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;;; db-eshell --- Configuration for eshell -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;; Commentary:
;; Parts inspired by:
;; - https://www.masteringemacs.org/article/complete-guide-mastering-eshell
;; - https://github.com/howardabrams/dot-files/blob/master/emacs-eshell.org
;;; Code:
(require 'subr-x)
(require 'seq)
(require 'eshell)
(require 'em-basic)
(require 'em-dirs)
(require 'em-hist)
(autoload 'magit-status "magit")
(autoload 'db/find-window-by-buffer-mode "db-utils")
;; Various
(defun db/run-or-hide-eshell (arg)
"Opens an eshell buffer if not already in one, and otherwise
returns to where we have been before."
;; idea to split the current window is from
;; http://howardism.org/Technical/Emacs/eshell-fun.html
(interactive "P")
(if (string= "eshell-mode" major-mode)
;; bury buffer; reopen with current working directory if arg is given
(and arg (db/run-or-hide-eshell arg)))
(if-let ((eshell-window (db/find-window-by-buffer-mode 'eshell-mode)))
(select-window eshell-window)
;; open eshell
(let ((current-dir (expand-file-name default-directory))
(height (/ (window-total-height) 3)))
(split-window-vertically (- height))
(other-window 1)
(eshell 1)
(when arg
(insert (format "cd '%s'" current-dir))
(defun eshell-clear-buffer ()
"Clear terminal."
(let ((inhibit-read-only t))
(defun eshell/default-prompt-function ()
"A prompt for eshell of the form
┌─[$USER@$HOST] [$PWD]
(let ((head-face '(:foreground "#859900")))
(concat (propertize "┌─" 'face head-face)
" "
(propertize (abbreviate-file-name (eshell/pwd))
'face '(:foreground "#dc322f"))
(propertize "└─" 'face head-face)
(if (zerop (user-uid)) "#" "$")
(propertize " " 'face '(:weight bold)))))
(defun eshell/gst (&rest args)
(magit-status (pop args) nil)
(defun eshell-insert-history ()
"Displays the eshell history to select and insert back into your eshell."
;; directly taken from Howard Abrams
(insert (completing-read "Eshell history: "
(seq-uniq (ring-elements eshell-history-ring)))))
;; Git Completion
;; https://tsdh.wordpress.com/2013/05/31/eshell-completion-for-git-bzr-and-hg/
(defun pcmpl-git-commands ()
"Return the most common git commands by parsing the git output."
(if (not (zerop (call-process "git" nil (current-buffer) nil "help" "--all")))
(warn "Cannot call `git to obtain list of available commands; completion wont be available.")
(goto-char 0)
(let (commands)
(while (re-search-forward
nil t)
(push (match-string 1) commands))
(sort commands #'string<)))))
(defconst pcmpl-git-commands (pcmpl-git-commands)
"List of `git' commands.")
(defvar pcmpl-git-ref-list-cmd "git for-each-ref refs/ --format='%(refname)'"
"The `git' command to run to get a list of refs.")
(defun pcmpl-git-get-refs (type)
"Return a list of `git' refs filtered by TYPE."
(insert (shell-command-to-string pcmpl-git-ref-list-cmd))
(goto-char (point-min))
(let (refs)
(while (re-search-forward (concat "^refs/" type "/\\(.+\\)$") nil t)
(push (match-string 1) refs))
(nreverse refs))))
(defun pcmpl-git-remotes ()
"Return a list of remote repositories."
(split-string (shell-command-to-string "git remote")))
(defun pcomplete/git ()
"Completion for `git'."
;; Completion for the command argument.
(pcomplete-here* pcmpl-git-commands)
((pcomplete-match "help" 1)
(pcomplete-here* pcmpl-git-commands))
((pcomplete-match (regexp-opt '("pull" "push")) 1)
(pcomplete-here (pcmpl-git-remotes)))
;; provide branch completion for the command `checkout'.
((pcomplete-match (regexp-opt '("checkout" "co")) 1)
(pcomplete-here* (append (pcmpl-git-get-refs "heads")
(pcmpl-git-get-refs "tags"))))
(while (pcomplete-here (pcomplete-entries))))))
;; End
(provide 'db-eshell)
;;; db-eshell ends here