dbo 03f23b11fb
Copy complete template for periodic tasks
Previously, we only copied the last element in the subtree, assuming that this
encompasses all of the content of the subtree.  However, this is not true, and
thus we have to do something more elaborate.  Now, starting from the end of the
subtree, we go up all elements in the subtree until we reach either the headline
or a drawer.  Everything in between is copied as template to the current
2020-09-01 16:23:28 +02:00
term Initial commit 2017-07-16 18:07:00 +02:00
db-customize.el Introduce dedicated variable for main Org Mode file 2020-08-27 12:16:54 +02:00
db-emms.el Rename main music hydra and move it to `db-music' 2020-06-27 10:16:53 +02:00
db-eshell.el Move eshell popup function to `db-eshell' 2020-06-26 23:08:00 +02:00
db-hydras.el Readd hydra for shortcuts 2020-07-01 21:28:55 +02:00
db-mail.el Remove duplicate entries when setting Gnus' select methods 2020-08-01 10:11:47 +02:00
db-music.el Add function to generate playlists from git-annex metadata 2020-08-15 15:02:06 +02:00
db-org.el Copy complete template for periodic tasks 2020-09-01 16:23:28 +02:00
db-projects.el Incorporate some suggestions from the byte compiler 2020-06-26 21:59:25 +02:00
db-utils-test.el Fix precision error in `db/ntp-to-time' 2020-06-27 09:35:31 +02:00
db-utils.el Add custom function for keyboard-quit 2020-08-26 10:30:25 +02:00
timeline-tools-test.el Trying to make test for `timeline-tools' independent of locale 2020-01-05 14:32:35 +01:00
timeline-tools.el Explicitly define setter functions for timeline tooling 2020-06-27 10:38:13 +02:00