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;;; db-projects.el -- Simple Directory-Based Project Management -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;;; Commentary:
;; XXX: check that newly created projects arent name the same as archived projects
;;; Code:
(require 'subr-x)
(defgroup projects nil
"Simple directory-based project management"
:tag "Project Management"
:group 'projects)
(defcustom projects-main-project-directory "~/Documents/projects/"
"Main directory to host projects."
:group 'projects)
(defcustom projects-archive-directory "~/Documents/projects/.archive"
"Directory to archive projects into"
:group 'projects)
(defun projects-project-exists-p (short-name)
"Check whether a project named SHORT-NAME already exists"
(file-exists-p (expand-file-name (concat (file-name-as-directory short-name) ".projectile")
(defun projects-existing-projects ()
"Return list of all short-names of existing projects"
(cl-remove-if-not (lambda (name)
(file-exists-p (expand-file-name (concat (file-name-as-directory name) ".projectile")
(directory-files projects-main-project-directory)))
(defun projects-add-project (short-name long-name)
"Add new project."
(interactive "sShort Name: \nsLong Name: ")
(when (projects-project-exists-p short-name)
(user-error "Project %s already exists, exiting" short-name))
(let* ((project-directory (expand-file-name short-name
(default-directory project-directory))
(make-directory project-directory)
(make-directory (expand-file-name "scripts"))
(make-directory (expand-file-name "data"))
(insert (format "#+title: %s\n" long-name))
(insert (format "#+created: %s\n\n"
(format-time-string "[%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M]" (current-time))))
(write-file (expand-file-name "projekttagebuch.org"))
(bookmark-set (format "Projekttagebuch %s" long-name)))
(if-let ((git-executable (executable-find "git")))
(call-process git-executable nil nil nil "init")
(write-region "" nil (expand-file-name ".projectile")))
(when (require 'projectile nil 'no-error)
(projectile-add-known-project project-directory))))
(defun projects-archive-project (short-name)
"Archive existing project."
(interactive (list
(completing-read "Short Name: " (projects-existing-projects) nil t)))
(unless (projects-project-exists-p short-name)
(user-error "Project %s does not exist, exiting" short-name))
(unless (file-exists-p projects-archive-directory)
(make-directory projects-archive-directory))
(rename-file (expand-file-name short-name projects-main-project-directory)
(expand-file-name short-name projects-archive-directory)
;; XXX: Delete bookmark
(when (require 'projectile nil 'no-error)
(provide 'db-projects)
;;; db-projects.el ends here