[->] (q_0) edge node [above left] {0} (q_1) edge node [below left] {1} (q_2) (q_1) edge [loop above] node {0} () (q_2) edge [loop below] node {1} (); \end{tikzpicture} \end{Beispiel} \end{frame} \begin{frame} \frametitle{Bibliotheken} \onslide<+-> \texttt{3d}, \texttt{angles}, \texttt{arrows}, \texttt{automata}, \texttt{babel}, \texttt{backgrounds}, \texttt{bending}, \texttt{calc}, \texttt{calendar}, \texttt{chains}, \texttt{decorations}, \texttt{decorations.footprints}, \texttt{decorations.fractals}, \texttt{decorations.markings}, \texttt{decorations.pathmorphing}, \texttt{decorations.pathreplacing}, \texttt{decorations.shapes}, \texttt{decorations.text}, \texttt{er}, \texttt{fadings}, \texttt{fit}, \texttt{fixedpointarithmetic}, \texttt{folding}, \texttt{fpu}, \texttt{intersections}, \texttt{lindenmayersystems}, \texttt{math}, \texttt{matrix}, \texttt{mindmap}, \texttt{patterns}, \texttt{petri}, \texttt{plothandlers}, \texttt{plotmarks}, \texttt{positioning}, \texttt{quotes}, \texttt{scopes}, \texttt{shadings}, \texttt{shadows}, \texttt{shapes.arrows}, \texttt{shapes.callouts}, \texttt{shapes}, \texttt{shapes.gates.logic.IEC}, \texttt{shapes.gates.logic.US}, \texttt{shapes.geometric}, \texttt{shapes.misc}, \texttt{shapes.multipart}, \texttt{shapes.symbols}, \texttt{snakes}, \texttt{spy}, \texttt{svg.path}, \texttt{through}, \texttt{topaths}, \texttt{trees}, \texttt{turtle} \end{frame} \section{Datenvisualisierung} \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Datenvisualisierung} \onslide<+-> \begin{columns} \begin{column}{0.3\linewidth} \centering \begin{tikzpicture} \datavisualization [school book axes, visualize as smooth line] data {x, y -1.5, 2.25 -1, 1 -.5, .25 0, 0 .5, .25 1, 1 1.5, 2.25 }; \end{tikzpicture} \end{column} \begin{column}{0.6\linewidth} \small \begin{lstlisting}[frame=none] \usetikzlibrary{datavisualization} \begin{tikzpicture} \datavisualization [school book axes, visualize as smooth line] data {x, y -1.5, 2.25 -1, 1 -.5, .25 0, 0 .5, .25 1, 1 1.5, 2.25 }; \end{tikzpicture} \end{lstlisting} \end{column} \end{columns} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Automatisch} \onslide<+-> \begin{columns} \begin{column}{0.3\linewidth} \centering \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline] \datavisualization [school book axes, visualize as smooth line] data [format=function] { var x : interval [-1.5:1.5] samples 7; func y = \value x * \value x; }; \end{tikzpicture} \end{column} \begin{column}{0.6\linewidth} \small \begin{lstlisting}[mathescape=false,frame=none] \usetikzlibrary{datavisualization, datavisualization.formats.functions} \begin{tikzpicture} \datavisualization [school book axes, visualize as smooth line] data [format=function] { var x : interval [-1.5:1.5] samples 7; func y = \value x * \value x; }; \end{tikzpicture} \end{lstlisting} \end{column} \end{columns} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Achsen} \onslide<+-> \begin{columns} \begin{column}{0.3\linewidth} \centering \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline] \datavisualization [scientific axes=clean, x axis={length=.7\linewidth, ticks=few}, visualize as smooth line] data [format=function] { var x : interval [-1.5:1.5] samples 7; func y = \value x * \value x; }; \end{tikzpicture} \end{column} \begin{column}{0.6\linewidth} \small \begin{lstlisting}[mathescape=false,frame=none] \begin{tikzpicture} \datavisualization [scientific axes=clean, x axis={length=.7\linewidth, ticks=few}, visualize as smooth line] data [format=function] { var x : interval [-1.5:1.5] samples 7; func y = \value x * \value x; }; \end{tikzpicture} \end{lstlisting} \end{column} \end{columns} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Darstellung} \onslide<+-> \begin{columns} \begin{column}{0.3\linewidth} \centering \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline] \datavisualization [scientific axes=clean, x axis={length=.7\linewidth, ticks=few}, visualize as scatter] data [format=function] { var x : interval [-1.5:1.5] samples 7; func y = \value x * \value x; }; \end{tikzpicture} \end{column} \begin{column}{0.6\linewidth} \small \begin{lstlisting}[mathescape=false,frame=none] \begin{tikzpicture} \datavisualization [scientific axes=clean, x axis={length=.7\linewidth, ticks=few}, visualize as scatter] data [format=function] { var x : interval [-1.5:1.5] samples 7; func y = \value x * \value x; }; \end{tikzpicture} \end{lstlisting} \end{column} \end{columns} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[fragile] \frametitle{Legenden} \onslide<+-> \begin{columns} \begin{column}{0.3\linewidth} \centering \begin{tikzpicture}[baseline] \datavisualization [scientific axes=clean, x axis={length=.7\linewidth, ticks=few}, legend={below}, visualize as smooth line/.list={square}, square={label in legend={text=$x^2$}}] data [format=function,set=square] { var x : interval [-1.5:1.5] samples 7; func y = \value x * \value x; }; \end{tikzpicture} \end{column} \begin{column}{0.6\linewidth} \small \begin{lstlisting}[mathescape=false,frame=none] \begin{tikzpicture} \datavisualization [scientific axes=clean, x axis={length=.7\linewidth, ticks=few}, legend={below}, visualize as smooth line/.list={sq}, sq={label in legend={text=$x^2$}}] data [format=function,set=sq] { var x : interval [-1.5:1.5] samples 7; func y = \value x * \value x; }; \end{tikzpicture} \end{lstlisting} \end{column} \end{columns} \end{frame} \mode \section{Ein Tutorial} \begin{frame}[t] \begin{block}{Ziel} \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture}[ thick, >=stealth', dot/.style = { draw, fill = white, circle, inner sep = 0pt, minimum size = 4pt } ] \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \draw[->] (-0.3,0) -- (8,0) coordinate[label = {below:$x$}] (xmax); \draw[->] (0,-0.3) -- (0,5) coordinate[label = {right:$f(x)$}] (ymax); \path[name path=x] (0.3,0.5) -- (6.7,4.7); \path[name path=y] plot[smooth] coordinates {(-0.3,2) (2,1.5) (4,2.8) (6,5)}; \begin{scope}[name intersections = {of = x and y, name = i}] \fill[gray!20] (i-1) -- (i-2 |- i-1) -- (i-2) -- cycle; \draw (0.3,0.5) -- (6.7,4.7) node[pos=0.8, below right] {Sekante}; \draw[red] plot[smooth] coordinates {(-0.3,2) (2,1.5) (4,2.8) (6,5)}; \draw (i-1) node[dot, label = {above:$P$}] (i-1) {} -- node[left,yshift=-3pt] {$f(x_0)$} (i-1 |- O) node[dot, label = {below:$x_0$}] {}; \path (i-2) node[dot, label = {above:$Q$}] (i-2) {} -- (i-2 |- i-1) node[dot] (i-12) {}; \draw (i-12) -- (i-12 |- O) node[dot, label = {below:$x_0 + \varepsilon$}] {}; \draw[blue, <->] (i-2) -- node[right] {$f(x_0 + \varepsilon) - f(x_0)$} (i-12); \draw[blue, <->] (i-1) -- node[below] {$\varepsilon$} (i-12); \path (i-1 |- O) -- node[below] {$\varepsilon$} (i-2 |- O); \draw[gray] (i-2) -- (i-2 -| xmax); \draw[gray, <->] ([xshift = -0.5cm]i-2 -| xmax) -- node[fill = white] {$f(x_0 + \varepsilon)$} ([xshift = -0.5cm]xmax); \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \end{block} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[t,fragile] \onslide<+-> \begin{center} \scalebox{0.5}{ \begin{tikzpicture} \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \draw[->] (-0.3,0) -- (8,0) coordinate[label = {below:$x$}] (xmax); \draw[->] (0,-0.3) -- (0,5) coordinate[label = {right:$f(x)$}] (ymax); \end{tikzpicture} } \end{center} \small \begin{lstlisting} \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \draw[->] (-0.3,0) -- (8,0) coordinate[label = {below:$x$}] (xmax); \draw[->] (0,-0.3) -- (0,5) coordinate[label = {right:$f(x)$}] (ymax); \end{lstlisting} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[t,fragile] \begin{center} \scalebox{0.5}{ \begin{tikzpicture} \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \draw[->] (-0.3,0) -- (8,0) coordinate[label = {below:$x$}] (xmax); \draw[->] (0,-0.3) -- (0,5) coordinate[label = {right:$f(x)$}] (ymax); \draw (0.3,0.5) -- (6.7,4.7) node[pos=0.8, below right] {Sekante}; \draw[red] plot[smooth] coordinates {(-0.3,2) (2,1.5) (4,2.8) (6,5)}; \end{tikzpicture} } \end{center} \small \begin{lstlisting} \draw (0.3,0.5) -- (6.7,4.7) node[pos=0.8, below right] {Sekante}; \draw[red] plot[smooth] coordinates {(-0.3,2) (2,1.5) (4,2.8) (6,5)}; \end{lstlisting} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[t,fragile] \onslide<+-> \begin{center} \scalebox{0.5}{ \begin{tikzpicture} \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \draw[->] (-0.3,0) -- (8,0) coordinate[label = {below:$x$}] (xmax); \draw[->] (0,-0.3) -- (0,5) coordinate[label = {right:$f(x)$}] (ymax); \path[name path=x] (0.3,0.5) -- (6.7,4.7); \path[name path=y] plot[smooth] coordinates {(-0.3,2) (2,1.5) (4,2.8) (6,5)}; \begin{scope}[name intersections = {of = x and y, name = i}] \fill[gray!20] (i-1) -- (i-2 |- i-1) -- (i-2) -- cycle; \draw (0.3,0.5) -- (6.7,4.7) node[pos=0.8, below right] {Sekante}; \draw[red] plot[smooth] coordinates {(-0.3,2) (2,1.5) (4,2.8) (6,5)}; \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} } \end{center} \small \begin{lstlisting} \usetikzlibrary{intersections} % in der Präambel \path[name path=x] (0.3,0.5) -- (6.7,4.7); \path[name path=y] plot[smooth] coordinates {(-0.3,2) (2,1.5) (4,2.8) (6,5)}; \begin{scope}[name intersections = {of = x and y, name = i}] \fill[gray!20] (i-1) -- (i-2 |- i-1) -- (i-2) -- cycle; \draw (0.3,0.5) -- (6.7,4.7) node[pos=0.8, below right] {Sekante}; \draw[red] plot[smooth] coordinates {(-0.3,2) (2,1.5) (4,2.8) (6,5)}; \end{scope} \end{lstlisting} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[t,fragile] \begin{center} \scalebox{0.5}{ \begin{tikzpicture} \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \draw[->] (-0.3,0) -- (8,0) coordinate[label = {below:$x$}] (xmax); \draw[->] (0,-0.3) -- (0,5) coordinate[label = {right:$f(x)$}] (ymax); \path[name path=x] (0.3,0.5) -- (6.7,4.7); \path[name path=y] plot[smooth] coordinates {(-0.3,2) (2,1.5) (4,2.8) (6,5)}; \begin{scope}[name intersections = {of = x and y, name = i}] \fill[gray!20] (i-1) -- (i-2 |- i-1) -- (i-2) -- cycle; \draw (0.3,0.5) -- (6.7,4.7) node[pos=0.8, below right] {Sekante}; \draw[red] plot[smooth] coordinates {(-0.3,2) (2,1.5) (4,2.8) (6,5)}; \draw (i-1) node[label = {above:$P$}] {} -- node[left,yshift=-3pt] {$f(x_0)$} (i-1 |- O) node[label = {below:$x_0$}] {}; \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} } \end{center} \small \begin{lstlisting} \begin{scope}[name intersections = {$\dots$}] $\dots\quad (\textsl{Wie vorher})$ \draw (i-1) node[label = {above:$\text{\$P\$}$}] {} -- node[left,yshift=-3pt] {$\text{\$f(x\_0)\$}$} (i-1 |- O) node[label = {below:$\text{\$x\_0\$}$}] {}; \end{scope} \end{lstlisting} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[t,fragile] \onslide<+-> \begin{center} \scalebox{0.5}{ \begin{tikzpicture} \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \draw[->] (-0.3,0) -- (8,0) coordinate[label = {below:$x$}] (xmax); \draw[->] (0,-0.3) -- (0,5) coordinate[label = {right:$f(x)$}] (ymax); \path[name path=x] (0.3,0.5) -- (6.7,4.7); \path[name path=y] plot[smooth] coordinates {(-0.3,2) (2,1.5) (4,2.8) (6,5)}; \begin{scope}[name intersections = {of = x and y, name = i}] \fill[gray!20] (i-1) -- (i-2 |- i-1) -- (i-2) -- cycle; \draw (0.3,0.5) -- (6.7,4.7) node[pos=0.8, below right] {Sekante}; \draw[red] plot[smooth] coordinates {(-0.3,2) (2,1.5) (4,2.8) (6,5)}; \draw (i-1) node[label = {above:$P$}] {} -- node[left,yshift=-3pt] {$f(x_0)$} (i-1 |- O) node[label = {below:$x_0$}] {}; \path (i-2) node[label = {above:$Q$}] {} -- (i-2 |- i-1) node (i-12) {}; \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} } \end{center} \small \begin{lstlisting} \begin{scope}[$\dots$] $\dots\quad (\textsl{Wie vorher})$ \path (i-2) node[label = {above:$\text{\$Q\$}$}] {} -- (i-2 |- i-1) node (i-12) {}; \end{scope} \end{lstlisting} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[t,fragile] \begin{center} \scalebox{0.5}{ \begin{tikzpicture} \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \draw[->] (-0.3,0) -- (8,0) coordinate[label = {below:$x$}] (xmax); \draw[->] (0,-0.3) -- (0,5) coordinate[label = {right:$f(x)$}] (ymax); \path[name path=x] (0.3,0.5) -- (6.7,4.7); \path[name path=y] plot[smooth] coordinates {(-0.3,2) (2,1.5) (4,2.8) (6,5)}; \begin{scope}[name intersections = {of = x and y, name = i}] \fill[gray!20] (i-1) -- (i-2 |- i-1) -- (i-2) -- cycle; \draw (0.3,0.5) -- (6.7,4.7) node[pos=0.8, below right] {Sekante}; \draw[red] plot[smooth] coordinates {(-0.3,2) (2,1.5) (4,2.8) (6,5)}; \draw (i-1) node[label = {above:$P$}] {} -- node[left,yshift=-3pt] {$f(x_0)$} (i-1 |- O) node[label = {below:$x_0$}] {}; \path (i-2) node[label = {above:$Q$}] {} -- (i-2 |- i-1) node (i-12) {}; \draw (i-12) -- (i-12 |- O) node[label = {below:$x_0 + \varepsilon$}] {}; \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} } \end{center} \small \begin{lstlisting} \begin{scope}[$\dots$] $\dots\quad(\textsf{Wie vorher})$ \draw (i-12) -- (i-12 |- O) node[label = {below:$\text{\${}x\_0 + \textbackslash{}varepsilon\$}$}] {}; \end{scope} \end{lstlisting} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[t,fragile] \begin{center} \scalebox{0.5}{ \begin{tikzpicture} \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \draw[->] (-0.3,0) -- (8,0) coordinate[label = {below:$x$}] (xmax); \draw[->] (0,-0.3) -- (0,5) coordinate[label = {right:$f(x)$}] (ymax); \path[name path=x] (0.3,0.5) -- (6.7,4.7); \path[name path=y] plot[smooth] coordinates {(-0.3,2) (2,1.5) (4,2.8) (6,5)}; \begin{scope}[name intersections = {of = x and y, name = i}] \fill[gray!20] (i-1) -- (i-2 |- i-1) -- (i-2) -- cycle; \draw (0.3,0.5) -- (6.7,4.7) node[pos=0.8, below right] {Sekante}; \draw[red] plot[smooth] coordinates {(-0.3,2) (2,1.5) (4,2.8) (6,5)}; \draw (i-1) node[label = {above:$P$}] {} -- node[left,yshift=-3pt] {$f(x_0)$} (i-1 |- O) node[label = {below:$x_0$}] {}; \path (i-2) node[label = {above:$Q$}] {} -- (i-2 |- i-1) node (i-12) {}; \draw (i-12) -- (i-12 |- O) node[label = {below:$x_0 + \varepsilon$}] {}; \draw[blue, <->] (i-2) -- node[right] {$f(x_0 + \varepsilon) - f(x_0)$} (i-12); \draw[blue, <->] (i-1) -- node[below] {$\varepsilon$} (i-12); \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} } \end{center} \small \begin{lstlisting} \begin{scope}[$\dots$] $\dots\quad(\textsl{Wie vorher})$ \draw[blue, <->] (i-2) -- node[right] {$\text{\${}f(x\_0 + \textbackslash{}varepsilon - f(x\_0) )\$}$} (i-12); \draw[blue, <->] (i-1) -- node[below] {$\text{\${}\textbackslash{}varepsilon\$}$} (i-12); \end{scope} \end{lstlisting} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[t,fragile] \begin{center} \scalebox{0.5}{ \begin{tikzpicture} \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \draw[->] (-0.3,0) -- (8,0) coordinate[label = {below:$x$}] (xmax); \draw[->] (0,-0.3) -- (0,5) coordinate[label = {right:$f(x)$}] (ymax); \path[name path=x] (0.3,0.5) -- (6.7,4.7); \path[name path=y] plot[smooth] coordinates {(-0.3,2) (2,1.5) (4,2.8) (6,5)}; \begin{scope}[name intersections = {of = x and y, name = i}] \fill[gray!20] (i-1) -- (i-2 |- i-1) -- (i-2) -- cycle; \draw (0.3,0.5) -- (6.7,4.7) node[pos=0.8, below right] {Sekante}; \draw[red] plot[smooth] coordinates {(-0.3,2) (2,1.5) (4,2.8) (6,5)}; \draw (i-1) node[label = {above:$P$}] {} -- node[left,yshift=-3pt] {$f(x_0)$} (i-1 |- O) node[label = {below:$x_0$}] {}; \path (i-2) node[label = {above:$Q$}] {} -- (i-2 |- i-1) node (i-12) {}; \draw (i-12) -- (i-12 |- O) node[label = {below:$x_0 + \varepsilon$}] {}; \draw[blue, <->] (i-2) -- node[right] {$f(x_0 + \varepsilon) - f(x_0)$} (i-12); \draw[blue, <->] (i-1) -- node[below] {$\varepsilon$} (i-12); \path (i-1 |- O) -- node[below] {$\varepsilon$} (i-2 |- O); \draw[gray] (i-2) -- (i-2 -| xmax); \draw[gray, <->] ([xshift = -0.5cm]i-2 -| xmax) -- node[fill = white] {$f(x_0 + \varepsilon)$} ([xshift = -0.5cm]xmax); \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} } \end{center} \small \begin{lstlisting} \begin{scope}[$\dots$] $\dots\quad (\textsl{Wie vorher})$ \path (i-1 |- O) -- node[below] {$\text{\$\textbackslash{}varepsilon\$}$} (i-2 |- O); \draw[gray] (i-2) -- (i-2 -| xmax); \draw[gray, <->] ([xshift = -0.5cm]i-2 -| xmax) -- node[fill = white] {$\text{\${}f(x\_0) + \textbackslash{}varepsilon\$}$} ([xshift = -0.5cm]xmax); \end{scope} \end{lstlisting} \end{frame} \begin{frame}[t,fragile] \begin{center} \scalebox{0.5}{ \begin{tikzpicture}[ thick, >=stealth', dot/.style = { draw, fill = white, circle, inner sep = 0pt, minimum size = 4pt } ] \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \draw[->] (-0.3,0) -- (8,0) coordinate[label = {below:$x$}] (xmax); \draw[->] (0,-0.3) -- (0,5) coordinate[label = {right:$f(x)$}] (ymax); \path[name path=x] (0.3,0.5) -- (6.7,4.7); \path[name path=y] plot[smooth] coordinates {(-0.3,2) (2,1.5) (4,2.8) (6,5)}; \begin{scope}[name intersections = {of = x and y, name = i}] \fill[gray!20] (i-1) -- (i-2 |- i-1) -- (i-2) -- cycle; \draw (0.3,0.5) -- (6.7,4.7) node[pos=0.8, below right] {Sekante}; \draw[red] plot[smooth] coordinates {(-0.3,2) (2,1.5) (4,2.8) (6,5)}; \draw (i-1) node[dot, label = {above:$P$}] (i-1) {} -- node[left,yshift=-3pt] {$f(x_0)$} (i-1 |- O) node[dot, label = {below:$x_0$}] {}; \path (i-2) node[dot, label = {above:$Q$}] (i-2) {} -- (i-2 |- i-1) node[dot] (i-12) {}; \draw (i-12) -- (i-12 |- O) node[dot, label = {below:$x_0 + \varepsilon$}] {}; \draw[blue, <->] (i-2) -- node[right] {$f(x_0 + \varepsilon) - f(x_0)$} (i-12); \draw[blue, <->] (i-1) -- node[below] {$\varepsilon$} (i-12); \path (i-1 |- O) -- node[below] {$\varepsilon$} (i-2 |- O); \draw[gray] (i-2) -- (i-2 -| xmax); \draw[gray, <->] ([xshift = -0.5cm]i-2 -| xmax) -- node[fill = white] {$f(x_0 + \varepsilon)$} ([xshift = -0.5cm]xmax); \end{scope} \end{tikzpicture} } \end{center} \small \begin{lstlisting} \begin{tikzpicture}[thick, >=stealth', dot/.style = { draw, fill = white, circle, inner sep = 0pt, minimum size = 4pt }] $\dots$ \end{lstlisting} \end{frame} \end{document} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: t %%% TeX-engine: luatex %%% End: